Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1728

Frank is bold, that’s for sure. He is Ultron after all, a super life backed by a network think tank. Let alone a sentence or two of corpses, he has read even the historical specimens of biochemical experiments and all records kept by the United States Government. So he is fully qualified to snort disdainfully to this kind of bauble.

His statement like this is also a good thing for Ancient One. After all, she really didn’t want to think about how to calm a child’s emotions when she was in so much trouble. Her profession is a sorcerer, not a preschool education, let alone a nanny. Bringing children has never been her specialty.

Simply, Frank is not a normal child. This allowed her to take a breath more or less, and then transfer more energy to this scene now.

Professionals are still commendable for on-site management. At least, from the perspective of Ancient One, there is no trace of damage here. It is simply that the original ecology of the scene can help her to look back at the time well. If it can get rid of the excessive air-conditioning, it would be even better.

With a quick hand, after turning off the power of the several refrigeration devices, Ancient One had already squatted in front of Fei Lun and looked at his corpse carefully. And seeing her so seriously, Frank, who had the heart to show oneself ability, immediately started showing off.

“The adult male corpse has normal development. Because of timely discovery and management, there were no corpses or plaques. The sclera was normal, the facial features were correct, and the eyelids were not edema. Everything was normal in the mouth and nose, and the lips were cyanotic. , The oral mucosa is intact. There is no turbidity in the cornea, and the pupils on both sides are of equal size….. There are gunshot wounds in the spine, spine fracture, and lower body nerve paralysis. There are no other fatal traumas in the whole body, so it can be concluded that the cause of death is blood loss Many. And the death time is six to eight hours ago.”

“Very well, little Mr. Stark. Thank you for your autopsy report. But what I want to tell you is that sometimes this thing tells you Yours may not be true.”

The Ancient One, who had no regard for the dead man at hand, knocked Fei Lun on the head, like a firework, a brilliant beam of light rose rapidly. Then Oblivion. Such a scene is quite abnormal, and Frank is almost certain that this is not a small action of the Ancient One sorcerer fooling around with Profound Void. So immediately, he asked Ancient One curiously.

“What is this? Is your magic? What does it do?”

“Tentatively, right?” I saw this scene in front of oneself, Ancient One frowned, and then Just explained to him with some solemnity. “This is a soul-calling spell. I originally wanted to give his soul back to summon, and know the truth about his death from his mouth. However, things seem to be a bit out of my expectations.”

“Why, did you fail? Or is he unwilling to respond to your summon?”

These are the two most likely scenarios that Frank thought of. However, facing his guess, Ancient One still shook his head and gave a negative answer.

“I take action, and generally do not fail, or the other party does not listen to summon. Therefore, there is only one explanation for the current scene. That is, his soul has completely passed away , Completely swallowed and clean.”

“The soul is swallowed clean?” Frank, born from a scientific level, obviously did not understand Ancient One’s statement. It is difficult for him to understand the state of the existence and destruction of the soul. Of course, this is something that many people don’t understand. Therefore, as if it were in the lecture hall, Ancient One had already explained it to Frank who was confused.

“Yes, his soul was swallowed by something. Why do you say that? It must be analyzed from the things we just saw. Those things just now are souls. The scum of the spirit can be called something spiritual. Generally speaking, it will only appear on those Spirit Physiques that have been destroyed in a long time. Of course, some special ways can also create these things. , For example, the way of devouring a soul.”

“It’s like an ordinary person eating meat. No matter how you eat, there will be some residues like meridians and skeletons remaining. The existence of qualitative substance is similar to them, of course, it is more complicated. Because the soul is not an entity after all, it wants to swallow it up like eating meat, which is not that simple.”

” Generally speaking, only certain hell creatures can do this. Of course, some cultivations that involve the existence of dark magic or powerful sorceries can also do so. So, from this point, we can make a preliminary conclusion, that is The death of Mr. Phelan is definitely not as simple as that described in your autopsy report just now.”

“Is there any difference?”

Although it was instilled by Ancient One There are a lot of speeches about the soul, but Frank, who still has materialism in his mind, cannot easily accept all of these. Soul and so on, after all, is too metaphysical. He decided to keep his own opinions before he had actually contacted all of this.

“There is a difference, of course. From a biological point of view, I remember there was such a debate a long time ago. That is whether the death of life starts from the brain Death or stops from the heart The beating begins to count. Sorry, I don’t know if this kind of speech has been answered now. But in our world, we never judge this way. Because there is only one criterion for our judgment, and that is the soul.”

“As long as the soul is healthy, even if the body is completely destroyed, it cannot be called Death. And if the soul disappears, even if the body is still there, it can only be regarded as cold. Soul, yes The true foundation of a life. Even the soul is everything a life has.”

“I don’t agree with this. Let’s not talk about the existence of a soul. There is only a soul, but no body. This kind of substantive thing. How can it be called alive?”

Stick to the materialism, Frank of course wants to argue with Ancient One. After all, he doesn’t know why, he also needs to use this kind of debate to better understand the so-called soul, magic, and what kind of existence.

His idea is very good, and Ancient One also agrees. So apart from investigating all this, she also showed the spirit of teaching debate and explained it to Frank.

“From a human point of view, it is really difficult to live without the body. However, if it is a higher form of lifeform, the body and so on, it is actually just a drag. It’s not that important. Really powerful lives, such as certain Gods, can use own divine force to build their bodies for oneself. The damage to their bodies simply cannot be called damage. As long as the soul is complete and the divine force is sufficient, they can always It can make up for everything the body needs.”

“Of course, you can also doubt my view. However, as far as I know, you should have been in contact with God. Even the existence of God It’s already a certain thing, so why can’t my view be real? “

After talking about this, Ancient One will not continue. She could see that Frank had to digest them well to absorb these opinions. So she no longer paid attention to Frank, but immersed her own spirit in Eye of Agamotto, and began to look back at everything in front of her with its divine force.

At this moment, in Frank’s brain, a difficult struggle has begun.

He is Ultron, a special life born on the basis of science. Science is his essence, and as it should be by rights, he will reject all anti-science. This is also the reason why he always likes to antagonize Ancient One sorcerer. He hopes to refute Ancient One sorcerer from the own point of view, and then establish oneself’s cognitive system of magic on this basis.

This is one of his ambitions. In his opinion, the so-called magic is nothing but science that has not been explored by humans. That being the case, he could be the forerunner, the Number One Person who put magic into the scientific system.

He thinks so, but the reality is always so different from what he imagined. After preliminary exploration of the mysterious in magic knowledge, he was already beginning to discover that things were not the same as he imagined.

The magic embodied in his eyes is more idealism, and this is fundamentally contrary to the science based on materialism.

If you want to use science to interpret magic, it’s like driving two horses in two different ways. It’s completely useless.

Although he has realized this, but to be honest, it is still a little difficult for him to accept it completely. Because Frank is not so easy to give up, he still thinks that oneself not at all thinks wrong, but oneself oneself has found the wrong way.

There must also be some way to help him accomplish his own purpose. Something must also help him to establish this special system. While encouraging to oneself in his heart like this, he was already looking at the scene right now.

The body? also soul. soul! Yes, he can start with the soul, use it for research, and open a way out from here.

Thinking of this, Frank couldn’t help but jump for joy. While jumping for joy, he also made a request to Ancient One.

“Ancient One sorcerer, can I see with my own eyes what kind of soul exists?”

And hearing this, the Ancient One who was still casting the spell immediately Separated from the Eye of Agamotto, and asked him questions with interest.

“Why, do you want to see the soul with your own eyes?”

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