Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1731

Enlighten, this is what Ancient One sorcerer wants to do now.

The enlightenment technique that is spread in the East is similar to the Western alchemy. Wonderful, but in essence, the two are fundamentally different.

Alchemy pays attention to transforming matter itself into another form. Its highest achievement redstone is to store the soul of the creator, so that the creator can use the power of redstone to carry out the human body Refining, and then get a disguised nature of immortality. In spiritual wisdom, alchemy is powerless, and this is precisely the strength of enlightenment.

The technique of enlightenment has the Divine Ability which can transform a dead thing into a living thing. To use a simple analogy, alchemy can turn ordinary mud into gold, while enlightenment has no such function. But it can make the mud realize that oneself is mud, know that own exists, and spontaneously begin to change the existence of own.

Since ancient times, most of the enlightenment techniques are like this. Those Divine Immortal Buddhas, as long as they have a little knowledge of the technique of enlightenment, will do something to enlighten ignorance. Because no matter it is the wild beast of the mountain spirit, the civil spirit, as long as they are slightly modified, they can become a trustworthy man.

The spirits are not like people, they have that many distracting thoughts and personal thoughts. It doesn’t look like a demon either, with animality and desire flowing in nature. They are just a piece of white paper in their nature, and as long as their creators are willing, they can do as one pleases on this piece of white paper. This is enough to ensure their loyalty. And this is the reason why those Divine Immortal Buddhas love this kind of enlightened spirit.

There is no other reason why those famous Divine Immortal are surrounded by breeze, white clouds, white cranes and mandarin ducks, because they are trustworthy.

Of course, the use of enlightenment is definitely more than that. If you subdivide it, the use of this spell is much larger.

Speaking closer, this kind of spell can help you establish the sect and raise a bunch of trustworthy men and women. Speaking further, you can also play a trick of throwing beans as a soldier to play a good game of siege for oneself.

Of course, Ancient One is definitely not playing this hand to see these things. Her most important purpose is to wake up Cersei’s own ignorant soul.

The technique of enlightenment is not suitable for the soul. Because it is different from those who do not have spiritual wisdom, the soul itself has spiritual wisdom, but Death blinds their spiritual wisdom and makes them ignorant. And when the technique of enlightenment is used on such souls, the effect it plays is to remove the layer of ignorance on them.

After removing ignorance, the soul regained oneself’s original spiritual wisdom. And when the wise memories before them returned to them, they were naturally impossible to continue being obscured.

Those powerful ghosts are mostly in this state. If there is any difference, it is that they will evolve into such a state that most of them are naturally generated, rather than being inspired by people.

It is not that no one has done such a thing, but that many people have suffered enough after doing such a thing. So over time, this has become a taboo in the technique of enlightenment, but anyone with such a bit of common sense will not do any reckless behavior in this kind of thing.

Of course, Ancient One also knows this taboo, but in terms of her identity and strength, she has the confidence to completely ignore this danger. A trifling Nether Soul, even if it is an old ghost that has turned into a thousand-year-old in an instant, for her, it is nothing more than a small person who can easily surrender. So she simply has nothing to worry about.

Enthusiasm is the key to supporting her in doing so. And it was precisely because of this confidence that she quickly pushed the matter to a very high level.

In Frank’s eyes, this was the originally motionless, confused, undead who looked like a puppet suddenly came to life, and then the entire gloomy face was distorted. It was already a mournful wailing.

After initiation, Cersei’s dead soul already has extraordinary supernatural power. And when she burst out such screams unconsciously, the kind of supernatural power she possessed naturally spilled out. The so-called Banshee wailing is just that. For Frank, who faced such an attack for the first time, it was simply a devastating threat.

Frank is different from ordinary people, but it is only compared to ordinary person. In the face of this supernatural power, his special background simply couldn’t help him. Even if he has something like Sky’s Eye, Buddhism Sky’s Eye is just an auxiliary ability after all, and it cannot give him any defensive help. So as it should be by rights, he was hurt.

The super-frequency sound and the mysterious power enough to pierce the shivered soul made his eardrums and soul like being drawn by broken glass, painful. Soon, blood came out of his ears, and he couldn’t help but hugged his head, fell to the ground wailing, and rolled desperately.

He is in pain, which is obviously easy to see. In this regard, the unaffected Ancient One immediately took action and grabbed Cersei’s wailing soul.

This action interrupted Cersei’s scream, and after that, she was forced by Ancient One to press back into the own body.

The soul returns to the body, and her form is also from the very beginning, the undead Banshee has become an existence like a ghoul. The biggest feature of this change is that her screaming damage like Banshee’s wailing can no longer continue.

The damage did not continue. Frank’s extraordinary body naturally made him repair it quickly. And the first moment he adjusted to the oneself state, he looked at the corpse on the ground with an incredulous expression, and then murmured to Ancient One.

“This is the power of magic? Even if I have blocked my own hearing, I can’t avoid this kind of damage?”

“This is damage to the soul, you just If you block your hearing, of course it won’t be of much use.”

Stretched out a hand, as if using an invisible big hand to lift Frank up, Ancient One explained it while holding his own His eyes were on Cersei in front of him.

She didn’t worry about Frank’s body, because since she dared to let this happen, she naturally had a basic foresight of all of this.

She doesn’t say that she understands Frank’s physical characteristics thoroughly, but it can also be said to be almost. In her opinion, Banshee’s scream would certainly cause some damage to him, but given his strong enough physical fitness and recovery ability, this damage is only a temporary thing. It is a very cost-effective business to exchange a kind of temporary damage for his fear of magic.

Yes, Ancient One deliberately caused Frank to suffer such damage. Now that she had decided to take him into the door of magic, she had to establish Frank’s attitude towards magic. Just as humans have to be in awe of science when learning science, so does magic.

It was for this purpose that Frank opened Sky’s Eye and let him see the other side of this World with his own eyes. Under normal circumstances, this is enough, at the very least, it is enough for ordinary people.

However, Frank is no ordinary person after all. Just looking at it, the shock to him is not at all ordinary person so great. After all, his origin is different, and the identity of Stark’s son alone is destined to have his vision far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, if you want to achieve the desired effect, it is definitely not enough to let him see it. Let him take a bit of hardship personally to achieve better results.

As far as the situation is concerned, the idea of ​​Ancient One is still useful. Frank was indeed shocked, and this shock will obviously have some extraordinary effects on his magical education. Of course, this is a problem for the future, and right now, what they have to deal with is still in sight.

The soul returns within the body and becomes an existence similar to a ghoul. This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Even if it is operated by Ancient One, it will take some time to react.

In three to five minutes, the corpse on the ground convulsed suddenly, like an electric shock, and stood up directly from the ground.

This kind of behavior is shocking enough, but he has already suffered and saw the magic of the magical world. He just hid behind Ancient One carefully and cautiously, and then took an attitude of scrutiny and carefully looked at the corpse in front of him.

Cersei is a beauty. But this is what happened before her. After she died, although the body hadn’t decayed, the characteristic that the internal function was no longer functioning made her look full of lifelessness.

Without the sense of freshness that a living person should have, except for those who have special quirks, who will not treat her as a beauty. And when she started to manipulate oneself’s body like a puppet because of her soul, it is estimated that no one would think so.

She usually moves the owner’s body with her walking corpse. Because she can’t control her nerves, she can only use the whites of her eyes and shrug her facial muscles in vain.

This is weird, but this weirdness does not affect her observation of the current situation of oneself. After all, the vision she uses now is soul vision, not physical vision. So she can see clearly To the present situation of oneself, and to realize the existence of two living people in front of oneself.

This instinctively gave her a desire to attack. But precisely because of instinct, she is also subconsciously The deep and unmeasurable Ancient One gave birth to unspeakable fear and dread. This allowed her to more or less control the thoughts that oneself shouldn’t have, and she had to directly face the Ancient One in a way that is almost a soul dialogue. They said so.

“Am I not dead? Why am I here, who are you?”

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