Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1738

Black Heart gave the order, and this order, as it should be by rights, was followed by the demons in the entire Los Angeles area.

Although Black Heart is no longer the devil Prince, but still said, his current status is only higher than before. He who controls the devil’s actions in the entire North American region is the Great General that commands the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, or the one that will not be subject to military orders abroad. The destiny of the entire North American region is almost in his hands. If they don’t want to take it seriously, they are definitely cracking a joke. Of course, this is something that few people are willing to do.

So, for a time, the entire Los Angeles is full of demons dancing, and anyone with a little bit of patience can feel the crazy restlessness from the hell forces. Mordo Baron, who is in the territory of Los Angeles and is the main target at the same time, is naturally an impossible exception.

Fucked out the owner’s stick, and knocked the little devil who attacked Oneself while the street light was off to ashes. While Mordo Baron dismissed coldly snorted, he couldn’t help but wonder in his heart.

He who ran to the Rocky mountain range most recently didn’t know what happened recently. The only thing he knew was that the demons from hell were crazy, and they dared to face him. -sorcerer take action.

Leave aside his identity as a Paragon sorcerer disciple. Just being a big-sorcerer is not something that can be offended by waiting for a small night. You know, the so-called great-sorcerer basically has a certain degree of magic in existence. This kind of existence, not to mention those legendary gods, is not a problem with the waiting devil lord. And now, trifling a few little devils who can’t get on the table. I just want to get close to him by playing tricks, this is simply a dream.

Speaking bluntly, if you don’t use those special restraint magic, just rely on the stick, he can let these brats know what it means to be a good person.

However, it is also tiring to squeeze the stick. Compared to this kind of action of constantly dismissing brat and consuming oneself’s energy in vain, he wants to get it right once and for all, and directly solve this problem. And what is the way to solve the problem? The most basic, you need to know what the root of this problem is.

Mordo Baron is not the kind of guy who is particularly mindful. Although sorcerer is also engaged in a special type of mental work, just like most scientists with high IQ and low EQ, he is at a loss in these corners and where crafty plots and machinations are involved.

For this kind of things, he has always solved only one way, and that is to show that I am a sorcerer, I am a nobleman, and you guys should give me obediently and honestly. appearance. It would be best to be bluffed by him in this way. If not, sorry, sorcerer’s fist is also very hard.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you can’t beat it. Because behind him, there is also a whole group of ancient sorcerers of sorcerer, also a Paragon sorcerer. There was a group of people, and the young ones came to the old ones. This is normal in the world of sorcerer.

Faced with such a chaotic situation, Mordo Baron continues to use the old methods as always. But obviously, at this time, there is no devil who will shrink back because of his this method.

There are both black-hearted factors and Mordo Baron’s methods that are somewhat outdated. After all, after excluding the reason why he is a big-sorcerer, the remaining two reasons have already completely lost deterrence in the ravages of time.

Ancient Order? Even the sorcerer apprentices who just entered know that the huge ancient order of the past has long been submerged under the snow of the Himalayas, and the remaining ancient order sorcerers are nothing more than the remnants of a group of struggling on whilst at death’s door. It’s not scary at all.

As for Paragon sorcerer. He, who hasn’t been seen for decades, may have already become a dead man in the hearts of many demons. And when the insider not at all deliberately revealed her news, those ordinary demons simply impossible would give up their actions against Mordo Baron because of her reputation.

Mordo Baron can only get into trouble like this. And because of this dilemma, he had to use his brain to think about other solutions. Again, if you want to solve a problem, you must know what the root of the problem is? He knew this in his heart, so when another devil launched an attack on him, he deliberately showed mercy, and then used magic to directly control the devil.

“Say, what do you trash in hell want to do? Why do you want to attack me, don’t you know that you are provoking the dignity of the human sorcerer?”

“Ha, Mordo Baron, you were the first to start a war against us. Why, now do you want to put this charge on us?”

“I did nothing, don’t I thought you demons would bluff me by shouting a few words. I’m not those stupid village women, I will be played around by you!”

For the devil, Mordo Baron, of course Unbelievable. And he didn’t even intend to listen to the devil’s continuing nonsense, but the French stick pressed his chin and directly warned him.

“Answer my question and tell me what crafty plots and machinations you are planning. I only give you this opportunity. If you don’t seize it, I don’t mind turning you into ashes! “

“I would rather become ashes than let my soul fall into the black heart’s hands. Hehe, Mordo Baron, don’t deny what you have done. You helped that human being build The company’s affairs have spread throughout the hell. Everyone knows that you are teaching humans how to deal with us. We are already enemies. And now that you have taken the lead against us, then launch a counterattack against you, simply yes Things are normal. You are dead. No one can live under the chase of hell. Your soul will fall into hell. I look forward to that moment!”

tone barely fell , This devil is already peng sound, turned into ashes and disappeared in Mordo Baron’s hands. And looking at the sky full of ashes, Mordo Baron’s dark face is also unavoidably showing a solemn expression.

Although some places are not too clear, he probably already knows it too. This is inseparable from the cooperation between their sorcerer and the government. The devil is not a fool, and it is not surprising that they will notice the own behavior. Similarly, it is normal for them to become hostile to oneself.

The only problem is that they shouldn’t use such an offensive so quickly, which is very inconsistent with their usual nature.

Mordo knows the devil, after all, he is also a sorcerer who often deals with these guys. So he knew very well that if it wasn’t for any accident, these demons wouldn’t have such an excessive reaction. At the very least, they wouldn’t have such a reaction at this time.

So, something must be wrong. But what could go wrong? The only thing Mordo Baron can think of is his collaborator, Phelan also United States Government.

“You can’t be so passive anymore. You must figure out all this, if it doesn’t work, you can only think of a way to avoid the limelight!”

In the meantime, Mordo Baron has roughly formulated a plan. And just when he was preparing to move, a strange wave made him unable to help but pause, and he stared at the front of own nervously.

In the darkness, a huge monster that looked like a sculpture suddenly appeared, and with the sound of hong long long footsteps, it approached Mordo Baron step by step. This kind of momentum is already scary enough, and after seeing the true nature of this guy, even a character like Mordo Baron can’t help but hold the breath cold air.

This is a monster full of evil power and beauty.

He is tall, more than five meters. In appearance, he has similar human characteristics, and his swollen muscles are cast in copper and iron, making him look full of oppressive power. Of course, because he is a demon, he has some monster characteristics. The most conspicuous of these are the bone spurs on his back and his hideous big head.

The bone spurs that grow upside down are like a sword thrust into the sky, starting from his shoulder blades and spreading all the way to the tip of his tail, making him feel dangerous just by looking at it. And his head is like three or four pairs of entangled horns on a skinned human head. In addition to horror, it also gives people a feeling of hideous evil and powerful.

This feeling is not an illusion, because he is really powerful. As a well-known sin karma demon among the hell forces, the power of this devil is enough to make many famous sorcerers tremble in their hearts.

Sin Karma is known as the most evil and cruel devil in hell. Strong, this is for sure, otherwise I am sorry for their domineering name and their hideous and terrifying looks. And because of this strength, they have always been very rare.

The reason for this scarcity is not the difficulty of fertility. Sin karma is not the kind of species born by reproduction. Their birth is more dependent on ceremony.

In the human world, there is a kind of scary person. They are commonly known as murderers, and most of them are perverted murderers with extremely morbid psychology. They are bloodied and kill countless people. And precisely because of such countless crimes, their as it should be by rights will have only one end, that is, going to hell.

However, going to hell is not the end for them, it is just another beginning. Because many masters of hell are willing to collect such sinful souls, and then use such souls to cultivate subordinates that best suit their wishes. Sin Karma Demon was born in this way. The cruelty and evil they go deep into the soul and the rewards of hell are enough to make them a sufficiently terrifying existence. And Mordo Baron did not want to match such an existence at this time.

But he knew that oneself had no more choices. So he can only grit his teeth and stick to it.

Kill him, or be beaten to death by him. He must let everything lean towards the former.

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