Sun God Marvel

Chapter 174

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Dawn Knight stands on Mutant’s side with such a clear-cut stand, but it makes many people whispered. You must know that it was none other than the leader of Mutant who fought with him in Paris before. According to the thinking of these reporters, even if Dawn Knight would not deliberately target the Mutant group, he would not have a good face for this group.

But the reality is that Dawn Knight’s performance is completely contrary to what they thought. Not only did he not target Mutant, but he also used his own reputation as a guarantee for others. This situation caused some reporters to immediately have the idea that Superhero even thinks differently from others.

As soon as the reporter who got the answer finished, Stacy pointed to another reporter who held his hands high, indicating that he could ask questions.

The reporter named by him immediately stood up excitedly and asked Dawn Knight loudly.

“Dawn Knight, I am a Frenchman. I want to ask you, you have fought a fierce battle with Mutant in Paris. You know what kind of harm they have caused. Why do you want to change your position now? What?”

It can be seen that this is an anti-Mutant human being. He clearly expressed his disapproval of Dawn Knight’s actions. In order to make Dawn Knight reflect, he even took Magneto’s The enemy pulled out.

Zhou Yi took a step forward, pressed both sides of the small table on the podium with both hands, and said condescendingly to the people below.

“My position has never changed. I have always stood on the side of humanity and peace from beginning to end. As for Magneto, I admit that he is a bastard. But you can’t take him to represent everything. Mutant. Just like Hitler, he was once the leader of mankind, but can you say that he represents the entire mankind?”

“That’s different, sir.” The French reporter blushed and yelled.

“There is nothing different. In my eyes, except for their races, I don’t see the difference between them. Magneto shouted that building a new world is nothing but Hitler’s ** Ideas are taken out of context. Just like Hitler will be eliminated by humans, Magneto will also be eliminated by Mutant. An ethnic group is always impossible to be represented by one or two individual characters. That is the most stupid behavior.”

“The hostility between Magneto and I was because he broke the peace of this World and regarded his precious life as an ant-like lowly thing, not because of his Mutant identity. Mutant is definitely not evil, just like Human beings are not necessarily absolutely just. The Umbrella incident has just ended, I think you guys have not forgotten those sinful guys!”

Looking at the French reporter who is still arguing, Stacy, who was afraid that the scene would not be cleaned up, yelled immediately.

“Okay, next one!”

Seeing this French reporter being dragged down by those desperate colleagues, Stacy can be considered a growth Take a breath. Looking around all around, he started looking for a reporter who could ask questions well. If it were like just now, this conference would really become a battlefield between the two sides.

At this time, he saw a youngster who was stunned at the corner of the venue, holding a lot of equipment in his hand, standing there alone with his hands high. It looks like it’s not difficult to wrap around. Simply stretched out his hand and said.

“The young gentleman in the corner is you. Can you ask questions?”

“Me?” Youngster pointed to oneself, and got a nodded reply from Stacy After that, he jumped up and almost brought down the chair behind oneself.

This frizzy behavior made the reporters around me curse, mostly because I envy this guy’s luck. However, Stacy and the others have a good sense of this youngster. They are used to seeing the ugly faces of the old oil reporters, but they are more pleasing to the eyes of this young reporter.

Zhou Yi even made a joke as Dawn Knight.

“Don’t worry, Buddy. I’m right here, I won’t run away.”

Youngster blushed, but at least he hasn’t forgotten what oneself should do. He quickly took out a notepad and squatted to Zhou Yi.

“Hello, Dawn Knight. I’m Peter Parker of The Daily Bugle. I want to ask you, do you really think these hired Mutants can do what you said?”


“This question is a good question. I think Chief Stacy must have seen these youngsters. Mr. Chief, I think these youngsters should be there!”

“Yes, I have already Ready to introduce these excellent youngsters to everyone at any time!” Stacy gave orders, and Rogue walked in under the leadership of a group of police.

They have changed into police dresses at this time, because the Mutant of High Rank is a very good-looking race, so this group of youngsters looks heroic and energetic. This makes some humans who think that Mutants are grotesquely shaped have the most direct senses in an instant.

Even many reporters present have to admit that these youngsters look pleasing to the eye, and they are not at all what they think.

“You need to get to know these youngsters, they will definitely contribute to this city in the future. As for why I say this, it is because I have confidence in them.”

” Just like me, ability is the first point. And willing to serve others and regard own power as a responsibility is the second point. This is how I took the Superhero road, and these youngsters are now standing Here, it shows that they made this choice just like me.”

“At first, I walked on this path with the help of Chief Stacy. It can be said that at first becoming a hero, Chief Stacy gave It helped me a lot. He blocked a lot of trouble for me. And now, it’s time for me to clear the way for these youngsters.”

“I believe that just give them some time and patience They will definitely make a little achievement. As long as they don’t demand too much from them, they may be able to give you a satisfactory answer.”

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi pointed to Peter Parker, He has recognized this youngster who used to punch him for Uncle, and of course he also knows that this is an extraordinary youngster.

“If this is not enough to convince everyone, I would like to ask this young reporter to help. You can join this group of youngsters as a reporter, and report every time they make a mission. Dynamic. Let the public monitor it with your own eyes and see if these youngsters can improve the security of the city.”

“What? Me? But I’m just a temporary employee.” A huge surprise hit Peter. His face made him dizzy. This is an exclusive interview right, something that Peter never thought of. Now it looks like a big pie dropping from the sky, directly on his face.

“Of course it is you, young man. You are both youngsters. Since they are given a chance, naturally they will also give you a chance. I believe that as long as you report truthfully, your job will definitely not be a problem.”

It is Zhou Yi played by Ruiwen who said this. Now she speaks this way as Zhou Yi. What she says is naturally heavy and quite weighty.

This kind of influential figure in the business world has spoken, basically affirming Peter Parker’s exclusive interview rights. Know that he is an investor in this event, and an exclusive interview right is a matter of one sentence. So when he said so, the surrounding reporters looked at Peter Parker with green eyes.

Peter also knows that oneself has become the target of public criticism, but this kind of good thing is pushed out by a fool. As long as you hold this exclusive interview right, don’t talk about getting regular. It is not a problem to switch to a major newspaper.

Looking at this silly boy sitting back with a smirk on his face, letting the people around him frigid irony and scorching satire face doesn’t change. Zhou Yi laughed and said.

“Here is the time for these youngsters. Everyone, sorry.”

After saying this, Zhou Yi immediately disappeared without a trace. Zhou Yi knows that oneself is here and the media will only focus on him. This is different from his plan at first. He wants to push Rogue and the others up, and the purpose of propaganda and protection for them has been achieved. Naturally, he can’t dominate the audience at this time. So he left very simply.

And his departure immediately caused a sensation among reporters. All the reporters pressed the shutter frantically, seemingly intending to capture some Dawn Knight’s silhouette through the machine, but the holographic camouflage that comes with the nano armor completely frustrated their plan.

In desperation, they could only turn their firepower on these young Mutants. They are now the new favorites of the media. In terms of policy, the police station opened the way, and economically, it was sponsored by the Corona Group. Behind him also Zhou Yi and Dawn Knight, two well-known figures guarantee and protect. It can be said that in a short period of time, how many people will not make their ideas.

But once they have made achievements, this special department will only become more stable. The media are not stupid, they naturally know what to do best at this time.

So for an instant, almost every Mutant student was plugged into a few microphones. This is no longer a formal part of the press conference, and Stacy is naturally happy to see this. For him, the more important these Little Brats are, the better for him. They are if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers. So naturally he will not stop the situation in front of him.

And Ruiwen took the opportunity to leave the table, walked quietly to a remote place, and asked the air.

“This is your plan. You really think that Mutant can live in harmony with humans just by doing this. Do you think it’s too simple.”

Ruiwen changed back to her beauty with snow-white skin. The real Zhou Yi also appeared in front of her, quickly fading the outer shell of Dawn Knight.

“It’s always more hopeful than your random deeds over the years. How many things you and Erik have tossed about in this world, but now that everyone has a reputation for being beaten by everyone, what are you also.” Zhou Yi It was not polite, and Ruiwen immediately argued.

“We have Mutant’s support, and Mutant is on our side.”

“That was before!” Interrupting her excuse directly, Zhou Yi sneered .

“Once my plan continues, Mutant will be accepted by more and more humans. At that time, do you think there are more Mutants following you inhuman, or you want to return to the embrace of humans. .”

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