Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1742

Concentrating forces to conquer strong enemies is itself the most conventional means of confrontation. Although it can’t be said to be a superb, finishing touch, but it is also considered remarkable and safe. Most importantly, this is in line with Black Heart’s will. It made him feel that these subordinates of own had indeed moved his mind.

It’s not impossible to accumulate to do motherfucker, but very feasible. After all, Mordo Baron’s performance is difficult. The news from Black Heart is that several times, just a little bit, everything can be successfully accomplished.

It’s really a little bit worse, so just make up for it. The quality is not enough to pile up in quantity, anyway, oneself thinks so.

He already has this impulse, and as a devil, of course he is impossible to suppress this impulse of own. Although it is said that he is Mephisto’s son, but in the final analysis it was paid for the phone bill, so he did not inherit Mephisto’s cunning and think twice style of acting. To say swift and decisive is to praise him, saying that he does nothing but his brain is the truth.

I’m a Prince, so I can think of any brains, and I just want to be impulsive.

With this recognition, Black Heart waved his hand without saying a word, and ordered his subordinates.

“Just do it. Pass on my order and let those idiots stop doing it. First investigate the location of that guy, and then wait until everyone is there, take him down in one breath! I want to live this time, let them bring this sorcerer to me alive. I want to give him a good time personally!”

For Mordo Baron’s mission, the black heart obviously hates it in the bones, otherwise he would be impossible to condescend to kill him himself. After all, from his point of view, Mordo Baron was the culprit who caused him to lose his troops, and the ideal ship was almost capsized before it even set sail. At this point, he can hate him to the point of eating flesh and skin. So naturally, it is not strange for him to make such a request.

Of course, he made such a request in accordance with his own will. But the bosses under his hands were embarrassed. They still don’t know the specifics of Mordo Baron very well, but one thing is for sure, that is, this human sorcerer is definitely not a nobody that can make them round and flatten at will, but a really tricky big trouble.

Others don’t know the position they have arranged against Mordo Baron, they are clear in their hearts. Among other things, the crime karma demon who can be called the king of hell soldiers has almost arranged a shift. Faced with such a formation, if they change their playing field, I’m afraid that they won’t even want one night, their heads are already in front of the black heart. And now, Mordo Baron is not only alive, but also alive and well, not even one arm or leg is missing. This makes it clear that his strength is above them.

There is a cloud in the art of war. Ten encircles it, five attacks it, multiplies it, divides it, the enemy can fight, if it is too small, it can escape, if not, it can be avoided. Therefore, the strength of the small enemy is the capture of the big enemy.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple, ten times the military power to fight a siege, five times to attack, and two times to use your brain to fight the enemy. Fight if you can, run away if you can’t, don’t fight if you can’t. Obviously the strength is not as good as that of a person, but he has to be hard-headed, so he can only kneel down and call him father.

There is no difference between catching alive and encircling, and a tenfold difference in strength can encircle and capture the enemy alive. Ten times, no matter how you look at their previous performances, they don’t look like ten times the enemy. Those who want to catch alive now, is this not a whimsical thing?

A group of devil bosses wanted to speak out to dispel the unrealistic idea of ​​Black Heart, but they also knew that at this juncture, as long as oneself dare to raise a different opinion, I am afraid Black Heart can immediately ask oneself to eat A good meal.

Knowing that the boss on oneself’s head looks like this, he is determined to commit direct advice. He is a loyal minister. Unfortunately, they are demons. When you are the devil, you talk about being loyal or disloyal. Isn’t this disrespect of people’s ethnic culture and traditions?

Everyone didn’t have this thing in their hearts, so after looking at each other, they still gave up this approach that might bring misfortune to oneself. Of course, it’s absolutely impossible to do nothing and let the black heart pat his head here to make a decision. After all, he was only speaking here, and it was their relatives who were born and died. Who will not use own family property to crack a joke, so soon, someone came up with a more euphemism.

“His Royal Highness. If you want to capture him alive, relying on the people under our hands alone, it seems impossible to capture such a character alive. So do you see…”

“Why, don’t you even plan to listen to my order? Then what’s the use of keeping you by my side!”

When someone sings the opposite, no matter if he speaks or not Euphemistically, Black Heart was already staring, and asked without a smile.

His idea is very simple, I dignified the devil Prince, the future lord of hell has already spoken, you people only need to do according to my instructions. Now that I dare to question my orders and put forward different opinions on me, you are simply reckless and committing disorder. In a word, bring about one’s own destruction.

Of course, he himself also knows that oneself does not have many trump cards now, and he can only rely on these guys in front of him if he wants to do something big. So he didn’t say anything completely, but left a little bit of space to let them confess to oneself.

This step is very obvious, so very soon, a group of bosses have already talked about not daring and does not raise. However, even if on the surface they admit their mistakes, the bosses We didn’t really mean to act according to the black heart’s instructions. Talking about it, and doing it with your hands. Still the same sentence, a momentary fever is like letting them save their lives and wealth, which is impossible.

Benefits are always the most basic factor to ensure everyone’s position. Apart from anything else, the black heart can get the allegiance and private promises of these people. The most fundamental reason is that he promised these people that they wanted Important interests.

He is a BOSS, but this does not mean that he can be unscrupulous and endlessly squander the power of oneself. Without the support of these devil leaders and their tribes, his only end is to be beaten back to his original form, or even worse.

This black heart Oneself is also clear, he has not been completely dizzy by oneself’s current power. Therefore, when these guys showed a silent attitude, neither expressing their opposition nor voicing their support, the black-hearted oneself inevitably panicked.

Can’t go on. Then I can only think of a way to be softer, and find a step for oneself. In this respect, he is more or less a devil. In a blink of an eye, with the talent of an actor, he has already put on a look that is not very impatient. With a casual wave of his hand, he is already asking these men. .

“Okay, okay. Tell me about your thoughts, let me see how you plan.”

He was very impatient, but in those In the eyes of the subordinates, this is obviously a kind of helpless choice but to compromise. And this meaning is in line with everyone’s wishes. After all, hello, hello, hello, everyone, it should be like this when doing big things, right?

In this case, they are not unsatisfied either. But after a brief exchange, two plans came up quickly.

“Your Excellency, I think at present, we can only have two choices?”

“Which two? You can talk about it first.”

“Is this the first? That is, we don’t need to be merciful, and directly use the fastest and most brutal means to complete a precise blow like a surgical operation. As long as we can kill the sorcerer named Mordo Baron, everything will be solved. No! You don’t need to spend so much time and effort. Bring him in front of you and dirty your hands, don’t you say it?”

This is the method that the bosses most agree with. After all, who I don’t want to waste my own efforts on the whim of the black heart. However, for this kind of thing that would obviously jeopardize oneself’s face, the black heart’s only reaction is to shake his head and reject it.

Two minutes ago, he solemnly vowed such an order. Keep on saying said that he wanted to give Mordo Baron a good look. Now that two minutes are less than, he must change his words. This is not what hitting him in the face.

He has always believed that the most important thing about being a king is this credibility issue. The so-called the mouth holds the Heaven’s Decree, the golden rule should mean this. Now what oneself said does not count. It not only broke his beautiful illusions, but also clearly showed to the group of own that the majesty of own is not so inviolable. This will definitely not work.

Although compromise is a very important part of doing big things, it is not always possible to compromise. At the very least, he doesn’t think this matter is within the scope of compromise. So immediately, he shook his head and resolutely denied.

“Absolutely not, this person must die in my hands. This is an order, an order that cannot be changed!”

This is the second time I have said such things, black-hearted The attitude is already very clear. And it was precisely because of this order that his subordinates inevitably rubbed their teeth and got a headache.

If this matter can be done casually, we still persuade you to do so earnest and well-meant advised, and directly respond to you. Wouldn’t it be okay for everyone to be happy?

This is the idea of ​​all of them, but it is just an idea. On the surface, this kind of thing is definitely not just and honorable, it is disrespectful. And since such a path does not work, they can only use a backup plan.

So soon, another proposal was already in front of the black heart.

“Since this can’t work, your Excellency, we have only one choice. You personally lead us to take this guy down. When the time comes, whether you want to kill or cut, or Isn’t it something you can decide in a word?”

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