Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1749

For the devil, power and strength are an indispensable part of life. But if something is the most important thing, it must be their own life. They may not regard other people’s fate as the same thing, but for their own fate, they have always been golden and dying.

Just like now, if it is the other commanders, they may think of the safety of the oneself army first at this time. After all, this thing of power and life is still difficult to measure for ordinary people. Of course, the Wei Martial Emperor cut his beard and abandon his robe and defeated Hua Rong, but it is another saying that the king of Shang Zhou burned Lutai and died calmly. Most of these situations are dilemmas. But here in Black Heart, he never had any dilemma.

Almost immediately, the black heart is already filled with magic power, even the original form of the owner is completely revealed, and then desperately slammed into oneself behind.

He didn’t want to hit the air, nor did he want to attack the demons behind oneself. All he wanted was to open the channel to hell so that he could escape from here as soon as possible. However, just like the worst situation he expected, he could not open a passage to hell at all. The space here was solid beyond his imagination, so that he could only crash into it again like a cannonball. Oneself among the demons behind him.

It was completely revealed that he crashed into it like this, but in fact it is no different from an elephant stepping into a dirt pit full of fish and turtles. But for those with bad luck, the devil he encounters has no other possibility except death. And he himself was also embarrassed by this unexpected result.

But he didn’t have time to care about this, but tried it again. Of course, the results he reap always fails. And when he realized that oneself couldn’t escape from this World at all, a color of despair appeared in his whole person’s eyes.

Without being locked in a cage, letting others watch oneself perform like a clown, people who have experienced Death like reptiles cannot imagine this kind of despair. Even though he had only experienced this feeling for the first time, Black Heart’s whole person had collapsed as if all his heart had been drawn out.

He doesn’t want to die, because he feels that oneself alive is definitely more important than anything else. Of course, he didn’t want to be kept in this cage forever. So when he realized what oneself was fighting against and did not even have a chance to escape in the face of such a powerful existence, he immediately made what oneself believed was the most wise decision.


Of course, the word surrender is a bit too ugly for his remaining dignity and arrogance, so he put a more euphemistic word for oneself in his heart, negotiation.

“Which influential figure secretly targeted me, if I give up and swear to return to hell, can you let me go?”

Can you use the last one? Please, and also put on such a low posture, this is definitely the first time for Black Heart. Even when facing his cheap old man, he had never done such a thing. So really, this feeling is really aggrieved. However, no matter how wronged he was, he could only endure it, because this was the only way he could think of survival.

It’s not easy to survive. All he can count on now is that the other party can look at his identity and hesitate a little, and then give him a way out. As for what kind of harsh conditions the other party will propose, he has no more extravagant hopes.

In short, it’s just one sentence, let’s say it first. As for how to repent in the future, that is the future.

In the end, it is the devil. In a blink of an eye, there are countless thoughts in my heart, and they are not good thoughts. However, no matter how deep his thoughts were hidden, they could not escape Ancient One’s eyes. Ancient One has been dealing with hell for hundreds of years. It can be said that once Black Heart is said, the careful thoughts in his heart are almost almost guessed by her.

For this, the Ancient One who didn’t want to pay attention to his mind’s eye drooped his eyelids slightly, and already made a squeeze movement on his hands.

This is a small movement, but for the black heart in another dimension, it is a big movement.

This World where the black heart lives is not an ordinary world. The so-called ordinary world is the same place as Exquisite Pagoda itself as a small world. Divide the void and open up Heaven and Earth, which is not difficult for those who really have Great Divine Ability. And it is precisely because this kind of space is mostly man-made that it is full of loopholes, and it is easy for the people inside to break free.

For this reason, the two venerables who originally built Exquisite Pagoda had to find a way to build the tower with heavenly materials and earthly treasures to maintain the stability of this small world. Even so, the stability of the Exquisite Pagoda world is difficult to mention on equal terms with the real Greater World. There is a huge gap between the two, and in the final analysis, this gap is actually a lack of basic laws.

The real Greater World has complete laws of physics. Things such as gravity, electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, and weak interaction force are not only the foundation of building the real world, but also the cornerstone of maintaining the world’s operation. . With their existence, a world can be called complete and firm. Compared with this kind of world, those who think that the world has been created are really lacking.

A person’s energy simply cannot maintain these basic laws. In addition to creating a space for single storage and constructing an ecosystem in it according to oneself’s vision, it is difficult for those Great Experts to be structured in more detailed places. Not unwilling, but not having this ability.

This is like human scientific research. We can control the operation of objects at the level of cells in a beaker, which is probably almost the current limit. Want to control the more subtle, such as the operation of each molecule, each atom electron, this is basically impossible for the current scientific ability.

Most Great Experts who study spells want to make own Small World a Greater World, but it is clear that they are currently impossible to have such an ability. Because if they really had such an ability, they would probably no longer be simple gods and demons, but would become the only one and become Eternity.

Ancient One can be regarded as a well-known figure among the casters, even among the gods and demons, few people can compare with them. If she wants to, of course she can open up such a Small World. But the significance of such a Small World to her is not as big as many people think.

With Buddhism Divine Ability and resources, it is necessary to construct a treasure of the cream of the crop to perfect the internal world of a magic weapon. Ancient One does not believe that oneself, a sorcerer with no accumulation, can compete with Buddhism in this respect. match. Of course, she doesn’t plan to compare with Buddhism in this respect, because she has the ability to find another way.

Eye of Agamotto gave her the ability to survey time. Although this ability cannot directly form her battle strength, it is already enough to provide her with enough capital to accomplish something ordinary people. Imagine that I dare not have at all.

Separation time.

Time, space. This is originally two closely connected existences. There is no space in which time can be separated, and there is no time in which space can be separated. They are one in themselves, but they are presented in different cognitive ways.

It’s like traveling through space. Many people think that it’s just a learning to manipulate space. In fact, this statement is simply a fallacy. If you really say it, the so-called shuttle space should be said to be an interception of space on a complete time basis.

Let time stay in the present and only change the position of the space. This should be the true face of the shuttle space. And since it is possible to manipulate space in this way, conversely, manipulating time in a similar way should also be shaped.

Sorcerer is like a scientist who likes to do topics and research. And as Ancient One is one of the greatest sorcerers, of course she also has an own subject. And her subject is actually related to this aspect.

She has a deep enough understanding of time, and this understanding has provided her with a foundation, giving her the ability to conduct in-depth research in this area. And with her ability and talent, it is not an impossible thing to achieve results in this area.

She has already achieved results, and now the world that binds the black heart is the best evidence .

The black heart may not be able to imagine what it means to be trapped in own this World. Thoughts such as illusions and spiritual worlds are simply a joke in front of such spells.

|This is the most profound mystery of spells. It is something worthy of countless sorcerers worship and go on a pilgrimage to learn. Looking at the countless possibilities of the passing of time, we cut out a fragment that has died out. Open it up on the basis of not changing the space, this kind of ability is already qualified to be said to be superior to above Fiendgod.

Use it to deal with a guy like Black Heart. Simply kill a chicken with a slaughter knife. Total waste. But Ancient One doesn’t think this kind of behavior is a waste, because in her opinion, it opens the most profound door of magic to a very talented student, so that he has a more long-term and awe-inspiring understanding of magic. Everything is important.

Legacy this thing is always reserved for the most suitable person. Just as she inherited this name from Chi Songzi back then, she also hopes that the person who inherits the oneself name will be the most suitable person.

Mordo has disappointed her in many ways, and under such a premise, Frank, who is smart and talented, has undoubtedly become the best candidate in her eyes. Cultivating a qualified successor should start like this, right?

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