Sun God Marvel

Chapter 176

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye, Zhou Yi stayed at the owner’s house and began to enjoy the rare leisure time.

After working hard for more than two months in Huiyao City, and finally returning to this peaceful nest, Zhou Yi has an idea not willing to move. Especially after he discovered that oneself had nothing to do, this kind of lazy mentality grew more and more.

As the board member of the Corona Group, everything in the Corona Group and Huiyao City has been formalized. Only Ada’s control can maintain a steady development. And the newly established Mutant department also has Stacy steers, and they oneself also sighed in their hearts to do something practical. No need to worry about Zhou Yi.

Now his on the surface identity can be used as a display for a while, and he has retreated behind the scenes. So the only thing I could find something to do was the identity of Dawn Knight.

However, this World has changed a lot. After Zhou Yi, oneself feels that oneself can’t keep up with the times. Because he just went out for a night out in a boring idle time, he found that New York has already had a lot of strange silhouettes. And these strange silhouettes are still doing his original work.

Among them, a mesh head wearing red and blue tight clothes is the most conspicuous, because this guy is very active. When Zhou Yi was so active, he couldn’t help but focus on him.

In just one night, he used a spider silk-like thing to stroll from Queens to Manhattan, and then circled back in Manhattan. Whether it was stealing or robbery along the way, he got involved. Even a drunkard’s assault on another man was stopped by him.

This kind of work attitude makes Zhou Yi blushed with shame. You must know that even when he is the most serious, he is not like this guy, who eats big and small and takes care of everything. . It’s no wonder that Stacy couldn’t help being filled with New York’s arrest warrant for this guy. This guy is literally hitting the police in the face.

But that is something Chief Stacy needs a headache, not something he wants a headache. Zhou Yi just watched this newcomer busy all night with interest, and then quietly returned to his residence.

Don’t look at the real face under the newcomer’s headgear, Zhou Yi has already guessed his identity. Spider-Man Peter Parker, a man destined to embark on the road of Superhero.

This is a rare guy Zhou Yi can remember. Unlike Tony Stark, the reason Zhou Yi remembers him is because this is a pretty pure guy, everything he does It all comes from a teaching. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This is a simple problem, but it is very difficult to implement. In his last impression, there are only two heroes who can achieve this level, Captain America and Spider-Man.

Others, whether it is the future Iron Man or the Mutants who have already met, are actually just fighting for the benefit of the owner. Even he himself is no exception. Although he is already a recognized hero in the world, he knows that oneself is not so noble yet.

New York has Peter Parker, Spider-Man, and a group of Mutant police officers headed by Rogue. There is no room for Zhou Yi to intervene in many things. But he is very happy to see this happen. Because at his level, when doing such small things, there is a feeling of killing chickens and using a sledgehammer.

It’s not just that he feels awkward, it is estimated that even those guys who have been watching him secretly feel something wrong. And this group of Little Brat will not have this scruples at all, they need to use this little thing to continuously exercise oneself, and extract prestige and reputation from it.

Just as Zhou Yi said before in class for them, Mutant’s reversal must start from reputation. This concept has been implemented in the hearts of this group of youngsters, so they worked very hard.

New York’s law and order situation suddenly improved, and Zhou Yi could only become a family man obediently and honestly. Since becoming a father, he no longer likes to hang out in places like parties and dances as before. Without this special hobby, he can only find a normal hobby to fill his own free time. .

The hobby he was looking for was books, all kinds of ancient books from all over the world. As long as it is documents and books with Myths and Legends and heroic epics, he has tried various methods to get oneself’s home through various legal or illegal channels.

Just looking at the entries of these books and documents, you all know that this is not just to pass the time. Especially when a lot of manpower and material resources are spent. But what his purpose is, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to guess.

The people of SHIELD are still thinking hard, and King Ada who handles this matter is also at a loss. Even Zhou Yi, who ordered this matter, actually didn’t know what oneself was looking for.

He just has a conjecture. He hopes to find some clues about God from ancient documents, so as to find a more controllable method for oneself’s nearly stagnant divine power.

The power of divinity in him within the body grows all the time. He feels that oneself is like a baby bird just crawling out of the eggshell, changing every day. The problem with this change is that he does not have the means to control this increasingly powerful force.

A power that cannot be fully controlled by oneself cannot be called an own power. Zhou Yi knows this very well, and he doesn’t want to be unfathomable mystery controlled by power and that kind of unspeakable consciousness on a certain day, like the one in the abyss.

He can destroy half of the abyss, and it is likely to cause irreparable damage to Earth. The abyss is a dead place, and Earth is not. Once his divine power runs away, the injured creatures may not be able to count.

So he must find a way to control this power, just as a chick must learn to fly. However, it is not easy to find such a control method.

God’s theory has disappeared in this world for too long, to the point where it can hardly be verified by literature alone. Although what Zhou Yi holds in his hand is almost the most precious text in this world, he does not at all get anything useful from it.

In addition to the absurd stories, there are only legends that cannot be verified. Fangcun Mountain, Penglai Island, Valhalla, the Tower of Babel, the Holy Land in the mythology of ancient and modern China and other regions, are now paper The stories recorded in the volume, even if these rare books describe these mythical places truly, Zhou Yi cannot find this place from any corner of Earth.

Myths seem to have completely separated from the human world, and only this kind of books that can only serve as stories are left. And now it can only be a story book.

“The flood flooded the world, and Noah found the own crew. I yelled, little ones, sailors, set sail for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is the man who wants to rush to the end of the world!”

I opened an ancient book about Noah’s Ark in his hand, but Zhou Yi was talking nonsense with his two daughters with his eyes open at the moment. He has magically compiled the Smurfs and the cat in boots into Noah’s crew, and Noah himself has become a One Piece who wants to rush to the end of the world.

|People with a bit of common sense know that Zhou Yi is talking nonsense now. This is something you can guess by just looking at Ada also with a weird expression and Serana with a smile on his face.

But no matter how many ideas the two people have, they can only hold back now, because it is not them who are the listeners, but a pair of eleven-twelve-year-old girls. At this moment, as the only two listeners, Shirley and Aretha can not tell what is genuine and what is pirated. They were fascinated by it, and even thought this mythological story was the most interesting mythical story they had ever heard.

To this level of nonsense is actually Zhou Yi’s limit. He finally arranged the story and said to the two children while wiping cold sweat.

“Okay, children. The story is almost here. You should go to bed. Don’t forget that tomorrow is Friday. Are you still going to school?”

” Father, can you say another one? I can’t sleep at all now!” The two girls were very energetic, and they were endless tossing. But in the face of such a daughter, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but refuse. He thought for a while and said.

“Then tell another story. After I say this, I will go to bed obediently and honestly, okay!”

The two girls were nodded obediently and put on a pair The look of listening carefully. Looking at the cute faces of these two girls, Zhou Yi could only rack his brains and make up the story again.

“It is said that a long, long time ago, a lonely old man received a god-given seed in the mountains. With full piety, he planted the seed. One day later, the seed gave birth. Seven bottle gourd. Seven dwarfs popped out of the bottle gourd!”

“Seven dwarfs possess great magical power, possessing the same magical power as Mutant. They became the children of the old man, Until one day they met a girl named Little Red Riding Hood, who was being chased by a demon wolf named Fenrir.”


“Finally, Little Red Riding Hood became Baixue Princess, and lived a happy life with the old man.”

After another series of concocts, Zhou Yi finally dismissed these two annoying Little Brat. Serrana, who had already begun to transform into Steward’s wife, had taken the two girls to freshen up, and Ada thoughtfully poured a cup of tea to Zhou Yi.

As Chinese, both of them have the habit of drinking tea. When drinking tea, it often becomes a free time for two people to chat.

“Boss, honestly, I really admire your ability. After reading so many books, the result is still a mess of nonsense!”

Ada finally confessed oneself. After a long time of heartfelt, for her, listening to Zhou Yi’s storytelling is a kind of enjoyment, and it has the same effect as watching comedy.

“Myths are originally made up things, I just condensed the complicated things.”

“I think Boss, you should publish this storybook or something, definitely Very marketable.”

“I will try if I have time. If you want to ghostwriter, I can add your name to the author.”

“Forget it!”

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