Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1764

In the dark cave, the bustling crowd is moving forward in an orderly manner.

This is a very strange group of people. All of them wore the same clothes. The dark robes not only covered their bodies, but their appearance was all covered under the large hood. This kind of strange dress makes them look full of weird religious colors, and when the scarlet fire on the side of the cave shines on them, the shadowy visual effect adds three more to this weird atmosphere. Minute.

Ordinary people are afraid that they can’t stand such weirdness and depression at all, but here, everyone has shown an extraordinary adaptation. They just kept quiet, neither whispering nor whispering. Everyone is like a machine, operating numbly and orderly. It seems that they have no meaning at all other than walking.

This is abnormal. Even stupid people can feel the abnormality when they see such a situation. But every abnormal situation has an inevitable cause. And if you want to know the reason for everything that happened here, you can only look for the answer to the deepest part of the cave.

In the deepest part of the cave, is a palace beyond the imagination of an ordinary person. The rock walls eroded by flowing water naturally formed hierarchical stairs and towering walls. Numerous stalactites stretched out from the top of the cave, like decorations, spreading over the top of the cave.

From a structural point of view, they should be naturally formed. But in terms of their shape, it is difficult for you to have such an idea. The reason why I say this is because the all kinds of stalactites are built on all kinds of hideous monsters. What natural flowing water corrodes is not the kind of sharp bamboo-like pillars, but the lifelike monsters. No matter how you look at it, people will wonder about its causes.

If it is one or two, then it can be attributed to the supernatural work of the force of nature. But if the entire cave is full of such creations, then apart from a man-made one, I’m afraid there is no other explanation.

As for artificial, what kind of person can artificially create such a scene in such a place? This is not an easy question to explore, because once explored, I am afraid it is easy to fall into a vicious circle similar to how a pyramid is built.

This World has never lacked mysterious events that humans cannot understand. The incomprehensible reasons are mostly that human beings cannot imagine any existence in the world that is more creative than them. The title of the primordial primordial creature restrains us, so that when we are overwhelming majority, we are only viewing the sky from the bottom of a well. However, facts have already proved that this World is not just a species of human beings.

Higher cosmic civilization, God or the devil, they are all pioneers who had creativity earlier than human beings. So many times, the creations that we cannot understand are actually only made by them. We just don’t believe in their existence, so we recognize their creations as magical things. In fact, in the final analysis, these so-called incredible things are nothing more than basic operations for these true creators.

It’s like here. Anyone who comes here and sees these unimaginable creations will probably only sigh with the magic of nature. However, for Randekiel, who was sitting high on the top of the cave hall at this time, everything here was nothing more than the casual actions of his fallen angels.

It’s like a little child in your own family who just squeezed a plaything with plasticine. This thing doesn’t even arouse his interest. That is to say, human beings who have not seen the world very much will give birth to an unbelievable long sigh just like an ant sees a house built of high bricks and stones.

Randkiel’s vision and insight, of course, are not what ants-like humans in his eyes can mention on equal terms. So he simply doesn’t care about these crude works. Compared to these, he might think that the human artworks are more interesting.

This is a very interesting statement. For example, we humans are accustomed to the works of human beings. Most of the time, unless it is the truly subtle masterpieces, it is difficult for other works to attract our attention. However, if you let us focus on those tiny creatures such as ants, and you see a group of ants like human beings, putting together words and building a tower, I am afraid that you will be surprised and shocked. Make you the same as seeing God himself.

Randekiel actually has a similar feeling to humans. As the first batch of angels born in heaven, Randekiel can be said to watch human beings born and multiply on this planet.

Like many gods and demons, Randekiel never imagined that he was regarded as an ant at the very beginning, and human beings almost equal to those wild beasts on Earth could actually develop to what it is today Point.

They not only built an own country and own civilization, but also used their ethnic power to eliminate all powers belonging to the gods and demons from in this world. Although there are many unexpected parts in this, human beings have done it. But Dekiel hadn’t been shameless to the point of denying all of this, so after that, he had a different attitude towards the human race.

It is a very unacceptable thing to treat them as ants. Not only does it disrespect the human race itself, a splendid civilization, but it also disrespects the gods and demons who were defeated by them.

Oneself is also a member of the gods and demons, so this kind of stupid oneself slap oneself in the face, it’s best not to mention it, don’t think about it.

Every god and devil, in fact, should face up to the power possessed by the human race. As the first person to have this kind of recognition, Randekiel has always believed that treating humans as threats and enemies is their most stance.

This is the idea that Randekiel had already had when he was in heaven. It is for this reason that he is willing to accept God’s assignment and become the supervisor of the spirit of vengeance. Because in his opinion, this might not be a means of deterring human beings through powerful blows and making them learn to submit. As for good and evil and so on, this has never been within the scope of his consideration.

What is good and what is evil? For Randekiel, who can see God’s filthiness with his own eyes, this has never been a question that requires no consideration. Even the nominally perfect and beautiful man is such a disgusting manner in private, how could he expect anything else that is unrealistic.

These are all fake and untenable. Rather than evaluating unrealistic good and evil, it is better to evaluate things that are actually related to interests, such as what is gained or what is lost.

Pros and cons, this is the criterion that Randekiel has always adhered to. And it is precisely because of such a standard that he resolutely joined his camp when Lucifer raised the flag.

Many people only saw Lucifer’s failure and saw him leading half of the angels to hell. But they didn’t see what Randekiel got here, the benefits he got in this matter.

Under God, Randekiel is only a Level 3 Cherubim of the sacred class. Not to mention God’s biological brother Lucifer and the four Seraphim who ranks below them, even in the same rank, he is not the one of the cream of the crop. If he really wants to be ranked, he may be ranked in the top five, and the best result is only sixth and seventh.

After falling to heaven following Lucifer, he is truly an under one person, above ten thousand people. Lucifer melted into hell and became the most powerful Satan among the lord of hell, far away from God in heaven. And he also followed as the tide rises, the boat floats, with the help of the power gained in hell after the fall, he can even face the four Seraphim that needed to be looked up in the past. This was something he couldn’t even think of before, but now it has become a reality. So, who can say that his original choice was wrong?

No one. Even Satan has to admit that his loyal and loyal subordinate, Randekiel, is one of the rarest and most intelligent among angels. In fact, if he could follow Randekiel’s advice and form an alliance with those gods and demons who are hostile to God before declaring war with God, perhaps the original story would have been written backwards.

This is what Satan has always regretted. So today, when he started to plan a major event, he naturally began to hand over the entire plan to Randekiel with full authority, allowing this clever hand to arrange the entire plan.

After all, what he wants is just a result, and before this result comes out, all the processes should be handled by the best person, right?

There is no doubt that Randekiel is the best at this aspect, which even he himself thinks so. Therefore, he will have the arrangement today, and he will have to use the means of descending at all costs to reconstruct the existence of oneself in this world in the form of the spirit of vengeance.

This is not his whim, but everything is strictly arranged according to his plan. Becoming the spirit of vengeance is only one step in his plan, and all this is another step in his plan.

His plan is closely linked with one another, and it will not work without one step. And it is precisely because of such rigor and step by step that he has become more aware of a serious problem.

Humanity has become a confidant he must consider. If he wants to complete his plan with Satan thoroughly, he must start to design how to be an enemy of humans.

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