Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1769

Carter. Shi Lei was a little worried. Because he had discovered that several Knights who were out looking for companions had begun to lose contact with him.

It’s not normal, especially if they have strengthened their awareness of prevention. This only means that they are in danger. What kind of danger is it? Old Carter doesn’t know, and He didn’t have any clues to take countermeasures.

He had sent a few Ghost Riders to investigate the situation of the missing Knights, but the results were not optimistic. Apart from the mess in one place, what No useful information is left. Of course, there may indeed be some information left there, but unfortunately, under the burning of hellfire, the probability of saving this information is almost nothing.

Ghost Rider has never been suitable for this kind of delicate operation, on the one hand because of their madness and on the other hand because of their ability. At any time, under any circumstances, you can’t expect a group of flame-covered skeletons to be able to lie for years. Like spy agents of, when they are about to be captured alive, they still leave a lot of clues containing various obscure information.

Nothing is the most normal situation, and this situation is also as it Should be by rights, the old Carter hesitated for the next action.

According to the plan, they should continue to look for their own compatriots, and expand their team to one that is competent enough in the shortest time. The grand plan. However, he is really skeptical now. If this action continues, will it expand their team or reduce their strength?

Now, their manpower has begun to appear Loss, whether he should continue to take this risk has become a problem he must consider now.

It has been a long time since he has dealt with such a thorny issue. Seriously, the old Carter feels oneself a bit Headache. He is even thinking about whether oneself should delay for two days. After Peter comes back, it would be better to throw the problem on him. After all, that kid is the real commander of the army, oneself is just An Old Guy who is responsible for making plans and making soy sauce, it is better not to do this kind of self-problem.

This is the old Carter’s idea, but the idea belongs to the idea, the reality belongs to the reality. Both have always been very good Difficult to get together. It’s like now, the old Carter just planned to inform his compatriots and stay on the spot for a while. A clear roar of explosion has already rang through his ears.

This kind of voice is not strange to old Carter Life, that is the huge roar of the young Ghost Rider mounts.

In the team gathered today, the Ghost Riders can roughly be divided into two generations. With a century of Lifespan is the dividing point. The seniors before this and the younger generations after this.

The two are essentially the same. They are both the chosen person of the spirit of vengeance, which is the ghost of hell and the world. Rider. But in terms of behavior and habits, individual human differences determine that they will still show obvious differences.

For example, the senior school is characterized by rich experience and enthusiasm. Yu Laowu. Old Carter is one of the typical examples. His favorite is oneself’s mature old pipe. The most commonly used weapon is an elderly Winchester M1887 lever shotgun. The trusted old fellow is the black quarter horse who has accompanied him for nearly 200 years.

Everything is old. In their own words, they are all emotional.

The younger generation is different. The younger generations are mostly Ghost Riders that have been transformed in the recent several decades. Most of them can also accept some new things, such as stronger individual weapons, faster mounts, Even more practical tools.

At this point, Peter is an outstanding representative. He once used hell alchemy to control a fighter plane and beat Hydra.


The relationship between the seniors and the younger generations is generally considered to be harmonious, but in some details, there are always some contradictions. This is mostly because the seniors always feel that oneself needs to guide these The younger generations pass on the own experience, but these younger generations don’t appreciate it very much.

The former always feel that the latter is too arbitrary and can’t be disciplined. The latter always treats the former. It’s a bit of a nuisance that you don’t change your mind.

Of course, everyone gathered under Peter for one purpose. So although there is such a contradiction, it will not interfere with the normal relationship between them. One point, it is similar to a stubborn father and a rebellious son in a big family.

Hearing the roar, the old Carter complexion changed and he quickly walked out of the own tent. In the dark night, He could clearly see the silhouette of an Evil Spirit motorcycle going away. The scorching hellfire left a long trace on the ground, like a road sign, marking the direction of Knight’s departure.

The situation was originally It was already bad enough. Also people made him mess up at this juncture, which naturally made him feel very unhappy. And because of this unhappiness, he immediately caught the person next to him and came to the same The collar of the person watching the excitement, shouted at him and vented.

“Who made the move without permission? Didn’t you get notified? Before getting permission, stay obediently and honestly in the camp, don’t go anywhere! “

“It’s God Bianxiong. One of his friends disappeared during the last operation. He felt that if someone was targeting us, his actions would definitely lead those guys out. That’s why he disregarded the order and dispatched without authorization. “

The speaker was obviously an insider. After seeing the anger on Old Carter’s face, he immediately confided everything oneself knew like a bean. For his explanation, the old Carter frowned is already gnashing teeth.

“Damn it. “

This scolding is not only scolding God Bianxiong for not knowing the overall situation, but also scolding these Ghost Riders for not knowing about blocking their own companions, just knowing the stupid behavior of watching the fun. Knowing the current situation is like this. It’s special, so letting it go, this is not what it is to add chaos to him.

The old Carter also knows that just saying it won’t do anything at this time. So he rushed into the tent. , Grabbed the own old fellow, the Winchester shotgun he called the widow, and flew over and sat on the Old Ma who had already sensed his intentions and oneself came over and was called the black girl .

His intentions are very obvious, and such obvious intentions shocked the Ghost Rider who had been talking to him before. If he had committed the crime by letting God Bianxiong leave before. A big mistake, then now, if he allows the old Carter, who is like his heart, to leave, he may not even be forgiven for his mistakes.

So immediately, he caught the old Carter’s reins forcibly stopped his starting movement, and then questioned him loudly.

“Your Excellency, what are you going to do? You can’t leave here. “

“Let go, you know what I am going to do. I can’t let that stupid youngster fall to death. This is the mission of Old Guy like me! “

“But you are more important than him. Your Excellency, we are just ordinary soldiers, and you are our heart and our brain. I can’t let you take oneself in because of a soldier’s mistake. It’s not worth it at all! “

Maybe the old Carter’s actions exceeded the Knight’s imagination. He subconsciously took out the honorific title and persuaded the old Carter. And in the face of such a rhetoric, the old Carter Just a violent pull to make Old Ma stand up under the crotch, free from Knight’s pull, and then responded calmly to him.

“No, you made a mistake. Up. I am not more important than any of you, and even said that my existence is the least valuable of us. I’m old, youngster. My old age is beyond your imagination, and now I can’t even burn my own flame like you. “

“until now, I think that cemetery is my home, the only thing I can do is to be like a mouse struggling on whilst at death’s door, and wait until the last moment of oneself’s life to be full Regret to get into the coffin I left for own. But now, everything has changed. I have gained greater meaning, and I have the opportunity to realize the value of oneself again. So don’t stop me. “

“If I can, I will bring that bastard kid back. If it doesn’t work, then trading my life for a young warrior is also a very cost-effective business. “

With such a disdainful attitude towards life and death, his calmness and resignation made the blocking Knight unable to help but stop oneself’s hand movement.

I don’t know what oneself should do at this time, or whether oneself should continue to block old Carter’s actions. Intellectually, he thinks oneself should do so. However, emotionally, he has been persuaded by old Carter. .

At this time, he has no strength in his hands, and the only thing he can do is to use his own mouth to speak weak words that he does not believe in himself.

“But how can I explain to Mr. Parker? “

“If I come back, I don’t have to explain anything. If I don’t come back, give him my pipe. Then I told him that my soul will always be watching him in the world of Death. I look forward to the day when he wins, and when he cuts the chains of Ghost Rider and completely washes away the sufferings we have suffered in the past. If there is such a day, let him burn me a box of whiskey in hell. Even if I am dead, I can celebrate our victory with a hearty drunk like a living person. “

After saying this, he already whistled. The old Old Ma immediately screamed like a lion, and was already racing towards the distance in the gradual flames. Looking at his leaving back, Ghost Rider, who thought that oneself would never cry again in this life, has already soaked his own eyes unconsciously.

He knows that oneself will never see it again.

It’s this noble old man. Although he is extremely expecting to have a goodbye with him.

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