Sun God Marvel

Chapter 178

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After a long time, an Old Lady walked out with a large plate of hot barbecue. She put the plate on the dining table, then wiped her hands said with a smile.

“Across the living room, I heard you talk ill of Peter again, but today there are guests, so don’t always teach Peter as a child.”

” It is because you are always protecting him that he is not mature at all!” Ben Parker complained, and at the same time stepped forward to embrace Old Lady’s shoulders and introduced Zhou Yi.

“Mr. Zhou, this is my wife, Mei Parker. My dear, this is what I have been telling you to save my Mr. Zhou, also these two lovely little angels, It’s Mr. Zhou’s child.”

Mei Parker hugged oneself husband’s arm and said to Zhou Yi with a grateful expression.

“Mr. Zhou, thank you very much. If something happens to my husband, I really don’t know how terrifying it will be. You saved our family.”

“You are too polite, Mrs. Parker. I just present at the right time that’s all, in that case I believe everyone with a conscience will lend a hand.”

” But you saved him, that’s enough. We will always be grateful to you, sir!” Old Lady was very determined. Resolute to the point that Zhou Yi could not refuse. He could only stay silent and acquiesced to this statement.

At this time, Old Lady turned her attention to the two girls. When she saw these two girls, her wrinkled face instantly stretched out like blooming flowers. Come. And there was an expression of undisguised affection in her eyes.

“Really two lovely children, Mr. Zhou. It is God’s blessing that you can have such a lovely child, and only you can have such a lovely little angel.”

“I said that Peter should be married sooner, so that we can see his child sooner!” Ben Parker still muttered intently at this time. And Mrs. May pinched his waist quietly.

“Talking nonsense again, you Old Guy. Peter hasn’t graduated from high school. How could he get married so soon? Even if he gets married, he has to wait until he goes to college.”

“That said, it hasn’t been two years.”

In the whispering of the two old people, Peter fled. He really couldn’t accept being arranged like this, all he could only escape from this embarrassing place under the guise of going to the kitchen.

Zhou Yi really enjoys this homely experience of chatting with others. He is an upright person, but he is very humorous. You can always find some fun in chatting with him, and whether it is news from facts There are still some gossip messages, and the old man can clearly see some of the hidden things. After chatting with him for a while, Zhou Yi felt a lot of benefit. It cannot be said that he must be right, but some of his life values ​​are enough to cause Zhou Yi to think.

And Mrs. May seems to be more interested in the two little girls. She kept asking these two little girls, and also took out snacks and honey to entertain the two little guests. It can be seen that the Old Lady seems to like them very much and seems to treat them as own children.

In such a situation where the host and the host are enjoying themselves, it is unconsciously lunch time. So the entire group also naturally did it on the table.

The lunch prepared by the Parker family is grilled meat, sandwiches and sea bass, and desserts are apple pie and biscuits, plus some snacks brought by Zhou Yi.

Opening a bottle of red wine, several people continued to chat while enjoying Madam May’s excellent craftsmanship. Generally speaking, it’s not suitable for speaking when eating, but this old rule has long changed with the changes of the times.

Many families in United States like to talk about interesting things at home banquets, so as not to make the banquet look boring, but also to deepen the relationship with the guests.

The Parker family may not be wealthy, but they have a very happy and fulfilling life. Zhou Yi finally understood why Peter was able to change from a grassroots class to a hero who is valued by people.

Not because he is strong enough, but because he is sincere enough. There is no cynicism because of poverty, and no personal gain because of own status. He is simply doing things to serve others, doing what oneself can afford.

In the middle, his family played a very important role. A family of good people, with their simple and pure values, provides a true hero for this World.

Lunch is still going on, Zhou Yi has already started to be an obediently and honestly listener, listening to Ben expressing his simple point of view in a loud voice.

“I don’t think Mutant is different. There is no need to substitute the dirty thoughts of politicians into oneself. If you haven’t seen others do evil, you don’t have the right to blame others. Just need It’s enough to do a good job of owning. Why should you listen to others to change your own opinion?”

“But you know, many people in this world are blind. They will follow the people around them, Speak up. This is why many politicians have to control media opinion. They need these to coerce people’s thoughts.”

Zhou Yi poured a glass of wine for the elderly while expressing his own views.

“Thoughts cannot be deceived. People will see everything clearly. No who can bury the truth forever. As a person who has lived for most of his life, I can only say that time can Let you see more clearly. In the chaotic situation where you can’t even see clearly, waiting is often the better choice. If you really need to make a choice, I can only say that changing your position is also a way .”

“You can’t make choices for others. If you really want to do so, just stand on the side of others and think about it. Conversely, if others force you to do something, you stand on From his standpoint, think about why he did this. Sometimes, there may be unexpected results.”

The old man shook the head and said his own opinion. And this view made Zhou Yi amazed.

“You are right, the position is the key. Seriously, Mr. Parker, your remarks are so incisive. I feel you are more brilliant than the professor who taught sociology in college. It’s presumptuous I’d like to ask, what kind of job do you do?”

“You may be disappointed, but I have nothing to do with such a noble profession as a university professor. I’m just a retired ordinary Workers, who have worked sincerely for several decades, and have their own views on this World.”

“Speaking of which, I would like to thank you again for the work you provided for Peter, if you don’t have your help I’m afraid Peter won’t become an official reporter so easily. You bring hope to our family.”

The old man didn’t care at all about the fact that oneself had lost his job, and in the end I also expressed my gratitude to Zhou Yi, which made him a little confused.

“Sorry, Ben. I don’t understand what hope means?”

Looking at oneself’s agitated nephew, Ben Parker smiled and replied.

“There is nothing sorry to tell you. Peter, this child, has always had good grades, so his aunt and I have always hoped that he can go to college. But because I lost my job, my family is really burdened. I can’t afford his tuition.”

“I originally wanted to find some odd jobs to make some money while oneself can move. But Peter, the child, actually quarreled with me over this and said yes I’d rather not go to college than let me go to work. Fortunately, you gave him an exclusive interview right, allowing him to earn money from oneself to go to college, otherwise our family may have to be in trouble for a while!”

“This is not a good thing, Peter. No matter how you say it, you shouldn’t disobey the elders.” As a member of the elders, especially when the two Little Brats are around. Zhou Yi as it should be by rights stood on Ben’s side. But in this matter, he is very smooth. “But I can understand your feelings. After all, you are also a filial piety. But I think Mr. Parker is in good health and is far from when he will retire, so your worry is unnecessary.”

“That is, Peter, this child is still a child, so he always thinks about making decisions for us. It’s really outrageous! My body is very clear, work and so on have no problems at all. Staying at home will let me I’m sick.” Ben Parker said red light, obviously he was very happy to find such a person with the same opinion as oneself.

“Uncle!” Peter could only say a little bitterly. At this time, he could only act obediently and honestly as a receiver, not even daring to say a little bit of argument.

At this time, Zhou Yi thought for a while and took the opportunity to say.

“If Mr. Parker wants to work, I have a job for you!”

“Really, that’s great.” Ben opened his mouth. , Immediately agreed. He hadn’t thought of such a good thing.

But Peter was not willing anymore, he quickly intervened.

“Wait for Uncle, at least you have to ask clearly before agreeing to others? It is a big mistake to promise something that oneself can’t do. This is what you yourself told me.”

“Peter!” Ben stretched his voice. It was a very rude thing for Peter to interrupt at this time, although he knew it was for his own good. “You should trust Mr. Zhou, it’s a matter of politeness.”

“Don’t blame him, Mr. Parker. This is right, he just cares about you. I should make the job clear first. “

Zhou Yi waved his hand to prevent Ben from reprimanding Peter.

“This job is like this. You should know that I recently sponsored an event in New York. The group of Mutant young men did not have a place to stay in Downtown New York. So I let I left an apartment under oneself. But because of their identity, the administrator of the apartment has resigned. So I have been looking for a new administrator.”

“The requirements are not high, as long as they don’t Discriminating against Mutant is good. Daily work is only to prevent some messy people from entering the apartment. Everything is favorable if you are treated! How about, Mr. Parker, are you interested?”

This kind of thing does not need Zhou Yi. I asked, but because everything in the newly formed Mutant department was monitored by Ada and reported to him at any time, he knew what was going on around these Mutants. It just so happened that he remembered the vacancy of this position.

In his opinion, not many people are more suitable than Ben Parker. The old man was wise, sober and clearly expressed his views on Mutant and human beings equally. Will not be hostile to those youngsters, and will not be pity for them. This view is the most important. Even more how, he is still Spider-Man’s Uncle.

“Of course, Mr. Zhou. It looks like our family would like to thank you again!” Ben Parker agreed again.

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