Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1781

Old Carter’s actions were premeditated. The most important reason why he has been fighting with Randekiel for such a long time is that he hopes to learn a certain secret from Randekiel’s mouth, so that his companions can respond accordingly. Prevent work. As for surrender, this from the very beginning is a non-existent option.

I have lived for 200 years and have been a Ghost Rider for nearly 200 years. To say that the devil and angel who died under the old Carter’s hands, there are 8,000 if there is no ten thousand. With this blood debt, even if he wants to surrender, it is absolutely impossible.

This is not only a question whether the other party is willing to accept it, but also a question whether he himself can pass this level in his heart. I have been enemies with these guys for almost my whole life, and they have already forged mortal enemies. In the end, oneself is about to surrender to these mortal enemies. Such a thing cannot be accepted by anyone with a bit of backbone and arrogance.

Anyway, it’s just trifling’s death. In the eyes of many people, this may not be the worst thing.

The life and death are all over again, and then the only thing left to make old Carter a little worried and a little unwilling to let go, and probably only the life and death of the youngster, Shen Bianxiong.

Yes, he can die calmly, even so determined that even his own soul can be used as a bargaining chip. However, this does not mean that he can be cruel and drag Shen Bianxiong in. Although he has done a lot of wrong things in his life, he has never dragged anyone down. There was no such thing in the past, but now it is naturally impossible. Therefore, keeping God Bianxiong has become his only goal now.

This is not only to make the owner’s conscience better, it is more that he needs the news that Shen Bianxiong sets up oneself to bring back, so that their companions can know, so that they can deal with it calmly. Therefore, without any hesitation, he made the decision to take his life to hold Randekiel.

This is probably the last glory in oneself’s life. The body was still charging at Randekiel, but the old Carter couldn’t help mocking himself in his heart. He is not disgusted with this way of death. Although it is said that it lacks the tranquility of dust returns to dust earth returns to earth, being so vigorous can give him a feeling of worthwhile life.

Faced with his fierce and unafraid of death charge, Randekiel, who had anticipated all this and consciously had been teased, immediately sneered, and then clenched his hands. Just out of thin air squeezed out two swords of light burning with flames.

The light sword in his left hand flew in his hand like a faintly discernible light curtain, smashing all the bullets shot by the old Carter in the air. And the light sword of the right hand turned into a Poison Dragon, almost in a posture that penetrated Tianwei, and instantly killed the old Carter.

There is one thing that Dekiel said is correct. That was when the old Carter was still in his heyday, he would not be his opponent. Now that he has become so old and like this, he is even more ineligible to be an enemy. He is becoming stronger, and the old Carter is getting weaker. The gap between the two will only get bigger and bigger. Under such circumstances, let alone a strong opponent, even if it can survive a round, it will be a great thing.

And can the old Carter survive a round? The answer is actually obvious.

The will may be able to inspire strength, so that the number of people, or even dozens of times, bursts out of own potential, but this kind of thing is never endless. After all, the upper limit of human beings is there. Wanting to break through the ceiling is not something that can be done by simply shouting a slogan and encouraging the will. Otherwise, there will be no so-called despair in this World.

Things that can’t be done no matter how hard you try, and enemies that can’t be defeated no matter how you burst out of potential, this is the source of despair. And now, Randekiel is the despair of old Carter. Because facing such a powerful enemy, he is simply powerless!

In an instant, the sword of light penetrated his body, slicing his bones into scattered places. And then, with the sharp tip of Randekiel’s sword, the old Carter’s head had been removed directly from the spine.

All of this happened in an instant. It was not only the bystander God Bianxiong who didn’t see it clearly, even the old Carter oneself didn’t expect that everything would end so quickly.

He has no time to reply, even too late to struggle. When he came back to his senses, he had only one head left, and this head had already fallen into the hands of Randekiel.

The old Carter can already see the fate of own from the grinning laughter he made to oneself, which is definitely a bode ill rather than well term. But at this time he couldn’t control oneself anymore. The only thing he could do was to shout loudly at the dazed god Bianxiong behind oneself.

“Go, go. What are you stupid standing here for! Leave here, keep running, never look back!”

Personally verified the strength of Randekiel, Old Carter didn’t think that Sora had a power and didn’t know how to use Kamibeao could be his opponent. He is not leaving now, so if he wants to leave later, I am afraid he will not be able to leave. And if even he fell into Randekiel’s hands, wouldn’t it be said that his desperate effort at the moment is meaningless?

Of course he couldn’t accept such a thing, so he could only urge, and then aimed at Randekiel’s eyes with oneself’s only remaining head, and snorted loudly.

“Look into my eyes, Randekiel, look at the evil in your heart!”

Eye of the Judgement, Ghost Rider’s ultimate ultimate move, is also Ghost Rider’s face Divine tool that is evil and disadvantageous. In theory, all hell creatures, even those immigrants with green cards like fallen angels, will be affected by this move. After all, it is difficult for hell creatures to be innocent and innocent.

However, the old Carter was not so sure in his heart that oneself this move would definitely hold back the existence of Randekiel. The reason for saying this is on the one hand because of the gap in strength. The Eye of the Judgement is always detrimental, but it does not mean that it can ignore the difference in strength and can easily complete the feat of killing monsters. If this is the case, Ghost Riders simply don’t have to defect and flee. Because of Mephisto’s crimes, as early as the old Carter, the Number One Person, he was going to die.

He can live zi zi smoothly until now, and he didn’t completely fall down when facing the black hand behind Victor, which shows that Eye of the Judgement is not that invincible. Although it is easy to use, it is not enough to be omnipotent.

On the other hand, the old Carter is not sure that the effect of Eye of the Judgement can also work for the same kind.

Although he didn’t know what method Randekiel used to make oneself look like this Ghost Rider now. But judging from his identity as the Supervisor of Ghost Rider, the Ghost Rider he has become is impossible to be a fake and shoddy product. And this basically means that he must have the power of Ghost Rider, including Eye of the Judgement, he is indispensable.

He also has Eye of the Judgement, so can the power of Eye of the Judgement still work for him? Old Carter didn’t know anything about this question, because no one had ever tried it. The result of having two Ghost Riders confront each other with Eye of the Judgement.

Ghost Rider is more expensive than fallen angels. Who would be so boring to experiment with the limits of Eye of the Judgement in this way? If this breaks up the two Ghost Riders, even Mephisto will bleed in his heart and tears on his face.

There is no bottom in his heart, and the old Carter can only pray. Such a trick can have an unexpected effect. Even if Randekiel could not be accounted for here, at the very least, he had to be able to delay him for a period of time and give God Bianxiong a chance to escape.

This is the old Carter’s thoughts, but reality, in the final analysis, is far from people’s expectations.

Whether the Eye of the Judgement is effective, Old Carter simply doesn’t know. Because he only saw a burst of flames in Randekiel’s eyes, after that, he had already stretched out two fingers and slammed them into old Carter’s eye sockets.

The hell fire representing the soul of the old Carter was swallowed by the blue flame on his finger in an instant, and then, like a wild fire like spreading, the flame of dim-blue quickly It has spread to every corner of the skull.

This is suffering, without a doubt. Because even with the old Carter’s temperament, he couldn’t help making a wailing sound at this time. And listening to this voice, Ran De Gere just made a jié jié laugh, and then directly applied force between his fingers, which had already completely crushed the entire skull.

“If you want to die, then you will be fulfilled. As for the things you worry about, don’t worry, there is no possibility for him to escape from my hands!”

When he said this, he had already turned his attention to Kam Bianxiong. And watching the old Carter disappear into his hands, even the hellfire symbolizing his soul was completely taken down by Oblivion. From the very beginning, Shen Bianxiong, who has been in a daze until now, is already shaking his body, and can’t help but hissing from his throat with unclear meaning.

Fear? Hatred? Maybe both. In short, at this time, God Bianxiong was full of complicated thoughts in his mind, and the anger and fear in his heart surged out like a volcano that erupted.

At this time, he has completely forgotten the old Carter’s last instructions, because he himself also knew that it was almost impossible to escape from the hands of the person in front of him. Something up. He wants to escape, wants to live. We must try another way. Whether it was the desire to survive, or the mixed emotions of fear and anger, he screamed at Randekiel at this time like a wild beast.

“Ahhh, I want to kill you, I must kill you!”

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