Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1788

Randekiel’s reputation is so prestigious that even if a youngster like Peter doesn’t know his identity, the older generations of Knights can cherish all his glorious past to one after another counts out.

Following Lucifer to fall to heaven, he went through bloody battles in the Anxious Hell and became Satan’s left hand, the Corps Head of Dark Angel Legion. Which of these past experiences was not a major event that shocked God, the devil, and even the Great Experts on earth. Even in the burial of time, these glorious past events have become dusty gold in the sand. However, once it is moved out and let it see the sky again, it can still shock everyone who sees it.

Peter never thought that oneself could catch such a big fish. And for this kind of unexpected surprise, it was really difficult for him to continue to maintain his doubts about God Bianxiong.

He knew very well that Shen Bianxiong did not have enough levels to come into contact with such a powerful existence. Although his power has such qualifications, his experience and experience are far from enough to peek into the secrets of this ancient myth.

I can pull out such a legendary figure hidden in myths just by saying it. The most important thing is that this person really exists in reality, and all identities can be matched. This is not an explanation of good luck. In fact, if God Bianxiong can have this kind of luck, then he is also impossible as a Ghost Rider to bear the fate he is going to endure now. Therefore, there is only one explanation, that is, every word he says is true.

It’s hard to believe that things will be like this, but at this time, even if he doesn’t believe it in his heart, Peter can only choose to accept such a reality.

The fallen angels have really intervened, and it is an existence among the fallen angels that has weight and even controls the right to speak. Such a practical problem is enough to make him temporarily give up his doubts about Kam Bianxiong and worry about his own business instead.

No one wants to put up a great enemy to oneself casually, but Peter can’t just watch oneself’s side being continuously provoked and eroded by people without any reaction. He must make a reasonable response to deal with all these changes, otherwise what awaits him is the end of a disintegration of the heart, the collapse of the middle and the collapse of the great cause.

But how should we deal with the movements of these fallen angels? To be honest, Peter’s psychology simply didn’t have any plans.

At this time, brainstorming may be a solution to the problem, but Peter is still a little uncertain about whether or not to do this.

He is the leader after all. If even he showed that kind of at a loss, would this make his subordinates give birth to thoughts that they shouldn’t have.

Solving the problem is very important. But maintaining their internal stability before the problem is solved is the most important thing.

Thinking about this, Peter already has some ideas in his mind. So immediately, he clicked on the names of several representative Knights.

“Baron, Ms. Bones, Lord Caleb and Mr. Morley. I think we need to discuss the next question, about our future actions. By the way, also you, God Bianxiong. You must also participate in this meeting, as an observer!”

The selected Knights are mostly representatives of Ghost Rider who are active around the world. Their own qualifications and experience have been determined, their prestige in ordinary Knights. In the case of overwhelming majority, as long as they can be nodded on something, the remaining Knights will basically not object. So in Peter’s idea, reaching agreement with them in the next action is already a very necessary thing.

As for why he wants to bring Shenbianxiong also? A large part of the factor is still because of his inner distrust. Although this kind of distrust can no longer be placed on the surface, Peter will always put him in the front of one’s eyes and watch his every move before he can completely get rid of his suspicion.

In short, this is a big deal, and everyone can recognize the seriousness of the problem. Therefore, except for the god Bianxiong who remained silent and obedient, and basically couldn’t see his thoughts. The other Knights who were named have already nodded and followed Peter into action.

They soon came to Peter’s tent, waiting without a word for Peter’s instructions. And Peter did his part, and told the Knights directly.

“Everyone, I don’t think I need to repeat the criticality of the situation right now. In short, in one sentence, we must not remain indifferent to these actions of the fallen angels. This is not only Because of the death of the old Carter, and more importantly, we can’t just watch a new powerful enemy join in and destroy our long-planned plan. At this point, I want to reach a consensus with you, no matter what , Our goal cannot be changed. Revenge to hell, the goal of counterattack hell, must be carried out. Even if it is a huge price, even if the life of each of us is used as a bargaining chip, we all You must do whatever you want!”

When Peter spoke, he emphasized their ultimate goal. In the face of his remarks, every Ghost Rider present nodded, showing an attitude of oneself support.

In this regard, they have a stronger belief than Peter, because in essence, the hatred between Peter and hell is far less intense than the hatred between them and hell. They really have deep hatred, as long as they are given a chance, they are even willing to take their lives to perish together with the whole hell.

Unlike Peter, it was an accident that he became Ghost Rider. And this also led to him simply not experiencing the tragedies that overwhelming majority Knight would experience. Everything has a cause to have an effect. Without these tragedies as a foreshadowing, if you insist that there is a deep hatred between him and hell, that is simply nonsense. On this issue, even the god Bianxiong, who is a traitor, is more qualified to clamor than Peter.

Peter insists on this belief, more because of his natural sense of responsibility. When the hell stretches the own minions into the human world where the ordinary person is located, Peter as it should be by rights conscious that the mission of the own is to protect the ordinary person and the innocent will jump out, shoulder the mission of the own, and assume the responsibility of the owner.

This is nothing incredible for a hero who firmly believes that the greater the ability and the greater the responsibility. Otherwise, he would be impossible to stand with such a complicated identity and insist on to this day.

All in all, everyone has the same goals. At least so far, no one has shown that they want to go against the tune. This can be considered fortunately. He also meant to strike while the iron was hot, and Peter immediately spoke to them again.

“Very well, since everyone has reached a consensus in this regard, let’s talk about the specific content. Based on the current situation, we have no effective way to deal with this sudden enemy. Just. For me, there are only two choices, take the initiative or avoid the edge temporarily. I personally prefer the first, but I also know that this may not be the best choice. So I want to hear your opinions and see everyone What do you think?”

“Mr. Parker? Are we really going to fight the Dark Angels?”

Peter tone barely fell, the skeleton fire Baron from Congo is already Raised his hand to speak.

“I’m not afraid of these Death angels, I just think it’s not wise to go to war with them at this time. We are in the dark, preparing to sharpen our minions, waiting Launch a fatal blow to the Evil Spirit hell. If we suddenly launch an attack on the Dark Angels at this time, wouldn’t it be a waste of our previous efforts? It is still a small matter to consume our accumulated strength. The question is if we let Evil Spirit found our intentions in the hell, and that’s really a big problem.”

“Are we sitting here, watching those damn angels like little ants Kill us by little? I can’t swallow it. Since they dare to do something to us, then they have to bear the corresponding price. Ghost Rider would rather die in battle than drag out an ignoble existence. This is a matter of principle. Anyway, I will never show weakness.”

As soon as Baron finished speaking, Ghost Rider Morley, who has been active in the Middle East, already sang the opposite. He is the main fighter, so his speech is naturally full of aggressiveness. And before the skeleton fire Baron could refute, the Chinese-American Ghost Rider, the lady codenamed “Bone Spirit”, had already opened her mouth.

“Gentlemen, I think we have overlooked a very important issue. When we are arguing whether to start a war or to avoid the edge, I hope you can think about what caused it. The leaders of Dark Angel will attack us. I don’t believe that they only provoke our existence because of a momentary interest, unless they are tired of life, otherwise they are absolutely impossible to do such a stupid move. But would Dekiel be such a stupid person? I think anyone who knows him a little can get an accurate answer. He is not, so he must have a reason to do this. But what The reason? I think only if we figure this out, we can prescribe the right medicine, right?”

Ms. Bone Jing’s statement made everyone in the room deep in thought. They are not fools, so of course they understand the truth of this remark.

Someone may do things that are not good, but things that have no good but bad things, even a fool, may not do it. But Dekiel is definitely not a fool, as an existence that can be recognized as a wise man by different races, there must be factors in his interest for him to do so.

And what exactly is this factor? As a veteran Knight, they will inevitably think of some secrets.

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