Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1798

Bobby is striving for all possible assistance for the safety of his own life. After hearing his remark, Stark realized oneself’s omission in this regard.

He only looked for a suitable candidate, but he didn’t think of the danger that this candidate might encounter under such conditions. This is really a somewhat inappropriate thing.

Of course, in this case, he can just ignore it and send Bobby away in a perfunctory way. But his not at all plan to do so, the reason is very simple, that is, the value of Bobby is worth his enough energy.

Don’t think that Bobby is an otaku. Wen can’t put his pen to set the world, and Wu can’t go to the horse to set the world. But from a certain point of view, he was selected by Stark from tens of thousands of agents, and he could truly be a talent for ten thousand li.

As for why you say that? This is mainly related to the conditions proposed by Peter.

Peter is willing to make concessions in principle and accept Stark’s supervision and control. But his request was that the supervisors specified by Stark could stand the test of Ghost Rider. And what is the test of Ghost Rider?

As long as you have a little understanding of these guys, you will know that the so-called test is simply to accept Ghost Rider’s trial of evil. In other words, it means that as long as Stark doesn’t want a supervisor to die a supervisor, then he can only choose those who are innocent and kind-hearted to take up this position.

This sounds simple, but it is not that easy to do it. Because I want to find such a clean person in the intelligence system and government departments, and also capable of shouldering this position, to some extent, it is actually no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Be aware that Ghost Rider’s judgment of evil is not based on the law. They have their own set of review mechanism, and under this mechanism, many seemingly not serious problems may lead to a fatal result. For example, corruption, for example, fraud, as long as it directly or indirectly leads to any serious consequences, it is basically the result of inevitable death.

Based on this standard, Stark’s subordinates who are qualified to take up this position will basically not have a good end.

Because the truly qualified agents have basically had blood in their hands, even those who manage intelligence and do weapon research have more or less indirectly hurt others. This is enough to kill them. And putting this requirement on the government affairs department, their situation will not be much better.

Government bureaucracy, but as long as there is such a little achievement, almost no one can ask themselves, saying that oneself has never done anything wrong. This is the most common situation, with very few exceptions. Even if there is, it is not because he is high-minded, but because he lacks personal ability and does not know how to use power for personal gain.

To be honest, the most basic essentials of a successful politician are to speak well and do things beautifully. Those who can do both, want to use the power of oneself to take advantage of it, it is as easy as paying money in their own wallet. And even if such a thing is discovered by the boss, it is actually harmless.

After all, it took people half a lifetime to climb to such a height, not to get the salary of several hundred USD per week. As long as you can do the things at hand, use power for personal gain, take more and take less, and so on, it is completely the ability of others. In the case of overwhelming majority, the ruling class will turn a blind eye to such things. If it really shocked them, then it can only be said that these people are too greedy. In other words, people who dare to be greedy to this point are really not successful politicians.

The general ethos of government departments is such that it is naturally impossible to find someone who is clean. Even if he did find it, Stark would doubt whether such a person could take up such a responsibility.

After all, he can’t control power, and he is a fool who will not seek personal gain. Whether his ability is high or low, it is simply a matter of obvious at a glance.

If you can, Stark certainly wants to find a mature politician. After all, only politicians know how to get the most benefit. Only a politician can achieve the ideal state in his heart. However, it is a pity that Ghost Rider’s caress about this aspect made him have to think so. Sending such a politician over, it is estimated that as soon as the front foot comes to the door, the back foot can take care of his funeral.

This is a waste of precious resources, and from the current family property of America, Stark can’t afford such a waste. So he can only select people from some strange departments, and with such a selection, Bobby, the ideal candidate, is naturally placed in front of him.

High IQ, with five PhDs. He is capable. Although there are some suspicions of sneaking and rape, he has always handled things in oneself’s business in an orderly manner and not messy.

Experienced complete agent training, except that the actual combat results are a bit worse, the other is basically on the qualified line.

The most important point is that he is as clean as a piece of white paper. It can be said that he is the cleanest person in the entire United States spy system.

Yes, although it sounds ridiculous. But Bobby is indeed the cleanest, of course, not the only one.

As an agent, Bobby was called in as a researcher, and he had never done anything like that in the field. As a researcher, because of his unqualified work attitude, he has never been exposed to those lethal research projects. In addition, most of the intelligence work he did after becoming a logistics manager was filing and submitting work, so to a certain extent, he was not as clean as an agent anymore.

Such an agent who is not like an agent is placed in front of Peter Parker. I believe that even if Peter has any opinion on him, I am afraid there is no reason for it. Of course, this is not complete insurance, because Stark is still not completely sure what kind of person Bobby will be in private life.

If he is a guy with a sick life in private, then I am afraid the result will not be too optimistic. But after some investigations, Stark had already let go of this unnecessary worry. Because he discovered that Bobby, as an otaku, really took the word harmless to humans and animals to the limit. Having lived for twenty six years, not only has he never had a fight, he has not even experienced such things as making friends with a female child. A Little Fatty who has not even shook his fist and is 25~26 years old is still a virgin. If such a person is guilty, then this World might really be over.

This is why Stark chose Bobby for this role. Because among all qualified candidates, he is the cleanest and most capable. If you don’t want to choose who to fill the number from those cleaning staff and grassroots workers, then Bobby is his only suitable choice.

Such a small number of people is like a treasure. Of course, Stark has to take care of his life with a cherished attitude. And thinking of this, he just thought for a while, and then said to Bobby.

“You do need something to protect yourself. But I think you also know that as far as the current situation is concerned, the government is really not suitable to provide you with excessive assistance. I can’t do it because of your relationship. And take any risk that might expose this action, so no matter whether it is personnel or weapon support, I can’t provide you. However, I can’t just let you go to death with nothing.”

“So be it, I will give you a set of Iron Man Armor in my own name. At the same time, I will open a part of the artificial intelligence authority to you. I believe that with your accomplishments in this area, you should be able to deal with those possible dangers .”

what? Upon hearing this, Bobby immediately felt as if oneself was dreaming. You know, that’s Iron Man Armor, the big toy that Iron Man Tony Stark is famous for. He can become a Superhero by relying on these big toys to support him. It is not just him, including the already sacrificed War Machine James Rhodes Colonel, he can become a member of Superhero under the nickname of War Machine, but also because Tony Stark gave him a copy of the own toy.

Now Tony Stark actually said to give oneself a set of Iron Man Armor. Doesn’t this mean that the important task of maintaining world peace will fall on him? He will be able to act as a Superhero in the future. Come out to scorn the market?

Although even Bobby Oneself knows, the idea of ​​own is a bit too second and too unrealistic. But he couldn’t help but want to think about it in this direction. He is an otaku, is it normal to have such daydreams?

Of course, Stark is also impossible to do this kind of laissez-faire without any restrictions. So after giving this statement, he already added it.

“Of course, I think you should also understand that I am not giving you Iron Man Armor for you to do anything wrong. But for you to protect your own safety. Therefore, I will also treat this Iron Man Armor There are certain restrictions on use. Every time you want to use Iron Man Armor, it must be judged by artificial intelligence. In other words, as long as artificial intelligence judges what you can’t do, you can’t do it even if you want to. And if you dare to violate this ordinance, then the Iron Man Armor I gave you is the best cage to detain you. I did this, you should be able to understand it.”

“Of course, of course. I can understand.”

The original answer has exceeded expectations, so even if there are any restrictions, he has not taken it seriously. His only concern now is when will oneself get such a baby. And because of this psychological urgency, he almost asked Stark impatiently.

“Then sir, when can I get this gift?”

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