Sun God Marvel

Chapter 180

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“hehehe, I want to talk to your head. If you hear it, I want to talk to your head! “Thinking Tony began to slap the door of the cell vigorously, but with his feeble power, it is estimated that there was a dog lying on the door and couldn’t hear it. So the inmate on the other side of the cell could only help him scream.

The guard who was awakened was naturally not very good-tempered. He knocked on the fence with the baton and shouted loudly.

“What is noisy, what is noisy. Do you want to die!”

Although Tony is a recognized genius, he himself does not object to this. But this does not mean that he can understand the Arabic spoken by the guard. In fact, apart from English, Mr. Tony Stark will not.

But his cellmates knew what the guard said. So he shouted quickly.

“He said he was going to talk to your head, and he agreed to your previous request.”

The guard gave Tony a surprised look, muttered a word, and ran away. . And Tony thanked the inmate like own.

“Thank you, Buddy. Your translation is so easy to use. Damn it, there is no one who can speak English in a terrorist organization. They are all bird-speaking bastards.”

“They speak Arabic and Turkic, and some also use Russian and Persian, not a bird language. Also, here also I can speak English, but I am a prisoner just like you. I I’m curious, Tony Stark can only speak English. It’s not like the legendary genius at all.” Tony’s cellmate leaned against the fence and said teasingly.

“As a smart person, things that can be solved with tools will definitely not be done by myself. My smart steward can translate any language in the world at any time. Why should I waste time learning this thing? “Tony is still arguing, but it’s obviously useless.

“Then sorry, you can only rely on me now. Because your smart steward is not here.” Once again expressed regret to Tony, and only Tony laughed in exchange for himself.

After laughing for a long time, Tony straightened his face and said to his own cellmate.

“Buddy, trust me. We will escape. What do I call you? You know so many languages, how can you be a diplomat. How could you fall into this Place.”

“Just call me Yinsen! I am a surgeon and we met at a technical meeting in Bern. But after that, I returned to my hometown. This group of terrorists attacked and I became their captive.”

“Sorry, I don’t remember that we have seen it before!”

“Of course, if I were drunk like you I’ve been lying on the ground a long time ago, let alone telling others about integrated circuits.”

The two were chatting, and suddenly there was a rush of footsteps. Tony looked up and saw a Middle Eastern man with a big beard coming over surrounded by a group of terrorists.

“You said you want to talk to us!” This was the first sentence of the meeting with Bearded, and this sentence was translated by Yinsen to Tony.

“Yes, I promised to work for you. But you are going to give me delicious food and clean water, immediately!” Tony ignored the weapons that were aimed at own and directly proposed own requirements.

Yinsen translated this request to Big Beard, who twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

“I can only give you military cans and water. You can eat or not. If you want these, just open for me and start working. If it doesn’t work, you should stay in the cage obediently and honestly. Go inside!”

“Some food is better than nothing. Tell him I agree. But first give us the food. I don’t have any tools or materials. How can I start working. “

Hearing Yinsen’s translation, the beard turned around and ordered. Soon someone brought a pile of cans and mineral water and threw them into the cage. And Beard said to Tony at this time.

“Don’t worry about the materials and so on, I have everything here. As for the tools, you can give me a list and I will get it for you. But before that, let’s take a look at your level. Give me the missing armor.”

Looking at the beard who reached out to oneself, Tony said without blinking.

“Tell him that it is DNA binding, something injected into the subcutaneous tissue layer cannot be taken off. Besides, where did they get that many materials?”

After listening to the silver Sen’s interpreter, the bearded gloomy face put down his hand, he said.

“Why don’t you have that many ingredients, now you need to go with us.”

“What about my food?” Tony walked There is no opinion, because even if he has an opinion, he will be forced to take this trip by others. So compared to this requirement, he cares more about the pile of food that oneself just got.

The beard ignored him, and directly asked the two subordinates of own to put on a headgear for Tony also Yinsen, and then drove them out.

They didn’t know how long they had gone before they stopped. When the group of terrorists took off Tony’s headgear, he discovered that oneself had been taken into a valley.

Within the valley, there are dots of fire everywhere, and every fire is a bonfire, and around the bonfire are three or five terrorists with guns. This is a large-scale terrorist organization, and Tony immediately made this judgment.

Compared to the size of this terrorist organization, Tony is more concerned about the weapons in the hands of these terrorists. One or two is fine, but if all the weapons are from their own company, then there is a problem. even more how, he saw what was under the tent under the light of the fire.

Small missiles, anti-aircraft weapons, rocket launchers, and these large military weapons are all marked with the stark label, and this has had a huge impact on Tony. There is nothing more angry than seeing own’s work as a murder weapon against own, especially after these works have killed many people in his presence.

While watching the changing expression on Tony’s face, the bearded face showed a triumphant smile.

“Forgot to say it, I am glad to meet you. Tony Stark, the greatest murderer in the world, we are all your loyal users. By the way, your weapon is very easy to use , It’s much easier to use than the Russians!”

“I really want to tell him the words starting with F!” Tony said with a smile on his face.

“He said no thanks, I have replaced you with greetings.” Yinsen was beside him, also translating with a smile.

“We will give you a place to work. You just need to make a list of what you need. I think you should be very familiar with own weapons, so you should know what you need. As for you , You are useless.”

“Damn it, this guy said I was useless. Think of a way, Stark. I don’t want to be locked in a cage again.” Yinsen heard this, His face changed immediately. He quickly asked Tony for help. At this time, the two terrorists had already pressed Yinsen’s shoulders.

“You tell him that, I need an interpreter and an assistant. I need your help!” Tony quickly asked Yinsen to tell Big Beard like this. After Yinsen did so, the beard ordered his men to stop.

But he looked at the two men with a very suspicious look, and shouted loudly.

“He is asking you, how do you know I can help you? He suspects that I am lying to him. You shook your head first and tell him I didn’t lie to him.”

Tony shook his head quickly, and loudly said.

“Damn it, how can this fatty be so shrewd. You tell him first, we met at the technical conference in Bern, so I know you and I know you are a surgeon. I need a hand Steady people instead of high-precision robotic arms!”

Taking advantage of language barriers and Tony’s reputation, Bearded finally chose to believe in Yinsen and Tony, and he escorted them to a cave. , Said to them.

“This will be your place of work from now on, don’t think about escaping. I arranged more than 20 people at the door to look at you, also a big iron door blocked. And, Stark. Let’s kill Can’t help you, but you can kill this guy. So you better not lie to us!”

“I hate such a shrewd fatty!” Stark smiled and nodded.

“I hate it too, he actually used me as a hostage!” Yinsen also smiled and agreed.

Seeing the reaction of these two people, the beard grinned open. With a big wave of his hand, the pile of food that had been thrown in the cage was brought over by his men. Then he gestured to Tony and said.

“Let’s eat, you can work when you are full. Take a good rest tonight, and start working for us tomorrow!”

After talking about this bearded man, he brought oneself to the next one. The earth walked out of the cave, following the sound of the big iron gate closing. Tony and Yinsen finally took a breath.

Tony, who was the first to squat down, threw two cans and a bottle of water to Yinsen, and then oneself opened a can and gobbled it up. Although the taste of canned food is not very good, it is already considered a delicacy compared to the things that were not even considered food before. At least Tony is satisfied, hungry for so long. I was finally full.

Yinsen’s performance is not much better than Tony. He was already hungry and he was already very hungry after helping Tony a few times. So the moment he got the can, he stuffed his mouth desperately. However, as a doctor, he still remembered some rules for eating, and he was not as cruel as Tony. So while eating, he also asked some questions in his spare time.

“It seems that there is no hope for us to escape. Do you have any plans? Or just want to live two days?”

“Originally I was holding this Thoughtful, but when I saw something outside, I don’t think so.” Tony swallowed hard and poured water into his mouth. “They dare to use my things against me, I will make them pay the price.”

“You already have a plan, what should we do?”

“First If you are full, I will find a way to get something over tomorrow. With those things, we will have a way to escape.”

“You are an expert, I listen to you!” On this, Yinsen still chose an authoritative opinion. This is a habit of being a doctor.

On the other side, the bearded man who just showed off one’s military strength is obediently and honestly like a hound at this time, standing with an eagle nose and deep eyes, looking very gloomy In front of the bald man, he carefully reported everything oneself had seen.

After listening to the report of the bearded man, the bald man thought for a while and said.

“He wants to give him everything, but must pay attention to his every move. If there is any problem, remember to use that doctor to threaten him. Compared with the doctor, we need Stark’s power more, knowing Do you?”

“Understood, boss. I know what to do!” The bearded man bowed his body respectfully. The man in front of him is the leader of their terrorist organization, and behind this man is said to be standing behind a more terrifying force.

This is why the beard is so respectful. He is a smart man. Know what kind of thigh to hold to live better. And this person is his choice.

Looking at the bearded man hunched out of the tent, the bald man stared at Tony Stark who was eating in the monitor, revealing an expression of suspicion. He couldn’t guess Stark’s intentions, so he could only try to monitor him. Among the orders given to him above, Stark is very important. Therefore, he must keep an eye on it.

(There is a question in the book review area about why the protagonist knows this, but doesn’t know that. I can only say that I’m sorry I didn’t pick a protagonist who knows everything. He just knows some and some doesn’t. . I’m not going to be foresight and take all the cheap routes. So I want to see the kind of copy that relies on memory, sorry. I can’t meet your needs!)

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