Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1806

“Bobby, Bobby. Hey, Buddy, came back to his senses.”

It seems as if there has been a period of blankness, it is as if some kind of intense After the exercise, it was dull. Bobby was completely awakened by the sudden call in a daze.

And the first thing he woke up, he acted like a big girl who had been violated, and screamed directly at Peter who woke him up.

Speaking of this two hundred jin of fatty range is indeed wide enough, this call is completely called the world tenor level. And because of Peter’s psychological quality, Rao was completely unprepared by him.

Fortunately, this is in the wilderness, there are no outsiders. Otherwise, if there are any other people in the vicinity, maybe they will think what tragedy happened here!

In order to avoid misunderstandings, but also to clean the own ears. Peter quickly grabbed the screaming Bobby, shook his shoulder and yelled at him.

“Calm down, calm down, Buddy. You are fine, you are all well. So don’t yell like that, okay? I’m afraid you will lead others over and misunderstand our relationship!”

“Sorry, sorry…” Sorry habitually, Bobby who came back to his senses immediately defended oneself’s previous situation. “I don’t know what’s going on with oneself, it’s all of a sudden, my mind is blank. By the way, what did you just say?”

This kind of blankness is entirely caused by my own lack of time. . Of course, only Ancient One and Peter knew about this problem, and they would definitely not tell Bobby in front of them. So Bobby can only blame this on own.

Although he doesn’t understand why oneself has such a problem, it is better for oneself to apologize first in this situation. After all, everyone in this room is a big boss, he’s a supernatural player, and he really has no right to ask questions. Rather than being unhappy about this issue, it’s better to leave this yard behind for the time being. So he diverted from the subject very directly and brought the matter back to the original timeline.

And this is exactly what Peter wanted. Originally still thinking about how to fool the Little Fatty in front of him, he saw Bobby behaving so witty, naturally impossible to continue making trouble for oneself. So following his question, he had to speak directly to Bobby.

“I said, I need you to contact Stark and tell him that I want to start a war ahead of time!”

“War?” Suddenly gaped, Bobby’s face immediately appeared An expression of horror and surprise. Although he knew that what oneself accepted was a very dangerous mission, he really did not expect that the danger would come so quickly.

Is there a war? He is not prepared at all! Anxious in his heart, he hoped that this was just a bad joke. But looking at the expression on Peter’s face, he immediately understood the lack of hope in his heart.

It’s over, it’s really going to be on the battlefield. At this moment, he can only sigh in his heart. At the same time, because of his status and duties, he had to reluctantly put out an ugly smile and asked Peter.

“Can you be more specific? Mr. Parker. Regarding the reasons for what you want to do and your plans for the future. I have to understand these before I can further explain to the President. .”

“Just tell Stark that. The hell side is launching an internal war. This is the best opportunity for us to get involved. I don鈥檛 plan to miss this opportunity, so if he doesn鈥檛 want to, then Let him watch us oneself end and fight alone.”

“Internal war? Can you tell me more in detail?”

For Peter’s statement, Bobby Obviously some are not quite sure about it. Because of his ignorance of hell, he simply couldn’t judge the seriousness of the situation. As an intelligence officer, if he can’t even judge the seriousness of the situation, then the responsibility must be counted on him.

This is his first day in office, and he doesn’t want to cause such a big problem in this situation.

In the face of Bobby’s questioning, Peter obviously didn’t mean to explain further. Adhering to the principle of saying more and making less mistakes, he remained silent on this issue. Because if he behaves too diligently, then obviously people will discover something in his stubborn attitude.

To do a play is to do a full set. Now that he has played a role to disdain as beneath contempt against government forces, it is his duty to fail to play. However, for the entire process of development, all sources should be clearly explained, otherwise, the ghost can tell a government to jump into the trap you set it down. So at this time, Ancient One also naturally took over the mission of understanding.

“Let me explain here. After all, I am the one who has the deepest understanding of hell.”

Ancient One’s willingness to endorse is naturally the best situation. . And with her special identity, it is impossible for anyone to question her endorsement. And in this case, Ancient One, who had already prepared the draft in his heart, explained it directly.

“The civil war in hell is like this. According to what we know, the hell force we are facing, the Evil Spirit hell that is now invading the world, is being attacked by another hell force. The two sides have a big quarrel and have reached the point of war, so Mr. Parker said, this is an opportunity!”

“Wait. You said another hell? Why, how many hells are there? “

Information about hell has always been a blind spot that humans cannot identify. Because it is impossible to personally set foot in hell to collect information, humans鈥?cognition of hell can often only be understood through so-called myths. The myth itself has many conjectures and exaggerations. From this point of view, it has lost the most reliable authenticity of information collection.

It is not that the Stark government has not collected information about hell from mythological allusions, but obviously, compared with the situation known by the insider of Ancient One, the information they know is simply not worth mentioning. Therefore, after Ancient One spoke up, Bobby, who was in charge of the intelligence, asked directly.

“Of course, Mr. Wilson. To understand this problem, you must first understand what the concept of hell is all about.”

Since it鈥檚 open This cavity, then Ancient One will naturally not be stingy to do more introductions. She roughly choreographed the own language, and she was already facing Bobby’s popular science.

“To understand hell, you must first understand what kind of existence the so-called hell is. From the perspective of mysterious studies, hell is just a projection in the world, which belongs to the allomorphic plane of Earth. . It鈥檚 like a person has different shadows in different places. Hell, as a transit station that specializes in storing human souls, will have individual differences according to different civilizations.”

“Generally speaking, the hell you speak of often comes from the extension of Christian civilization. It is the understanding of the heterogeneous plane of hell under a specific religious view. Although this understanding is one-sided, it does not mean that it is wrong. In this case, people in Europe and America are indeed going to this hell after Death. However, this does not mean that there is only one hell.”

“In the Middle East, in the Far East Asia, The hell there is completely different from what you think. From a religious perspective, they already belong to another hell. And this does not include the difference in hell itself. You know, except for the soul after accepting human death , Hell is also the existence of local forces.”

“I won’t explain so much to you here. What you need to know now is that the Evil Spirit hell we are facing is indeed at war. And the war with him is one of the local forces of hell, a force called anxious hell. The fallen angel in the bishop allusion is the master of this hell. In other words, Satan is Lucifer himself, and this is this The initiator of the war.”

“This name must be familiar to you. So you should have a certain understanding of the scale of this war.”

Ancient One Although the explanation is not comprehensive, it is enough to explain the current situation. Facing his explanation, Bobby’s expression changed a bit, but his heart also began to complain.

Of course he has heard of the reputation of Satan. After all, he is a person who grew up under the background of Christianity. Of course he is impossible to know about the existence of this Great Demon King. And it is precisely because he knew of such existence that he became more and more worried about the future of own.

I thought it was just using the own life to crack a joke, but now it seems that just a small life is not enough to be a bargaining chip. Isn’t this going to catch the soul? Do you want to play so big?

Although he was burying himself in his heart, he knew that there was no turning back, and he really couldn’t retreat at this time. So he can only brace oneself and continue to ask Ancient One.

“Then the reason? Two hells always need a reason to go to war. They shouldn’t be terrifying things like waging war for no reason.”

“Reason It鈥檚 very simple, Mr. Wilson. You have to be clear about one thing, that is, Evil Spirit Hell has just changed owners. A new master of Hell is certainly not as prestigious as the previous masters. In other words, he has a great deal of hell. The rule is certainly not strong. Under such circumstances, is it not normal for him to be a neighbour with an unpredictable mind? Especially when a large part of his power is still used for invading the world. “

shook the head, and Ancient One’s eyes immediately deepened. She has quietly used some kind of charm spell to come out.

“For Satan, such an opportunity may not be encountered once in thousands of years. It takes thousands of years to wait until such a time. If it is you, don鈥檛 you want to bet on it? Put it?”

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