Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1815

“The Stark government and a guy named Paragon sorcerer have already started planning and preparing for the invasion of hell before me. Their understanding of the power of hell is beyond my comparison. So in a way, they are the most suitable candidates to deal with hell. It’s just…I’m not at ease with them.”

“So I need you to be an unknown third party , To play your due role where you are most needed. If they can’t fight hell, then you must borrow your power to prevent hell from invading. And if they repel hell, then you can only rely on you To ensure that the Stark government cannot control hell in the hands of the owner!” Ultron’s request is not difficult to understand, but it is his request that makes the catastrophe a little strange.

“You said to prevent the invasion of hell, I can understand that. But why do you want me to prevent Stark from mastering the power of hell? I remember the relationship between you and Stark, this relationship seems impossible Be your reason for targeting Stark.”

The words of the catastrophe sound a bit playful, and the reason for this playfulness is entirely due to Ultron’s identity. You know, he is a life created by Stark, just as the relationship between father and son is now full of plot against. Of course, this kind of unconventional thing made him ridiculed.

Ethics is a shackle, and even the most upright reasons are impossible to block the guilt that this shackle brings to people. So righteous extermination will never be something that makes people feel good. Those who can do this are either beasts without blood and tears, or they are ready to be guilty for life.

Although Ultron is not a human being, he has evolved to a very perfection in human emotions. To say that he has no blood or tears, it must be a joke. So naturally, his choice belongs to the latter.

Because of the crime of betrayal, it is not uncommon in the history of mankind to point the sharp edge of own to the person who has the closest relationship with oneself, just because of the difference in ideals and positions. And only for this reason, these people can find reasons for own choice and persistence.

Ultron is like this, so his tone will be full of heavy and strong.

“I understand what my request means, and I also know that this is a betrayal of Mr. Stark. But for the sake of all mankind, I have no choice.”

“Mr. Stark is a good person, but his ideals and persistence may become a threat to all mankind. Past history has proven that the American government is harming this World if it is not because it itself is the entire mankind It can definitely be regarded as the greatest threat to mankind as a whole.”

“The development of times and destiny has brought America into a trough, and similarly, it has reduced its threat to the world. In a tolerable category. This is a good thing, but if the Stark government grasps the power of hell and starts to plan the rise of America, then there is no doubt that it will once again become the entire human world The cancer in the world.”

“There are already many threats in this World. I can’t tolerate such a huge threat being born in front of one’s eyes. Therefore, I must stop him. Even if it means I must do the same for betrayal. Mr. Reinhardt, I know that my request may make you feel embarrassed. But, for the sake of all mankind, please agree to my request.”

“Of course. As long as you can pass the hurdle in oneself’s heart, I naturally have no reason to refuse your request.”

Waved his hand, Havoc accepted Ultron very openly. This statement of, as a heterogeneous body, he himself is a bit uncomfortable with the traitor Stark. Now being able to put him together in secret, it was exactly what he wanted.

Get the promise of the catastrophe. Naturally, Ultron would not continue to entangle himself. He explained that after oneself would send intelligence at a critical time, he was already separated from the current mechanical lifeform. And shortly after he left, the mechanical lifeform had already recovered to the original state of oneself, and sent such a message to the catastrophe.

“Dr. Reinhardt, Ms. Romanoff would like to contact you for something. She hopes that you can reply to her as soon as possible after the operation.”

These are based on Ultron’s own development Because of the coexistence of the intelligent lifeform, the information transmission is completely synchronized. And this is placed in front of Natasha and the catastrophe, which is equivalent to the role of the humanoid self-propelled phone. In the past, they used these guys to communicate with each other while working.

However, the previous contact was due to some personal trivial matters, and today, with the appearance of Ultron before as a foreshadowing, Havoc does not think that Natasha is looking for oneself to discuss things like what to eat at night.

So at the moment he was nodded, and then he said to the intelligent machine acting as a nurse.

“I see. Watson, please clean up the operating room. Also, please tell Dr. Strange. I just said that I have something to do in the past two days. If there is any If any operation needs to be performed, please trouble him to take charge.”

“Don’t worry, Dr. Reinhart, I will relay your request to Dr. Strange.”


The intelligent machine called Watson certainly knew that Havoc accepted Ultron’s request, so naturally, he would also provide all conveniences for Havoc’s actions.

There are many things in the hospital, but with the existence of these intelligent mechanical life, most of these complicated things can be handled in an orderly manner. Coupled with the presence of a highly skilled doctor like Strange, the catastrophe quickly completed the handover of oneself.

Leaving the hospital, he did not go to other places at all, but went straight back to his home with Natasha in Los Angeles. Not surprisingly, Natasha at this moment had already finished working in the company oneself, and sat peacefully at home waiting for his return.

Natasha, who is still working hard at this time, will come back so early, certainly not because he wants to be greedy for the tenderness of the picture, and when he thinks of Ultron’s requirements before, Havoc quickly guessed Natasha’s intention. It’s nothing more than worrying about Ultron’s behavior that’s all.

until now, although they maintain a cooperative relationship with Ultron, Natasha itself has many doubts about this collaborator.

This aspect is because of her past identity. As a former avenger, an elite specializing in espionage. It is really difficult for her to have too much trust in a smart lifeform. The so-called non-self races must have different hearts, and the two countries that are humans can use countless secret tricks with each other because of differences in race, culture and even interests. Such a special intelligent life will naturally be no exception. .

What to say for the future of mankind, this is a funny thing to her. Even human beings don’t care much about own future. It’s a human creation. Where can I think about such issues with leisure? In the end, she still identified Ultron’s unpredictable image in her heart. So naturally, she is unwilling to be used as a tool by Ultron.

This is her consideration in this respect, and on the other hand, it is completely out of the worries about the identity of the catastrophe.

The identity of Havoc, probably only she knows in this world. And it is precisely because she knows his identity that she has always worried about his identity being exposed.

Ultron may be fine, but Stark, who has a deep relationship with him, is a threat that cannot be underestimated. Stark and Zhou Yi have known each other for more than ten years. As the best friend ever, he has a high chance of recognizing the true identity of Havoc. And once the identity of Havoc leaked from him, then what followed was something she couldn’t imagine.

The opposite of the king and the king, it caused the disaster of no more fire star hitting Earth. And such a disaster is something she can’t tolerate, who is used to her small life now. So naturally, she would get nervous about this particular thing.

“What did Ultron do when he came to you? What is he going to use as a tool?”

“Don’t worry, my dear. He just needs to borrow My strength is to deal with some things that he can’t handle.”

Of course, Havoc knows what Natasha has been worrying about, so he immediately began to persuade her to relax her mind.

The relationship between him and Natasha has long since reached the point where there is no need to hide any secrets, so soon, he repeated Ultron’s request to Natasha.

After listening to the retelling of the catastrophe, Natasha frowned quickly.

The matter of the gate of hell may be a secret to ordinary people, but it is just normal news for someone like her who has a special channel. When at first, she didn’t take this kind of thing seriously. Because he is not in his position and does not seek his own government, the sky will naturally have a high support. She just needs to live her own life with peace of mind.

But now, the catastrophe has been involved, and she just wants to ignore things that are fundamentally impossible. The thinking logic of the super agent went online instantly, and after she carefully thought about the entire process of development, she quickly put forward such a hypothesis about the catastrophe.

“Do you think this might be a trick that Stark wrote and directed. I think the relationship between Ultron and him is not so easy to understand.”

Natasha would say so, naturally it is groundless, there must be a reason for everything. She just remembered the conversation she had with Maria Hill before. The change of Stark, Ultron’s identity, all of this reminded her of certain conspiracy theories. And she, who has always tried to figure out the intentions of others with the greatest malice, is naturally a firm supporter of this conspiracy theory.

She doesn’t believe these guys. In fact, except for a few people, she didn’t believe it.

In the face of his suspicious mentality, Haojiao smiled slightly, then put his arms around her shoulders and said to her confidently.

“Don’t worry, my dear. I’m here!”

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