Sun God Marvel

Chapter 183

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Another day has passed. When the terrorists who were responsible for monitoring Tony and them again inspected Tony and their situation, they Surprised to find that their main target of surveillance is already not in their sight.

A screen-like thing blocks in front of all the camera equipment, so that these terrorists can only see the busy Silver Forest, but they can’t see the most important character, Tony Stark. .

The terrorists immediately exploded, and the leader repeatedly reminded Tony to pay close attention to not in sight. This made these terrorists immediately feel that something was wrong.

So these guys acted immediately. One person ran out and reported the situation to their leader, while the rest was holding a gun and rushing toward the cave.

The big iron gate of the cave was sealed from the inside at this time, and a simple bomb was hit on the gate. The fuze is wrapped around the handle of the door. As long as someone opens the door forcibly, the gas cylinder filled with methane will explode immediately. And this is Tony’s last defense.

At this time, Tony had begun to wear the Iron Man Armor they made with the assistance of Yinsen. The internal driving device is modified from the internal mechanism of the missile, and the shell is directly assembled and welded with the shell of the missile. Because he couldn’t get a more suitable internal protection, Tony could only choose to wear welding protective clothing inside to protect oneself.

This makes him look like an ugly big toy. But you have to admit it. This is a very powerful big toy, because his maker is Tony Stark. The best weapon developer in this world. The weapon he designed is destined to create a legend.

“Help me install the armor on my chest. The screws don’t need to be screwed down, as long as it is strong enough.”

Tony ordered Yinsen to buckle oneself’s wrist Belt. That is his weapon system, two flamethrowers modified from welding tools.

“also, after tightening the screws, download the program. It’s on the laptop over there. You just need to press the start button.”

Yinsen just now When I touched the computer, a shout came from the door. He pressed the start button in a panic, looked at the progress bar and asked.

“The progress bar has started. Damn, they have found us, what should we do?”

“Don’t worry, take your time.” Tony comforted Yinsen , He knew that he couldn’t panic a little at this time, he had to deal with it calmly. “According to what I said, don’t worry about him when the progress bar is activated. Come here to help me fix the armor on my shoulders.”

Yinsen continued to act according to his instructions, but this time . The terrorists had come outside the gate and knocked on the door to make them answer their call.

“Say something, tell them something. Hold them!” It was a matter of life and death, and Tony became nervous. However, he remained sane and thought of letting Yinsen use words to temporarily pacify the group of terrorists.

But he found that Yinsen’s face was actually crying.

“Damn it, I don’t know what they’re talking about?”

“What, don’t you speak many languages?” Tony also froze, he didn’t think of silver. Sen unexpectedly dropped the chain at this critical time.

“They speak the language of a small tribe, and outsiders don’t understand it at all!”

“Then just say something, as long as you can hold them down. Talk quickly. !”

Yinsen hurriedly yelled in Arabic, but it didn’t seem to be useful. The shouts of those outside have become more and more urgent. And just when Yinsen wanted to switch to another language to see if it worked. A violent explosion suddenly came from the direction of the gate.

That is the result of the terrorists who can’t wait to break in. Tony’s weapons are very useful. In just an instant, a violent explosion was triggered. The raging fire engulfed the bodies of these guys and led them into the abyss of Death.

“How is the effect?” Tony couldn’t help asking when he heard the explosion. He is now fixed to this Iron Man Armor, and before the Iron Man Armor is activated, he can move even a little bit. So he can only use Yinsen to understand how the situation is going.

“It worked well, they were all dead.” Yinsen swallowed. It’s not the first time he saw a dead person. But it was the first time I saw someone die because of oneself. He originally thought that oneself should be afraid, but he didn’t feel that way. Instead, there is a kind of comfort. A kind of comfort that the grievances can be repaid.

In fact, there is one thing that Yinsen has never told Tony. Before he was taken into captivity here, he saw the owner’s family die at the hands of these terrorists. So when he saw these terrorists dangling in front of oneself, his heart felt like fire. That is the pain and suffering that cannot be avenged.

And that’s why he will help Tony at all costs. He was incapable of killing people before, so he could only get oneself to get spiritual salvation by trying to destroy the plans of these terrorists. He helped Tony just because he didn’t want this terrorist to get what they wanted.

Now, he has other ideas.

“I knew there was nothing wrong with my things, Yinsen. Just wait a little longer and we can kill them.” Tony nodded, boasted. He was just about to appease his own partner, only to find that Yinsen had walked out silently.

“Yinsen, what are you going to do?” Tony immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, Yinsen had touched the side of the corpse just now, supported by the blessing made by Stark. Although the explosion just now was very violent, it did not cause too much damage to the guns. Yinsen picked up two guns from the corpse. Said to Tony.

“Buddy, I just looked at it, the progress bar is only halfway through. The explosion will lead those people over, and there is not enough time for you to activate this Iron Man Armor. So I decided to buy you some time .”

“Yinsen, don’t do this. You heard it, you’re crazy to do it. Wait a second, we’ll be fine soon.”

Tony Yelled in a panic. Although he knew that Yinsen was protected by nano protective clothing, he had seen the weapons outside, and many of them were no longer able to stop with such a thin layer of protective clothing.

“Don’t worry about me, I am invulnerable now.” Yinsen pretended to laugh boldly. “I’ve always dreamed of being a terminator, and now I can finally achieve it.”

As he said, he pulled the trigger and fired bullets indiscriminately while rushing out of the cave. .

Tony shouted desperately, but couldn’t stop Yinsen who was determined. He could only look towards the laptop in the distance anxiously, hoping that the progress bar there could rise faster. At this moment he realized that time flies so hard.

Yinsen ran wild all the way, the two submachine guns in his hand looked like two large torches, and the flames never stopped along the way. Fortunately, he picked up a few magazines cleverly, otherwise he would be out of ammunition and food for these two submachine guns if he could not see the terrorists.

It is precisely because of his fierce firepower that makes the group of terrorists rushing in trembling in fear. It doesn’t matter that they are doing terrorist work, but there are really few people who can be so fierce that they don’t even want to go up and pinch Yinsen. So the moment they saw Yinsen, several people didn’t even fire a few symbolic shots, and ran away.

They are not stupid, Yinsen’s appearance is obviously not dead, just want to kill a desperado mentality who is enough to kill two and earn one. Whoever went up at this time was obviously disgusted with living unhappy.

So a very embarrassing scene appeared. A doctor without the power to hold a chicken was holding two guns. He couldn’t even control his head and shot indiscriminately, but chased seven or eight elite-level people. The terrorists ran around the caves, and they seemed to have also driven them out of the cave.

Of course, it’s just what it looks like. This group of terrorists is also capable of directly attacking the US military. The basic tactical skills are still there.

So when Yinsen was too cool and roared out of the cave with two guns, he found that a group of people were already squatting on the good spear at the door and aimed at him. No order was even needed. The moment Yinsen rushed out, these people started the fire frantically.

Bullets shot at Yinsen like a torrential rain, making him tremble like a banana leaf beaten by wind and rain. At this moment, he really thought that oneself was going to die. But after waiting for a long time, he realized that oneself didn’t feel at all.

The dense electric ions protect even his body, which is the appearance of the Nanominium covering his body. And under the protection of this layer of Nanominium, Yinsen didn’t even feel hurt, not to mention injury.

At this moment, he finally realized the feeling of the Terminator smiling proudly on the battlefield. The feeling that made you shoot a good shot can only be described in one cool word.

Looking at the stunned terrorists who had been frightened by oneself, who didn’t even know that their magazines were empty, Yinsen showed a grinning grin on his face. The opportunity for revenge has arrived.

He lowered the sound of the gun, and the fire-breathing muzzle made the bullet penetrate the terrorists’ bodies like a chain threw away. A rain of blood flew, and in an instant there were more than a dozen corpses on the ground. And this is just the beginning of revenge for Yinsen. He has to do more, and only if he continues to rush, can he be worthy of his relatives in heaven.

Thinking of this, he picked up two more guns and rushed towards the crowded place.

A desperate person may be able to cause a temporary disturbance, but it is impossible to cause too much impact on this group of terrorists. But a guy who is desperate, invulnerable, and undying is not causing riots, but real chaos.

Yin Sen fired when he saw people, and when he saw the piles of arms, he would not shoot him to explode without stopping the fire. Relying on oneself, an invulnerable Nanominium, he behaves more boldly than Dragon’s Might at this moment. It didn’t take long for him to end up a third of a huge terrorist base. This is unexpected.

The bald leader didn’t expect that when he saw Yinsen’s if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas look like this, he knew that oneself was given by Tony Stark again tricked. Fiercely stared fiercely at the big man’s beard, he gritted his teeth and gave the order.

“Set up the anti-aircraft gun and kill him. Hurry up!”

At this time, he no longer cares about nano protective clothing. A valley of munitions is here. These are all his wealth, a protective suit is far less important than such a foundation in his heart, so how to choose it is very clear.

Yinsen was still frantically destroying everything oneself saw. He did not expect a pass in the valley in the distance. A cannon used to counter US military aircraft had lowered his body and aimed Up him.

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