Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1857


Hesitatingly called out such a name, Xiao Shanen immediately hurriedly defended oneself.

“I know I should call you grandfather. But…but I also know that people don’t want me to call you that way. Mother never said anything about you, even grandma said, You are already dead. Although I don’t understand why they did this, I can guess what you must have done wrong. Therefore, I think it is more appropriate for me to call you Teacher before I get their consent. “

Although he is young, Xiao Shanen is not so easy to be bought and fooled. What he said was methodical and well-founded. Even a wily old fox like Smith Zhou could not come up with any rebuttal.

It is true that deceiving a child with rhetoric is a very easy thing for him. But doing this not at all has any practical meaning, and it may even cause the collapse of their difficult relationship. He would not do such a stupid thing.

So after two awkward coughs, he could only compromise and say this to Xiao Shanen.

“Your idea is correct. I did something wrong, and I am trying to make up for the wrong things I did. Believe me, it’s just a matter of time. So you are very I’m going to be able to call me another name soon, that’s for sure.”

“But not now, right?”

Smith Zhou’s clever answer was made by Little Shane haha laughed, he touched this Little Brat’s head, and while regretting in his heart, he also loved this Little Brat more and more.

Sean is his eldest grandson. In theory, he should treat this Little Brat like his father as a oneself heir. However, on the issue of birth, this Little Brat has inherent flaws.

His father is Zhou Yi. Yes, this is the source of his strength. But at the other end, his mother was just an ordinary mortal. And this also led to the potential bottleneck of Xiao Shanen.

On the issue of oneself heirs, Smith Zhou does not allow a little flaw to exist. So playing at first, Zhou Shang’s identity and status in his heart is already destined.

He is just one of his grandsons and does not involve any other issues. After knowing that Zhou Yi and the woman named Jean Grey will have a second boy born, he became more and more sure of this.

Without this conflict of interests and ideas, the relationship between him and Shan En became purer. It can be said that he is enjoying this time with Xiao Shanen. Enjoy this rare family happiness. Because he knows very well that after Zhou Yi’s exile period is over, if oneself wants to renew this family relationship, it is already impossible.

Tonight is too short, which is naturally worthy of his cherishment. So now, he also let go of the cares that oneself shouldn’t have, and began to interact with the eldest grandson of own.

As a Teacher, he teaches his own grandson some rare and precious knowledge. This is the way he chooses to interact. What I have to say is that what he teaches, even for a child, is full of almost fatal attraction.

Magic, Magical Powers. This knowledge, which can be called a mystery in any era, is now like a fruit on a roadside stand, let Xiao Shanen choose. As long as he is not stupid, he knows what choice to make. And Zhou Shang, who has such good genes, is obviously impossible to be a fool. He showed extraordinary ingenuity when he was young, and he naturally made the choice that was most beneficial to oneself. And this also made him, while making this decision, he also accepted Smith Zhou’s current identity.

His Teacher, his closest person.

Smith. Zhou, who dare not let Shane reveal the existence of oneself, made such an agreement with Shane. That is, if he wants to learn the magical knowledge from oneself, then he must not let others, especially his family members, know the existence of own.

This is to prevent someone from undermining the relationship between their grandparents and grandchildren. Such a common secret has further brought the relationship between the two of them closer. Little children don’t care about the nastyness between adults, they can feel who is really good to them, and they often return those people with the same kindness.

This is why they have such a meeting, and this meeting is obviously not the first time it happened.

until now, young Shanen is secretly learning what Smith Zhou taught him. As a superhuman, his aptitude surprised Smith Zhou. Not to mention that he has only seen it in his life, but it can also be regarded as one of the very best talent.

This is why he promised Xiao Shanen to teach the spell he wanted to learn. He is not the kind of teacher who leads people astray. Before the students have a solid foundation, he is allowed to climb up on a ladder without authorization. He would decide this way, naturally because the foundation of Xiao Shan En was already solid enough. And this can actually be regarded as his reward to the grandson of oneself, and his outstanding performance for such a long time.

Little Brat has made a choice. What he wants to learn is the seven Twelve Transformations like Sun Wukong in Journey to the West. This is not a problem for Smith Zhou. Although he did not at all communicate with Bodhi Old Ancestor, after all, it exists in a system, and he has more or less understanding of such spells.

36 Like Tiangang changes, seventy two changes like evil. This is the collective name of Sun Wukong’s ability. At the beginning, Bodhi Old Ancestor gave the monkey two choices, and the monkey was greedy for more than one before choosing the latter. This does not mean that the latter must be better than the former.

The two are actually not the same, and even play a complementary role. It’s just that the monkey didn’t dare to make a mistake and made a request to learn both. This is just a 72 Changes. And this actually means that he has lost a rare opportunity.

Smith. Zhou taught his own grandson, but he doesn’t know how to play this set of chance. He wants to teach, naturally he has to hand in a complete set. However, whether it’s the 36 Heavenly Stars change, but the 72 Earthly Fiend change, it’s actually just a kind of rhetoric for spells, just like the tricks in the wuxia novel, and it’s obviously impossible to have tricks empty.

Only the Nine Yin White Bone claws, and the Nine Yin Daoist Scripture, which is simply not a level of contrast. Without mana as a foundation, no matter how many spells are in the middle of the moon, illusory stuff that’s all.

This point can take monkeys as an example. Many people think that monkeys can be seven Twelve Transformations and a somersault cloud. They don’t know that these can only be regarded as self-protection techniques. His true ability is simply not on it. .

The monkey has learned more than 20 years of art in Xianyue Sanxingdong, but he has not only learned these skills. His true ability is still the magical way of longevity that Bodhi Sect Founder taught him, that is, the secret secret and true secret that the Sect Founder teaches him.

This is the way of longevity that integrates the three schools, and it is also the Supreme method of practice. With this as a foundation, the monkey’s styles can show formidable power and magical powers. In the same way, Xiao Shangen had to learn 72 Changes this method of change, and he had to have the magic power to give him the bottom line.

This is a problem, but it is not difficult to solve. Because in essence, the young Shanen is different from the ordinary person.

His father is a God, which is the most critical factor. Even if it is because of his mother, his bloodline is not so pure. But at the very least, the divinity inherited from God is already hidden in his body.

Divine force urged by divine nature is itself the best magic driver. Compared with divine force, those mana and so on are redundant. This means that as long as Xiao Shanen is given a method that can inspire oneself’s divinity, he can learn those magical spells as he wishes. And what kind of method can play such a role? Smith Zhou thought for a while, and he had already made up his mind.

“Close your eyes, child. Feel all this well, feel all this I have taught you.”

Press the top of the head of Young Shane, Smith Zhou Directly with the method of empowerment, oneself was taught to him the experience of oneself as a god.

Be aware that his several reincarnations in Ancient Era are not an ordinary person. In addition to the deity of Chi Songzi, who was named a rain master, he was famous for helping King Yu surrender to many Demons in the era of King Yu.

Let’s not talk about what method he used to turn oneself into a celestial general under the Celestial Emperor. The experience of using divine force and divinity that he has accumulated as a heavenly general cannot be measured by general concepts.

What is the concept of Ancient Era’s heaven? Perhaps in terms of status, it is not as respected as the Sifang God who is in charge of the four-time operation of Heaven and Earth, but when it comes to personal battle strength, it is definitely the existence of Peak in Heaven Realm at that time. This is like the difference between Erlang Shen and the big Little Fairy in Celestial Court. Don’t look at them all in power, they are much better than Erlang Shen, who has only one grass team. If it were pulled out one-on-one, even if it was to tie Erlang Shen’s hands, few people would be his opponent.

It can be said that for the development of divine power, there is no better method than this. And after being instilled with such experience, the power that Xiao Shanen himself possesses will inevitably get an unprecedented progress.

Of course, this impossible thing is accomplished overnight. Even with such experience, Xiao Shanen is also impossible to completely turn it into his own in one step. After all, this belonged to the experience of the celestial general Geng Chen, not his. To turn this into a completely own thing, it will take time.

But anyway, the most complicated process has been skipped. This at least reduced Xiao Shangen’s ten years of hard work, and the rest, naturally, was the process of teaching Transformation Technique by precept and example.

This is not difficult, there is no reason that a monkey will learn, and Shane will be stuck here. His foundation is much better than that of monkeys, and he is also such a great Teacher, so everything is smooth as where water flows, a canal is formed.

In just a few days, he has roughly mastered some of the tricks. And according to the child’s usual nature, he naturally mastered this trick immediately and impatiently showed his own results.

Size as one wants. This is a variation of 36 Heavenly Stars, which is exactly the same as the Danshan of 72 Changes. Talk about the method of changing the size.

Learning this, Xiao Shanen is like getting a new toy. After a while, oneself will become seven-eight zhang, able to straddle a stream with one foot and pull a tree with one hand. After a while, he turned oneself into dust mustard again, riding a Bee Flying Insect, and wandering all over the valley.

This is the child’s playful nature. Smith Zhou saw it and didn’t stop it like that kind of old scholasticism. He just let little Shanen play casually, and only after he had enough of it did he use a capture spell to get him back. And it was only at this time that he taught Xiao Shan En earnestly.

“Your spells are already a beginner. The rest depends on the growth rate of your divine force and your own proficiency with this spell. Diligent study and hard practice are good for any one It’s an indispensable thing for a talented person. It’s not that you have the talent to squander it at will. The people who are really successful in this World are often those who have talent and have not wasted it. . I hope you won’t waste your talent, do you understand what I mean?”

No Teacher would hope that oneself’s talented students will lose everything oneself has because of laziness . Smith Zhou is no exception, so his this remark can definitely be regarded as earnest. Faced with his indoctrination, Xiao Shangen nodded his head very sensibly.

“I understand, Teacher. I will work hard.”

“Very well.” Touched Little Brat’s head and encouraged him. Smith Zhou continued. “Then the same as before, you will study hard this period of time. After a month, I will come here to teach you something new. Remember what you promised me. Don’t teach you anything until you get my consent. Talk about things, especially to your mother and grandma. Okay?”

“No problem. You know, you can trust me!”

Almost Patting the owner’s chest to ensure that Xiao Shanen is completely solemnly vowed. And looking at his appearance, Smith Zhou smiled slightly, like a chill dissolving in the sun, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This is not the first time that he suddenly disappeared like this. Faced with such a situation, Xiao Shangen first shook his hand to make a farewell gesture, and then sighed abruptly, sitting down on the edge of the stream in distress.

Compared with learning these magical spells from the Teacher, he actually cares more about the feeling of having someone playing with him.

It’s not like being at home. Two elder sisters who are about to reach adulthood simply don’t have the idea of ​​playing games with his brat. His mothers are always in a hurry and look worried all day long, and they can’t lift the energy to play with him. The old-fashioned grandma is always a cautious servant. He didn’t even have a close friend, except for Smith Zhou, he couldn’t find any extra fun at all.

Seriously, he missed the time when his oneself father was still alive, because the feeling at home was simply not like that at that time. With a smart talent, coupled with a young child’s sensitive nature, he can always feel the problem with this kind of change at home. However, his little head couldn’t understand why his father hadn’t come back for so long.

He really misses Zhou Yi. This kind of miss is like the fire like of the stars, which directly turned into a prairie fire in his heart. And he didn’t know what kind of whimsical thought it was. Suddenly, a magical idea came out of his heart, and in a flash, it was already out of control.

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