Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1859

Up to now, Medusa has more or less guessed some clues of the so-called adventure of Xiao Shanen. He probably wanted to find some fun in the process of digging the secrets of oneself father. One thing is similar to the performance of many ordinary children.

I believe that many people have moved the bookcases at home when they were young and searched for the place where oneself father hides private money. This is not theft, this is just an adventure to find a secret. Even if the end result of this behavior is often that you can’t help the temptation, you steal some money to fill your own appetite, and you end up being beaten up. But when I think about it later, this will often become a thing full of fun and memories.

Medusa doesn’t want to discourage the innocence that Shane has germinated. She knows very well that with the rapid growth of Xiao Shangen’s mind and body, this kind of innocence will soon be completely eliminated. The current situation may be one of his few precious childhood memories. Oneself really has no reason to be a villain here.

However, the facts are not always offset by who’s thinking. A very key factor, the gate blocking the underground base, this would be a great moat that Xiao Shanen could hardly cross.

The steel gate that requires hundreds of tons of force to open is almost an invincible opponent for Little Brat, who has not yet matured. And because of this, Medusa would say such words to him.

However, despite what she said, Little Brat didn’t intend to believe her. In this adventure carefully arranged by oneself, he is full of self-confidence.

“That’s not necessarily, you have to have confidence in me. Okay, Medusa, show me the way. Let me see, what exactly did Father use to protect his secret base. “

“Okay, Young Lord. Please go to the left…”

Little Brat’s enthusiasm is hard to dissipate, and Medusa can only follow his meaning and let He kept playing like this. Under her guidance, Xiao Shanen soon came to the door made of steel, and looked at the door that was too large for him in terms of height, width and thickness. Little Brat’s face also showed a dumb expression at the right time.

“It’s hell, why did father make the door so big? Is this all metal?”

“Yes, all metal construction. Because I was a breakthrough once , Mr. used nano-repair technology when rebuilding this door. This means that unless it is pushed open by pure physical force, or some kind of violence is used to break it at once, it will be difficult to use any other means. Open this door.”

“It has been strengthened. Because of its quality and the following hydraulic mechanical arms, you need to provide more than 300 tons of thrust at a time to open it normally. . Judging by your current developmental status, Young Lord, you don’t have such power yet. So, is it time to end?”

“No, of course not. I want to try it first. “

Medusa was not optimistic about the attitude, but strengthened the really strong mentality in Xiao Shangen’s heart. He put down the backpack on oneself’s back unbelief, and then stood in front of the gate and began to try to send Strengthen.

Now he can burst out nearly 100 tons of pure physical strength by relying on his own strength. This is very powerful, unquestionably powerful. Even if it is placed in the talent group of Mutant, this kind of power is the power that only a small group of people in the cream of the crop can have.

But this kind of power is not enough to be seen in front of this door, even if Little Brat used the force of milking, even his face turned red, he just barely let this door There was a little trembling. The distance pushes it away, which is also a long way to go.

Little Shane Oneself is also aware of this, so he also feels a little embarrassed in his heart. Oneself was so solemnly vowed before, but the result was such a result, which of course made him feel that oneself lost face in front of Medusa.

But he is not going to give up yet, because he knows that this is far from the limit of own. If he could only do this before mastering the spells, then after mastering the Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend changes, he could do much more than that.

36 has changed into moving mountains and filling seas, with mountains super sea. 72 Changes There is a mountain of responsibility and great strength. these all are methods of increasing strength. Xiao Shangen didn’t say that he was all proficient, but he knew one or two of them. And just under this special spell buff, Little Brat tried again.

The sound of squeaking began to come from behind the gate. It was the sound of the hydraulic arms under the pressure of external force. Being able to do this step obviously means that the thrust of Little Brat has surpassed the weight of the gate itself, and it starts to have an effect on the hydraulic arm behind it.

This kind of power is obviously more than twice as powerful as Little Brat’s physical strength, and Medusa has extremely powerful computing power, and she doesn’t even think about where this Little Brat comes from. This ability.

This is a force that has exceeded his limit, and it is so easy to surpass the limit. So don’t think about it, Medusa has already recorded this doubt.

Her actions did not affect Little Brat’s performance. Under the spell’s buff, he finally pushed the steel gate through a gap with difficulty. The gap is not big, but it is enough for his petite figure. Just like a flexible cat, he got in the moment before the door closed. After getting in, he immediately proudly showed off to Medusa.

“Look, I’m right. If you always try it, just try it, and you know these are simply not a problem for the powerful Zhou Shang.”

At this moment Little Brat is like a peacock with an open screen, full of ostentation. In the face of his performance, Medusa can only give such a rhetoric like Mother.

“Yes, yes. You did a great job and exceeded my expectations. Then, what are you going to do? Don’t tell me your plan has come to an abrupt end here. “

“Of course not, in fact, my plan has just begun here.”

After saying this with confidence, Little Brat began to look at it. Everything in this secret base. Without power support, the entire base is dark. Although he can see clearly, he doesn’t want to work in such a dark environment. So at the moment, he asked Medusa.

“Can the lights be turned on? This environment is really terrible.”

“Sorry, the power system is purely manual switch to prevent external intrusion. If you want If you want me to take over the operation of this base, you need to open the power system and network ports to me first.”

“Is it here? Let me see… “Following Medusa’s instructions, Little Brat successfully turned on the power system and network ports. After that, he immediately heard the report from Medusa.

“The power system is taking over, the system restarts the countdown time, thirty, twenty-nine…”

Half a minute passed in the blink of an eye. And as the lights came on, the various equipment in the base also made a sound of running. Xiao Shanen immediately screamed and began to utter tsk tsk’s praise.

“Let me just say, this is what an underground base should look like. Look at the underground base in our house, there is no such special atmosphere at all, it’s really low.”

Precision machinery, weapon equipment, also various equipment exhibition cabinets. These things are not so much necessities as exhibitions. This is what Zhou Yi could place when he was a Superhero. But if you really want to say it, the underground Hive here and the Huiyao City Mansion does not have any comparability.

The underground Hive in Huiyao City can be said to be a complete development of the entire city’s underground space while retaining a limited number of entrances. It is not so much a secret base as it is a magnificent Underground City.

In addition to the preservation and reconstruction of the underground part of the original mansion, Mutant’s power was used to transform the width and depth of the entire Hive unprecedentedly.

If Huiyao City is a city under the sun and is the most suitable city for human living, then the underground of Huiyao City, this huge Hive, is a paradise for all aliens and dark creatures. The Underground World, which Lilith sits in and is supervised by strength and law, ensures everyone minds their own business between the supernatural creatures and the alien and human society. Of course, such a significant and large-scale existence is a bit too boring for a villain like Shane.

After getting used to the existence of supernatural creatures such as Vampire, werewolves, and mummies, Little Brat’s freshness in this Underground City is almost consumed. And to be honest, in his opinion, this Underground City is probably not as interesting as the bright and beautiful Huiyao City above. At the very least, few people in Huiyao City knew who he was. He can play around at will like an ordinary child. In Underground World, this situation is different.

Those supernatural creatures rarely know the existence of their queen. And knowing the existence of Lilith, then they will naturally understand the little Shane who Lilith often takes with him. These guys habitually call Little Sean His Highness the Prince, because in their eyes, Little Sean’s status is almost exactly similar to that of Supreme’s Red Sea Queen. But in the eyes of oneself, this is too boring.

Oneself As soon as one walks in Underground City, a large group of people will come over and ask for warmth and make a flattering posture. This situation is a bit too unacceptable for him.

Although he is young, he still doesn’t know who is true to him and who is false to him. This kind of innate talent makes him always feel deceived when facing those dark creatures. With this premise, he is unlikely to get better with the senses there.

This is what Little Brat thinks, and Medusa has no other opinion in the face of his view. Individuals have their own personal opinions. She is just an artificial intelligence, and she hasn’t had obsessive-compulsive disorder to the point where she needs to reverse the opinions of others. This is not something she should do, nor is it something she needs to care about. At the moment, there is only one thing she has to do, and that is to cooperate with Xiao Shanen to play his game.

“What do you plan to do next, Young Lord. Do you need me to show you the functions in this base?”

“No, I probably recognize them. These seem to be There are also, and not as complete as Susan Aunt’s. There is only one thing I want to know, Medusa. My father’s collection, his black battle clothes, are there too?”

“Yes, Young Lord. Mr. left his first battle clothes here as a souvenir. Do you need me to show it to you?”

“Of course, I am here for this “

The enthusiastic little Shane almost made such a request as impatient, and in the face of this non-extraordinary request, Medusa naturally let him get what he wanted without hesitation. .

Under her operation, the transparent display cabinet stretched out from under the surface of the steel structure. The dark Dawn Knight armor was displayed in front of Young Shanen. As Medusa said, this is the original version. It is necessary to fill Nanominium with the equipment of each joint to complete the overall dressing of this armor. And if judging by the lightness standard, compared with the later generations of armor, it is obviously somewhat unqualified.

However, Xiao Shangen doesn’t care about these, he wants only one of them. Although there are these things in the underground base of the family, it is obviously not easy to get rid of them in front of one’s eyes of those elders. Otherwise, he would not put his idea on this place.

It can be said that he wasted so much effort in order to get such a cool armor. And when this armor was placed in front of him like this, he naturally asked Medusa as an impatient.

“Medusa, help me, help me put it on. I am already an impatient and want to see how I wear it?”

“??? ?”

Even though I was mentally prepared for Little Brat’s whimsy, Medusa still felt a completely unprepared feeling when he made such a request.

Heaven knows how he gave birth to such an idea. You know, this armor is tailor-made for his father. And his father himself has a net height of 190 cm, but what about he himself? He just passed the age of four, and now he is only one meter.

Except that the helmet can be swayed on his head, she can hardly think of where this armor also can be worn by this Little Brat. And facing such an almost delusional thought, she could only remind Little Brat in a weird tone.

“Of course you can if you want to wear it, but my advice is, it’s better to wait until you grow up. Your current figure, I’m afraid it’s really not suitable for wearing this armor. Of course. , If you need it, can I use the equipment and materials here to tailor a special one for you?”

“It won’t be so troublesome, I have my way!”

Waved his hand confidently, Little Brat had already cast a spell on oneself. In this regard, he was clearly prepared!

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