Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1867

Great White Shark’s explanation is reasonable. It is absolutely blameless to make such preparations in order to guard against the unexpected.

For Xiao Shanen, since he has made such a concession for the safety of these people, it is not impossible to take a step back and make another compromise.

However, even though Medusa has made such a suggestion to Xiao Shanen and asked him to accept this request from Great White Shark, Xiao Shanen, who has had enough of this feeling of aggrievedness, is not at all. Obey her on this issue.

As a child in essence, he has a child’s natural willfulness. At this time, this willfulness has already exploded, and it drove him to make this decision.

“No, I don’t plan to let him go again. Once there was a second time, and now he can ask two people to be his hostages, so next time he can kidnap more people. I can’t keep watching him proud and mad under my nose, but I always look like this helpless. I must make him pay for his own behavior now.”

” I remind you, Young Lord. You have to understand what the own decision means. Your impulse is probably to make everyone present to pay for their lives.”

Medusa does not want to see It’s up to Xiao Shanen to do any impulsive stupid things, but after all, it is up to Xiao Shanen to make decisions by himself. She can only make suggestions at best, and whether Xiao Shangen would like to listen to this suggestion is his own problem.

This time, Xiao Shanen is obviously unwilling to listen to her high-sounding truths. So when Medusa reminded him, he refuted it almost immediately.

“I know what I am doing, Medusa. All I can say is, I try to prevent such things from happening. Use my fastest speed!”

“You plan to How to do it?”

Seeing that Little Brat had an idea in his mind, Medusa hurriedly asked him. She didn’t want this Little Brat to do anything stupid for granted.

If things really develop to the worst kind of situation, the life and death of these hostages is still a trivial matter. The key issue is Little Brat’s psychology, which is likely to cast an indelible shadow.

Once this kind of shadow is planted deeply, it may be a lifetime regret that accompanies Little Brat. And considering the power and identity background of this Little Brat, for everyone in this world, I am afraid it will make them trembling in fear.

Since he accepted Xiao Shanen’s request for adventure, Medusa believed that oneself was qualified to check his thoughts when he was impulsive. If it is said that there is a certain degree of operability, if this is just his momentary anger, then she can only do everything possible to stop him.

Being grabbed and beaten by your parents before you make a big mistake is better than having your parents wipe your butt after you make a big mistake. With this idea, Medusa began to test Little Brat’s idea. At this time, Little Brat, who hadn’t thought of this, bluntly expressed his own idea.

“I have seen a movie about Superhero, a black man. He used such a trick against a bank robber holding a bomb. Cut him off in the shortest time His arm keeps his hand nerves and muscles in the same state as before. As long as his hand doesn’t move, then there is no threat to the bomb, right? So I think I can take this move. Come again!”

“Wait a minute, I need to verify. “Superman”, Will Smith. Biological nerve system information…”

Long list The information of Shanen flashed before his eyes, and then, Medusa’s professional advice was already ringing in his ears.

“Under normal circumstances, the subconsciously neural response of humans will be between 0.1 second and 0.2 second, and people who have received professional training can greatly increase the speed of this reaction. Excellent athletes can take this This reaction speed is trained to within 0.1 seconds, and professional e-sports players can even further improve this speed. If you want to take the risk of doing this kind of action, then you must set the difficulty level of the target person Set a sufficiently high level. Within 0.1 seconds, or even shorter. Do you think you can do all this you want to do in such a short time?”

“I think I Yes. It’s only 0.1 seconds. I can do it as long as I think about it.”

The child’s waywardness and naivety left Medusa with nothing to say. She understood that it was impossible for this Little Brat to change his mind at this time. So there is only one thing she can do, and that is to provide him with a tight enough escort for this action.

His idea is not that there is no room for manipulation, but that it is a little difficult to operate. Of course, this difficulty can be overcome. As long as he shows the strength of oneself as the son of Zhou Yi…

To some extent, Medusa has already agreed with Xiao Shanen’s ideas. And this is manifested in reality, that is, the display of Dawn Knight’s visor has become a human body perspective mode similar to X-ray.

Human neural response activities are connected through bioelectrical signals. Medusa uses this visual pattern change to help Xiao Shanen determine the target’s bioelectric signal changes. Of course, this kind of help is not very useful. Because everything will only happen in a flash.

Great White Shark is still waiting for Xiao Shanen’s reply. He knew that this kind of reply was not easier than before, so he kept his own patience. At the same time, because of the little accident that happened before, he also kept his restraint exceptionally.

This is an opportunity, especially for young Shane who has made up his mind. He simply didn’t intend to give Great White Shark any chance to react, just a moment of effort, he already moved quickly.

Fast, extremely fast. Not only his own Superspeed, but in order to ensure that it is foolproof, he uses all the speeding methods that oneself can think of. Spells, pure physical kinetic energy. It was like setting off a storm in the cabin, just a moment, everything turned up a Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The Great White Shark was already rolled up before it could react. And when he was conscious, subconsciously wanting to press the bomb in his hand. He felt a sense of emptiness that he had never had before.

Turning around, all he could see was the fearsome silhouette of Black Knight, and the appearance of own blood sprayed out like a fountain.

Blood, he sees a lot. But it is mostly the blood of others, his own, not much. And this time, he could feel that it was the own blood flowing freely, because although the pain hadn’t arrived yet, the feeling that life was beginning to drain like an hourglass had already arrived first.

Why does oneself keep so much blood? His mind hadn’t been able to think about it for a while. But when he felt the pain of being late, and when he saw the knight’s crushed stalk-like arm in his hand, he suddenly felt a sense of realization.

It turns out that the arm of the owner has been removed.

He realized this, this time he just fell to the ground. As soon as he landed, he couldn’t even scream, he was already howling miserably, like a prodigal dog with his spine broken, and fleeing towards the outside of the cabin.

He knows the current situation. As long as oneself stays, there is definitely only a dead end. Even if the guy named and so on let him go, the explorers, also the mastermind behind all these incidents, would not let him off easily.

To survive, he must escape as soon as possible before these people react. However, even though his ideas are very clear, the process was extremely bumpy when implemented.

Without an arm, his body balance ability has been greatly damaged. And the large amount of blood loss made his whole person’s physical signs begin to appear in an obvious weak state. Top-heavy and numb in his body, each step is as difficult as stepping on cotton. It’s good to be able to walk, and want to escape from the cabin with complicated road conditions as soon as possible. This is basically impossible.

Even more how, Xiao Shangen didn’t mean to watch him run away.

Walk straight to Great White Shark’s side, jammed his neck and lifted him up. Xiao Shanen made a mockery at him in a very calm tone.

“What is it like trying to control someone you can’t control? I think you should have a deep understanding now.”

“Ha, ah… . “I really want to speak quickly at this time Great White Shark opened his mouth, just an uncontrollable roar. And it was this unbearable roar that made the heart that he finally gathered was completely extinguished.

Killing others may be a trivial thing for him that he has become accustomed to without even blinking his eyes. However, he was so careless about own life and allowed others to choke oneself to death like an ant. Obviously, he still failed to reach this point.

This is a little different from what he expected. Predictably, he was perish together with these hostages in the explosion. Judging from the explosive formidable power, Death simply is an instant matter. Under this premise, no fear or horror can be established. After all, Death is the greatest degree of rest. After a person dies, there is still something to talk about fear and terror.

But this is not the case right now. He is alive, suffering great pain. The own enemy didn’t kill him immediately, but made him suffer from psychological torture continuously in this pain. That kind of panic, that kind of worry, like a file, grinds down his inherently weak heart. And when he felt the coldness of his body and the numbness of his nerves more and more, he couldn’t bear to beg for mercy anymore.

“Please, let me go. I don’t want to die, save me, I don’t want to die…”

“I thought you would not be afraid of Death That’s right. Didn’t expect, the look of your tough guy before was pretended!”

Shaking the body of Great White Shark like a doll, dripping with blood. It was like a spray shower, which dyed the feet of Xiao Shan En a scarlet red. This action is scary, and it also makes everyone realize that this guy who looks like Superhero is not as kind as they thought.

His behavior has revealed a certain degree of cruelty. And this cruelty also made all the hostages on the ship look like a frightened cicada, afraid to make any noise.

They are afraid of being brought disaster to innocent people, and in the face of their performance, Xiao Shanen just sneered and no longer paid any attention to them.

It’s just a bunch of villains who to forget favors and violate justice. They care about them, and in the end it just makes oneself angry that’s all. There is simply no need for this.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Shan En, who just regarded this as a game, was very open about this issue. He doesn’t care about the reaction of these NPCs, all he cares about is how the own adventure game continues.

Like a mission line, he identified the role of Great White Shark. Because in his opinion, he is impossible to be an ordinary little character who can use alien weapon technology. There must be something behind him that he can dig deeper, and it is precisely because of this idea that he said to Great White Shark at this time.

“Do you want to live? It’s very simple, it’s just a matter of my mind. As long as I want you to live, it’s not easy for you to die. But if I don’t want you to live , I don’t need to do anything. As long as I walk to the gunwale and let go, you will only have a dead end. The key to the question is, what do I think. And what should I think? I want to be at this point. , I should give you a chance to fight for yourself!”

This is the most common method used by Great White Shark to force others into the desperate situation, use words to provoke them, and play with them. fate. He probably never thought that such a thing would happen to own, so for a while, his entire face was very ugly.

It can be said that at this time he finally experienced the feeling of being manipulated in the palm of his hand. And under the circumstances of to be the meat on somebody’s chopping block, even if there was ten thousand zhang waves in his heart, he could only smile wryly and open his mouth.

“What do you want me to do?”

“It’s very simple, I need to know where the bomb in your hand comes from. Judging from the technology it possesses, This shouldn’t be something that small forces can do. There will be a bigger presence behind you, and to be honest, I’m very interested in it!”

“Do you think Take it as prey?” Great White Shark seemed to have heard something ridiculous, and wanted to laugh subconsciously. But when I thought about the strength that Xiao Shanen had just shown, the smile on his face suddenly converged.

He feels that oneself still has a turnaround. So immediately, he responded like this.

“I can tell you about this organization. But before that, you have to save me first! I can feel that if there is no treatment, I will die soon. So Until my life is guaranteed, I will not reveal any useful information. This time, I will definitely not!”

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