Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1869

For Great White Shark, whether to be a sound person or a disabled person in the next half of his life is a matter of no choice at all.

He does not have a special tendency to be abused. How could he accept that oneself can only live on one arm for the second half of his life, so as a matter of course, he accepted Xiao Shanen’s proposal and hoped to get back own. Arm.

And this choice is just right for Xiao Shanen. He laid that many before, in order to let Great White Shark oneself jump into this trap. And now that he is already in the cage, naturally, he has no reason to be polite to him anymore.

The art of reviving from the dead is originally a spell of life and death, flesh and blood. Used to connect a truncated arm, it is really overkill. Of course, the result is good.

Under the action of the spell, the nerves and blood vessels that had been disconnected were once again joined together, and with the proliferation and growth of flesh and blood tissue, the touch of the limbs that had been empty finally returned. Under the control of Great White Shark’s brain.

This is a very subtle feeling, because not everyone can accept the feeling of being suddenly stuffed in and so on. Although it was originally something that belonged to him and was a part of his body, the wayward brain would not think so.

It will only be like the most rigorous immigration officer, reviewing your composition and mechanism over and over again, and only after determining your qualifications are sufficient, it will leave a way out to you.

Don’t think that we are a family, this kind of review can be fooled. For immigration officials, it is not so easy to come back after going out. Don’t talk about the family, even if it’s a family, the necessary censorship and so on still can’t get away.

And this is reflected in the reconnected limbs, which are unstoppable convulsions, numbness, and intermittent beatings like knee-jerk reactions.

Under normal circumstances, of course it won’t be a problem. At the very least, compared with the joy of rebirth from a severed limb, this little trouble is simply harmless. However, the problem is that this is not the general case. Because at this moment, there is still a sensitive bomb on the arm that was reconnected.

High-precision technology products can not measure your current physical condition. So, even if Great White Shark is already trying to control the movement of oneself’s fingers, it is still inevitable. He starts to cross the red line that represents danger again and again.

With luck, he may be able to stop his own footsteps in time when he is hovering on the cliff side for one or two times. However, he was impossible to be so lucky every time. In the case of mistakes, one time is enough under such conditions.

After all, the twitching finger pressed the button of the bomb tightly. After the red’s aperture reached two levels, it quickly blinked up. The expression on Great White Shark’s face was shaped for astonishment. He looked at the young Shaneun who had stretched out his hand to cover his face in front of oneself, and wanted to say something. But before he could speak, the flame of an electric arc, like a magnetosphere, had completely swallowed him in.

The lethality of alien technology immediately made Great White Shark skeleton doesn’t exist, and even the little Shark wearing armor was somewhat affected.

As Medusa had previously predicted, the outer metal of the armor is also difficult to withstand this degree of damage. Even if Xiao Shan En had prepared in advance, he protected his face. But his hand armor and visor were inevitably damaged.

Of course, this will not have any effect on him. So after the explosion, he just tore off his visor, and he stretched out like no one.

He thinks that oneself completed the mission beautifully, and it can even be said that it gave oneself a perfect start. But obviously, Medusa doesn’t think so. She still felt that Xiao Shan En’s behavior was a bit too much, so after all the dust settled, she naturally inevitably warned Xiao Shan En.

“Young Lord, I have to warn you that your behavior just now crossed the bottom line. Obviously you can avoid the explosion, why should you bear the impact of this explosion head-on?”

“Because I believe in you, Medusa. You said that this level of explosion will not hurt me. And the facts have proved that what you said is true.”

Looking at the constantly repairing nanostructures on the visor, the clever little Shaneun would not say that this was his response to get rid of the mosaic vision.

Be aware that as a minor, Medusa’s care for him is enormous. Just like the raid just now, since the take action interrupted Great White Shark’s arm, Medusa has already taken over the imaging system in the visor, making everything in front of him become a pixel mosaic like mine. wind.

A big red mosaic drifts past oneself’s eyes. Although you know that blood is spraying, you can only see square-shaped red squares. Of course, this feeling is not How satisfying. So Little Brat can be considered as a brainstormer, creating such a condition for oneself.

Anyway, this is not his true face, so neither he nor Medusa worry that his true identity will be exposed. This is why Medusa has guessed the careful thoughts of Young Shane, but still ignores him. Compared with this kind of trivial matter, she obviously cares more about another issue, which is what Xiao Shanen will do next.

I believe that Xiao Shanen has also realized the difficulties of being a Superhero. Even if he has only one opponent, in many cases, he will be forced to make some difficult choices. Sometimes he can avoid making such a choice through his own powerful military force, but sometimes, the military force can’t actually play such a role.

And this is the most common situation. A little more complicated, for example, if you change your opponent from one to a group, the degree of obscurity in handling things will increase geometrically.

Be aware that confronting a force is a completely different concept than confronting a certain person. After all, the manpower and material resources that a person can mobilize are limited. As long as the opponent is strong enough, no matter what kind of arrangement you make, you may be crushed.

This is like what just happened. Great White Shark’s threats and required promises are not necessarily non-binding, but he met an opponent like Xiao Shanen, which can only help in vain. Otherwise, you can try another opponent, let alone the police, even if it is a normal Superhero, I am afraid that there is nothing to do with people like him.

To sum it up, people like Great White Shark can tell what kind of stuff they belong to in the hand clubs he belongs to. If the power of the Shougang is really as big as Great White Shark said, then Medusa really disagrees, and let Xiao Shan En to provoke such an opponent.

From the previous behavior and ability to deal with things, Xiao Shanen still has a lot of shortcomings in handling such things. His ideas have not yet been fully erected, and his values ​​and world outlook are still in a state of ignorance. In this case, any irritating behavior may cause him to stray into the wrong path as he grows up. And once such a thing happens, it will not be a good thing for their special family or the ordinary person in this world.

As the temporary guardian of Xiao Shanen, she believes that oneself is quite necessary to prevent Xiao Shanen from doing those wrong things. So at the moment, she was already warning Xiao Shan En.

“Are you really planning to use that hand-joint as your own goal? If so, I need to warn you that this kind of thing will not be as simple as you think. The character can tell that the methods of this organization are very violent and brutal. He certainly won’t be an example of this organization, and even said that he is probably just a microcosm of the thousands of members in this organization. That’s it.”

“For one of them, you need to take a certain risk to ensure that the final result is barely perfect. And if you multiply this risk by one thousand and multiply by ten thousand, you Really confident that oneself can handle all of this?”

Little Shangen is still immersed in the satisfaction of the completion of oneself’s first mission Perfection. He simply did not understand the deeper meaning of Medusa’s words . But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, this is not something that can be understood, but not described. He heard Medusa have hidden meaning, so at the moment, she asked directly.

“Medusa, what exactly do you mean, just tell me. I don’t have the time to play this kind of guessing game with you. You know, I also have a lot of things to do! “

“It’s very simple, Young Lord. I mean, are you mentally prepared enough?”


In itself Xiao Shanen, who was still be eager to have a try, frowned upon hearing these words. Although he didn’t quite understand what Medusa meant, he could still see Medusa’s attitude of repelling him to continue. This made him very dissatisfied, and driven by this dissatisfaction, he began to complain to Medusa.

“I don’t understand, Medusa. So far, what I have done seems to have not crossed the red line that we discussed before. I play the game within the rules of the game, so you Is there any reason to oppose me?”

“That’s because I have some inadequacy in predicting the development of things, Young Lord. Whether it is me or you, we have not done anything like this Be well prepared. And that’s why I have to warn you, I can’t watch you make the wrong choice, the wrong thing.”

“Prepare, prepare! Prepare for what you said What do you mean? It’s just a game, Medusa. Could it be that I don’t even have the qualifications to play such a game?”

Little Brat’s face began to be distorted. As a person who has initially tasted the pleasure of Superhero, he now has a different kind of urgency and anxiety like those who have just become addicted. At this time, it is really difficult for him to listen to others and stop his own footsteps. That is, Medusa has a special way to restrain him, which makes him reluctantly restrain his own emotions.

Of course, complaints are indispensable. For his grievances, Medusa gave such an answer very positively.

“If this is just a game, then I have no reason to stop you, my Young Lord. But now, this is no longer a game. Because once you get involved in this In the event, every decision you make may affect the existence and destruction of a life!”

“Are you ready to bear all this? You are ready to do everything that is related to you Is the life responsible for the preparation? My Young Lord, when your game is involved in the living life, can you continue to play it with a game attitude?”

For a while, Medusa’s question left little Shanen speechless. He thought of the almost tormented consideration when faced with the choice before, and thought of the heavy almost breathless weight. This made him inevitably hesitate. However, he was still a young man, and proud and arrogant, he was unwilling to admit defeat so softly, so at the moment, he argued.

“If I can make sure that no innocent people are entangled in, make sure that what I face is only the scum, villain, and scum. Then I don’t have to think about this problem?”

“The point is, can you? Young Lord, you have to know. This kind of thing is an objective fact and does not change according to personal will. Besides, even if it is really not Innocent people are involved. Can you treat this as a game to judge the life and death of others unscrupulously?”

“You must understand that behind any independent individual is There is a relatively complicated structure. While they are playing the role of a criminal, they are probably also playing the role of father, husband, and son. We cannot conclude that he is not a good criminal because he has not played his other roles. If you start from this perspective, what do you think your game will bring? I can tell you, Young Lord. It is the broken family, those father mothers, the resentment of those wives and children against you. For all this, you Are you prepared for any mentality?”

Medusa’s words are like a heavy hammer, with no difficulty knocking Xiao Shangen’s inner luck to pieces. He has to admit that if such a situation really occurs, and if such a situation appears in front of his eyes on a scale of a thousand times or ten thousand times, he cannot afford such a weight at all.

It doesn’t matter what he shows, it’s just a little child’s waywardness. If it’s time for him to decide the life and death of others, unless it is a guy like Great White Shark that makes him almost intolerable, he will never easily wield the butcher knife in oneself’s hand.

This is related to nature, and it is also related to acquired education. It can be said that Jill’s hard-working education still has some results. At the very least, her education made Xiao Shanen know how to control his own emotions when he was headstrong.

Of course, controlling your emotions does not mean that you are not willful. So far, he has not given up on the game of oneself. And this is the only place he is unwilling to give in.

“What do you want me to do? Medusa. I will not give up my plan. I must carry on this adventure! Apart from this, I can accept everything else. And you , What am I going to do?”

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