Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1873

Although it can be called a shit-cutter in the New York underworld, this Hell Skeleton Gang composed entirely of blacks is not completely unruly.

Yes, they intend to break the conventions and conventions in the sin city and extend their magical claws to the families of those women and children. But even fools know that this kind of thing cannot be done under broad daylight, especially under the noses of other gangs.

Knowing and seeing, but two completely different concepts. The former is at best alert and condemnation, while the latter, maybe it is to teach them a good lesson.

The Hell Skeleton Gang does not want to be attacked by the crowd because of its arrogance. So they showed considerable patience in this matter. Of course, this patience has an important prerequisite, that is, they can guarantee that their own prey will not escape from this place right now. And this is basically impossible.

Zihuatanejo’s past, a name that sounds a little strange. But anyone who has seen Shawshank’s redemption probably remembers what the sea of ​​memories is called.

Mexico Brotherhood people are mostly from the border cities of Mexico, and one of the most important members, the little Mourinho, is from here.

Because of offending the gangster in his old family, Mourinho had to take his own mother, his wife and three younger sisters, and went all the way to his cousin in New York to seek life. For him, this is actually a choice as a last resort.

Because if it weren’t for this kind of thing, he actually lived quite well in Mexico. Although he did wrong things in his early years, he stopped doing it in time anyway. After getting to know the current wife and taking out all their savings, and opening a family restaurant in Zihuatanejo, their family’s life is quite happy.

At the very least, he doesn’t think that oneself, who is still working hard on the underworld and is driven by American robots like a dog, can live better than oneself.

But the good times are not long. The guy who was put in jail because of his relationship came out, and he pulled up the own gang again. He was always looking for oneself, and continuously said wildly that he wanted to own his life. And as his power continues to expand, and his obsession becomes well known. Little Mourinho knew that oneself was already impossible to stay in his hometown.

This is cracking a joke of own life, and not only own, own mother, the unborn child of own wife also, and the three younger sisters of oneself, who are all supported by oneself, will be affected by these Killed by crazy gangsters.

Don’t doubt whether these gangsters will be so frantic. Once one of them, he knew very well what a group of guys with no bottom line. He once saw what he did to kill the bastard of own. In order to ensure that his whereabouts would not be discovered by the special police from the United States, he hijacked a family car and fled to the outskirts, ruthlessly killed him. The man who drives, and his wife and monk’s infant child.

He can obviously let go of the child who doesn’t understand anything and hasn’t even opened his eyes. But he did not do so. His reason for this was that he didn’t want a brat with hatred to come and avenge him after more than 20 years.

This ridiculous answer made little Mourinho awake all night, and his conscience was not lost when he thought of the young couple who had to protect oneself child when he died, there was a kind of oneself and he was about to fall into hell. a feeling of.

He is a very devout believer, this is the same as his family. Although the monopoly of Tian Bishop was broken by the emergence of King Ming, for the family, the prayer to Holy Mother Mary is something that has been integrated into the bloodline and cannot be put down.

One of the benefits of this belief is that he can maintain his kindness and not be oblivion by the dirty blood on oneself’s hands. So, after he pondered over and over again, he still made the decision to wash his hands with a golden basin and by the way send the guy who should go to hell to prison.

The following story is logical. As one of the core members of the once gang, he could bury that bastard in a big pit with just a move. And as soon as he was arrested by the special police of the United States, their former little gang was immediately divided up by other gangs when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

Because he was prepared in advance, he was able to get out of it safely. And just after that, he began to live the life that an ordinary person should live.

Life is very happy, so happy that he doesn’t want to give up. However, when he learned that the bastard who should have been sentenced to life was out of prison in just three years, he knew that the life of own was impossible to maintain.

In order to own the family, he must leave. And his cousin who worked hard in New York was his only choice. He thought so, and did so. And when he finally smuggled his family from the sea to New York, he discovered that his own cousin was not at all oneself as bad as he imagined.

Mexico Brotherhood, although not a big gang with one hand, it is also a powerful faction that controls several streets. To be the leader of such a gang, his cousin is doing quite well.

This is a surprise, for the young Mourinho who is new to New York. He even dreamed of being able to live as innocent as in his hometown under the protection of his cousin. As long as he borrowed a little money from his cousin and opened their restaurant, he believed that with the craftsmanship of oneself and mother, they could definitely get back on track quickly.

However, his cousin rejected him and gave a very strong reason.

First of all, although Mexico Brotherhood is headed by him, it can be seen from this name that the structure of this gang is not the kind of top-down power management model. He can be the leader because everyone trusts him and believes that he can do the job of Boss brother. And since this is the case, he must be worthy of this trust.

Misappropriating the money from the gang to fund the own cousin, this kind of thing may not sound at the worst, but it will inevitably be criticized in operation. Because there are not many people in the gang who have family members who want to do this kind of thing. Everyone is waiting in line for the opportunity to have oneself’s turn. Why can someone who is not even the brother of the gang be ahead of them?

He must take this feeling into consideration, so he had to reject his own cousin. However, he also pointed out a way out for Jose Mourinho, that is to join them and become a member of Brotherhood.

In Brotherhood where illiterate people were born, little Mourinho’s composition is very high. He went to school and finished high school. Even after Jinpen washed his hands, he taught himself adult university courses. People who can run a family restaurant in a colorful way, and even offer three younger sisters to the school, are rare in typical lower-class organizations like gangs. So his cousin assured him that as long as the young Mourinho is willing to join them, he can use his own reputation as a guarantee to achieve everything that the young Mourinho wants.

This is already a very good condition, for the little Mourinho family who came smuggled by sufferer untold hardships. But for the little Mourinho who has imitated oneself in the past, this is an answer that he is not very willing to accept. He knew very well that oneself was able to be picked from the previous gang, and there was a large part of luck. But this time, if oneself wandered back into the quagmire again, it would not be so easy to get out.

Conscience makes him not want to change back to that kind of person, but the cruel reality that the family needs to feed makes him have to think about this kind of thing.

The standard of living in New York is not low. All living supplies are smuggled from the outside world to the sin city. The cost of living is even comparable to the golden age of New York. And even though he has brought all his own savings, little Mourinho can’t guarantee that the money will allow them to survive too much time to get back on track. And even if it is supported, he cannot guarantee that oneself will be able to hold onto this new family business.

New York is a sin city, and there is no good backstage supporter. Illegal immigrants like them, who are inferior to ordinary persons, have the only way to be slaughtered. He knows very well that Chu Family is full of women, what kind of sweets and pastries they are in such a sinful city, and once the gangsters figure out the details, he really can only watch oneself. The family fell into hell.

Is it oneself to bear the sin, or is it the burden of the family to suffer. This is a question that does not need to be considered at all. Mourinho made the most correct choice he thought, and it was precisely because of his choice that the present Zihuatanejo’s past was born.

With the support of Brotherhood, his restaurant is on the right track. And it is precisely because he is on the right track that he can better consider the future of this family.

He is finished, it is impossible to jump out of this quagmire again. But he didn’t want his own family to join in here. So after his restaurant is back on track, he has already begun to make calculations for the future of his family.

He started saving money in order to save enough money for his own wives and younger sisters to obtain a United States green card. With this money, he will be able to allow his family members to truly gain a foothold in United States and allow them to leave this sinful city completely.

He even thought about the city they were going to. Huiyao City, the city protected by God. I believe that when he gets there, his wife, also younger sister, will be able to live his yearn for something even in dreams life.

For this, he has made oneself sink deeper. Robbing territory and suppressing other people’s businesses, he doesn’t mind being more fierce than ordinary people when doing this kind of thing.

He has experience and brains. With him directing in the midfield, Brotherhood immediately ushered in a period of vigorous development. And it was precisely because of their sudden growth that they attracted the attention of the Hell Skeleton Gang.

As a local power in the New York area, the strength of the Hell Skeleton Gang must be above the Mexico Brotherhood. This can be seen from the fact that Mexico Brotherhood only controls a few streets, while the Hell Skeleton Gang can control half of Brooklyn.

In theory, big gangs like them should not target such small gangs. This is out of order. But obviously, these black people don’t care what the rules are.

Taking advantage of the time when Mexico Brotherhood did not take any precautions, they found a name whose own goods were stolen by Brotherhood and directly launched a raid on Brotherhood. And Brotherhood, who is at a disadvantage in strength, simply did not expect such a situation. They suffered heavy losses, and it could even be said that they were defeated.

All the sites and businesses changed hands overnight, and Brotherhood, which was originally a powerful party, has become the cloud of the past. This is really a huge blow to the Mexicans, but even more so for the young Mourinho.

He witnessed his own cousin being shot to death, and watching the brothers die tragically under the siege of niggas. Even if he himself, if not braced himself, jumped from the harbor into the sea to escape, he might not be lucky enough to survive such a siege.

They have already lost, and they have lost everything. At this time, although the little Mourinho hated these niggers in his heart, he can only hope that they can leave a way out when treating those women and children.

Brotherhood has a lot of women and children like their family, and there are always more than a dozen families. These families have lost the man who is the backbone, and they should no longer be harmed. Gangs are also humans, don’t ask them to have a kind heart every day, but at this time, they should always have a little pity.

Little Mourinho expected this. He hoped that the people of the Hell Skeleton Gang could have such a little bottom line and such a little conscience, and let these innocents go. But obviously, his expectations were too high.

Bad news came one after another. He watched the rampant blacks dragging the animals in the fence, dragging the women and children to their own car. on. He heard the wives and daughters of those who used to call her brothers and sisters crying desperately. This made him hate his gnashing teeth, but he also inevitably gave birth to a deep chill in his heart.

He thought of oneself’s wife who was about to give birth, and his own three younger sisters. And thinking that they might fall into such a general situation, his in the bones trembled and couldn’t help himself.

Ignoring oneself’s gunshot wound, little Mourinho, who was full of his family’s safety, almost desperately ran back to Oneself’s store. Fortunately, such a tragedy has not happened to him yet. What worries him is that this kind of thing may happen soon!

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