Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1877

Ask a gangster whether he thinks oneself is a good person, and whether he thinks oneself is damned. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as a direct provocative.

Because even those who to have no shame are impossible to upset the black and white on this issue. People are doing it, the sky is watching, whether what the owner is doing is right or wrong, whether it should die, even if it doesn’t say it, it should be clear in the heart.

Seyol knows exactly what kind of person oneself is, so he can’t answer this question at all. In fact, he doesn’t need to answer this question. Because when Xiao Shanen asked this sentence, he already understood what the other party meant.

He didn’t want to shake hands and make peace at all, and made it clear that he would have trouble with own. That being the case, what’s the nonsense also?

Slanted his own eyes, immediately, his subordinates already reacted. These people raised their guns again, and aimed at Xiao Shanen. In addition, also people plan to reach out and grab the women from Mourinho’s house and take them as hostages.

In this regard, Xiao Shanen certainly disagrees. So he didn’t even have a blink of an eye, he already appeared in front of these guys doing small movements. And he pushed them out like sandbags.

This power is not great for him, and it can even be regarded as the result of restraint. But for these bad luck eggs that were pushed away, that’s not the case.

It’s like being hit by a truck and the wind whistling in my ears. Before people can react, they have been knocked into a pile of people.

And until this time, they can feel the pain from the body, the sharp pain in the muscles and skeleton, so that these experienced people can guess what their own body is now without much thinking. What is the situation. You can’t run away from a fracture. If it’s a bit more serious, you might also have internal bleeding.

This is not an individual case, but a general case. Because there are not many people being pushed into the air, but many people are knocked down. Speaking of the damage received, these guys who act as pads obviously have to bear more damage. Naturally, the result of this is the sorrow in one place and the sound of misery in the whole courtyard.

Looking at it, less than half of the black people can still stand in the restaurant, which is certainly not good news for Seror. Especially when he noticed that someone had started to weaken their hands and feet, and consciously fleeing outwards, he knew that this situation could not continue like this.

He must boost his morale and let these people under oneself regain the courage to fight. But what should he do to achieve such an effect? Generally speaking, fighting hostile forces is the best way to boost morale, but the problem now is that he is not at all too sure in this regard. Therefore, he can only adopt another method, which is to deter owner’s subordinates with fierce means, so that they have to renew their fighting spirit under the majesty of owner.

This is not difficult, especially for him who gave him the nickname mad dog. So at the moment, he took out a peculiar weapon from his own windbreaker and pointed it at the subordinate who wanted to escape, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger in his hand.

This is not a traditional gunpowder weapon, so it does not at all make that loud gunshot. But the dazzling radiance was enough to replace the gunshots, and it had a sufficiently large deterrent effect on everyone present.

The turbulent crowd suddenly fell silent, and then everyone’s eyes were on the bad luck egg that was hit by radiance. And when they saw the final horror of this bad luck egg, a big hole was opened in the chest and all the exposed body tissues were burnt, their panic was immediately affected by a greater fear. Replaced.

A Superhero who can crippled them with his hands is obviously not as deterrent as a Boss who can kill them anytime, anywhere. Therefore, the people who were still retiring immediately extinguished oneself’s inner care and began to become honest. Even the guys who lay on the ground and howled, stood up with gritted teeth, and rejoined their teammates’ camp.

If you don’t look at Seror’s brutal methods, but just look at their reactions, it’s hard to imagine that this is a group of mob gangsters. The qualities that they have shown in this regard have already competed with the miscellaneous army of some countries.

Of course, after seeing Seror’s methods, no one would be surprised by this situation. Even the little Mourinho began to feel that their cousin Oneself was not wronged. Encountering such a gang led by a madman, ordinary person simply impossible is his opponent. However, the people present are not only the ordinary person.

Although it was said that after Seyol showed such a method, Xiao Shanen was also surprised. But the direction of his surprise was quite different from that of the others present. Others were surprised by Seror’s brutal methods, and what he was surprised by was the technique displayed by the weapon in his hand.

There is no doubt that this is an alien technology. And where does this technology come from? This is a question worth studying.

Little Shane wouldn’t think that this technology was created by Seyol oneself. Let’s not talk about how much money and background a gang has to make this thing, it is to look at the average education of the entire skeleton gang-elementary school level can be seen, this is a completely impossible thing.

So there is only one answer, and that is that Seror cooperates with a well-established organization. It is even said that they are probably spokespersons placed on the surface by an organization. So, will it be that hand-to-hand meeting?

Little Shane, who has been involved with Shouhehui as it should be by rights, puts the suspicious target on them. And it was this kind of suspicion that made his look towards Serel more and more interesting.

The playfulness in his eyes means danger to Seror. So when he saw the expression in Xiao Shanen’s eyes, his heart was subconsciously awakened.

Out of intuition, he felt that Xiao Shan En had a different attempt to oneself. And what he has always believed in oneself’s intuition is to make a subconsciously, completely out of self-protection behavior. He pointed the weapon in oneself’s hand at Little Shane.

In his view, this is a deterrent behavior. Because after seeing the formidable power of oneself’s weapon, he believed that few people could ignore the existence of this weapon. Even if Superhero faces it, he must have some worries, and this worries are his current self-insurance capital.

He doesn’t want to be sent out by this Superhero like the bad luck eggs before. Let’s not talk about his current physical condition. It was a question of how many bones were broken when he was flying out. The result of that kind of majestic sweeping is not something he can accept.

He cruelly confronted oneself’s assassins to re-establish the own authority, but not to make a wedding dress for Xiao Shanen. So no matter from which aspect he looked at it, he had to frighten Xiao Shangen.

Of course, the effect of action alone is not clear, so at this time, he also added verbal deterrence.

“Sir, I don’t know why you want to oppose us, but I think I should warn you that this will never be a wise choice.”

“Don’t think of us as weak chickens that are there’s no resistance. You are not Dawn Knight, and we will not be Abomination that you hang up and hammer. If you want to be a hero, you are looking for the wrong target!”

“Have you seen this gun in my hand? This is an ultimate weapon made by alien technology. It is faster than a bullet by many times, and its formidable power can even be used for one shot. The entire main battle tank was penetrated. I don’t know how confident you are in your own ability, but believe me, as long as you are alone, you are impossible to withstand such an attack!”

“So , The last chance, sir. Take them away, we to live together in harmony. This is your last chance and the best choice. If you don’t want to be perish together. Of course, although I think the probability of perish together is not Big. The bigger possibility is that I lose some manpower and you keep your life here. I don’t want to make such a senseless sacrifice, so you should understand what I mean!”

“Do you want to frighten me?”

Although Serio said a lot of chatter, even saying that he had carefully calculated his gains and losses for young Shanen. But Xiao Shanen’s response was always cold, even mocking.

It’s not that he despises his opponent, but the threat that he doesn’t like him at all. Even the bombs transformed by alien technology can be eaten at close range, and he hasn’t paid attention to the trifling weapon.

This is the absolute confidence in oneself’s strength, and this kind of confidence is dangerously arrogant and arrogant in Seror’s eyes.

Although he hopes to see an arrogant and conceited enemy in the overwhelming majority situation, at this time, he hopes that the opponent of own can be more rational.

Mad dogs are also afraid of others going crazy, which seems a bit funny. But this also shows that he is far more than just a mad dog. What a mad dog can accomplish is nothing but the end of being beaten to death. He can live to the present, and possessing such a large territory is enough to prove that he is not pure madness, but rational madness. Such talents will be more terrifying. Because he will have no bottom line than sane people, and at the same time, he will have more vision than crazy people.

until now, he is not profitable by virtue of such characteristics. But now, he felt his claws numb.

The other party’s performance was even worse than he thought. At this time, he was actually pushed to a certain extent.

Although he intends to find a step down, obviously the other party not at all intends to leave him some retreat. So when he faced the almost threatening mockery of Xiao Shanen, he could only choose to go one step further and deal with it with more fierce confrontation.

Finger is already on the trigger, and the muzzle is raised straight. If you are more careful, you can even see that the energy-representing aperture on the grip is rising rapidly. This means that this gun is accumulating formidable power and may enter the explosive phase at any time. And when will it explode this formidable power? This actually depends on Seyol’s thinking. And his thinking now is the last patience before the outbreak.

“Don’t force me, sir. This is for the good of us all. I don’t want to kill here, nor do I want to cause trouble to oneself. But that doesn’t mean that I will repeat , Again and again to give in and surrender. Don’t forget, I’m a gangster. If you really push me in a hurry, I won’t be so polite to you. Not only you, but also them. For your temporary pleasure. To take such a family to hell, is this kind of thing really what you want?”

“Of course, I don’t want such a result. But I doubt you have this Is it possible?”

It was still a style run, and such a run completely shattered Seror’s fluke. At this time, he had no other choice. So he could only squeeze the trigger in his hand while yelling at the subordinates of own.

“Shoot, shoot. Don’t leave a living, kill them all!”

His command is absolute, and when the pistol in his hand is again When the dazzling radiance exploded, one after another gunshots also burst out abruptly, like torrential rain.

For the little Munirio family, this is like the whistling of the wind after the door of hell opens, the complete ringing of the judgment bell. For Xiao Shanen, this is just another weak offense.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is already in a flash, a lightning attack that completely exceeds the reaction limit of their brains. But in his eyes, such an offense is no more powerful than a football played by a group of snails.

As long as he wants to, bullets are simply static things in his eyes. As for the extraterrestrial technology pistol, although its firing speed is indeed much faster than bullets, in the eyes of Xiao Shanen, it has changed from a snail to a catfish on the shore.

He is fully capable of avoiding such an attack, but he does not at all adopt such a move that seems weak to him. His idea is very simple, that is, a frontal contest of meet force with force. In the eyes of an ordinary person like Seyol, he hit the own target without accident.

This made him feel pleasantly surprised, and even started to be a little annoyed that he was too cautious and careful before oneself. Knowing that the opponent is so easy to deal with, he would never make that many concessions.

But then, when he noticed that Xiao Shanen was grinning at him, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

He was not at all knocked down. also, why are the little Mourinhos still standing?

Such questions filled his heart, causing his heart to be caught in an instant. And when he saw the bullet at the foot of Xiao Shanen and a needle-like thing pinched in his hand, his fear suddenly became like a tide, and it drowned him.

He finally realized that the situation was completely out of control!

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