Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1882

Bad news continues. After the logistical support provided by the Transmission Passage was suddenly cut off, the highest command of mankind in hell was also devastated. This is absolutely terrible news for US Military troops in hell.

Be aware that when an unexpected situation occurs at first, all messages are blocked. The people in the command headquarters dare not tell the soldiers on the front line that their own back road has been cut off, because that means they will be completely trapped in this foreign world.

Honor, medals, and all the probabilities of returning home are in vain. Even if the war is completely won at this time, it is no different from losing. Because the soldiers’ emotions will undergo uncontrollable changes, they will lose their fighting spirit, and they may even be mutiny. And if this happens, then the future of the entire United States will undoubtedly be buried here.

No one can take such a big risk, so blocking the news and finding a way to solve this problem as soon as possible is the only choice that high-level commanders can make.

They want to solve the problem before the news leaks. Only in this way can they ensure that all bad things do not appear in front of them. However, what they didn’t expect was that the secret mastermind not at all of all this meant just using such a trick. Her take action was a series of combo punches, and under this series of combo punches, they simply lost here without resistance.

The disappearance of the high-level staff immediately caused the blockade of news to become a joke. And when the news of the channel cut off and the destruction of the high-levels spread to the frontline army, the turbulence it brought was actually no different from an unprecedented earthquake.

Everyone is in danger, this is already inevitable. In this case, as long as it is a normal-headed person, it is impossible to put own energy on this war. They will try their best to think about owning the back road, and in this kind of situation where there is no back road to choose, their cranky thinking only makes their brains become more and more chaotic that’s all.

At this time, if it weren’t for the efforts of those middle-level officers, maybe the entire United States army would become disintegrated and fall apart. It can be said that they used their own authority and ability to barely maintain the stability of this army.

But this is not a long-term solution after all. Because of a very real problem, that is, their prestige cannot solve the serious problems in logistics.

The resources that they can deploy at present are limited, and once the modern War Machine is activated, its appetite that looks like a giant beast is simply dissatisfied. Even if the soldiers are scrupulous about the current embarrassment, they will not ask these middle-level officers for such things as wages. But food, drink, and daily supplies are definitely indispensable.

It’s impossible to let the horse run without feeding the horses. It’s impossible to happen to the United States soldier. If you don’t even give them a straw to eat, the final result is certain. They put you on the torture frame, roasted you and eaten you.

Don’t doubt whether this group of United States soldiers who grew up under the aura of freedom from the dish can do such a thing. In terms of discipline, they are as good as own United Kingdom. And think about the fact that when the United Kingdom soldiers went abroad to fight, one more company’s population could be brought back by the female soldiers of a brigade, and you would know how funny their discipline is.

No matter how stupid people are, it is impossible at this time to pin their hopes on them. Therefore, there must be no shortage of materials. And on this basis, the ammunition prepared for aircraft, tanks and frontline troops is naturally an even more indispensable issue.

The material is stretched, that’s for sure. Even in the most optimistic scenario, the materials they currently possess are only capable of sustaining their normal operation for three months. This is an estimate made when the fighting is not so intense and the fighting is not so intense. Once the war situation becomes violent, how long these materials can last is really a question that no one can tell.

The situation is already very bad. But the current situation will only get worse.

Because after the material problem, another serious problem lay before these middle-level officers. That is the problem of omnic.

The omnibus is one of the key factors for US Military to fight the hell, but the omnibus itself also has considerable problems.

Because humans cannot accept the existence of an omnic as an intelligent life by own, even in the United States controlled by Stark, an omnic can only exist as a tool. As a tool, there must be a switch in human hands. In United States, this switch is Stark itself, and his authority is the core key to maintaining the operation of the entire United States society.

In this war, Stark’s authority is obviously of little use. Because his network has not yet reached the point where it can run across the world. I can’t say that there is something to find a hard drive to bring back to Earth, and then the Stark on Earth will issue an order to transfer it back to hell, and send it to those omnivores. Not to mention that it is not troublesome to do so, whether Stark has the ability to make the most correct command in battle. Only those high-level military officials are impossible to allow this kind of overriding thing to happen to the owner.

I will not be subject to military orders from abroad. What do you mean by such a crosscutting? Look down on us. That being the case, then you come to this war, why do you want us as generals? Let us retire early and go home for the elderly.

As President, Stark is obviously impossible to ignore the opinions of these generals. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the entire war, he had no choice but to temporarily release his own authority. This is a good thing in itself, after all, his ability is indeed incomparable to these professionals in the control of war. This can be seen from the smooth progress of the war.

However, with all the deaths of high-level commanders, a very serious issue is already before everyone. That is, the omnic has completely fallen into a state of silence.

There is still a difference between the omnics under Stark and Ultron. The strictly speaking omnic in Ultron’s hand is already an initial model with life consciousness. Although they are still like the worker bees in Hive, they are completely obedient to Ultron’s instructions, but in terms of self-awareness, they already have some The concept of initialization. They are already life, not a mere tool. But this was completely reversed under Stark’s hands.

In Stark’s hands, they are more like a zombie. Although their level of intelligence has reached the point where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, they can almost be as true as false. But in essence, they still have to rely on orders from higher authorities to operate. Simply put, they are alive when there is an order, but they are dead when there is no order.

At present, only one high-level officer with command authority is killed, and it is inevitable that the omnics will stop operating. And the occurrence of this incident obviously has an even worse impact on the US military today.

You must know that most of the vast territory that the US military has laid down in hell depends on these omnibus to maintain order. But now that the omnipotence has stopped operating and has fallen into a state of silence, the security and management of these areas can immediately fall into a state of chaos.

If this is the case, then it’s okay. After all, only the native residents of the occupied areas will be affected, and they have little to do with US Military. However, the influence of omnics is not limited to these. The most obvious one is the possible rebellious problem.

Don’t look at that many cities in hell that have emerged after batches of obedient citizens. They are not really committed to humans and intend to surrender to humans. It is a manifestation of having to bow to powerhouse because of the powerful strength shown by human beings.

This is the nature of demons. And it is precisely because of the existence of this nature that when they find that human strength is beginning to decline, they will inevitably change from a docile house dog to a wild ambition wolf, turning their sharp teeth and fangs at the once tied To their master.

No one will doubt the probability of this kind of thing, at best, it is just a matter of time. Once this happens, then the entire US Military will inevitably fall into a difficult predicament of being attacked by the enemy. So can they break free from this predicament? I believe that as long as a person understands something, I am afraid he will not have any optimistic ideas.

At this time, it is irrelevant whether the war will go on. And if they can be kept alive and how can they return to their hometown safely, this is a question that these officers must consider.

As for this problem, these officers are obviously helpless.

Without high enough authority, it means that they cannot access the most confidential information. Although they knew that oneself entered hell through a Teleportation Portal, they had no idea how this Teleportation Portal was established and who was the creator of this Teleportation Portal.

In the eyes of Ancient One sorcerer, they have become a group of headless flies locked in a glass cabinet, and they can’t do anything besides hitting the wall everywhere. And it was after they continuously hit a wall and repeatedly experienced setbacks, she inserted at a critical time at a moderate pace.

In a military base at the forefront of the war, representatives from the Air Force and the Army are conducting the third dialogue and discussion. Like the previous two times, they found nothing. Except for graciously reaping a lot of grievances and creating more contradictions, this dialogue did not play any other role at all.

And just when their conversation was about to break up, Ancient One sorcerer had already opened a small Teleportation Portal and appeared in front of them grandiosely. As for this character who suddenly appeared, all the soldiers present had already pulled out their weapons and aimed at her as if they were facing a major enemy.

“Who? Report your name and identity! Otherwise, we will shoot!”

In such a special season, how about these middle-level officers? A cautious attitude cannot be overstated. As for Ancient One, who knew why they were so nervous, naturally they would not deliberately challenge their sensitive emotions. So she raised her own hands and said to them while beckoning that oneself is harmless.

“I am Ancient One sorcerer, your president’s partner. In addition, I made your door to hell!”

I can’t extricate myself from being in trouble For the officers, this remark of Ancient One is undoubtedly a beacon in the trek, bringing them precious hope. But out of the principle of caution and caution, they questioned Ancient One again.

“What evidence do you have to prove these words?”

“I think one or two of you may have met me. The other is, my A dísciple once appeared in front of the public in United States. You may know him. His name is Mordo.”

Ancient One sorcerer never deliberately hides his whereabouts. So when she said that, there were indeed a few special guys who thought of her existence. In addition, she mentioned Mordo Baron, and she is a standard human appearance. So after some hesitation, several officers in charge of the overall situation chose to put down their weapons.

This is not to say that they are too lax, nor that they are naive. But at this time, any hope that may exist is like a straw for them. Ancient One sorcerer’s previous reply obviously meant that their hope of returning to Earth fell on her. Regardless of whether this is true or false, it is worthwhile for them to try. So at the moment, Chief-In-Charge here is already asking about Ancient One sorcerer.

“Your Excellency, you said that you made the Teleportation Portal that leads us here. So can I ask what happened? Why did the Teleportation Portal suddenly disappear, also our headquarters, Why was it suddenly captured by the enemy!”

This kind of sharp question, unless it is a fool, is willing to take the owner. And Ancient One sorcerer is certainly not stupid, so she immediately began to skim away oneself’s relationship.

“I don’t know. From my point of view, this should be a long-planned action on the hell side. They must have been looking for the existence of these Teleportation Portals a long time ago, and the reason Will destroy it at this time. I think this should be an act of their cutting off one’s means of retreat. I have talked to the generals about this problem before and told them about this possible risk. But I didn’t expect, Hell moves so fast, they beat us all completely unprepared!”

This is not good news, so naturally, the scene fell silent for an instant. But this silence is not long-lasting, because each of them has to consider their own life. So soon, a new problem has been placed in front of Ancient One sorcerer.

“Then, Lord Sorcerer. Can you open the Teleportation Portal again and send us back?”

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