Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1885

The sudden situation in hell affects more than just the fate of these frontline soldiers. For the entire United States Government, this is an uproar that can cause an earthquake.

The sudden severance of the Teleportation Portal made almost everyone not knowing what to do, and for any insider, it was like a basin of ice water suddenly poured on their already restless one Above the red heart, while rapidly cooling it, it also made them involuntarily shiver.

That is a problem for the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers and soldiers. If something really happens, then this can be said to be the biggest sacrifice of United States since World War II. If this situation is really exposed, let alone Stark, even if Washington resurrects, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear such a big relationship.

All the people involved in this matter will probably have bad luck, no matter who they are, the best result in the end is probably the end of get out of class.

Of course, those in control of power will not be willing to suffer such a disaster, so naturally they are doing all they can to restore the current situation. But the current situation is not a problem that you can easily solve by calling a few experts and investing huge resources.

Magic is still different from science after all. Although it is said that these two roads may be able to come out of a feeling of different routes to the same destination at the end, it is basically an unrealistic delusion to expect human beings to reach such a level without a hundred years of time. And wait for hundreds of years? I am afraid that their grave head grass is already 30 feet long.

Solving the problem cannot be solved, and if this matter is kept hidden. Then let alone waiting for the people’s public trial, I’m afraid they won’t even pass Stark’s level. In line with the principle of considering the interests of the owner, these people thought about it and reported the situation truthfully.

In fact, even if they didn’t report the problem, Stark already knew what was going on here. The omnic he placed here is more than just a display. After understanding the situation here, he had already rushed over immediately.

At this time, Chief-In-Charge in the military base is still in a meeting to discuss how to report to him. And while they were still arguing about who should set the tank, Stark had already pushed open the door of the conference room, and asked these Chief-In-Charge loudly with solemn expression.

“What the hell is the situation? Why did the Teleportation Portal suddenly shut down? Can someone give me an explanation?”

No matter what it is, being questioned by the president in person will be a very Serious situation. In this case, these bureaucrats are of course impossible to continue wrangling. They immediately answered obediently and honestly.

“We don’t have any prior knowledge here, Your Excellency. It’s just a sudden thing, and the Teleportation Portal was closed. We are checking to see if the special parts are out. What’s the problem.”

The parts in their mouth refer to some runes portrayed by Ancient One sorcerer in order to fix this Teleportation Portal. When everything was working well before, they did not let the experts under oneself study these things, hoping to control this cross-space strike method in the hands of the US military.

Of course, at this time, they are most likely to scold the so-called shit experts in their hearts. Because in their opinion, such terrifying will happen, and a large part of it may be due to the curious experts.

They have applied more than once, and they want to sample runes and the floor where runes are depicted for further testing. Although this idea has been severely suppressed by them, no one can guarantee that there will be one or two desperate research lunatics who secretly do this kind of thing.

If this is the reason, they must be in order to take responsibility for all these things. And I believe Stark will definitely be happy to push them out, as a scapegoat to give an explanation to the angry people. This is an essential part of political biology, sacrifice. It’s not just about sacrificing the interests of others, but when it’s critical, oneself should also be spared to get the most benefit in the worst case.

Not reconciled is for sure. But no matter how unwilling they are, they must admit their fate in this matter. Because of this, at the very least, after they are charged, the top bosses will find ways to keep them. And if they want to put up a desperate struggle, then the final result will only get worse.

To weigh gains and losses, this is a compulsory homework for politicians. So at this moment, these political guests already have their own plot against in their hearts. Some people plan to push out a part of the current problem, and oneself will take the next part, so as to preserve their own political career as much as possible. Also, some people have already begun to have no desire to improve and have a showdown with Stark, with the greatest sacrifice and exchange for the president’s promise, as well as the benefits that can be actually obtained.

The careful thinking of these people, Stark, can be said to be clear, and right now he simply didn’t mean to wrestle with these people on this matter, but immediately warned them like this.

“Listen, I don’t have the time to hold this accountable. I just want to know what you can do to solve this problem. Find out the reason and solve the problem. This is what I am now The only thing I want to see. As for other things, after everything is over, I will slowly settle with you!”

“But your Excellency, the public opinion side…”

“Nothing but!” A sentence interrupted these Chief-In-Charge’s worries. While holding back his anger, Stark already told oneself’s prior arrangements. “I have issued an order, everyone in this base will be banned. Until the problem is solved, no one can have any contact with the outside world. And what you have to do is to find all the clues. Before revealing it, find out the cause and solution for me. Understand!”

“Yes, sir. We will do as you require. Only, if the problem is not ours If…”

Although the answer in my mind is that the problem lies with the idiots under oneself, as Chief-In-Charge, he still inevitably thinks that the problem may be Out of other areas, such as hell.

And this is what Stark considered. Another reason why he gave the martial law order is that he does not want anyone to reveal any information in this regard, especially after it is determined that the problem is not on their side.

Once such news goes out, it will inevitably cause huge panic. And such panic will not only shake the government’s rule in the United States, it can even bring the entire United States into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation. Such a result was something he didn’t want to see anyway. Naturally, he will do everything possible to avoid this situation.

Let the Chief-In-Charge of the base conduct self-examination, which is just his most optimistic kind of consideration. And his most pessimistic thoughts are those situations he doesn’t want to see at all.

For example, the overall defeat of human forces in hell, and the existence of certain other probabilities.

The former is unlikely. After all, the previous news was a massive invasion like a hot knife through butter, and most of the hell has been brought into their hands. If this is a sudden and comprehensive defeat, let alone what kind of sudden situation can cause such a defeat. This strength alone is already unimaginable.

I can’t say that hell has such strength, but it just waits until oneself has suffered heavy losses. If this is the case, then how stupid and cold-blooded should the ruler of hell go? What is he trying to do this way?

No matter how you think about it, this seems to be an unlikely thing. So after thinking about it, there are other situations that are more likely.

One is the fault problem. This problem may lie with them, or it may lie on the other end of the Teleportation Portal. Regardless of where the failure occurred, this is the luckiest one of all situations. Because the fault can be checked, as long as the problem is found, the problem is solved.

Especially when it comes to such an important thing as the Teleportation Portal, if it is really a malfunction, then even if they get nothing here, then on the hell side, Paragon sorcerer will definitely not be indifferent. of.

However, it has been almost twenty-four hours since the Teleportation Portal disappeared. In such a long time, the Ancient One sorcerer didn’t say it was a solution to the problem, it didn’t even show up to give an explanation. Therefore, even those who are optimistic, I am afraid they will not pin their hopes on this simple problem.

Stark is a really smart man, he rarely makes that kind of blindly optimistic plan. And it is precisely because he is such a person that when facing a situation for which there is no reasonable statement so far, he has already taken the worst considerations.

One is that the magic of Ancient One sorcerer was targeted. Although he doesn’t know what the structure of spells is like, he understands a truth, that is, spells actually have almost similar characteristics to technology products. That is, they are easily targeted by similar methods. It is like human beings will use hacking methods in modern warfare to attack the other party’s information base station and paralyze the other party’s information network. He believed that in the confrontation of spells, such a situation should also occur.

Therefore, it is very likely that someone from the hell side discovered the Ancient One sorcerer’s method and made a special response to this method.

Close Teleportation Portal may be just the 1st Step in their plan, and their next step is likely to be the most direct and powerful blow against the existence of Ancient One sorcerer. This may be the reason why Ancient One sorcerer hasn’t appeared until now. It is possible that she is performing scenes of surrounded by perils in hell at this time.

For Stark, whose victory or defeat in almost the entire battle is pinned on her spells, this is definitely not good news.

Stark’s knowledge of Ancient One sorcerer is really limited. He may know that Paragon sorcerer’s methods are superb and unfathomable, but he doesn’t have a clear enough understanding of what kind of strength she has. Maybe when fighting against ordinary demons, she could be able to wipe out the dust while talking and laughing. But in the face of the powerhouses in the hell, those terrifying existences that are almost like gods and demons, can she still do this? To be honest, Stark really doesn’t have much confidence.

There is no doubt that this will be a very bad situation. And of the possibilities Stark had anticipated, this was not the worst case.

The worst case is that everything Ancient One sorcerer said before is just a cover, and what is happening right now may be her real purpose.

From the very beginning, Stark, who has been wary of cooperating with Ancient One sorcerer, is really hard to trust her completely. So when this kind of thing happens, he as it should be by rights will consider the situation, that is, the Ancient One sorcerer betrayed him.

Of course, in his mind, the proportion of this probability will not be greater than the previous one. Because he really couldn’t think of the reason why Ancient One betrayed him and the benefits she could get.

After all, they are on a united front, in the same camp as the human beings against hell. Unless it is said that Ancient One sorcerer betrayed humans and took refuge in the devil in hell, it seems unlikely that she would have a reason to do so. According to the information he has collected about Ancient One sorcerer so far, in the past few hundred years, she has always played the role of the thorn in the eyes of hell and the thorn in the flesh. With such an identity, he couldn’t even think of the reason for Ancient One sorcerer’s rebellion.

Unless it is said that this Ancient One sorcerer is fake. In other words, her plot is so big that it has exceeded oneself’s imagination. But this kind of probability is too slim. Aside from others, he knows that there is a group of people like spiders in hell. As for Stark, who had been watching him grow up, he really couldn’t understand what he was like.

In his opinion, if Ancient One sorcerer really chooses to betray, then Little Spider will definitely not tolerate her existence. With the sense of justice he showed, he would never allow the kind of warriors who fight for humans to be buried in hell because of some conspiracy. He will definitely spare no effort to stop this kind of thing, even if he is unable to do so, he will definitely find ways to seek help.

And this has not happened yet, which may mean that the owner’s worry is really redundant. Maybe at this time, oneself should have more confidence in them?

Stark is difficult to be objective, but at this time he has to force oneself to be optimistic. This kind of worst consideration, he will not make assumptions for the time being. And if he is simply considering the situation before, then he must make second-hand preparations as soon as possible.

“Jarvis, help me mobilize all the satellites, I want to find the location of Mordo Baron in the shortest time!”

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