Sun God Marvel

Chapter 189

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A small town in the Middle East called Gunila, this was originally a peaceful and peaceful place. But now, because of the war, the town has become a ruin. Countless people wandering in this ruin, they are the original residents of this small town. And now, they can only be regarded as homeless people who are wandering.

Even worse than this, is that their lives cannot be guaranteed. An anti-government armed group called Ten Rings took over here and began to search for all useful resources here. In this resource, the most important item is people.

We need people to fight and people to produce materials. And where these people come from, Ten Rings has a good answer, which is to use violence to plunder. You can get precious manpower without even paying a penny. This is undoubtedly the most profitable business. Of course, the premise of this transaction is to trample on the most common law in this world, also the bottom line of morality.

“Go, go! Bring all the women and children to the truck.”

The bearded man who had kidnapped Tony yelled and let the owner press the women and children on the truck. . Their purpose is of course not these women and children, but the adult labor force in this small town.

The explosion caused by Tony’s escape caused heavy losses to their organization. In order to replenish the lost manpower, they began to recruit adult men on a large scale. Such violent expropriation will certainly not get real allegiance. But what they need is not allegiance, but obedient men. And to let these adult men only know to obey their orders, using their family members to threaten them is undoubtedly the best way.

“Hurry up, hurry up.” Under the coercion of this group of gangsters with guns, a man guarded his own wife and a pair of children hobbled forward. No one wanted to In this case, leave the own family. But under the threat of gunpoint, he had to leave them.

“Hurry up, what are you rubbing with?” The impatient gangster smashed the father to the ground with a gun butt, and then forcibly snatched his family from his arms.

The father who was smashed to the ground knelt on the ground and scurried in the direction of oneself’s family. Before he could get far, he was smashed in the back of the head with a rifle. After this, the father was already bloodied and fainted on the ground.

“Father, father!” The kid who was forcibly pulled away suddenly got rid of the culprit’s control, and ran towards the father who had fainted to oneself. His unexpected behavior made the surrounding gangsters completely unprepared, so he could only watch him pounce on oneself father’s body.

Looking at the bleak condition of the father and son, the refugees who had been coerced around started to riot.

“Oh, my god. Can you not even do such a small thing?” The big beard saw the commotion around him, and hurried up. He first glanced at the pair of father and son on the ground, and then began to show a vicious expression.

“Come here, that disgusting little thing.” The beard picked up the child and threw it into the arms of the man behind oneself. Then he shouted to the surrounding. “Don’t think about rebelling against us, you refugees. Once you have this kind of thinking, we will use the most terrifying means to Penalty him. I promise, this is not something you can bear. If you don’t believe it, this man is the evidence .”

As he said, he waved his hand behind oneself and gave the order.

“Kill this man and teach them a lesson.”

The gunman immediately pulled the bolt and pointed the muzzle at the dazed father. Seeing this scene, the eyes of the surrounding refugees began to show fear and despair, and the man’s wife cried and hugged the own child.

At this time, no one seems to be able to save them. Looking at all around, the beard smiled triumphantly. Sometimes the feeling of dominating the lives of others is really overwhelming. He was waiting for the gunshot that represented his terrorism and deterrence, but what was waiting was a roar.

It was as if a missile was rubbing against the owner’s scalp, and the harsh roar went into the owner’s ears from far to near. Until a bang, a steel Colossus with metallic Blink all over fell to the ground in the dazzling firelight.

The armor of golden red makes people look enthusiastic and hot, while the heavy metal module is full of deterrence and oppression. Thanks to the recent rise of Superheroism, in this case, the gangsters have made the most correct decision.

The closest gangster was the gangster who was about to execute the shooting on father. He turned the spear tip and fired directly at the steel Colossus.

The bullets splashed on the metal armor like raindrops, and a thin layer of electric light flashed on the armor, causing these bullets to immediately lose power and fall softly to the ground.

The steel Colossus took advantage of the stunned gangster who just finished shooting and hit him directly with a punch. The mechanical power far exceeds the human level, so in an instant the gangster turned into a kite with a broken line and flew far away.

After finishing this action, Steel Colossus even turned around. The two launchers in the center of the palm immediately ejected dazzling high-energy beams, one at a time, and quickly eliminated several nearby bandits. .

This neat way frightened the remaining gangsters. They were so tacitly in agreement that they all chose to point their guns at the hostages next to Oneself.

Because of the threat of hostages, Steel Colossus, of course, can no longer use high-energy beams, which seem to be very cool weapons. Seeing the energy gathering device on the steel Colossus palm gradually extinguished, all the bandits breathed a sigh of relief. And at this time, two rows of small launchers protruded from Colossus’s shoulders, and the tungsten steel warheads were fired out immediately, killing them completely before these bandits could react.

“What the hell is this damned thing?” The beard shrank behind a wall, watching the steel Colossus with no difficulty solve the owner’s hand, he felt that oneself couldn’t hold it. own bladder. “Tell the head about this, you must tell the head about this.”

He took out a communicator and just wanted to contact the owner of own. Suddenly the wall beside him burst open, and an arm covered with metal armor protruded out, hooked the bearded body and pulled him out from the other side of the wall.

Steel Colossus grabbed him and threw him into the refugees with a single flick. At this moment, Tony’s voice came from behind the steel visor.

“He left it to you to solve it.”

After saying this, the steel Colossus flew with the help of a rocket-like booster. After he left, all the refugees surrounded him in silence. At this moment they need an object to vent their hatred of oneself, and as a little boss of Ten Rings, the beard is undoubtedly the best choice.

No one will sympathize with this gangster commiting any imaginable misdeed. He is doomed when he destroys other people’s homes, breaks up other people’s families, and takes away other people’s lives. What a heavy price he will pay .

Steel Colossus, or Tony Stark flying in midair, the behavior just now is just the beginning of self-salvation for him. What he has to do today is not only to rescue this group of refugees, but more importantly It was he who wanted to end the mistake Stark made here. Destroying all Stark manufacturing here is his ultimate goal.

In order to retrieve the own target, he can lower the height of own. And just as he was flying, a cannonball hit him. It was an artillery shell fired by a main battle tank. It had full formidable power, but it had no effect.

The steel shell using the new Nanominium can effectively absorb all kinds of kinetic energy. The wave-band metal motion on the nano-level can easily wipe out all the kinetic energy that the front side bears with high-frequency metal tremors. So even if it was hit by a shell, it would have no effect on Tony’s Iron Man Armor, at best it would make his course slightly offset. This is no different from no effect.

Tony’s temperament naturally didn’t feel too comfortable. He is a typical representative who has grudges and does not avenge non-gentlemen. So without saying anything, he stretched out a hand, and the armor on his arm immediately ejected a small missile and hit the tank.

Tony’s silhouette flew over the tank’s head in an instant. Since there is a tank handle here, it means that he is not far from his own target. After he left, the tank immediately turned into a huge fireball.

That small missile is a weapon made by Stark oneself. Its formidable power is not under any anti-tank weapons. Compared with those old anti-tank weapons, this missile has implemented Tony’s The latest principles set by oneself, do everything smaller. Therefore, this missile named Little Bee is actually only a dozen centimeters long, not much different from a hot dog. And its effect is to heat people into dogs.

Solved the so-called stumbling block, Tony soon discovered Ten Rings’ new base in this place. Looking at the large weapons labeled oneself, Tony immediately dived down. He allowed the gangsters to design endlessly at him, only to excite his own high-energy beam at full power.

The hot high-energy beam immediately destroyed a large area of ​​weapons, and detonated some missiles. In addition, Tony was flying so fast that it only took a few minutes. This Ten Rings base turned into a flame.

After destroying all the Stark weapons, Tony rose into the air and flew towards the other side of the sea with the help of brilliant flames.

Shortly after he left, a truck stopped in front of the base. The bald head gloomy face looked at the fire sea in front of oneself, and his whole body exuded a chilling aura. This is the performance when a person is angry to the edge of reason.

Looking at this picture of the leader, all the surrounding gangsters quietly withdrew from a safe distance. They used the banner of fighting the fire to avoid the eyes of the leader oneself. At the same time, I also hope to avoid a panic.

But unlike what they thought, the leader was not at all angry. Instead, he got into the car alone and made a call.

“What’s the matter?” The call was quickly connected, and a man’s majestic and low voice came from the other side.

“Sorry, sir, I let you down. Our new base was destroyed by a steel Colossus.” The bald leader brow beaded with sweat reported the own situation. He didn’t want to explain this kind of thing, but he knew that if he didn’t say it, he would die even worse.

After waiting for a long time, there was a response from the other end of the phone.

“You also have a chance to find Obadiah and tell him we will make another transaction. This time if you still fail, you don’t need to contact me again.”

“Yes , Sir. I see, sir.” Nodded, the bald leader, replied with a bowed waist, even if there was a blind tone on the phone.

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