Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1894

Strange knew that oneself was in serious trouble, but he had no other choice.

As a doctor, he couldn’t see that many people died under his own eyelids anyway, so he knew it was a pit, so he chose to jump down without hesitation.

Of course, if you say that this is a dead end, and if you only have a funeral, then he can only be unable to help this kind of thing. Fortunately, things haven’t gotten so bad.

He still has something to think about. At the very least, he himself thinks this way. And why he can have such self-confidence, in the final analysis, is the special convenience left to him by the identity of Mordo Baron dísciple.

Mordo Baron was the former manager of New York Sanctum, and as the direct dísciple of Ancient One sorcerer, he retained a very important wealth when Kamar-Taj fell, that is Kamar- Tens of thousands of precious books collected by Taj.

Ancient Egypt, ancient Persia, Greece, Rome, India, even the books left by the Alexander Library, the treasures of the Lily Palace, the inheritance of Secret Sect, and Kamar-Taj are all preserved.

Mordo Baron spent a lot of effort to maintain such a wealth, and his effort was not in vain, because he gave latecomers, especially like Strange The sorcerers provide great convenience.

Strange wants to find other ways to enter hell, relying on these precious books. And if there is no such thing, he wants to find such a secret way, it is simply a fantasy story. Even so, this is not an easy job. It was like Strange’s mood standing in front of these tens of thousands of books at this moment.

“Where should I start?”

Where should I start? This is indeed a question. You know, these collections are all left in different eras and cultures. If you want to understand the content of these collections, or even discover the secrets in them, the most basic thing is that you have to have an understanding of the cultures of these different eras. Enough understanding.

For Strange, this is almost a difficult obstacle to overcome. Because the text languages ​​he is proficient in are only English, Sanskrit and some Chinese. Among them, Chinese is what he catches the most, because if it is the modern books that are simple and understandable, once the seal script appears in the text and the language becomes unfamiliar, he will immediately have a feeling of reading the Heavenly Book.

In the past, he didn’t think this would be a problem. After all, he still has a lot of time, and there is also an erudite teacher around him who can ask for advice. As long as he works hard to study, he can learn this sooner or later. Complex knowledge.

But now, he has only five days left, and he wants to find what oneself wants from so many books in five days. He is basically impossible to spend time on learning new languages ​​and scripts.

Recognizing this, Strange made a decision directly in his heart, and then he exercised his magic right now and performed it in this library full of books.

As the book collection place of the sorcerer, the collection here is of course impossible like an ordinary library for you to take and read. Let alone the damage that this may cause to those ancient books, the counter-magic on these ancient books is enough for the reckless overwhelming majority to drink a pot.

If you want to read a book, you can only use Kamar-Taj’s unique magic means to control it. It’s like fishing with a fishing rod, using magic to draw these precious books out.

Your mana has reached the level of reading this book, so naturally it can be very easy. And if you want to watch books that oneself can’t read at a level, it’s like taking a fishing rod and trying to catch a whale. Even if you just use the power of milking, it will not help at all.

After all, Kamar-Taj’s collection contains many books with magical inheritance. This is also to prevent those apprentices from aiming too high and suddenly come into contact with things that oneself should not touch, thereby causing oneself What a huge harm. Of course, this kind of thing would not happen to Strange. On the one hand, because his own level is placed there, he almost waits for the mana of the great sorcerer, enough to mobilize all the books. On the other hand, the direction he was looking for was not the precious magic books, but the strange things and secret information. In this regard, the restrictions of the library are certainly not that great.

I don’t intend to put Kung Fu on translating ancient books and texts that oneself doesn’t know. Strange simply mobilized the sorcerer handwriting since modern times.

Since the beginning of the era of great voyages, British took advantage of the convenience of great voyages and became an empire that never sets in the sun. Soorcerers took advantage of the east wind of great voyages and began to wear various coats just and honorable. To explore all the unsolved mysteries in the world.

Be aware that this was not so easy in the past, because if they used the way of socerer to probe the cultural secrets, then maybe it might arouse the intensity of those cultural inheritance owners. Opposed. On the more serious point, it is not impossible to bring out the monsters in the mysterious world and even the generation of gods and demons.

However, if the expedition on the European side is to do such a thing, and they sit behind the scenes to harvest, then the situation is different.

The explorer is an ordinary person, and the treatment of an ordinary person is different from that of a sorterer. To deal with the sorcerer, how did those ancient Inheritors not violate the contract signed with the Paragon sorcerer? Even if they were killed, the Paragon sorcerer could only watch, and could not go to these guys for revenge. But if it is an ordinary person, the situation is different.

Wait for one or two ordinary persons to be involved in this mysterious world contest, and die if they die. Paragon sorcerer would not take such a big risk for the lives of one or two ordinary persons to fight those ancient mysterious existences. However, if these ordinary persons are adventurous teams composed of great maritime powers such as Britain and France, then the situation can be different.

The opening of the sea voyage era has broadened the horizon of mankind as a whole. They realized for the first time that in this world also places they didn’t know had areas they didn’t understand. You say it is out of yearning for this unknown, or it is out of your own greed and predatory nature. In short, people of that era were very willing to explore everything they didn’t know. As long as someone is willing to spend money on funding, then some experienced explorers are willing to die. And money is really insignificant for sorcerers.

Even if Kamar-Taj’s thousands of years of accumulation are not counted, the magic of turning stones into gold can make them squander a lot of money at will. In that era, there was really nothing that could not be done with money. Even if you want to buy a warship from the Imperial Family Navy to form your expedition, as long as your money is in place and finding someone with an identity as a guarantee, it is not impossible.

Money and people, Kamar-Taj’s sponsors are not lacking, so naturally, under the guise of a powerful country such as England and France, the expeditions operated by the sponsors behind the scenes are like Like a big net opened, it spread to the world.

The secrets unknown in the past are explored by the sorcerers, and the mysterious, unknown in the past, are in the hands of the sorcerers. Most of these became the handwritten notes of the Kamar-Taj sorcerers, which were recorded in the Kamar-Taj library. And now, the overwhelming majority in these notes are already in front of Strange.

One thousand four hundred and 42 copies, this is not a small amount. Although it is said that many of the notes are less than two-finger thick, but the accumulation of so many makes Strange have a kind of skull pressure explosion in such a short moment. feel.

As a doctor, he began to mourn for his own liver, because he had already felt that oneself was going to say goodbye to sleep within five days. If it is an ordinary person, this is the rhythm of sudden death. But anyhow, he is now beyond the concept of ordinary people, and things like not sleeping for five days will pass by forbearance.

With such a boost in his mind, Strange picked up a volume of the script and began to read it carefully.

This is a scroll about Arctic expeditions. The scroll records the Inuit shaman signing a contract with the Evil Spirit at the cost of cutting off the tongue and controlling this arctic Evil Spirit event. Seeing Evil Spirit, Strange paid attention, because he thought it might be related to what he was looking for about the gates of hell. But after careful study, he discovered that this has nothing to do with hell’s dime.

The so-called Arctic Evil Spirit simply is not a guy in hell, it is more like a mixture of animal spirits and earth-bound spirits, an evil being born through original worship. In other words, it has no value, pass!

Throwing away this volume of notes, Strange picked up another volume of notes.

This volume of notes records a piece of history from Eastern Europe. It’s not at all the adventure team, but a youngster native to Eastern Europe. After Kamar-Taj learned the spells, he went home to save his parents. Some natural phenomenon found.

Eastern Europe has always been a backward region in Europe. The superstition here is very heavy. There are many legends about God and Vampire raging here. And here, this Eastern European sorcerer recorded a story about Evil God.

In a small town near his hometown, there has been such a legend. When you hear the cane rattle on the floor, you must hide the oneself child. Otherwise, the owner of the cane will steal your child, and when he steals a hundred children, the gate of hell will be opened in this land.

This legend seems to be a typical bedside story that scares a little child, and the sorcerer in the notebook thinks so, not at all take this seriously. But when he was staying in this small town, he discovered that this story is not as simple as a children’s story, it is true.

It was quiet at night, the boss of the hotel where he was staying was still busy for the overnight guests, and he didn’t have time to take care of his own child. And when he came back to his senses, his two children had disappeared.

Many guests in the hotel, including the sorcerer, stated that they heard the noise of crutches. And this kind of thing made the hotel’s boss complexion greatly changed, and even hesitated to wake up the people in the entire town, raised the torch with a shotgun, and fumbled towards the forest outside the town.

It is about the lives of two children, even the sorcerer can’t stay out of it. So as an enthusiastic traveler, this sorcerer has also joined the search camp. And it was precisely because he joined it that he discovered that this town has hidden feelings that are not understood by outsiders.

The adults among them obviously don’t treat this story as a legend, and when things in the story really happen, they are not at all panicking like headless flies. But it is very methodical, even to the forest outside the town with a clear goal.

The average person may not see this, but the learned sorcerer may see it clearly. And when he followed these townspeople deep into the forest, he immediately discovered the abnormality in the forest.

There is a castle in the forest, which is strange, but not uncommon. After all, it is normal to have a castle in Europe. Maybe if you go up for a hundred years, you can unearth a distinguished aristocratic family.

The castle is not weird. The weird thing is the structure of this castle. Except for a gate, the castle is completely sealed and there is no window. This is naturally strange. And according to the records in the sorcerer’s notes, he felt oneself as if he had seen a huge coffin.

It’s not just the feeling on the outside, but also on the inside. The entire castle is not so much a castle, as it is a tomb piled up with stones, and in such a tomb, sorcerer found a lot of extraordinary things.

Ceremony traces of cults, large-scale blood sacrifice remnants, seals and various man-made destructions. If this sorcerer is a novelist, maybe he can immediately make up a dark story in his mind. And even though he doesn’t have a talent in this respect, he can still recognize many unknown pasts from these remaining traces.

Obviously, this is a ruined cult base. Even Strange could draw such a conclusion from the mere descriptions in the notes. As for why it is depraved, one can guess a rough idea from words such as the seal also destroyed. And if you look at it from this perspective, the identity of the residents in this town is worth pondering.

Maybe it is a remnant of a cult, or it may be a sealed Guardian. Judging from the judgment of the note taker, he is more inclined to the latter.

The rest is a bit old-fashioned, Evil God escaped from the seal, and ancient Earl parasitized by Evil God. blood sacrifice, and the door opened. The owner of the note seemed to have escaped from the castle because of nine deaths and still alive, and it seemed that he was also affected so badly that at the end of the note, he became a little incoherent.

No conclusion is a headache, but in Strange’s eyes, it seems to be a possibility.

He didn’t make a simple conclusion at all, but took the place recorded in this note as a tentative direction. As to whether he should explore in the end, he still has to consider it. Of course, what he has to do now is to continue his work.

There are many books also, and there are also many choices for him. Maybe there will be a better choice.

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