Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1896

“Wait, wait, Teacher. You have made it clear, what kind of conspiracy is it, and who is behind it.”

Hear With the word conspiracy, Strange immediately thought of the unpredictable life and death of the tens of thousands of soldiers before. From the very beginning, he didn’t believe that such a thing would only be an accident, because he, who had seen Paragon sorcerer ability, simply couldn’t believe that such a spell would have any unexpected problems.

Only when someone is secretly involved can make all sense. It’s just what kind of person will be causing trouble, this is a question that Strange can’t figure out.

Too little qualifications is one of his big flaws. When faced with such a situation, he just wants to doubt who he is, and he can’t tell a general object. He himself knew this, so he kept silent on this issue, knowing that Mordo Baron appeared in front of him in this way.

It can be seen from Mordo Baron’s words alone that he has already mastered the very key core information, and since he can get the final answer from him, Strange will of course not think about it What do you want to do? You must rely on oneself to find the final answer.

This is not a game, nor is it a test. It is a matter of life and death, and anyone who is a little bit sane will choose to do this. Strange is no exception.

Faced with follow-up questions, Mordo Baron originally didn’t want to say more, because at this time he said one more sentence and wasted a little more time, and he had to take greater risks. However, as a Teacher, he was even more reluctant to see Strange plunged into this conspiracy like a headless fly.

In his heart, Strange already has more important value than himself, and if it is for him to take such a risk, then it is actually acceptable in Mordo Baron’s heart. So after a little hesitation, he already responded like this.

“Who planned this conspiracy, I can’t tell you directly. It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but that these people have the ability to sense oneself’s real name. Once I say their name , Then we will be exposed. Of course, there are only a few of these people, you just have to think about it, and you can still find the answer.”

“As for their conspiracy What is it? I can only tell you that they are coveting this whole world and hell. So far, everything we have done is actually in their plans, and they let things develop like this. Because of this situation The development of this is beneficial to their plan. And when things have developed to this point, it is almost time for them to close the net. Death Canyon is there. You must remind those people and warn them to be prepared. “

Mordo Baron’s words opened up like a huge shadow hiding the sky and covering the earth, instantly giving Strange an unbreathable depression in his heart. He could hardly imagine what it would be like to have a huge network of conspiracy hidden under such a huge turmoil. If other who said such things to him, even if he was authoritative, Strange would think he was talking about it. Because it was so huge, a conspiracy that almost swept the two worlds was unrealistic.

However, the person who said this was his most respected Teacher and the person he trusted the most, so even if this kind of thing was unthinkable, he had to weigh it carefully.

“So, are the tens of thousands of soldiers trapped in hell part of their conspiracy?”

This question is not because of distrust, but out of caution It’s just verification. In the face of Strange’s verification, Mordo Baron nodded revealed an expression of regret.

“Although I know that this will disappoint you, but yes, this is part of their conspiracy. If it were not for such a person, how could human power be able to conquer with no difficulty Hell, even if those hell demons are original aboriginals, all this will not develop to the present level in a short year. Therefore, there is only one explanation…”

“It’s all arranged.”

Mumbling such words, Strange already had the answer in his heart. As a bystander, he sees this kind of things far more clearly than the parties involved. Maybe US Military will regard the smoothness of oneself war as as it should be by rights, as a manifestation of their strong military power. But he will not.

Dragging the blessings of the Afghanistan war, he has never felt how powerful the United States military is. He is not firm in this kind of thing itself. Once the doubts were revealed, he could immediately connect the success of the war with the conspiracy. Compared with the army like a hot knife through butter, this deliberate retreat is more in line with his evaluation of the strength of both sides in the war. It’s just a fan of the authorities. Maybe US Military didn’t even think about it.

Stupid, sad. This is Strange’s evaluation of those politicians, but despite this evaluation, he has to reach out to them at this time.

Because he knows very well that the fault of these people is to make the innocent civilians pay for them. And under such a huge conspiracy, once the executors of the conspiracy begin to gather the big net, then these innocent people will inevitably be like a school of sardines, led by the leader to catch everything in one net.

This will be a disaster for the entire mankind, and whether it comes from a human standpoint, or from a sorcerer or even a doctor’s identity, he is impossible to watch such things appear in front of the owner. He has to deal with it, and at this time, the only thing he can do is probably to tell the Stark government the truth.

This is the only way to solve the problem, and in the face of such a situation, Strange, of course, will not stay anymore, but will leave immediately and go to them to issue a warning. But before he left, Sir Mordo stopped him first.

“Strange, wait a minute. Listen to me!”

The call from the Teacher, even Strange was distraught and had to stop owning . Looking at his impatient expression, Mordo Baron could only sigh softly, and just warned.

“I understand your feelings, Strange. But you also need to know who you are. You are my only successor and the best heir to Kamar-Taj. I also hope to have One day, you will inherit the name Paragon sorcerer. I have no qualifications to inherit it, and you are my only hope. So I hope you can promise me that no matter what happens, no matter how bad the final result is, you must To live for me.”

“Live, inherit Kamar-Taj and become Paragon sorcerer! You must promise me, you must!”

Mordo Baron’s voice suddenly became high-pitched , Sharp, this seems to represent his will, simply cannot tolerate any rejection.

This is an imposed will, especially for Strange. He had never thought of becoming a Paragon sorcerer. But at this moment, if he wants to refuse, then maybe he will have a big conflict with Mordo Baron. This is not the time, so he can only be nodded.

“I promise you, Teacher.”

“Remember what you said, Strange, and remember it firmly. Otherwise, I will not die!”

Walking straight to Strange’s face, Mordo Baron’s Avatar in the form of a shadow grabbed his palm firmly. His grip was so hard that Strange’s body trained by Asura’s fierceness felt pain, and his eyes were so hot that Strange almost didn’t dare to look directly into his eyes.

It has always been a question of how prestigious a promise can be if it comes casually without any deliberate consideration. Strange feared Mordo Baron’s test and tested his persistence in this oath. But fortunately, such a test does not occur at all.

Like a real shadow, under the sunlight projected from the shade of the trees, this incarnation of Mordo Baron immediately melted into invisible and completely disappeared in front of him. For this sudden situation, the only explanation Strange could think of was that Mordo Baron actively stopped the incarnation’s spells.

Too late to think about why Mordo Baron stopped casting spells so quickly, Strange, anxious, just wanted to issue a warning as soon as possible. And just when he stepped into the Teleportation Portal and returned directly to the United States from Europe beyond a thousand li. On the United States side, Sir Mordo, who was sitting in a cave, sighed silently.

Of course he knew that Strange did not take his own oath seriously. If possible, he would certainly do everything possible to make Strange remember the oath made by oneself. But time not at all gave him such an opportunity, he could only temporarily interrupt such a conversation. When he did this, a tall figure was already standing in front of him.

“You seem to be a little restless, Sir Mordo, do you also have any other ideas at this time?”

“No, this is just your subjective assumption , Lord Randekiel. I don’t at all have any other thoughts, I just think of one person.”

Facing Randekiel, who is standing in front of oneself with a human appearance, Sir Mordo, who was sitting on the ground, didn’t even raise his head, he already gave such an answer. In response to this reply, Randekiel grinned, already mocking with disdain.

“When you think of a person, who would you think of? I remember you didn’t have a wife, let alone offspring. As a running dog of Paragon sorcerer for a lifetime, the person closest to you is probably Paragon sorcerer himself Now. The person you still think of at this time, is it her? Is it that you are so worried about her betrayal?”

“You simply don’t understand, how much I did for her A huge sacrifice. The name of Paragon sorcerer should have belonged to me, and it should have been for many years. I am her best heir, and I should be her only choice. Since she chose the wrong person, then She should pay the price for her own choice!”

Like a volcano erupting suddenly, Mordo Baron’s emotions exploded to an indescribable level in an instant.

This explosive performance made Randekiel take a step back, as if to avoid Mordo Baron’s edge. But after that, he still smiled and said to Mordo Baron like this.

“It sounds good, but do you really have the courage to act like this? Sir Mordo, if I remember correctly, you have been raised by Paragon sorcerer since you were a child. To you, she may be more like a mother than a teacher. For mother’s eccentricity, you may give birth to resentment for a while, but in the end, you can really make up your mind to stab her from behind A knife? Seriously, I am very skeptical!”

“If you don’t trust me, you can stare at me behind me. If you have this skill!”

Mordo knows very well that own status is bound to arouse these people’s suspicion. After all, they have laid such a big conspiracy, they can’t tolerate any uncertain factors in the own plan.

However, he has considerable confidence in his own ability. It may not be the opponent of these terrifying guys, but it is not a problem if you want to protect yourself. Moreover, if they want to carry out an own plan, own help will be a very important force for them. These guys who are older than plot against will not erase oneself for no reason.

He is very convinced of this, and this is why he dared to provoke Randekiel so much.

For Mordo’s little idea, although Randekiel guessed it incomplete, it was almost almost almost. He can be sure that this guy is most likely to be the type of Cao Ying and his heart. As long as there is a chance, he will definitely find ways to play black hands behind his back.

At this point, the two of them are a bit similar, and they are both of the kind of harbor ulterior motives. Perhaps not just the two of them, but many people involved in this conspiracy are like this. Everyone is planning a conspiracy that belongs to the own, and everyone is thinking about how to enjoy the fattest piece of food from this feast. Intrigue, that’s for sure. And who can have the last laugh, in the final analysis, depends on ability.

At this point, Randekiel is not at all worried about oneself. Because a person who has taken the overall picture and understood all the changes in his heart is impossible to lose no matter what. He will have the last laugh, at least he himself thinks so. And with such ample self-confidence, he immediately smiled at Mordo Baron.

“You’re right, I don’t have that kind of effort. After all, I still have a lot of things to be busy. So, maybe you should think carefully about what oneself should do is the most beneficial one. Choice. I don’t think you want oneself to lose your life, but get a disappointing result. If this is the case, then why do you have to go to the dark from the very beginning on this road?”

“You are a wise man, you should make the smartest choice. Sir, you should understand this truth!”

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