Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1922

“Ignorant humans, want to fight me? It is arrogant. However, since you have such courage, then I will give you such a chance. If you have the ability, come down. Well, I am here waiting for your visit!”

This is an invitation, of course, a malicious invitation. Facing the traps carefully laid out by the enemy, not everyone has the courage to set foot in casually. However, Stark obviously didn’t care about this. He looked at the dark cave at oneself’s feet and sneered, before he sneered into it without hesitation.

This is the performance of boldness of execution stems from superb skill. Of course, with the power he currently possesses, he does have such a bold qualification.

Be aware that, compared with the previous Iron Man Armor, which is full of Nanominium multiplication, he has a further development at this moment. And this development, to be honest, has some beyond the scope of science.

During the battle with Steve, his body was seriously injured under the divine force of the sword of the king. At that time, in order to save his life, God of Thunder Thor had to use own divine force to forcefully suppress the power in his body.

The power from Divine King Anuda and Thor’s divine force clash continuously in Stark’s body. Under the conflict of these two divine forces, the Nanominium, which has been severely damaged, has to do its best to multiply its full strength to maintain its stable existence.

This kind of maintenance requires sufficient energy as support, and even if Stark has the latest miniature Arc Reactor, it is fundamentally impossible to support such consumption. Especially before that, he and Steve had a tough fight. So naturally, when this kind of struggle was critical, the Arc Reactor on him was already unsustainable.

According to common sense, Nanominium should have exited the battlefield at this time and waited for itself to restart again in a dormant manner. However, I don’t know if it was because the previous battle destroyed its core mechanism, or because of Stark’s own security design flaws. When the energy is exhausted, these Nanominiums not only did not stop operating, but because of the contact with the two conflicting divine forces, the operation became more intense.

This degree of intensity is not only limited to Stark’s subcutaneous tissue, but completely penetrated into all parts of his body and cells. From the perspective of Nanominium, it replaces those parts of Stark’s body that cannot withstand the conflict of these two divine forces, allowing him to develop resistance in this conflict, and incorporate these two completely different forces into own In the energy cycle system. In general, it saved Stark’s life.

If you just look at it from a human perspective, all these changes are obviously making Stark take a very crucial step from human to inhuman.

Whether this is considered a good thing or not, to be honest, this is a question that is hard to put on your lips. But if those philosophical elements are aside, there is no doubt that Stark’s power has been significantly improved in this particular change.

Using the continuously regenerating double God’s Force as the source of power, he already has some meaning to break the limitations of the fusion of science and magic, and under the buff of God’s power, which is very mysterious. , The Nanominium in him also got a fundamental sublimation.

Wearing today’s nano-armor, he can be seen as a divine tool with self-awareness and ability to act. Using divine tool to fight against the so-called gods and demons may not be an impossible thing. .

Of course, Stark oneself is not clear about all this. He was just out of his own intuition and pride that oneself had the ability to fight against the so-called gods and demons. And that being the case, of course he has no reason to be a terrified and over-cautious villain.

The most dangerous situation is that there will be an ambush from the enemy midway, and if that is the case, then at worst will just go straight through. It’s just a few small people, there is really nothing to fear. In his eyes, he is truly qualified to threaten own, but that’s all.

Although Stark thought so in his heart, he was not at all mentally slack. He doesn’t want this scandal of fall in the sewer to happen to owner, so he should be careful, he doesn’t miss a point.

It’s just that, something he didn’t expect was that the not at all happened along the way as he expected. There is no hindrance, and there are no hidden traps. If he hadn’t personally watched that this passage was formed under the pillar of fire, and that the other party was deliberately guiding oneself, he would even wonder if oneself had found the wrong place.

When did the demons in hell bother to play this kind of ghost trick? Stark sighed in his heart, but he didn’t mean to stay. The propulsion device on his feet accelerated, and he passed through the deep rock tunnel, and then fell into a cave with a bang.

The thick darkness in the cave made him completely unprepared for a while, especially the subtle touch under his feet, which gave him a feeling of accidentally stepping on shit. This feeling was of course unacceptable to him, so immediately, he was like a huge electric light bulb, releasing the extremely dazzling radiance from the energy device on his chest.

Stark’s evil taste makes the radiance he releases even more dazzling than the brightness of a large searchlight. In such an environment where you can’t even see your fingers, someone who is not careful may even blink his eyes. Although he didn’t expect this to make Satan hiding here blindfold, he still hoped that this might give the other party a just right embarrassment.

It’s just that his idea is not at all. Because even with such dazzling radiance, there is no way to penetrate the deep darkness in this cave.

It’s as if there is something thick in the air. The radiance he releases only spills to the range of two or three meters in front of him, as if it was swallowed by something. . In the end, the cave where the five fingers couldn’t be seen still looked like a gloomy darkness, and in the face of such a situation, Stark could only look around to own all around while secretly stunned.

Lighting with very limited visibility, coupled with severely disturbed detection devices, makes Stark very difficult to see clearly oneself’s environment. He looked left and right for a long time, until the end, did he put his gaze down at his feet.

Worried about stepping on something dirty, he still cares about the touch of oneself’s feet. The reason why he didn’t observe this immediately was because he was worried that he would meet a fierce battle. And since this will not happen now, of course he wants to take the time to check it out. And this observation does not matter, his eyebrows hidden under the helmet frowned immediately.

The thick liquid, and the color that is about to solidify into black, plus the absolutely pungent smell. There is no doubt that this is blood. As far as I can see, the entire ground is in this color, which means that the blood here is not only so little bit, but it covers almost the entire ground. And considering the cruel nature of the devil, they would certainly not slaughter any livestock here to engage in food processing and other work, then it is certain that the source of these blood will only be a possibility… humans!

Thinking of this, Stark immediately took a step forward and marched toward the darkness that radiance couldn’t reach. And just as he expected, when he walked into the darkness, he could immediately see a human body crouching on the ground.

The corpse whose blood has flowed clean now shows an abnormal, skinny appearance like a skeleton. From the faintly visible blood stains on the black robe they were wearing, it could be seen that the massive amount of blood on the ground came from their bodies.

They have knives in their hands and blood on the knives. From this, Stark can tell that they committed suicide. And so many people commit suicide in groups? This is already making his scalp numb.

As a Superhero who has experienced so many experiences, a national president who bears a heavy burden. He is very clear about the nature of human beings today. Selfish, greedy, stupid, there is no such thing as honor.

They only care about own interests, and even say that they can push others into Fire Pit with no difficulty for own interests. In this case, it is normal for them to kill others, and suicide is the most abnormal manifestation.

What can make so many people choose to commit suicide? The first thing he can think of is the devil’s enchantment. Just like a Mutant who was once jealous by the United States Government, who can manipulate his thoughts, he suspects that these humans are brainwashed to make such terrifying actions.

This was his first idea, but the next discovery made him overthrow this idea.

He found that these corpses almost all maintained a consistent movement and a consistent expression. That is, they are holding their own palms, and on their palms, there is a piece of rotten and withered flesh.

It can be seen from the wounds of the corpses that this is their heart. As for the previous discovery of oneself, it is not difficult for Stark to guess that these people gradually stepped into Death after taking out their own heart with a knife alive. This should be very painful. For today’s human beings, the mere thought of this kind of thing should make them shudder and timid. But the fact is that this is not the case. Because the expressions on their faces didn’t have the slightest timidity or fear, let alone the pain and distortion of facing Death. They have only one kind of satisfaction, a kind of satisfaction that is dedicated and rewarded, and a kind of great joy that seems to have their souls sublimated.

This should not be the expression that those who are in control of their hearts should show. Because at the time of Death, in order to avoid oneself from being affected, most of the psychic controllers that control others will shrink the own Psychic Power back. This situation makes the controlled people are often sober at the moment of Death, so their expressions are the same as when ordinary people face Death, even more distorted and hated.

This is not the case now, so Stark boldly guessed that they really did such a terrifying thing out of their own will.

This is a more terrifying thing than they are manipulated to die, because if such deaths are really out of their will, then they can only be manipulated by twisted greed and loss soul. As a member of human beings, he really didn’t want to admit that human beings would become like this. But in the face of cruel facts, he had to admit that such a maggot-like existence really existed.

They would rather take own Death and pain as gifts to an evil incarnation in the dark. He is unwilling to save the life of own and leave a way for his compatriots to survive. Can such a person really be called a human?

Thinking of this, Stark felt ashamed of the idea that oneself had been shaken by the lives of these people. Of course, after the shame, it is the deepest anger. Not only for these self-willing and fallen humans, but also for the existence that confuses them.

This anger was so intense that Stark couldn’t restrain his emotions immediately, so he inwardly shouted at the deep darkness in front of him.

“Satan! Don’t you want to fight me? Come out, don’t hide in the darkness like a coward. Do you think that hiding can solve the problem? No, it’s nothing. , Doing this can only make me despise you even more, from your timidity to your soul! If you also have a little bit of courage, get out of me, get out and fight me like a man. I want to crush Break you, I want to let those idiots who believe in you know that their death has no meaning and their blood has no value! Because you can’t go anywhere except hell!”

” Oh, from your tone, I can hear that your anger is about to destroy your sanity. This is quite different from what I know, Mr. Tony Stark, you don’t seem to be an emotional person. !”

In Stark’s words, the heavy darkness began to shrink, like a scene rendered upside down by ink, an extremely dark cocoon appeared in front of Stark.

First there was a voice coming from this cocoon, then, with red skin, pure black eyes, Satan in a white suit still smiled and walked out of this cocoon.

He first glanced at the corpses all around who died because of him, and then turned his gaze back to Stark. Immediately afterwards, a playful smile appeared on his somewhat hideously colored face.

“Why are you so angry, my Mr. President. Is it because of their death? Forgive me to speak bluntly, these human beings don’t seem to be at all to you and your country. Too much value. Even to say, on the contrary, most of them can be called hidden dangers. Now, I can be regarded as helping you a lot, helping you solve them in the most trouble-free way. So, you are very angry with me, I want to say, is this a bit…unhuman?”

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