Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1927

Speaking of this, but Dekiel no longer had any hesitation. He immediately lit a blue hell flame in his hand, and then threw it directly into the power of Satan. Realized in the black dome.

It was like firing a flare. The black dome, which was originally clouded with smoke, suddenly agitated, as if something inside it was moving violently. And along with this violent reaction, also a certain special sound continuously diffused from it. Getting closer and closer, as if hordes of motorcycles were roaring frantically, approaching continuously.

Stark doesn’t think that oneself will misheard the voice. After all, he is also an engineering expert, and it is impossible to make common-sense judgment errors on the behavior of internal combustion engines. Although the movement of this kind of internal combustion engine far exceeds his knowledge and is much more violent than all the engines he has seen, he can be sure that this is definitely the noise of the internal combustion engine. And not one, but a group.

wtf? Where’s the engine? Stark is also a little confused, I don’t know why oneself would hear this sound. After all, in his understanding, hell still maintains the equivalent to the medieval social environment. Naturally powerful demons will not use tools to improve the habit of owning like humans do, so naturally, they are also impossible to develop an institutional industrial system. But now he clearly heard the sound of the internal combustion engine, could it be said that the so-called anxious hell has been secretly started the industrial revolution under unknown circumstances?

He was suspicious, and just as he was guessing what was going on with this voice, there was already a new movement in Black’s dome.

The violent noise of the internal combustion engine is already close to my ears, and in Stark’s fierce gaze, a motorcycle full of flames has already rushed out of the dome.

The raging flames, the steel body decorated with skeletons, and the flame skeleton Knight riding on it, there is no doubt that this is a Ghost Rider.

The appearance of Ghost Rider surprised Stark, and it also reminded him of a lot of bad ideas. He subconsciously wanted to question the Ghost Rider who appeared in front of him, but what happened next made him directly forget the question of own in his stomach.

One after another, one after another, hundreds of Ghost Riders rushed out of the black dome. Some of them are riding violent motorcycles, while others are driving racing cars full of flames, and they even use skeleton-shaped war horses and elephants as mounts.

For a time, it can be said that almost all forms of Ghost Rider appeared in front of Stark, as if it was an exhibition with Ghost Rider as the theme. In the face of so many Ghost Riders, Stark’s heart has sunk to the bottom.

Ghost Rider is a very rare existence in the world. Judging from the information currently held by the Stark government, there are probably only a few hundred Ghost Riders in the world. Most of these Ghost Riders joined the Ghost Rider Legion formed by Peter Parker. And if there are a large number of Ghost Riders all at once, then it is certain that they must be inseparable from Peter Parker’s Ghost Rider Legion.

Such a situation made Stark immediately affirmed by oneself’s bad conjecture, and this affirmation also made his heart full of disappointment and annoyance. It’s not just being stupid to own, but also betraying the most trusted partner in the past.

Seriously, it is difficult for him to accept this result, because he does not understand what it is for, Peter Parker will betray oneself. Hasn’t he thought about what this means? Or is he already completely disappointed in oneself and even the entire human race, and he did not hesitate to make a deal with these demons in hell by seeking a tiger’s skin?

He didn’t understand. There is no time to think about this problem.

Hundreds of Ghost Rider killers are coming out right now, and he doesn’t think they are here to visit. Judging from their relationship with Randekiel, it can be seen that they currently belong to the same camp. And if these Ghost Riders had joined the ranks of the fallen angels before, then the consequences for the army under Stark would be unimaginable.

You know, the power of Ghost Rider is terrifying and weird. Modern weapons and equipment may not be able to cause any devastating blow to them, on the contrary, they may also become their aid, causing even greater trauma to the enemy army.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they may not necessarily be stronger than the fallen angels, but with their weird abilities, they can cause greater destruction and lethality on the battlefield. Therefore, it is not unreasonable that Stark is worried about this.

He is very afraid that Ghost Rider will intervene in the battlefield at this time, which will completely overturn the already unstable battle. But he soon discovered that things were not as bad as oneself had imagined.

The sudden appearance of these Ghost Riders really made him a little flustered, and even said he was behaving a little. But when he calmed down, he discovered that the appearance of these Ghost Riders should be for another purpose.

Because he saw the chain. Almost every Knight’s mount has a huge chain attached to the back. These chains penetrate deep into the black dome one by one, and are connected together like a long river of chains.

Each chain is stretched straight. Although there are those Ghost Riders who constantly urge the mount to accelerate, more reasons are still inside the black dome. Road to the things connected by the chain.

Stark doesn’t know what these Knights are pulling with the chain, but he can be sure that the one they are pulling is a huge monster. Because if it’s something idle, there is no need to make such a big movement.

Be aware that the power of Ghost Rider is amazing enough. Without the help of any external force, the ordinary Ghost Rider can even explode nearly a hundred tons of physical power. And if they use their mounts to exert power, this power will even become even greater. To put it bluntly, even if it is a warship of several thousand tons, they can be towed directly with their own mounts.

The situation right now is that hundreds of Knights are working together, and seeing them desperately pushing the mounts, but only two steps forward, you can see the existence of the other end of the chain. The tonnage will never be too small.

A few hundred thousand tons, or even millions of tons, this is definitely possible. If it’s a dead thing, it’s fine, if it’s a living thing, then it’s too terrifying.

Be aware that this black dome communicates with the hell where Satan lives. If it’s a living creature, Stark doesn’t believe that the living creature is resisting the pull of these Knights. He must be cooperating with these Knights’ movements, and if this kind of pulling action is so difficult under this coordinating situation, then it is really hard to imagine what kind of force will be restricting them.

What will they pull? Guess carefully, make bold assumptions. Soon, Stark got a bad answer in Own’s heart-Satan.

Judging from the information he currently has, Satan is the most likely answer. Because almost all the clues he touched pointed the answer in his direction.

Strange said that if Satan wants to come to the world, he must be rejected by the whole world. This coincides with the huge obstacles faced by these Ghost Riders. But Dekiel also said that what he just faced was only an Avatar of Satan, and Satan’s deity was someone else. This gave him a little more certainty about the conjecture of own.

He boldly guessed that the power of sacrifice gave Satan the power to communicate with the world. And because the world rejected him, he could not enter the world directly through sacrifice, so he called these Ghost Riders, wanting to use their power to break the world’s rejection of him in one fell swoop.

This conjecture has been pretty close, and only one thing Stark didn’t understand is probably why Ghost Rider is here to help. Of course, there are reasons for this. Ghost Rider, as Knights who can travel freely between hell and the world, they are born with the ability to cross the world. This ability may be a secret to humans like Stark, but it is an open fact to Old Demon like Satan.

Satan knows very well that if oneself wants to pass this barrier imposed by the world itself, it must have the ability to break the barrier between the two realms. He doesn’t have this ability himself, so he must be helped by those who have this ability. Ghost Rider is his best choice. He planned that many for today.

At times, the world’s changes tend to become more and more chaotic, which gives him the best opportunity to operate secretly. Geographically, the veins of Death Canyon are becoming thinner, and the world’s ability to block him has been reduced to the limit. Human beings, Paragon sorcerer, human beings, and hell. Everything has created the best conditions for him.

At this time, if he can no longer do anything, then he will not be qualified to claim that oneself is the most powerful Demon King. So just for a moment, Stark heard a deafening roar, and then next moment, a scarlet arm as huge as a hill has stretched out from the black dome, and fiercely clung to the ground. .

The sharp claws are extremely sharp, and Blink has a metallic luster, which looks like the bow of a warship from a distance. Dao Dao meridians emerge on the back of the hand and arm, as if one after another criss-crossed stream is entangled on it. All together, it will only give people a feeling. That is huge, shockingly huge.

Even though Stark has already seen a huge existence like King Ming that can hardly be looked up. But when faced with such a huge creature, he still couldn’t help feeling shocked in his heart.

This is the inevitable gap between the small and the huge. Of course, if it was just this, it wouldn’t make people like Stark feel threatened. After all, he had seen the world to some extent and had experienced existence. To make him feel threatened, he has to take out some dry goods anyway. In this regard, the scarlet arm exuding mist has played a key role.

The black mist disperses like a misty haze, staring at the presence of these mists immediately gave Stark’s soul a feeling of being pulled. He felt as if he was staring into an abyss, and there was dark water flowing quietly in the abyss. And just as his consciousness gradually sank, and when he was about to touch the flowing water, for a while, countless corpses and undead were like bubbles surging under boiling water, roaring out from under the water surface, and biting at him. Come here.

In this case, even if you have the courage to fight, you will inevitably be frightened. Stark is no exception, he was shocked, subconsciously a hind leg. And it wasn’t until this time that he realized that all of this turned out to be just an own illusion.

When was oneself disturbed by this illusion? There was a wave of suspicion on his face, apparently a little frightened by this strange situation. And it seemed that he was also aware of his psychological changes at the moment, and Randekiel, who had been watching all this, immediately let out a mocking laugh.

“How about, now you realize the great power of my lord. Mr. Stark, rejecting the cooperation of my lord will be the biggest mistake in your life. You also have some time now, you can go Repent of this mistake you made. After my lord has completely freed from this shackle and broke this shackle, believe me, you will not even have the chance to regret! Human beings are as weak as ants before my lord, and you are destined to become The plaything in the palm of my master!”

“I won’t let him enter this World!”

Randkiel’s words reminded Stark, and let him Realized what oneself must do right now.

He knows very well that if oneself’s situation just now was affected by the power of Satan, he would say unceremoniously that the ordinary person would have no power to struggle when facing Satan. You know, he is a Superhero, far beyond the existence of an ordinary person in both power and mind. If even he is almost able to learn, then the ordinary person is simply impossible to break free from that horror. In other words, once Satan breaks free and can freely enter and exit the world, then he is equivalent to moving natural disasters, which is enough to completely turn a city into a ghost in a short time.

This is something Stark absolutely can’t allow, so immediately, he shouted, and at the same time charged at the huge arm with full firepower.

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