Sun God Marvel

Chapter 193

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“What monster are you?” Obadiah inhales the air-conditioning and asks such questions. In his opinion, Zhou Yi’s performance has been Beyond the limit of human cognition. This made him feel so insecure that he involuntarily asked such a question.

“This is your problem? As stupid as I thought.” Zhou Yi smiled contemptuously, and violently twisted oneself’s arm. The sudden increase in ground strength made Obadiah only feel that the sky was spinning, which was the illusion that Iron Monger’s body was completely overturned to the driver. And this illusion made Obadiah feel a panic. He hurriedly manipulated own Iron Monger, trying to maintain the own balance as much as possible, but under the control of Zhou Yi, he couldn’t do this at all.

Looking at Obadiah, who used to say no words to oneself, and even talked badly at each other, was so embarrassed. Zhou Yi couldn’t help but feel amused. Before he set foot on the other side of this World, oneself could only treat him with tolerance. But since he walked into oneself that was different from the normal side, Zhou Yi would naturally not be polite to him.

He played with the giant Iron Monger like a monkey, ignoring the shock of the two people present. It was not until he gradually lost interest in this big toy that he kicked him away.

In the sound of ping-pong-pong metal crash, Iron Monger’s huge body crashed into the wall of the factory like a meteorite. The traces of dust and friction made this big guy look dilapidated and old. The electric sparks at the damaged place made it even more embarrassing. Iron Monger looked like it had been smashed into an iron can, and it was almost crushed. This makes Obadiah, who has always regarded himself highly regarded, completely unacceptable.

He can endure Zhou Yi’s powerful force, but he can’t endure Zhou Yi’s behavior of playing with him. Pulling away the masonry and debris accumulated on his body, Obadiah controlled Iron Monger to stand up and shouted loudly.

“Give me a good, damn bastard with ability. Don’t think about playing with me!”

“Sorry, I want to do this. But you know, you don’t It belongs to me.” Zhou Yi laughed, pointing to the sky, there. A harsh roar was approaching, and at the same time came Tony’s roar.

“Obadiah, it’s time to repay all this.” Amid the violent impact, Tony Golden Red’s Iron Man Armor knocked away Iron Monger standing on the ground with powerful kinetic energy. The two of them tangled together, pierced through several layers of thick walls, and rolled from inside the factory to the road outside the factory. And it disrupted the rolling traffic in an instant.

Seeing two steel monsters just appeared in front of the owner, the drivers on the highway were immediately shocked. Some of them quickly stepped on the brakes, and some even slammed the steering wheel so that they hit someone else.

However, compared to these guys who lose one’s head out of fear, having a driver is the worst. She was the one who happened to be stuck in front of Obadiah. Before she could step on the brakes, she directly ran into Obadiah’s body, and the violent impact made Iron Monger’s body shake.

Of course, this gentle shaking is useless for Iron Monger itself, but Obadiah doesn’t think so. He was full of resentment after being teased by Zhou Yi just now. Coupled with his already vicious mind, how could he easily let off the offending owner?

So he directly controlled Iron Monger to lift the obstructive Audi car, and held it high above his head. As he moved, there was a harsh scream from the car. There are adults and children. And it’s not just a child.

This started Tony who had just been spirit slowly recovering. He immediately yelled at Obadiah.

“Obadiah, this is a matter between the two of us. Don’t involve the innocent.”

“Tony, there has never been innocent. This is the world of powerhouse , Powerhouse can decide everything. The weak can only passively accept everything.” Holding the Audi car high, Iron Monger took a step forward, making a gesture of smashing the car on Tony.

For the amazing Iron Monger, this may be just a small building block, but for the people in the car, this is their only protection. Listening to the horrified screams from the car, Tony knew what oneself had to do.

“Jarvis, transfer all the energy to the chest launcher.”

“But sir, the energy has been seriously insufficient, and now there is only 18% of the remaining energy.”

“Don’t remind me, just do as I say!”

“Do you know the existence of that bastard? You set a trap and watch me walk in step by step, right? What do you think of me, a clown?” Obadiah got more angry as he spoke, his arms stretched out as if the next moment would hit the car in his hand.

And at this time, Tony’s Iron Man Armor burst out a strong beam of light from his chest. This strong high-energy beam easily knocked Iron Monger into the air. In a car where the driver has escaped. But it also dropped the car in its hands.

The people in the car yelled in horror before they landed. Tony rushed forward and caught them.

“Okay, okay, don’t worry. I will catch you.” While comforting the passengers in the car, he tried his best to put the car down smoothly. But unlike Obadiah’s Iron Monger, his Iron Man Armor Mark One is not so powerful. Coupled with the lack of energy, this makes him very reluctant to achieve that level.

However, the passengers in the car did not approve of his efforts. At this moment, they were almost scared. So when the car felt signs of landing, the woman as the driver desperately stepped on the accelerator.

“Wait, I’m still…” Before Tony finished speaking, people were swept under the chassis by the charge of the car. Because of the driver’s disregard, the armor on his body It started to rub against the ground violently. For a time, the whole car was full of electric and light sparks.

“Damn, I hate female drivers!” Tony cursed, stretched out his take action arm and pushed the car’s ground. This allowed him to finally be liberated from the underground of the car, and also allowed the crazy female driver to get free. But before he could breathe, the silhouette of Iron Monger had appeared before his eyes.

One traverse of the huge body, it fell in front of Tony. The sturdy pillar-like arm swung horizontally, and it smashed Tony away. Compared to Iron Monger, the power of Mark One is really hard to contend.

However, compared with Iron Monger, Mark One also has its advantages. It is more flexible and harder. Iron Monger uses only ordinary alloy materials, while the Mark 1 uses Nanominium materials. He has a huge advantage on the armor shell. This advantage was reflected in the outside that the Mark One, which had just been knocked off, immediately stabilized its body in the air, and rushed towards Iron Monger again.

Under the kinetic energy provided by the booster, Mark One’s hand armor is inserted into Iron Monger’s shoulder like a long spear. At the same time, with his movements, a lot of The cable was also forcibly pulled out by him.

This action made Obadiah even more hostile. Instead of taking care of Iron Monger’s damaged arm, he directly held Tony’s thigh with his other hand. Under the buff of formidable strength, Mark One immediately became a toy in his hand that could be rounded and flattened at any time, and he was smashed fiercely on the concrete pavement time and time again.

Large tracts of soil are sputtered, and layers of electric ions are Blink crazy. Obadiah can clearly see how much damage Tony not at all suffered. Although his movements are great, but the effect on the armor is too limited.

This made him scream.

“Tony, you are still so unsatisfied. You have the best technology, but you only use it for own toys. We could have the entire world, but you failed me time and time again. Do you think I can’t hurt you, let’s try it.”

With that, he activated full strength and threw Tony out. Under the effect of huge inertia, Tony could hardly guarantee the balance of Mark One. And Obadiah wants this opportunity.

Iron Monger’s built-in weapon aiming system has locked the position of Mark One, and he raised his hand. All the rockets on the arm were fired out at once. It seemed that this was not enough, Obadiah activated a button, and Iron Monger immediately set up a small launch pad on the back of Iron Monger, and fired a small missile.

The rocket bombs exploded one after another on Mark 1, and the violent explosion made Tony even more unable to control oneself. At this time, the missile had already blasted in front of him. Tony could only see a tail flame, followed by a terrifying boom.

The huge fire light immediately illuminated the entire sky, and the red flame turned into a billowing fireball into the air. The roar, mixed with powerful shock waves, swept the entire highway. Cars that were closer were instantly twisted and deformed, and those that were farther away were shattered by the shock wave to shatter all the glass.

This has constituted a disaster. The only good news is that there are no casualties. All the people present were rescued. That was Zhou Yi’s action. His speed is already sufficient to surpass the observation of human vision, so these people present only felt that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and they escaped from the scope of the explosion. As for who saved them, they don’t know anything.

Zhou Yi saved these people just by his hand. He put more of his thoughts on his own friends.

Tony still survived this explosion. But the outer shell of Mark One was inevitably destroyed. Nanominium is never omnipotent, and it is impossible to be intact under this degree of explosion. That’s not realistic.

But another feature of Nanominium is enough to make up for this. It is renewable, as long as there is sufficient energy supply, it can be restored before it is completely destroyed.

So Obadiah discovered a scene that shocked him. The damaged shell of Mark One began to repair itself like a creeping creature. This speed may not seem obvious to humans, but under the aid of computer observation, he can see clearly. And this made him feel desperate.

Because the damage of the Mark 1 is not great, it may be repaired quickly at this level. Although Iron Monger has greater power and fierce firepower, he still seems too weak when facing an enemy that can’t be broken at all, and can be restored even if broken.

In this case, Obadiah couldn’t help but let out a beast-like cry.

“Tony, you damn little bastard!”

(Someone asked about the protagonist ability. At present, many abilities have not been fully developed. This is for the development of the subsequent plot. .Because from the perspective of the movie, the current power is almost enough, but it is obviously not enough to deal with the extended comic plot. Therefore, the development of protagonist ability, I can only develop little by little according to the plot, some people say What’s too Yang Fire! Electromagnetic storm! We can only wait for the plot to develop to the necessary time.)

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