Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1931

Connecting to heaven penetrating the earth’s beam of light wanders around Death Canyon. The pressure from the dark makes all sensitive people feel like walking on thin ice.

It’s as if the ground under their feet has become an ice layer with cracks. A little movement will make them feel like they are falling into it. Faced with such a situation, the overwhelming majority naturally dare not act blindly without thinking.

Of course, those who originally thought of the purpose would be exceptions. The Ghost Riders are still madly launching their own mounts, and Satan who is in the dark is also roaring, trying his best to climb out of the darkness.

The restlessness of the ground pulse relieved his suppression, allowing him to finally climb up again from the previous series of interruptions. However, this kind of assistance is still limited to him, so he can only yell and urge Mordo Baron again.

“It’s almost, it’s almost. Mordo…give me a little harder and help me a little bit more! I will give you everything you want, again, again !”

Mordo Baron’s command is difficult for Satan to refuse, so at this special moment, he immediately took a deep breath and together controlled the pulsation of the earth.

Under his will, the earth veins began to move, and the sparkling beam connecting to heaven penetrating the earth began to wander more freely. It feels like cracks on the ice surface have spread to every corner, and the ice layer under your feet may crack at any time. Anyone with a little bit of logical thinking can understand that the complete collapse of the barriers from hell and the world is getting closer and closer.

Domino is by Mordo’s side and has the most personal experience of such a change.

Since Mordo Baron began to exercise the magic of the earth veins, her heart has been full of uneasy feelings. That kind of feeling is as if a big clock was installed in her mind, being beaten continuously, just the continuous shock made her feel like she couldn’t breathe.

To be honest, she really wants to stop Mordo Baron’s actions at this time, but for her now, this is completely impossible.

For those born lucky like Dominoes, sorcerers naturally have the means of sorcerer. As it is now, Mordo directly used the power of the earth veins to arrange a densely packed gravity net beside Domino. As long as she crosses the line a little bit, the power from the magic will make her feel like stepping on a landmine, instantly being Blown to pieces.

Of course, some people will say that this is useless for the kind of really lucky people. No matter how many methods you arrange, their natural luck can make your method invalid one after another and eventually become a joke. Mordo oneself also understands this, so he took adequate precautions.

Those gravitational nets placed around Domino are not only triggered, they can also be actively activated. As long as Mordo a single thought, he can inspire any arrangement around Domino at any time. And even if Domino can avoid the harm of this arrangement by virtue of luck, he will not worry. Because the entire cave has been built into a fuel station by him, a little fire star can make the entire cave directly bombed into the sky.

No matter what, Domino is just an ordinary person. Even if she is lucky, she will only have a dead end in this special situation. Even if it means that her luck can really make her escape from the dead, then he also means. And this method is that he has already cast a special curse on Domino.

Although in theory, the so-called curse is very difficult to affect Domino’s natural fortune. Because their innate luck always allows them to avoid the conditions that trigger the curse and let them turn peril into safety.

It’s like an item with a cursive nature. The lucky ones will always have various accidents before touching it. Either the item is lost, or someone has access to these things first. In short, even if the curse is placed in front of them, it will not affect them, because they will always avoid such curses perfectly under those accidents.

Although I said that, there are always exceptions.

The lucky ones can evade those sinister curses, because destiny will always make them develop in a good direction. And if a curse is beneficial to them, can such a curse be avoided by them? Mordo Baron’s answer is no.

He has tried, and he has succeeded. Now, there is already a curse on Domino, and this curse is closely related to him.

Life-binding curse, a special curse from the ancient Voodoo Poison Cult. This curse itself was prepared for those old and frail voodoo shamans. When the voodoo shamans approach their lifespan, they will always look for the strong children and plant such a curse on them.

This curse allows them to share life force with those children, so that they can regain nutrients from the oneself dry Source of Life. The lives of the two are thus connected, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers. Under normal circumstances, they can rely on this, struggling on whilst at death’s door in the world for several decades.

Mordo planted such a curse on Domino’s body, of course, not coveting Domino’s life force. In fact, in this matter, Domino is actually taking advantage.

As Kamar-Taj’s great sorcerer, Mordo wants to extend his own lifespan by other means. This can be seen from the fact that he has been alive for centuries but still maintains a mature posture. Not surprisingly, his life also spans several hundred years, and under this premise, he is equivalent to sharing oneself’s lifespan for several hundred years in Domino’s body. In this regard, even if the lucky talent on Domino’s body is more prominent, it is basically impossible to refuse such benefits.

After all, the lucky ones are just mortals, and their lives will be in this century. Now, with such an opportunity to extend oneself lifespan, even for them, it is a big enough surprise.

This is a great thing, without a doubt. But there is one problem to be concerned about, that is, this curse is if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Domino enjoyed the benefits of this curse, and her lifespan was not unexpectedly increased. But at the same time, she must also bear the side effects of this curse, that is, if Mordo Baron died unexpectedly, then she would not want to live alone.

In general, this is a matter of more advantages than disadvantages. Otherwise, this curse would not fall on her. It’s just that at this time, this curse has become a restriction, making her unable to go beyond the thunder pool at all.

As long as she dares to move, the cave will explode immediately. And even if she could escape from the dead, Mordo would be killed in this explosion. Although he has the ability to protect oneself, in this case he will never do a little protection for oneself, so there is only one result, that is, the two of them died here together.

Domino may not understand the truth, but her natural luck always gives her enough warning. So whenever she was going to make a move, her body would feel like an electric shock, stopping in time in a shivered.

This sense of foresight of danger has saved her more than once, so of course she is impossible to take unnecessary risks at this time. It’s just that if she doesn’t do anything, her premonition of crisis caused by the turbulence of the ground pulse is really too intense. So at this time, she could only yell at Sir Mordo with a sharp voice.

“Sorcerer, what do you want to do? Help the devil harm his compatriots? Please, don’t do such stupid things. Even my deceased grandma knows that there is no way to deal with the devil What a good end. Can you get any benefit by doing this? No, you get nothing. Compared to what you want to lose, what you get is simply insignificant. So, please, don’t do stupid things, please “

“You don’t know what I’m doing, girl. You don’t know what kind of trade I made. So, how do you know what I got and what I lost In comparison, is it insignificant?”

Although he is controlling the operation of the earth veins, Mordo Baron still has the power at this time to be distracted and ask Domino questions like this.

He is not so easily persuaded, but he still has the urge to listen to Domino’s ideas. In his opinion, own will will not change anyway, it is better to take this opportunity to get closer to Domino, so as to borrow her talent to a greater extent.

Of course, it’s just his opinion, but in Domino’s view, it should be more like own charm played a role. Lucky people are lucky wherever they go, including such ghost places. It’s just that the fortunate people should learn to seize the opportunity.

Not all opportunities will come to you obediently and honestly, there are always some that you need to work hard to grasp. Domino had already learned this when she was a child, so of course she seized this opportunity and tried to codify own rhetoric in her mind.

This is not a simple matter, because it requires excellent logical ability and eloquence to support. Under normal circumstances, people with higher education will have more advantages in this regard. But it is a pity that Domino is not at all educated.

She lived in an orphanage since she was a child, and escaped from the orphanage, she perfectly missed the opportunity to be adopted and educated. Although the lucky ability can make her worry-free, it is obvious Yes, it cannot allow Domino to master the precious wealth of knowledge without doing anything.

This is a pity, of course, Domino may not think so. On the contrary, she might think this is a good thing. After all, under the anti-intellectual education tradition of the United States, learning may not be a good thing for people of their age.

It’s just that there is an old Chinese saying that it is said that when books are used, they hate less. Facing such a situation suddenly, Domino really understood it. But she does not intend to give up, because many people can also be worthy of her reference. For example, talk show hosts, for example, politicians. Although she doesn’t like these guys very much, she herself sometimes has to admit that these guys are really nice to say.

No matter what you say, she has heard how many times, so if you learn at this time, maybe you can…

“Listen, sorcerer My lord, I don’t know what kind of injustice you have encountered, that’s why you would have no desire to improve to make a deal with the devil, but I think no matter what kind of bad situation, you should not make you pay like this “Think of the innocents, sir. Think of the children who are not deeply involved in the world. Do you so much hope that the future of these children is spent in such a day?”

” ? Being enslaved by the devil, never knowing what it feels like to be free, never knowing that their life belongs to them?”

“If you don’t even want to think about this, then think about you yourself. What do those you love and those who love you think of you? Is it really worth it to do such a thing, to betray the own race, and to destroy this World at the cost of losing your own humanity? “

“It’s not worth it!”

Mordo responded calmly, and to this, Domino immediately took a sigh of relief as if he had escaped. Come. She thought that the own chicken soup was effective, so she immediately said to Mordo while the iron was hot.

“Yes, it’s not worth it. So why would you do it? Take advantage of all the time, take advantage of your opportunity to turn around, turn around, Lord Sorcerer. Do the right thing, Isn’t it bad?”

“You’re right, I should do the right thing. It’s just a pity that you don’t understand what is the right thing. This is not something I can stop. The thing is, what I can do now is to take advantage of the trend, and then use our advantages to make the last fight. This is the real way to reverse all this, but unfortunately, you don’t understand that’s all.”

Speaking words that Domino didn’t understand at all, Mordo no longer had any hesitation, and started the final operation.

The sparkle of light shone to the extreme at this time, and the radiance of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth almost covered the darkness of the sky. And in such a magical scene, bursts of sounds like broken glass already resounded abruptly throughout the Death Canyon.

That is the sound of the world’s barriers breaking, and when such a sound resounds through the audience, it actually means that there are no more obstacles to hell and the world.

The darkness has quietly swallowed the sky and the earth, and in this extremely dense darkness, a huge silhouette has quietly appeared.

Satan, has come!

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