Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1933

As the commanders of this military operation, General Ross and Maria Hill have been paying close attention to every move in Death Canyon.

However, , The bad environment doomed them to be unable to effectively observe the Death Canyon area. Radars and communication equipment are affected by the geomagnetism, and the reconnaissance of military satellites is blocked by dark clouds in the sky. Apart from remotely monitoring the dynamics of the area around Death Canyon, they couldn’t imagine it for a while.

The feeling of being deaf and blind won’t make them feel good, but in such a critical situation, they can’t ignore everything in Death Gap within the valley. So they can only suffer, little by little waiting for things to change in anxiety.

Of course, things are impossible to change. However, this change did not happen as they expected. In their expectations, the best situation should be that their Superhero president opened up the battlefield, and then their army would settle the victory in one fell swoop. However, the reality is that the objects they expect are not moving, but what they don’t want to see, and they don’t care about their emotions at all appear before their eyes.

When the dark clouds in the center of the canyon were suddenly torn apart and a huge creature was exposed to their sight, the hearts of the overwhelming majority of them were panicked and shocked. The identity of Demon King can be judged only by direct gaze, and facing such a Demon King straddling the world, as an ordinary human, it is of course impossible to maintain inner peace.

The entire command center fell into a tumult in an instant, and Maria Hill, one of the highest commanders, even peng sound, pressed the table hard, and then Facing the other commander with an ugly expression, General Ross spoke.

“Stark has failed. Satan has come to this World. We cannot let him cause chaos in our country. We must use the last resort!”

“We can’t yet Do this.”

Different from Maria Hill who is an ordinary person, General Ross, as a Red Hulk, has a formidable strength and a strong heart that matches it. This allowed him to maintain oneself’s inner peace when everyone around him was in a panic, and it was precisely because of his calmness that he refused Maria’s request.

“Stark’s situation is still uncertain, also those soldiers. We can’t make such a decision without knowing their safety. This is murder!”

“Damn it, don’t forget the command Stark gave when he was leaving, now is not the time to do this kind of excess tendency to clemency!”

Perhaps it was influenced by Satan, Maria at this time showed very uncomfortable. It can be said that at this time, if she can have the final decision, she will definitely not care about the opinion of General Ross, and will directly decide the matter. It’s just a pity that since the two of them are responsible for this temporary command center, she absolutely can’t spare General Ross and give this order alone.

This is the bitterness of the second-in-command. As the vice president, she has not yet represented the entire US Military’s General Ross in terms of voice. This caused her to be firmly suppressed at this moment, even if there was a fire in her heart, she could only hold it tightly.

She was dissatisfied, but General Ross didn’t care much. Compared with the lives of the sons and daughters under oneself, the resentment of a trifling vice president is fundamentally insignificant.

He didn’t worry that Maria would make own trouble afterwards. Let alone whether she has this ability, even if she does, she is on the same front line, those other colleagues will not let her do such things that provoke internal conflicts.

This is a check and balance, and it is the most common trick played by politicians. And since there is such a relationship, then of course he has no reason to bother in this regard. Rather than wasting energy in such a place at this time, it is better to think about how to fish out the soldiers under oneself.

Satan has come, so the fundamental purpose of this war has also been regarded as a failure. Although I don’t want to admit it, in the next war, conventional military forces may no longer play any role. Allowing ordinary soldiers to enter the battlefield is just using them as cannon fodder. And this kind of thing, even General Ross, who is known for his iron and blood, is unwilling to do it.

The United States army has been following the elite route. Soldiers are already scarce. The defeat of the previous war in hell has caused the entire US Military to be wounded, and General Ross has also suffered. Again, the United States today can’t afford more sacrifices, so at the moment, he certainly doesn’t want the same thing to happen again.

It’s just that, but he can’t play a key role in this kind of thing. As a commander, he simply couldn’t get away and ran to the front line personally to charge into the battle. Secondly, even if he goes, I am afraid that the situation will not change much.

Although he didn’t say it on his lips, in his heart, he actually had great fear of these so-called gods and demons. After all, the guy who used to be called a god really shocked him too much, so he was really unwilling to easily go to war with that kind of existence without having a sufficient understanding of the other party.

At this point, Stark is more courageous than him. Of course, this is not to say that General Ross doesn’t even have the courage to fight, but he will choose a more cautious and safer approach that’s all.

“The communication group, haven’t contacted the frontline fighters yet?”

“Sir, our communication system is still being affected by the geomagnetic field. Under such circumstances, we They can’t be contacted at all!”

“What about military satellites? Are there any new discoveries?”

This situation is within General Ross’s expectations, so even if you have Dissatisfied, he could only suppress his own temper and continued to ask.

“We have mobilized all the military satellites in orbit, but the clouds are too thick. We can’t see anything except the giant demon. Wait, the demon He moved, he… snapped his fingers?”

“Finger snaps?”

When he heard the news suddenly, General Ross was also bewildered. Please, you are Satan, not Michael Jackson, what are you snapping your fingers?

Just before he had time to comment on this, the officer in charge of information and communications had already updated the situation again.

“There is a new situation, sir. We noticed movement on the periphery of Death Canyon. It is the tank group of the First Division! They are still alive!”

“Contact They, right away!” Hearing that someone had survived, General Ross immediately gave the order to communicate. He desperately wants to understand the situation on the battlefield and understand how things are developing. Only when this order was issued, he was completely unable to get the information that oneself wanted.

“The base calls the first team, the first team, please answer if you hear it. Repeat, please answer if you hear…”

“… ..” There was only a rustle from the communication channel, and at this time, this silent silence was far more panic than those hysterical roars, wailings, and desperate shouts. No one can understand what is going on here. But in their hearts they can somewhat guess the answer. This is the most terrifying, because in the quiet, fear has enveloped everyone’s heart.

“The situation is clear, General Ross, there will be no more survivors. Faced with such a monster, our soldiers simply have no hope of surviving. Instead of being here because of this kind of thing It’s a waste of time, it’s better to respond as soon as possible. You should know what kind of decision we must make at this time. Don’t forget, this is also Stark’s request, isn’t it!”

Although Maria’s words sound a little improper, even a little excessive. But General Ross knew in his heart that her words were not unreasonable at this time.

The worst situation has appeared, that is, Satan has come to this World, and what is certain is that they will soon have a life-and-death confrontation with this famous Demon King .

Because human beings will not succumb to the power of the devil and act as slaves under their hands, he will not think that Satan will be willing to surrender to humans and become an existence driven by humans. A Ruler must be born among them, and in this case, a war for status and power is inevitable.

How should this war be fought? To be honest, he didn’t know anything about it. Although they have made all kinds of preparations, he really has no idea whether these preparations can play the role they want.

Hesitate, this is for sure, but at this time, he has no other choice. Hesitation will only make the result worse and worse, so I can only force oneself to make the final decision.

“Well, let’s start the final plan. I need your permission, Ms. Hill!”

“Of course, this is what I should do.”

Received a reply satisfying oneself, Maria immediately picked up an old-fashioned phone at hand and reported her name. And when she handed the microphone to General Ross, General Ross could only squeeze his face and hand the microphone to his ear.

“I am General Ross, operation code T6A78B4. Start the final plan!”

“Permission passed, code confirmation is in progress. Confirmation is complete, Alaska Ghost is about to take off, General!”

After the manual reply, soon, a stealth bomber carrying a million-ton nuclear bomb took off from a US military base in California.

This is a killing move that the United States Government has already prepared. It is authorized by the President and one of the ultimate methods that can be activated only after the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense agree.

Generally speaking, no one would want to use such a method. But when it comes to that kind of as a last resort, this method is the most acceptable situation to the United States Government. Because in any case, it is better to conduct a nuclear strike while the enemy is still in the wilderness in no man’s land than when the enemy enters a densely populated urban area and then conduct a nuclear strike. Whether it is the aftermath or sacrifice, it is within the scope that the government can accept.

Stark had such an idea when he was at first, and made such an arrangement. Because in his opinion, once the enemy is invincible, as long as oneself drags the opponent, a nuclear bomb will always be able to solve the opponent.

After all, so far, except for the existence of Zhou Yi and Thanos, he has not seen the existence of a nuclear bomb on his own. As for whether Satan can reach the level of Zhou Yi and Thanos, he doesn’t make this assumption at all. The reason is very simple, that is, if Satan really has this kind of ability, will he still obediently and honestly stay in hell for so many years, and only start to escape when the situation has begun to chaos recently? The answer It’s definitely impossible. Instead of him, he had already waved his fist and ran out to unify the world.

In short, they have high hopes for nuclear bombs. As for whether the nuclear bomb would cause any fatal damage to Stark, they could only have a sufficiently optimistic idea.

After all, the armor on Stark has Vibranium and Adamantium components. Apart from other things, it is still very important in terms of resistance. From the data point of view, as long as he is not in the Central Zone of the nuclear explosion, his chance of surviving is more than 90%. Even if he was really hit by a nuclear explosion, his probability of surviving would be almost half.

This is the result of data simulation, and Stark is very confident about it. As for whether this is the case, I’m sorry, but no volunteer is willing to make this attempt.

General Ross at first’s concerns are actually part of the reason for this. He is actually very worried about what will happen to Stark. After all, in any case, it is too much to order a nuclear strike on the country’s president. Even if he has the title of Minister of Defense, it is difficult for him to escape this serious crime.

However, that sentence is still the same. At this time, he can’t control that many. For the security of the country and for the country not to be affected by the turmoil, there must always be someone who must carry this burden, and someone must always take the responsibility. On this point, they are all consistent. Therefore, no one will hesitate too much on this issue.

In short, the order has been issued, and General Ross and the others can only wait for the result. While they were waiting, the Alaska Ghost was already close to the sky above Death Canyon.

As the latest supersonic bomber developed by United States after the government reshuffle, the Alaska Ghost not only inherited the advantages of the original B2 bomber, but also made new breakthroughs in many technical aspects.

Speed, lift-off capability and kinetic energy are the key to the core of the new generation of bombers. The data of the original B2 bomber is a maximum speed of Mach 0.95 and a practical ceiling of 15,200 meters. Now, a new generation of bombers using the latest nuclear fusion energy can achieve a maximum speed of Mach 3 and a practical ceiling of 3 ten thousand meters, a new level of global mobility.

Technology is the key to war. In just a few minutes, the Alaska Ghost has already appeared above Death Canyon. Without any hesitation, this stealth bomber with its mission had already dropped a million-ton nuclear bomb from a height of three ten thousand meters.

For all this, Satan does not at all foresee. Because even him, it is difficult to see a few ten thousand meters above oneself at a glance.

He was still enjoying the long-lost sunshine, and when he saw something above his head and heard the screaming sound of a nuclear bomb falling from a high altitude, it was too late.

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