Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1935

The galloping ground veins are flowing crazily, which is due to the impact of the nuclear bomb. For Earth, a nuclear bomb fell on its body like it hurt its surface skin. Although it will not have much impact on it, it is inevitable that there will be some small blood vessels such as broken capillaries. symptom.

Earth veins are the blood vessels of Earth, and even a small problem with ruptured capillaries, when presented in front of Mordo Baron, will become surging earth veins. It is not easy to control it in the hands of the owner. But Mordo still tried his best to control these restless forces.

In theory, he didn’t need to do this. Because if his purpose is only to help Satan enter this World by manipulating the earth veins, then his purpose has been achieved. Under this premise, it is undoubtedly a waste of own energy to spend energy on the control of the earth veins. Especially in this kind of turbulent and unpredictable situation, it is a stupid move that does not equal the gain. And will Mordo make this Low Level mistake in this kind of thing? Obviously impossible. So naturally, he did this with his plans and ideas. And it was only this time that he began to show clues about what he was plotting.

The crazy earth veins are still surging, but at this time, the flow of earth veins is already under control. They are acting almost completely according to Mordo Baron’s will, and this also makes this restless ground veins begin to show more powerful power than usual.

Earth vein magic has always been one of Kamar-Taj’s most magical spells. To some extent, it can even be at the top of Kamar-Taj spells.

This ranking is not determined by formidable power, but by practicality. In terms of formidable power, although there are many heaven-shaking and earth-shattering spells in earth-shaking magic, it is still worse than unpredictable and mysterious curses or extremely destructive celestial magic. But as far as practicality is concerned, earth vein magic is absolutely right and can be said to be the first class magic in the world. If must use one word to describe it, it is full of variety.

Kamar-Taj in the past hundreds of years used to monitor the entire Earth mysterious lateral movement network, which was established on the basis of the magic of the earth veins. Similarly, Kamar-Taj sorcerer’s Earth teleportation technique is also based on earth vein magic. The hosts of the three major Sanctums of Kamar-Taj are all required to have considerable attainments in earth vein magic. And Mordo Baron is very knowledgeable in the magic of the earth, can use the magic of the earth to help Satan open the passage to the world. This is not the limit of Earth Vein Magic. If he wants to give him enough time, he can even change the landscape and even the entire ecological characteristics of a region.

As long as you dare to think about it, there are very few things that the Earth Vein Magic cannot do. It is precisely because of this that the Earth Vein Magic is so highly respected. And now, Mordo Baron’s follow-up method is also relying on the magic of the earth veins.

His goal is nothing else, it is the angels of Dark Angel Legion, and those Ghost Rider who are almost exhausted because of pulling Satan into the world.

In normal times, he can’t deal with so many angels and Ghost Rider at all. Meeting on a narrow road, he can deal with one or two is a fluke. And even with sufficient preparation, a dozen or twenty is almost his limit.

But it’s different now, because now both these fallen angels and those Ghost Riders are just a group of remnants that’s all defeated.

The formidable power of the nuclear bomb has weakened their strength very well. All of those angels are just supporting that’s all. As for the Ghost Riders, they were even worse, because they almost exhausted their strength to pull Satan into the world, and they also suffered a core attack from a nuclear bomb.

Ultra high temperature, light radiation, shock wave, they are full. And in such a situation, they can survive by luck because of the luck of the undying body. Wanting to regain their original strength is not something that can be recovered in a day or two, and in this situation Next, they are almost the same as the angels, that is, people are the swords, I am the fish!

Earth vein magic turned into a powerful weapon in the hands of Sir Mordo, and the invisible gravity was like a shackle, firmly attached to every angel and Ghost Rider. This is the power from the planet and the manifestation of Earth’s own gravity spells. Unless it is said to have the ability to completely break Earth’s gravity, or simply relying on oneself’s powerful body to withstand such pressure, it is simply impossible from this Out of the shackles.

This is Sir Mordo’s 1st Step, and after he finished this step, his movements were immediately discovered.

Satan has always been curious, why did he choose to betray so easily that Direct Disciple of dignified Paragon sorcerer, and the spell Grandmaster of Kamar-Taj, chose to take refuge in oneself. He thought that this was because of human jealousy and resentment, but he didn’t think that just because of this, it could induce such an influential figure to betray the own camp and the own race.

He must have another conspiracy, but until he entered this World, he didn’t find out what Mordo was playing. This made him once thought that oneself was over-minded and looked at this guy highly, but only now did he realize that oneself still underestimated this guy.

It’s really not something that ordinary people can do to be able to endure it until now. It’s just a pity, it’s just a struggle of an ant after all.

Thinking of this, Satan sneered in his heart and stretched out his hand to Mordo Baron.

The best way to break the trick is to smash it with your own fist. At this point, Satan obviously has absolute confidence in own strength. In his opinion, no matter what Sir Mordo does is very ridiculous, because he has no power to fight back in front of own. Just like a fox wants to challenge an Old Hu, even if the fox does all the work, can it still stop Old Hu’s slap? It’s basically impossible.

At this point, Satan is right. Even Sir Mordo himself would not deny his thoughts. Compared with Satan, he has a fundamental gap in strength. No matter how hard he tries, he is also impossible to be an opponent of Demon King like Satan. But he is not, and it doesn’t mean that others are not either. At this point, he has already prepared a back hand, and this back hand is also the second step in his plan.

Black’s Book of Necromancy was opened in front of him, and the Book of Magic Way made of human skin was flipping wildly under his consciousness. The shadow of black circulated in it, and countless monsters hissed in it. Mordo Baron doesn’t care about this. He just delves deep into the consciousness of own, deep into the lightless, shadowless, soundless death in the sky, to communicate with a terrifying existence in the endless void world. .

“Dormammu, I call you to offer you a precious sacrifice to pray for your reply!”

His thoughts conveyed the words of own, and it was in this thought After it was sent out, an angel who was restrained by his earth vein magic was immediately swallowed by the invisible shadow, and then completely vanished.

This is a gift that Mordo gave to the existence named Dormammu. With the preciousness of the fallen angel, this gift is really not precious, so it is almost immediate, this endless void An idea of ​​the world gave him the reply he wanted.

“I have received your sacrifice, Mordo. Very delicious sacrifice, quite rare. Come on, what do you want? Strength? Or endless life?”

“Strength, what power can you give me, the shadow from this void and Power of Darkness, make me the monster who is enslaved by you? Endless life, I think you want to devour me, Make me a part of you. When I become a part of you, I will naturally have endless life, right?”

The monster named Dormammu started with very attractive conditions. People, but Sir Mordo maintained a high level of calm in the face of such attractive conditions. He simply didn’t believe what this guy said, because he already knew the details of this guy very clearly.

Dormammu is the monster in endless void, a terrifying ghost entrenched in the shadow of the universe. Look at those dead worlds and planets in the sky, they turned out to be the same as Earth, full of vitality. But now, they are completely dead, there is no longer a flower or a grass, any living creature, even any living soul, or the life of the planet itself, no longer exists.

The only people who can live in this void are Dormammu, these terrifying existences called Void Lords, and those parasitic on their huge bodies, twisting monsters like parasites. And these two, no matter which one they are, are not the existence that can be accepted by Mordo.

He neither wanted to become such a distorted monster, nor assimilated into one by Dormammu, so he refused very simply.

“Enough, Dormammu. Don’t play with your ridiculous little tricks. I’m not a fool who can be fooled by you. I don’t even know what oneself will give. If you really have that sincerity, Just make this deal with me obediently and honestly!”

“Deal? What kind of deal? No, before that, I should ask this question first, Mordo, what do you think What qualifications do you have to trade with me?”

In the sky’s voice was mocking, and it was obvious that he simply didn’t take Mordo in his eyes. However, it is true that an existence that can corrupt the entire planet and turn all the creatures and souls into oneself food, it is indeed possible to ignore Mordo Baron. Like Satan, they and Mordo simply do not exist on the same level.

Mordo oneself knows this well, but since he dares to summon Dormammu at this time, of course he has his countermeasures. So immediately, he just responded to Dormammu.

“Qualifications, I think I certainly have the qualifications to do this transaction with you. Don’t forget, the Necronomicon Book is in my hands. Do I need to remind you what this book means? Or let me remind you that the past that has been almost forgotten by you?”

This sentence is full of tit-for-tat ridicules against Dormammu, and in the face of such remarks, in endless void The existence immediately seemed to be mad, and uttered a terrifying growl at Mordo.

This kind of roar that can shake the soul, if this kind of sound can be transmitted to the real world, then millions of people will instantly collapse their own souls because of this angry roar. Such an attack is not something Mordo can resist, but he does not need to resist, because the power from the book of the dead makes him completely immune to the attack from Dormammu.

They have already started the transaction. This is something that the Necronomicon has certified, and before the transaction is over, neither of them can hurt each other.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? Who would have thought that a magic book could have such power. This is unbelievable, but if anyone can understand the origin of the Necronomicon Book, then it is estimated that no one will think so.

The origin of the Book of the Necromancer seems simple. It was written by the crazy Arabian poet Abdul Al-Hazad from an unknown existence in the depths of the starry sky and written at the expense of his own madness. Just an ultimate dark Secret Art. This is already recognized by the mysterious world. However, when Mordo came into contact with the book in depth, he discovered that the origin of the book of the dead is not at all so simple.

It is not so much a book, as it is a contract, a product from endless void and a condense of the will of the void itself.

It is invisible and innocent, it can only be projected above the world by the hand of a person gazing at the abyss of the void. Those who hold this book projection will get an opportunity, a crisis-ridden but also full of opportunities.

Just like what Mordo said before, power or immortality, which is easily available to anyone who holds this book. Of course, the premise is that you can accept what you will get.

Because the Necronomicon book will force the holder of the book to trade with the previous owner of the book, and the successive owners of the Necronomicon book are the lord of in the sky, Just staring at the terrifying existence is enough to make people sane. These guys are not kind people, and their transactions have always been full of dark traps.

No matter what you choose, it is difficult to escape from these traps in the end, and this end is often what Mordo said, becoming a distorted monster with no reason, or being assimilated As part of these terrifying existence.

This is the fate of the overwhelming majority, and there will always be some people who will be an exception. For example, Dormammu.

Dormammu is not born as a Void Lord. At the very beginning, he was actually like most people, a life on a certain planet. And if there is any difference, then his identity is rather special. Similar to Paragon sorcerer, he is the most powerful wizard on his planet, and he is a planet Guardian.

This identity lasted for a long time, until he got the book of the dead.

The reason for saying this is because after getting the Necronomicon Book, he not at all, like Paragon sorcerer or Mephisto, chose to bury and hide it. Instead, he chose to accept its existence and used it to make a deal with the owner of the previous Necronomicon book and another Void Lord.

He chose Eternity at the expense of himself and the entire planet guarded by oneself. Under the witness of the Necronomicon Book, he was able to split half of his power from the previous Void Lord and evolved into a new Void Lord.

For countless years, the Void Lord has been born one after another. They used the Book of the Necromancers to obtain new food, and because of the Book of the Necromancer they produced new successors. Dormammu is not the first and will not be the last. And like all the Void Lords who have experienced all this, he didn’t like such a deal. However, he could not refuse. So at this time, he could only vent his own anger frantically, and then questioned Mordo loudly.

“no no no, you are not qualified to do this. You can’t come up with enough chips to make a deal! You can’t, you can’t!”

“Maybe, who knows ?”

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