Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1946

Stark’s statement made Randekiel start to be stunned, and then, like a wild beast, he let out a stern laugh.

He is reluctant to accept such a statement. But for such a result, he also had to accept it. The loser has no right to choose and choose, and besides, he is indeed defeated in this respect.

It was defeated by his ignorance of Peter Parker’s character. No, it should be more precise, he lost his underestimation of Tony Stark.

He didn’t believe that Tony Stark couldn’t see what Peter Parker had done in all this. It may be said that there are some exaggerations and fictional elements in his rhetoric, but in any case, one thing is certain, that is, Peter Parker has indeed done something sorry for him.

The nature is very bad. Even the closest friends and partners will turn against each other when faced with this situation. Because, to put it bluntly, that is the most complete betrayal and the most inexcusable thing. No one can bear this level of betrayal, and the reason he would want to use this kind of thing to sow discord is also here.

He knows the relationship between Peter and Stark very well, and he knows that the relationship between these two guys is gone. When the two people parted ways because of their beliefs, and went further and further, he was almost certain that they would never return to the time when they had no suspicion and trusted each other again.

Different positions mean that they will only become stranger and more hostile. And when this kind of change had begun to take shape, he made such a provocative move, which is simply understandable.

Normal people simply won’t react like Stark, he simply didn’t follow the routine. This is the reason for Randekiel’s failure, and at this point, even if Randekiel can see it, there is no other way.

As a loser, a piece of meat on a cutting board, Randekiel knows exactly what oneself should do to be worldly-wise and play safe. At this time, asking Stark blindly and biting like a mad dog would only make him face a worse situation. He is already trapped, so it’s better to be honest.

He sees this very well. If necessary, he doesn’t mind selling some useful information to achieve the purpose of preserving own.

After all, he is already like this. At this time, it would be too much to pay attention to loyalty to dedication. There is no patriotic education in hell. He can do this for Satan. To a certain extent, he has done his best. There is no reason for anyone to demand something from him, not even Satan.

Of course, if there is any room for transfer, then he doesn’t mind having reservations. However, it depends on what the people like Stark say, the decision is not in him.

Of course Stark wants to get something from Randekiel, but at this time, this is not what he is most concerned about. Peter Parker was standing in front of his eyes. Although he had supported him before, it didn’t mean that he forgave this guy.

He just focused on the overall situation and rationally controlled the situation to the most acceptable situation. Some things he didn’t say did not mean that he had forgotten. Change a time, change a place, he may not have such an attitude.

Peter can also see this. He is grateful for the trust that Stark has placed in him at this time, and understands that oneself needs to give him an explanation. Regardless of whether he regrets what owner did afterwards, whether he wants to correct own behavior or not, he wants to give Stark an explanation.

This is not something that can be delayed, so he immediately gave Stark a silent invitation. And Stark, who was already watching his every move, was of course impossible to ignore such obvious hints. He grabbed Randekiel straight away, then followed Peter into a tent with strides.

A discerning person can see that there must be a lot to say between these two guys. As for what they would say between them, none of the people present were not curious.

They are not fools, they have seen the previous situation with their own eyes. Although the facts may not be as dirty and dirty as De Geer said, it is certain that the situation must be so complicated that an Oscar-level romance drama can be filmed.

The heart of gossip made them very curious about what kind of sparks the two guys with such grievances can collide in private. However, their curiosity is not at all serious enough to make them desperate to spy on the privacy of these two bigwigs.

They can only suffer, searching for the answer they want from the clues. Unsurprisingly, they heard a fierce dispute in the tent.

When there are only two of them, Stark will no longer take the big picture as before. It can be said that he did not hesitate at all, he was already fiercely punching Peter in the face, then grabbing his collar, and slipping him away.

“Look at what you did, Peter. You deceived me, you ruined everything I worked so hard for! Can I ask you why you did this? I can know, what exactly do I have I’m sorry for your place?”

“Sorry, Tony.” Peter, who was punched physically, was uncomfortable, and his face was swollen and he was struggling to speak. But he didn’t at all give up talking because of this, and tried his best to give Stark a reply. He first said a word of sorry, and then he made his own point of view strongly.

“I know that this is unfair to you, and I know how it will hurt you if I do it. But I have to do these things. Because I can’t watch you My own dream is built on the pain of countless people!”

“Ha, my dream is built on the pain of countless people?”

At first I heard this saying, Stark’s face was immediately full of mock mockery and irrepressible anger. Obviously, he does not agree with such a view. And this made him throw his fist at Peter again.

“What gave you such a judgment that made you think that my dream is like this? Have you asked my thoughts? Have you understood my intentions? You are not at all. Bastard boy, you must have been filled with water in your mind to have such stupid thoughts. And the most stupid thing is that you actually did these stupid things because of such a single thought! I’m so fucking right now Regret, regret that I once praised your cleverness. Now it seems that I just put those words on a pig, and it is far more appropriate than on you!”

Peter not at all, who resisted Stark’s fist once, did something extreme. He does not intend to fight back because he knows that oneself is not qualified to fight back. However, this does not mean that he accepted Stark’s statement and admitted that oneself was at fault in this matter.

In concept, he has always insisted on own point of view. And this made him still arguing against Stark even if he couldn’t even speak clearly.

“Your thoughts? Tony, I know what your thoughts are. All you want is to revive this country. For this you have done a lot of things that we cannot accept, including discarding We, including Rod’s death!”

“There are already many people who have sacrificed because of your ideal. I don’t want more people to be sacrificed by you. In this way, can you? Don’t understand!”

“It’s you who don’t understand!” Stark’s temper exploded like a firecracker as if being touched by a sore spot. He rushed up straight, grabbed Peter by the hair, fixed his eyes firmly, and then said to him word by word.

“Everything I have done is for this country, for the hundreds of millions of people in this country. Do you think I want to make that kind of sacrifice? Do you think I am willing Watching you and Rhodey go to death? No, I don’t want to let things happen like this. But, sitting in my position, do I have any other choices?”

“You don’t understand, I have no other choice. If I don’t do this, then what awaits our country is sinking, what awaits us American is decadence and destruction! We have lost our power, we are no longer in the past. At such times, if we still don’t make some sacrifices to prop up the shelf of this country, then we will be like a lion dying of age, thoroughly eaten by the hyenas around! Do you understand the truth of this!”

“I understand! Of course I understand the truth. If you only did these things, I wouldn’t do anything I’m sorry for you, Tony!”

Peter stared into Stark’s eyes. His eyes were as sharp as ever, as if his heart was simply not shaken by anything. He answered Stark’s question, and at the same time, he also gave Stark a new question.

“But, can you guarantee that this is all you want? Tony, I know you, and I know what you are thinking in your heart. Reluctant to maintain the situation in this country, this is not what you want Thing. What you want is to let him go back in time, and all of us know that this is already unrealistic.”

“Only you are still persisting in your own wrong doings, only You are still struggling in vain. Do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? No, I know you too well, Tony, I know exactly what you can do for your ideals. You let the army go to hell , This is basically the same as what I know about you. So, of course I know what your reason for doing this is. And this is the thing I cannot agree with and accept the most.”

“For yours Ideal, in order to achieve your goal. You want to use this method to mess up the entire world and let people from other countries in the world taste the pain. Is this really right?”

“This is not the you I know, Tony. If it were you before, you would never do such disgusting and fearful things. You would mock such behavior and fight for the lives of those innocents. And fight. Instead of becoming one of the people you spurned, or even say, becoming the leader of all this. This is not you, Tony. At the very least, this is not the you I know. If If you really become like this, then I can only do my best to stop all this you want, even if it means betrayal to you!”

“It does mean betrayal to me!”

Stark’s complexion is gloomy, but this time, he doesn’t use violence to vent oneself’s anger. He just showed the real face of own, with a look that no one could see what he was thinking and so on, and said to Peter.

“I know what you think. I also know what supports you in doing such a stupid thing. Peter, I can only tell you about this matter, where we are now It’s a world where you don’t fight for the future, you can only watch others snatch your possessions and let you die in nothing. We don’t fight, some will fight. Instead of letting others take our future, I I would rather grab others!”

“Since I represent this country, then I have to save it, and it is necessary to plan for its future. I don’t think I’m wrong, on the contrary Yes, I think it is you who was wrong, Peter!”

“You forgot your identity! You only remember that oneself is a Superhero, you only remember the mission it gave you. But you forgot, Before that, you were an American, and for this country, you should also have obligations that you should bear! What happened to this country in the past is not clear to you. Now, we just want to redeem our losses, think Let us go back to the past and take back the status and power we had in the past. But you are here to block this in every way. Seriously, you let me down!”

“That’s because , This is wrong. Tony, lost is lost. We can’t snatch from others just because we lost these things. This is not fair to those people! You need to ask them what they think, ask The wishes of the innocent people. In this matter, no one would want to throw their own life and life on this matter. For this, you should know it.”

“I understand , But I don’t need to bother about it.”

Closed his eyes, Stark is no longer ready to continue on this topic. Because he knows that this is useless work. Some people are destined to be impossible to be persuaded. Peter is such a person, and he is such a person. Therefore, rather than waste your words, it is better to simply give up the idea in this regard.

Facts are always better than eloquence. This is an unbreakable truth. With this thought, Stark’s eyes became cold. And when he spoke again, he had already put out a command tone that the authority should have.

“Stop all your actions, Peter Parker. Let me take my soldiers back. This is what you should do now. I will only give you the last chance this time, don’t force me , Don’t force me!”

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