Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1952

The ground itself in the city should be hard rock soil, which was removed piece by piece from the nearby rocks by the demons driving Evil Spirit. After thousands of years of trampling by demons of different sizes, the ground of the entire city has already been trampled extremely hard. To put it bluntly, even if it is the number one highway in United States, it may not have the solid ground of this city.

This kind of solid ground feels different when stepping under your feet. That kind of hard reaction, that kind of rough friction, has always made them the favorite of highway Knights. But now, the situation is different. Because just stepping on the ground with his feet, Shen Bianxiong could feel the change in touch.

The faint sense of sinking makes people feel like stepping on a precious carpet. As this sense of depression deepened, Shen Bianxiong felt more and more uncomfortable.

“Damn it, what the hell is it!”

It seems that I’m stuck in a swamp, or I’m stepping on the internal organs and intestines of some animal, no matter how this feeling is Nothing can be said to be pleasant. So at the moment, God Bianxiong couldn’t help but scolded. And when he pulled and lifted oneself’s ankle that had fallen below the surface. His face is even more change color.

A piece of black sticking like silt on his leather boots, the slightly warm touch can be felt clearly even through a layer of boots. This alone is enough to make people feel guilty, not to mention, if you look carefully, you can see the structure like internal organs in this muddy black. This was naturally a shock that Shen Bian Xiong couldn’t avoid.

Be aware that as Ghost Rider, he is used to seeing demons and ghosts, demons and monsters. It was able to startle him, enough to show how weird the situation is right now.

When most people encounter this situation, they are afraid that they have already been terrified, but Shenbianxiong is different from ordinary people. Although he was equally shocked, he hadn’t messed up yet. He knew that, as Randekiel said, the situation was already at the extreme at this time, and only withdrawing in time was the best way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, but suddenly squeezed the accelerator to push the Evil Spirit motorcycle to the extreme. You know, Evil Spirit motorcycle can be regarded as Ghost Rider’s housekeeping signature. If you really want to do it, even if there is a vast ocean in front of you, it can wade through it. So the current situation is weird, but Shen Bianxiong doesn’t think it’s time for oneself to give up this sharp weapon.

Be more vigorous and use the ability of Evil Spirit motorcycle to charge ahead from this strange city in one breath. This is his current mind. However, although he thought well, he still somewhat overestimated oneself and underestimated the current situation.

As soon as he twisted the throttle, the motorcycle suddenly made a thunderbolt-like roar. And under such a turmoil, the entire city seemed to be suddenly clamored by sleeping people, and suddenly woke up.

The ground suddenly began to undulate like waves, and most of the wheels that had sunk in were unable to stand up under the thick, swaying waves.

Rao is the desperate urging of Shen Bianxiong, and sparks are about to emerge from the spinning of the wheel. But he is sinking deep in this mud, unable to move a single step. It is even said that when the entire ground is like gastrointestinal peristalsis, constantly making strange sounds like swallowing, the entire Evil Spirit motorcycle does not advance and retreat, and it starts to sink in bit by bit.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible to get out of this weird city by land.

Randekiel didn’t want to take this risk, so immediately, he stretched out his own wings, grabbed the shoulders of God Bianxiong, and pulled him moved towards the air.

Actually at this time, he has two choices. First, oneself flew out solo, leaving Shen Bianxiong to fall into this strange city.

There is an advantage to this approach, that is, it can rely on the ability of God Bianxiong to find out the details of this city. Regarding the weird situation right now, even with Randekiel’s experience, there is no one reason for it. He was already secretly guarding himself, worried that Lou Zi would be stabbed by himself. And if there is a good person to explore the depths for him, then no matter what the result is, it will be beneficial to him.

Of course, he also has another option. That is to take Shen Bianxiong to escape from this strange environment. The advantage of this is to buy people’s hearts. In any case, a Boss who can still remember what to do when facing danger is convincing enough.

Randekiel didn’t ask God Bianxiong to get his brain hot, so he threw his head and blood for oneself, go through water and tread on fire. That’s something that only loyal people can do. Shen Bianxiong’s evaluation is not even a little bit worse.

However, with such a relationship, if not the most critical moment, he doesn’t have to worry that Kam Bianxiong will abandon him. This equivalent to has a layer of Life Protecting Talisman’s role, and in comparison, the benefit of getting the bottom line is naturally not worth mentioning.

With wings as a mount, Randekiel’s speed is naturally fast. With just a flutter of wings, he was already above 100 meters. Standing at this height, he could almost see the entire city.

Almost all the ground has changed into that weird appearance, as if a huge stomach is swallowing and digesting. Such a strange appearance really made him feel terrified. And after this kind of have one’s hair stand on end, of course he refused to stay for a long time, but when his wings fluttered, he would take Shen Bianxiong to leave this place of right and wrong.

Ran De Geer is not the kind of fool in the movie who clearly sees the risk, but also plunges into it to find out. Seriously, that kind of person is probably just showing up in horror movies, acting as cannon fodder, to promote the value of the plot. In reality, as long as a person has a brain, he probably won’t die to this point.

In the end, there is only one small life. For the sake of temporary excitement, oneself has to take in several decades of time in the second half of oneself. To what extent can this be done?

Anyway, Dekiel can’t do this kind of thing, so an escape is his safest choice at the moment.

He wants to go. This is not wrong. On the contrary, it is very wise. There was just a very obvious problem, and that was that this strange place could not tolerate him to get away easily.

For this weird city underneath, the existence of Randekiel and Kambyo is no different from the plump meat. It has already been stomach rumbling with hunger, and its mouth is so dry that it doesn’t know what it tastes like. Now there is a duck delivered to the door. If it is allowed to fly away again, it will really break its heart.

Hunger and thirsty are surging, and desire is hard to fill. Naturally, this city can’t endure, so in an instant, just like ten thousand zhang waves on the sea, the countless tons of earth and rock have turned into a flexible tongue in the monster’s mouth, full of saliva. The thick and gloomy, the turbulent waves swept past Randekiel like a slap.

The height of a hundred ten meters is not a distance at all, it almost instantly rushes to my eyes. In the face of such a change, Randekiel was shocked at the same time, almost wishing to regenerate a few arms, and immediately escaped quickly.

You have to know that he has only just recovered, and it is far from a day or two to reach the battle strength of the Peak period. And at this time, it is really hard for him to confront him with such strange things. It’s just that the current situation is that if you don’t resist, you can only turn into a terrible situation obediently and honestly, so he can only forcefully rise up, dodge and give orders to the god Bianxiong in his hand. stand up.

“Hurry up and attack it, don’t let it catch up. If it catches up, neither you nor I will end up!”

Dekier said in detail, of course God Bianxiong knew how powerful it was. So he immediately bulged the hell flames on his body, like a flamethrower with a full mouth, spraying the Raging of Raging Flames toward the huge tongue that was chasing him.

No matter how bad the temperature of the hellfire is, it is also a magical flame that can easily melt steel and scorch hard stones. Therefore, immediately under this circumstance, the rolling earth and rocks on the tip of the tongue were burnt into melted fat and flowed down.

It’s just that this blow seemed to burn with a bright flame, almost burning through half the sky, but compared to the huge tongue that rolled up millions of tons of earth and rock. It’s just a disease of ringworm and scabies that’s all.

After all, even if Kambyo has the ability, the flame he swells is just a posture that can burn through a building, and there are no mountains and forests to fuel the fire in ghost places like hell, so he can at best That’s all.

In a spurt of energy, it will fail again and exhausted after three. Only after a while, the rolling earth and rocks still slammed against the shore, but Shen Bianxiong was weak, and even the flames in his eyes became weak by three points.

All of this, Dekiel saw perfectly clear, and naturally, some careful thoughts appeared in his heart.

Something like abandoning the car to protect the handsome, this is by no means impossible. Not to mention human beings, but any intelligent creature, at this kind of desperate situation, I am afraid that it will take the preservation of itself as the first priority. Of course Dekiel is no exception, and the reason why he hasn’t done so is just because things haven’t gotten so bad that’s all.

He feels that oneself and Shenbianxiong also have spare energy, so it is really too early to leave him to protect oneself from disaster. Therefore, he simply held back his energy, and while flying high, he urged God Bianxiong.

“Use what ability you also do as soon as possible. If you don’t do it, we will both be finished!”

What is the situation right now, God’s ambition is a bit too Base. To be honest, even if Randekiel suddenly let go and threw him down to attract the attention of the monster below, it would not be surprising. On the contrary, it is like this now, until this time he still pulled oneself, which really made him a little bit confused.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, the key is how much you own and also guarantee. He himself also knows that this kind of protection is only temporary. If there is no way to resist it, it can’t be said that after a moment, they will be pulled in by that big tongue. When the time comes, 10,000 tons of earth and rocks swept down with the dirty black mud. Even if the two of them have great abilities, it is estimated that the toads eat mosquitoes, and they can’t even run.

No one would want to die so miserably, and Shen Bianxiong would naturally be no exception. So immediately, he let out a low growl, his upper and lower jaws flared like python ruminating, and he spewed out many indescribable foreign objects.

These foreign objects were just a small flame at first, but they were good in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into many weird images. Some are like big trees with lush foliage, while others are like warriors with long noses and wings. Some are tortoises with beaks, others are like wheels with human heads embedded in them.

All kinds of are different, but they are similar to the monsters in Japanese ghost mythology. And if they have anything in common, then it is probably that most of their bodies are burning with flames belonging to Shen Bianxiong, and to some extent, they have to obey Shen Bianxiong’s orders.

Kamibeao is the Ghost Rider of Japan, and as a country whose civilization is still long-lasting, he is naturally impossible on Mainland Japan, and only he exists as a ghost. Like the Gods of Gao Tianyuan, the ghosts in Hyakki Yexing may not all show up, but they will show up more or less. And under the premise that Japan itself is only a little bit big, it is inevitable for Kambeao to meet those ghosts.

as the saying goes Good, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. This also applies to Shen Bianxiong and those ghosts. Especially the characteristics of Shen Bianxiong still vaguely restrain these ghosts, so as it should be by rights, conflicts quickly accumulated between them.

In most cases, Kam Bianxiong has the upper hand. But when faced with some powerful ghosts and monsters, even he can hardly get any benefits. One or two times, he can barely get off, but after a long time, he will inevitably be in trouble.

Of course, since he is here right now, then naturally it means that he was in the first place. In fact, he did hit a fortuuitous encounter.

This fortuitous encounter is a coincidence, and it happens to have a relationship with Kṣitigarbha. And it is precisely because he encountered such a fortuitous encounter that he was able to make a way out of the hands of the famous monsters in the Hundred Ghosts.

Of course, if you want to elaborate on what this fortuitous encounter is, then you have to start with the story of Monk Jianzhen…

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