Sun God Marvel

Chapter 196

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“Bruce, Bruce. Calm down, calm down quickly.” Listen to what Bruce is carrying to monitor heartbeat Her watch kept making a harsh dī dī sound, and Betty immediately panicked. For her, the consequences of Bruce’s anger are far more serious than Jennifer’s current injury.

Once he loses his mind, the whole Philadelphia will usher in a huge disaster, and they will also attract the attention of the military. This was something she didn’t want to see, so she began to try her best to calm Bruce Banner’s emotions.

“Jennifer also help, we have to take her to the hospital as soon as possible. Bruce, control you yourself. It is more important to save people now!”

Bruce.Banner listen to Betty’s The sound began to breathe hard. The cold air was taken into his lungs, and at the same time it began to cool his blood boiling because of anger. The monster in his heart was gradually suppressed, and his heartbeat began to calm down.

Finally, the green light in his eyes fell silent.

“You’re right, Betty. Call a taxi and we hurry to the hospital.”

Bruce and Betty rushed to the hospital with the injured Jennifer . Fortunately, the hospital is not far from their location. Soon, they sent Jennifer to the emergency room.

Watching the lights in the emergency room come on, Bruce sat in a chair nervously. His heartbeat is fast and slow, which means that his heart is not at peace. Although he has a set of effective methods to control emotions, but in this situation. This method can play a very limited role.

Fortunately, he is accompanied by Betty. Her comfort from time to time kept his heart rate below the safe threshold of breakthrough. This situation continued until the lights in the operating room went out.

“Doctor, how is she?” Seeing the doctor walking out of the operating room, Bruce hurried forward and asked anxiously.

“Are you a family member of the patient?”

“No, we are just her friends.” Before Bruce subconsciously answered, Betty said it for him. They are now fugitives, and once their identity is registered, it means telling the military their location. That’s not a good thing for anyone.

“Her condition is very bad, we have taken out the bullet. But she lost too much blood, and our hospital does not have her blood type. It will take a while to transfer from other hospitals, but I don’t think she can hold on to her current situation. If you know their family members, you’d better contact them.”

The doctor’s statement is almost equivalent to the death notice, which made Bruce There was some loss of consciousness in an instant.

“Calm down, Bruce. Doctor, what is my friend’s blood type?” Betty asked quickly, worried about Bruce’s loss of control. She needs to understand the key to the problem in order to stop Bruce’s runaway.

“The lady’s blood type is RH-negative blood, which is an extremely rare blood type. I am sorry that our blood bank does not have this blood type.”

The doctor said, shaking his head. He walked away, but his answer gave Betty a chance to breathe. She immediately retrieved the own brain and found a way to deal with it.

“Bruce calm down, Jennifer also save, you can’t save her like this.”

“How to save her, Betty. What should I do to save her?”


“Don’t forget, Bruce. Your blood type is also RH-negative blood. You can treat her with your blood.” Betty pressed Bruce’s arm yelled, it’s not a way for her, but It’s better than letting Bruce become that monster.

“Betty? I can’t do this!” Bruce disagreed with this idea. His own situation is very clear. Once his blood is transferred to his younger sister, it may cause unpredictable serious consequences. His own fate is tragic enough, and he does not want to bring this tragic fate to his own younger sister.

“You and your companion have found a solution, haven’t you? Now you can use your blood to save her, and when you arrive in New York, you can also use the method you found to change her back .”

“You don’t understand, what happened to me was an accident. Jennifer may not be so lucky.” Bruce was still hesitating. But Betty’s next words made him make up his mind.

“Bruce, take a gamble, maybe there will be a miracle. Are you going to watch her die like this?”

Bruce. Banner finally figured it out Made up my mind. He found the doctor who had already started to pack things, and said to him.

“Doctor, use my blood! I have the same blood type as the patient. I can give her a blood transfusion!”

The doctor looked at him and said with his head down.

“Okay sir, we will arrange a blood test immediately. As long as your blood type matches, we will start to treat her immediately.”

“It’s too late, doctor. I am worried that my friend insists Not that time.” Betty interrupted the doctor and explained to him. “I can be sure that my boyfriend has the same blood type as her. Please help her as soon as possible. We really don’t have much time.”

The doctor may see their unspeakable concealment, and treat the illness at this moment. The nature of gained the upper hand. He didn’t think about other things, just gave Bruce a deep look. Said.

“Okay, I will start preparing for a blood transfusion for her right away.”

Here in Philadelphia is still undergoing intense rescue work, while in New York, Zhou Yi has already passed. Quite a comfortable life.

He has just attended two child parent conferences, not to mention that these two little girls are very reassuring types. Compared with the parents who were intensively engaged in ideological work by the teacher because of the various troubles the child caused, the treatment he received was completely as different as heaven and earth.

His child is smart, serious, has a very good relationship, and is also very attractive. This made their Teacher keep complimenting them in front of Zhou Yi. To a certain extent, it satisfies his pride of being a father.

However, in addition to this compliment, several Teachers also implicitly raised some questions. The single-parent family will have an adverse effect on the child, which in their view may be the only flaw in the family. They enthusiastically persuaded Zhou Yi to find a woman to form a complete family while the children were still young. But only Zhou Yi knows how difficult it is to solve this problem.

Marriage is easy. People who are willing to marry him may be able to stand a few streets, but he is willing to marry very few people. So he could only hit haha, count the watches while trying hard to cope with this group of gossiping teachers.

Fortunately, the student’s parent meeting is impossible to open forever, after the legal off-duty time. He finally got relief, and took his two Little Princesses on his way home.

Although today is a troublesome day, in general, he is in a good mood. So he turned a corner incidentally and took the children to the pastry shop that he visited last time.

Two cute children never mind eating a delicious snack again, and Boss does not mind having a pair of cute little girls in the own shop. And Zhou Yi took advantage of this time to chat with the idle Boss.

“Speaking of, Boss. The decoration of your place has changed a lot. I remember that there were not so many new guys when I came last time!” He asked casually, but Boss’s answer made him Cheered up.

“Thanks to the recent group of youngsters, the law and order here is much better. Even the gangsters who collect protection fees dare not show up. You know, without the interference of those guys. Naturally, I too. I want to expand the storefront and attract a lot of customers!”

“Those youngsters, which youngsters are you talking about.” Although Zhou Yi’s identity is also a brilliant role, it has not yet reached well. The point of known. At least the Boss did not recognize him as the big boss of the Corona Group. He only treated him as an ordinary curious customer, so he didn’t think too much to answer.

“It is the group of Mutants who were specially recruited by the police. I really hate them at first, and I don’t even see them when they visit here. But I have to say, They did a good job. Especially the beautiful Young Lady with a strand of blonde hair. She helped me a lot. So now, I really think they are a good group of youngsters.”

Boss is a French, generally speaking French people are very hostile to Mutant because of Magneto. However, this Boss has become an exception. And his experience also made Zhou Yi more interested.

“Can you tell me, if it is convenient for you!” Opening the own cigarette case, Zhou Yi handed a cigarette to the boss. This is a good way to bring the two closer together, it is affordable and practical.

Boss did not refuse because of the child’s presence. He did not light the cigarette, but stuck the cigarette on his ear. After doing this action, he began to talk about his experience.

“You should know that the location of my store is not very good. There are a lot of addicts in the bar next to them, and they sometimes do crazy things you can’t think of.”

“It was raining that night and I was going to close in advance. Who knew that an addict rushed in and pointed a gun at me to rob. Heaven knows what he thinks, he wants to rob A dim sum shop. In addition to the bad weather that day, I couldn’t even get a little cash when I didn’t have much business.”

“I felt bad when I looked at that addict. I think today It must be over. This guy must be crazy. It’s a hell to meet this kind of person. That guy is really crazy. He really shot me, although he missed it. But it scared me too hard.”

When Boss said this, there was still a lingering expression on his face. It can be seen that he was really frightened at the time, so that he is still impressed. But soon, his expression changed, showing a look of excitement.

“At that time, the cute Young Lady rushed in. I didn’t see how she did it, so she subdued the addict. Even the gun in his hand Was twisted into a doughnut. At that time, the Young Lady told me that she wanted to eat my French bread. Didn’t expect this kind of thing.”

” After that, she often patrolled the area with her police partner, thanks to her. I haven’t seen those gangsters and addicts for a long time. Even the bar on the side is no longer so smoky. Said. Really, if I were a few dozen years younger, I would really want to pursue that Young Lady.”|

When I heard this, Zhou Yi was a little bit ridiculous. He is indeed a romantic French person, even at this age, he still has a romantic heart. But from his words, Zhou Yi has a clear understanding of Rogue and their efforts.

It can be seen that they did a good job. And this also means that own hard work is worthwhile. Mutant may not be able to live in peace with humans. As long as there is this awareness and this perseverance.

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