Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1960

Perhaps emotionally a little unbearable, but intellectually, Ancient One has always been the type that exterminates relatives righteously and leaves no room for it.

With a sound of “hong long”, there was already a flash of lightning suddenly shot out. This lightning struck Mordo sorcerer’s body protection magic, and it was like tearing a piece of paper in an instant, tearing Mordo’s body protection magic to pieces, and then drilling into the depths without any loss. Past.

Mordo’s arrangement of the outermost layers of magic did not play any role, it was already disintegrated, and until the lightning had penetrated in front of him, he barely used the earth vein magic The geomagnetic characteristics of the earth, stabilize it.

This made him unable to help but breathe a sigh of relief, but Ancient One’s methods told him that it was too early to rest assured.

Earth vein magic is a spell that she summarized and promoted. Whether it was the previous lightning or the method Mordo used to control this lightning now, none of them could break away from the barrier of earth vein magic. Yes, Mordo is quite proficient in earth vein spells, but compared with the founder of this spell, just being proficient is far from enough. Because the proficiency is also more profound level, such as the realm of change something rotten into something magical like Ancient One.

The formation of lightning is formed by manipulating the geomagnetism by magic and operating at the high frequency of the magnetic field. For Ancient One, this is just a flick, but when placed in front of Mordo, it probably requires careful preparation.

Such a gap is not Mordo’s fault. His attainments have surpassed ordinary people, reaching an extraordinary level. It’s just that the object he compared with was too extraordinary, and it seemed that he was a little weak.

He himself probably also knows how big the gap is between oneself and Paragon sorcerer. So he did not at all think of counterattack, but put all his mind on defense.

Use defense to delay time. As long as he can fight to hold on to the time when Dormammu completes the transaction, he will win. The price may be heavier, but it’s better than what he could do without sacrificing everything. He doesn’t care about own sacrifice, he only cares about one thing, and that is whether the own sacrifice has value.

He needs this value and needs it to prove that everything oneself does is not meaningless. He wants to prove it to Ancient One, prove it to everyone, his choice is not at all wrong. Only Ancient One is wrong, and from the very beginning, she is already wrong!

Mordo’s persistence and attitude can be seen at a glance. In any situation that can be transferred, Ancient One may feel comforted. And only in this situation, she would hate Mordo’s stubbornness in mind’s eye.

This kind of guy who doesn’t understand other people really makes her get angry in mind’s eye. And she, who was still thinking about being a little bit more empathetic, came to her mind that she would never take action anymore under the more and more pressing time.

As soon as my thoughts turned, the magic formula used to control lightning immediately changed into another look. Driven by a chain reaction, the lightning that spawned from the veins immediately changed into another form of power.

Gravity is also a branch direction of earth vein magic. And in the hands of Ancient One sorcerer, the power that was changed at this moment was no less than the direct damage of 10,000 tons of Iron Fist, and instantly smashed the counterbalance power that Mordo relied on as a pillar.

All this is just a matter of breathing, Mordo naturally has no time to rebuild his own defense system. It can be said that if this is a contest, then he has been defeated by Ancient One. Of course, if he could only wait and die, that wouldn’t be enough.

This is not a contest after all, but a real struggle. In this kind of struggle, it is important to do everything, as long as the goal can be achieved, any means can be brought to the table. The power of the void is no exception.

Mordo had already broken the taboo. By this time, he would naturally not have any scruples because of this.

Driven by the mind, magic power was immediately poured into the Book of Necropolis like a torrent. And when the book of the Necromancer continuously exudes distorted void power to wrap up Mordo, the gravity blow from Ancient One’s condense has already shredded the last few layers of protection arranged by Mordo, and it worked directly. On him.

Mordo doesn’t have a legendary Indestructible Vajra Body. If you really take this heavy blow, not to mention it will kill him. At the very least, a bone will be broken and fleshy. The result for the meat emulsion is definitely not running. However, as a Rare Item that can communicate the will of the void, the Book of the Necromancer must not be able to watch the owner fall to such a fate. Therefore, under Mordo’s active communication, it immediately spontaneously protected Mordo’s safety.

Distorted shadows swarmed out of Mordo’s shadow in an instant, turning into layers of fleshy, which wrapped him tightly. And next moment, when Ancient One’s spells are applied to these fleshy bodies, naked eye can see that countless muscles and muscles have been directly crushed by the powerful gravity into pieces.

It is difficult to assess how fragmented the meat quality is. From the perspective of naked eye observation, it will definitely not be better than the minced meat beaten by a skilled chef’s knife and chopping stick. Rougher. The thick one seems to be liquid, and it looks disgusting. That is, Ancient One sorcerer is used to seeing this kind of world, otherwise it is difficult to say whether she will have any special changes in her psychology.

It can be said that the scene was once unbearable to look at. However, in the face of such a scene, Ancient One sorcerer couldn’t help but frowned.

The spell just now, she didn’t at all mean how she kept her hands. It is conservatively estimated that even if he is undying Mordo, he can be beaten to death. However, the current situation is that although she has created a scene that seems to be generous on the scene, in fact, Mordo not at all, as the core figure in the middle, has suffered some real damage.

Don’t look at the flesh and blood, most of them are the void flesh and blood that were published by the book of the dead, summon, the real power that affects Mordo Baron is very small, and it may even be a standard for him to be slightly injured. Can’t reach it.

Such a result certainly made Ancient One sorcerer dissatisfied, and what made her even more dissatisfied was Mordo’s wrong attitude.

If an ordinary person contacts and uses this power without understanding the hazards of the void, then it can be considered excusable. But Mordo is not an ordinary person after all. He has a history of more than 200 years as a sorcerer, and in this 200-year history, he has participated in actions against this evil force of Foreign Domain more than once.

He should be very clear about the hazards of this Foreign Domain power to Earth itself. Obviously, as a Kamar-Taj sorcerer, his principle should be to prevent this power from invading Earth, but now, he violated this principle and actively introduced this kind of Evil Power into Earth. At this point, it is absolutely impossible for Ancient One to say that it is not disappointed with Mordo Baron.

Disappointment exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech, while Ancient One condensed the magic power in its hands, it was also heartbroken to Mordo Baron.

“Mordo, you disappointed me too much. As a sorcerer, you have lost the principle of owning, and the dignity that belongs to Kamar-Taj. I don’t understand why you became what you are today , For this, don’t you have any introspection?”

“Introspection? Why should I reflect on the right thing?”

The bloated flesh and blood twisted, from it Reveal the face that belongs to Mordo. This face is now full of disdain. Obviously, he can’t even agree with Ancient One’s rhetoric.

“It is you, my Teacher who should reflect on. Your rhetoric was established a thousand years ago, and after a thousand years, you are still sticking to it. Things are Development, times are changing, and any rules are impossible and must be applied forever. At the moment, we clearly don’t have any means to counter the invasion from hell. The power of the void is our only hope. And you, because of you. Your deep-rooted prejudice fundamentally excludes this possibility. This really makes me doubt that you are not qualified to sit in this position of Paragon sorcerer!”

“Why, Are you planning to deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors?”

The fingers have been bent into the shape of an orchid, and the eyebrows of Ancient One have begun to reveal a sharp expression. She had already made up her mind to clean up the sect and didn’t mind using thunder means, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Mordo has clearly surpassed her bottom line.

“deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors?” Ancient One’s repeated stern tone made Mordo feel a fire burning in his heart. He was originally a very rational person, but when faced with an attitude of Ancient One, it was difficult for him to maintain this rationality.

In all fairness, what did he do for his own benefit? No, he hadn’t considered this at all. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bet everything in own.

As a sorcerer, he is not ignorant of the danger of trading with the void, nor is he an idiot who blindly thinks that oneself is a Child of Destiny, even luck will be on his side. He has already prepared both psychologically and in fact, and has made the perfect solution for him. In his opinion, at such a time, obviously only need to give him a little trust and give him a little time. He can prove how meaningful the sacrifices he made at the cost of everything oneself owns.

Achieving a great career is just in sight. In such a situation, Ancient One was unwilling to give even a chance, and unilaterally denied everything he had done. Such a result, if you say that he can accept it calmly, it is really a hell of a ghost.

Burning in the evil fire is probably the most true feeling in his heart at the moment. And in the rage that he himself couldn’t restrain himself, countless shadows were already accompanied by his roar, pouring out.

“Paragon sorcerer, don’t take everything you think is the truth. Don’t think that I will always act according to your wishes. In this matter, my choice is not at all wrong. . You’re the one who’s wrong! Don’t think that if you put such a title on me, I’ll give in to you. I tell you, this matter is absolutely impossible. If you have that ability, just let it go. Come on!”

“Nicky barrier! You really have fallen into the evil way, there is no cure…”

With a sharp scream, Ancient One I was disappointed with Mordo to the limit. After that, she gave up all unrealistic ideas, turned to the hand-made seal, and shouted at the position of Mordo Goldman Sachs.


This is Six-syllable True Words, also called Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, Six Characters Great Bright Incantation. It is the first-class practice method in Buddhism. It can remove the obstacles of no beginning karma and convict the suffering of sin karma. It has the power of Supreme itself, and in the years of drifting in the void in Heaven Realm, it is a new ability that derived out can eliminate the suffering of the void mutation.

You must know that since Heaven Realm left the void, the void has become the biggest challenge Heaven Realm has to face. And being able to persist that many years has not been swallowed by the twisting power of in the sky, this has to be said to be the credit of the Divine Immortal Buddhas of Heaven Realm.

The so-called method of conquering demons should advance with the times. With the void being the most heavenly demon, these spells of Buddhism naturally have their way.

Paragon sorcerer has always been eclectic in mastering spells. She wants to use this method of reducing demons with the expertise of hundreds of families, but it is just a matter of hand. As soon as Six Characters Great Bright Incantation came out, the whole body of Ancient One burst out with seven colors of Buddha light. And just like boiling oil for watering, the shadows swarming from behind Mordo immediately began to evaporate Oblivion under the light of the Buddha.

This is a tangible injury, so that countless screams and wailing voices immediately spread out from those shadows. As the main body of it, Mordo Baron’s face became distorted for a while. He shouldn’t have been afraid of this kind of demon-casting Buddha light, but as the deal with the void deepens, his nature has already undergone some unknown changes. And this naturally made him start to fear the power of this Buddha’s light, and felt tormented for it.

Out of personal restraint and pride, he did not make any hysterical reactions, but this does not mean that he can feel indifferent to the shining of the Buddha’s light.

This is a considerable amount of damage to him, and if he does not want to be wiped out by the Buddha’s light like a devil, he must make a counterattack.

This is no longer something that his will can control, but an inevitable response made by a void instinct. Invisible, his mind was already affected by the void. And under the influence of this, the increasingly gloomy shadow evil creatures have already spewed out quickly along the book of the dead in his hand.

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