Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1978

Well, people don’t suffer from lack and unevenness. When magic basically maintains the original mysteriousness of oneself to Mortal World, Stark can come into contact with magic one step earlier than them, and even say that turning magic into one of the powers that oneself can drive will naturally attract The dark psychology of some people. This is unavoidable.

However, although they have the same mind, different people have different ideas. Some people want to take advantage of it, and some people want to grab it. The three aspects of vision, wisdom and strength determine their differences, and Stark still has no way of knowing this difference. And when he knows the pros and cons of it personally, I’m afraid he can understand it.

Of course, this has nothing to do with now. And now, in the hands of Ancient One, the whole situation has undergone a fundamental turn.

If at first the situation is that Stark has worked hard and used all the methods they can use, and they just barely stopped the offensive of the void monster, then now Ancient One A take action almost immediately stopped the movement of the void, and almost irreversibly, began to expel the void from in this world.

A huge unimaginable gap has been cracked on the surface. This gap is connected to the Space Crack drilled out by the void itself, which is equivalent to smashing out a corner and floor in a room. The big connecting hole comes. If the monster wanted to have a bottle opening like an octopus before, now this is equivalent to smashing the bottle opening and putting it on top of a larger container.

This is one way, but in the same way, there is a risk in doing so. If everything goes well, then only with this gap, Ancient One will be able to gift the parts that have been drilled out by the monster. However, if something unexpected happens, then this larger gap will only allow the monster to enter this World more quickly.

In all fairness, Stark doesn’t think this is an insurance approach, but at this time, he can only trust Ancient One, and believe she has done enough to prevent it.

In fact, Ancient One did take sufficient precautions, otherwise she would not take action, that is, a big spell like cracking the earth and passing the quiet.

Earth-Splitting Tongyou technique is actually the first technique in Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations, and it is a method that can only be played by practicing Tongyou to the point of Major Perfection. Generally speaking, this spell ranked first in 72 Changes has three levels. The most superficial, just like the monkey of Journey to the West, Primordial Spirit can go straight into the netherworld once out of its body. This method is not difficult. People with a little bit of mana and aptitude can do it. If it is difficult, it is difficult to communicate with Ghost God in the dark.

Monkeys have Magical Powers, spells, and a natural aptitude, so they can naturally use their fists to talk to Ghost God. This kind of example is a special case, and most people and other scholars estimate that they are still suffering under the stone crushed oil pan. This is not what a normal person should do, and what a normal person usually does is to be a grandson, depending on luck. You should pray to God, and you should worship ghosts. You can find out about Maoshan Lin Fengjiao’s attitude towards Yin Chai.

This is the first degree and the starting point of the fascination technique. And if you go one step further and practice faculty to reach a higher-level, then the situation will not be so embarrassing.

Tongyou art reaches a higher-level, that is, to have a number in the Netherworld Hell, which is equivalent to having a higher-level administrative authority. In this case, whether you want to recruit what the hell god from the Netherworld Hell, or send who to hell, that is a single thought thing. We often hear what those Divine Immortal Bodhisattvas say that put you into the Eighteen Levels of Hell, forever unable to reincarnate. Basically it is such a realm, maybe not yet. Of course, less than does not mean they can’t do it. As the so-called lack of strength, favors come together. If you are a friend of the eight worshippers in hell, you are a mortal, and you can do the same.

This is the second stage. Although it needs some strength, it can also be tricky. As for the third stage, which is the current stage of Ancient One sorcerer, this is not something that people waiting for leisure can do.

The front two realm is used to deal with ordinary goods. To be clear about it is just to frighten the soul. Although it has a magical effect, it may not be able to stand up at a critical time. And as the number one spell in 72 Changes, how could it be possible that the faculty spell is only useful? So naturally, this magical place lies on this last hurdle.

Split the earth and pass the quiet. If you want Major Perfection, you can’t just rely on a method to teach you. You have to quote from others and incorporate everything you have learned into the framework of Tongyou. Just like what Ancient One is doing now, when her magic to split the earth and pass the seclusion came out, it not only included the divine use of tethering the seclusion, but also changed the Great 36 Constellations to shake the mountains and shake the ground, whip mountains and move rocks. The abilities are all stuffed in. In terms of level, this is already a great generosity of Buddha Laozi. It’s not an ordinary role, and they can’t afford such a method.

Why do you say that? Because there is a big difference from the previous two realm, this kind of ghost technique already not in is satisfied with the small means of pulling the soul and driving the soul into hell, but it really brings people with the soul. The flesh is completely suppressed in hell.

On the surface, it just crossed a level and brought a little more, but only in actual operation will I know what kind of gap there is. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the difference between Tianyuan, one word, difficult! And what exactly is going on, just look at Ancient One here.

The soil and rocks are still being removed, and they have been stacked to a height of several thousand meters, which is almost the same as the highest height revealed by the monster at the moment. You must know that Mount Tai is only 1,000 more then 500 meters, and the highest mountain in North America, Mount McKinley in the middle of the Alaska mountain range, is only more than 6,000 meters. Such a comparison immediately highlights the out of the ordinary of Ancient One.

I’m afraid that an ordinary person can’t even imagine what it would be like to pile up 1,000 meters of mountains out of thin air, but just use the ass to figure out how huge such a spell needs to be. Energy consumption can be used.

Walking with the earth, really, apart from a madman like Archimedes, probably no one can do it. And this situation is no different from Ancient One and Earth breaking their wrists and winning. This really shocked everyone who watched here, and marveled at the power of Ancient One.

Only Ancient One oneself knows that she can do this step completely relying on the support of the magic of the earth veins. It is through the power of the entire Earth that she can achieve this point. Otherwise, just relying on her own mana, she wanted to pry the crust and almost hollow out the bottom of Death Valley, which is basically impossible.

This is a great work, not to mention, the loss of magic power alone is an astronomical figure. Although with the support of the earth veins, such loss is not unacceptable for Ancient One, but the premise of this is that this work can play its due role. According to the idea of ​​Ancient One, the best situation is that the Void Monster couldn’t even resist, and was directly swallowed by the Bottomless Abyss from the faculty spell summon. When the time comes, when he casts a spell like this, he first cuts off the fascination, and then covers the mountains on top. It is true that he will never turn over.

But this is an idealized idea, and as long as you think about it from the perspective of a monster, you will know that it is impossible, like a puppet, which will follow you and let you suppress it. Never stand up.

The situation right now is that someone dug a hole in front of it and just waited for it to jump like this. For ordinary people, in such a big pit, 100 out of a hundred people will be recruited. However, the Void Monster is not comparable to ordinary people, let alone other things, its huge size alone gives it more choices when facing this situation.

Why does Stark think there are certain risks in this kind of thing? The reason is here. When Ancient One broke through the Space Crack that restricted the entry of the void monster with the fascination technique, and expanded it to such a large size, the consciousness from Mordo Baron immediately perceived that this was an opportunity. And relying on the huge size of oneself, it almost didn’t even think about it, it was already desperately trying to break free from this big crack.

Of course, if it rushes straight out, it will definitely not work. Although it is powerful, it is not yet able to break free of gravity. So if you want such a huge volume to come out so directly, one of the first problems you have to face is how can you get around the big pit in front of you.

This is not easy. After all, in order to be able to drag this void monster into hell in a spurt of energy, Ancient One hollowed out the entire Death Valley. And if this is converted, it is impossible to have a little extra place for you to settle in a radius of tens of kilometers.

Stark can fly, this is a saying. And the ones that couldn’t fly like Peter were basically carried by Ancient One to the piled mountains. She basically takes care of the people who can take care of it, but the people who can’t take care of it, really at this time you can only consider yourself bad luck.

In the face of this kind of global crisis, let alone an individual, it is thousands of people and tens of thousands. If they are accidentally injured, they will be accidentally injured. No one can use this to accuse Ancient One, because if she does If this is not good, the number of people who will die will be thousands or even tens of thousands of times more than this number. Which is more important, this kind of thing will be clear in my mind after a little measurement. So naturally, there will be no one who does not open their eyes to pick things up for her at this time.

What Ancient One needs to do now is to deal with this monster wholeheartedly. She herself also knows this, so she has come up with such a big hand. Faced with such a handwriting, monster’s choice is to maximize its own characteristics.

The flesh is almost flared into the shape of a net. While expanding the cross-sectional area of ​​the own as much as possible, the monster also treats the tentacles of the own like the claws of a siege to all who can reach The surface plate of the country was projected past. With its size, such a tentacled throw is not a simple matter of a few kilometers or tens of kilometers. Criss-crossed, even if it is hundreds of kilometers, it is not a difficult task. And this caused a certain obstacle to Ancient One. After all, controlling the earth in a radius of several hundred kilometers and twitching all the earth and rocks was too demanding for her.

She was impossible and unwilling to take care of so much at this time, so immediately, she called for support from Stark.

“Stark, help me!”

As soon as Ancient One spoke, Stark understood what she meant. And then, he immediately connected to the space station, using the sun gun system to start beating the Ancient One side drum.

At this time, no one cares about the omissions that the sun gun system may cause when cutting monsters. For them, the main body of the monster is the most serious problem, and the others can only be regarded as scabies at best. disease. Therefore, they only ask for a do it quickly.

And letting go of the speed, the formidable power of the sun gun naturally rose by more than one level. The space station shook the transmitter slightly, and the light spot underneath was directly in a circular motion. And under the high temperature cutting of hundreds of millions of degrees, almost all the void flesh and blood are inevitably cut into two pieces. And this was placed on the body of the void monster, just like a rock climber was suddenly chopped off his palm, the whole body could not stop falling down on the spot.

In this case, the Void Monster is definitely unwilling, and for it, which cannot resist gravity, he can only copy the previous actions as much as possible, delaying or even reversing it with an increasingly tenacious posture. Downturn.

This makes it a bit like a jellyfish in the deep sea for a while. Under its huge body, countless tentacles are flying and fluttering. With the look of its sorry audience, it looks very special. Scary and terrible. But no matter how hideous and terrifying it is, Sun Gun will not tell it anything polite, cut it, cut it off. Except for the small voids that spilled out, its body really couldn’t make any changes at this stage.

And even those small void monsters are now in trouble.

The Ghost Riders, who have been relieved, will not let this level of threat go around. If the body of the void monster is something they can’t do, then these small void monsters are perfect opponents. To deal with them, not to mention it is very easy, at the very least, it is evenly matched. And want to use these small void monsters to relieve their main body, this is impossible in a short time.

The overall situation has been set. This is a conclusion that anyone who can see the situation can draw. In this regard, Ancient One, as the party concerned, is also indifferent expression.

She had the same idea in her heart, because at this time, she felt that it was almost time to take out the final killing move.

Late changes! The mind was so fixed, the hands were immediately joined, and then the infinite power was already exerted in an instant.

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