Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1980

The this remark that Stark is talking about now is obviously a bit of a cheap meaning. But if it is kept in the usual way, he can never say such a thing with his temper.

The most important reason for this change lies in the value displayed by Ancient One. Being able to lift two large mountains of 1000 meters in an instant, and be able to knock back the monster who is helpless by humans, this kind of ability represents what kind of value, this is something that doesn’t need to be elaborated.

And if such an ability is not seen by other who is good, in this case, even if she has the world shaking ability, she can only be an obscure hermit, not the pattern of this World Have any impact.

However, the problem now is that her ability has been revealed, and it is still directly exposed to the dignitaries of various countries.

A sorcerer that is stronger than the ultimate weapon that humans have in common, but cannot be used without authorization. Such an existence is enough for those politicians to regard her as a sweet pastry and let ambitious do whatever they want. You also want to get the power she has.

This is like when nuclear weapons were first introduced, whoever masters this nuclear weapon has a huge right to speak. The resulting game at the national level is a problem that Stark is most reluctant to see, but has to face at this moment.

He is impossible to allow Ancient One to drift to other countries. That would only make the United States’ voice in the international arena become weaker and weaker. And if at this time he is still holding on to their past holidays, then this is obviously a stupid act that pushes her out.

Emotionally, it is difficult for him to forgive what Ancient One had done to him. But intellectually, especially on the level of national interest, he had to make a choice against his will at this time.

This is a helpless thing, however, this is the reality. Stark needs to be forced by reality to say such things against his will, and Ancient One also has to accept this kindness of Stark because of the needs of reality.

To be an enemy of the ruler of a secular country, even for her, it will not be an easy task. Until as a last resort, she would not choose to put oneself in such a position. Therefore, even if she knows well about own disgraceful behavior, but also feels a certain degree of shame for it, but after weighing her interests, she still made the choice that is most beneficial to oneself.

Face, this thing is not important, trifling is just a piece of dough, where there are tangible benefits. She is at this age, so naturally she can see that. In comparison, Peter doesn’t have such a thick skin.

When Ancient One not say a word, just smiled and shook hands with Stark. Peter immediately turned his face away and yelled to the own men.

There is no need for them anymore, so he will naturally want to leave here with his brothers. After all, their current status is wanted. As a wanted criminal, just and honorable appearing in front of these influential figures is itself an eye-catcher. He hasn’t gotten so interesting yet, so leaving is his best choice.

Of course, he can also trade with Stark to some extent, just like Ancient One, in exchange for a change in oneself’s identity. However, his dignity prevented him from doing such a thing. So he would rather choose the worst result.

This is a pity. At the very least, when Stark saw Peter’s determination, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

For him, since he chose to have an adultery with Ancient One, it is not impossible to forgive another Peter. As long as he can be given a step down, everything is just a matter of course.

However, Peter’s choice basically cuts off this possibility. Even if he thought about it in his heart, he couldn’t lower himself to open this mouth and make any generous promises to him. In any case, he is the Great Commander of United States, and there are some things that he can’t directly say even if he wants to. Besides, who can guarantee that even if he says this, Peter can accept his kindness? If he speaks out and Peter refuses in person, it will be more than just one or two people embarrassing.

As a qualified politician, he must consider all these aspects. It was precisely because of these considerations that he could only turn his head too far, pretending not to see Peter and the others, and communicated with Ancient One.

“The war is over. Do you have any plans next? His Excellency Ancient One. Do you want to continue your sorcerer’s life in seclusion, or do you plan to change your lifestyle?”

“I Not sure yet, Your Excellency Stark. Maybe I will return to Kamar-Taj for a while to decide what’s next…”

Ancient One’s answer was a bit ambiguous. This is not only to prevent interested people from discovering Own’s plan, but also to give Stark and Peter a reasonable step down.

She could see Stark’s struggle. From her standpoint, she actually didn’t want to see Peter and Stark reach a settlement and stage a scene where they met and laughed.

The existence of Ghost Rider is like a sword that no stronghold one cannot overcome. And such a sharp sword is really not suitable for grasping in the hands of any secular country. That will break the balance between the country and the country, and will pull many things that shouldn’t exist in the world.

This is not what Ancient One wants to see. So, although the current developments are a bit unfair to Peter, she still let it go and let the situation go on like this. She even said that in order to prevent Stark from suddenly changing her mind, she also specifically mentioned a topic that Stark had to care about at this time.

“Your Excellency Stark, your son, my dísciple-Frank. I want to bring him with me when I go to Kamar-Taj. You should also know that Frank has troubles in this regard. Same as a general talent, I don’t think we should waste this kind of talent. So give him to me and let me take him for a deeper practice. I think this should be a very good choice for his future. That’s right.”

Frank is the secret treasure in Stark’s heart and one of his most cherished people in this world. When things came to him, out of a father’s instinct, Stark had to turn his attention away.

“Are you very optimistic about Frank? Although I admit that he is smart, but speaking of talent in magic… Is he really as good as you said?”

“Of course, you should trust my vision. Frank’s aptitude is the best I have seen in hundreds of years. I have sufficient confidence. As long as you agree to let him accept my careful nurturing, one day he will I can inherit my Legacy and become… Paragon sorcerer. Although this is just a name, the name itself represents some special meaning. Doesn’t it?”

That said, no Wrong, but after hearing Ancient One use Paragon sorcerer as an excuse, a different kind of emotion inevitably developed in Stark’s heart.

Others don’t know how Mordo’s bad luck egg took this extreme road, he knows well. Maybe Mordo’s own thoughts bear a considerable part of the factors, but he thinks that more reasons may be due to the name Paragon sorcerer.

If it weren’t for him to desire this title too much, and Ancient One took this title too much and kept it in hiding, maybe he wouldn’t be where he is today. To the point.

In short, this is a thing that pits people to death, and to put such a thing on the head of oneself son, even if this is only a possibility, Stark will never want to . So he rejected the kindness of Ancient One, even if it was tactful, but in the end he refused.

“I’m glad you can value Frank’s talent so much. But if you let him inherit your Legacy, then I’m sorry, Ancient One. As a father, please forgive me for not accepting this A suggestion of .”

“Can I ask why?”

The name Paragon sorcerer can be said to be the most valuable bargaining chip in Ancient One’s hands. It represents the orthodox ruling power of the Kamar-Taj family and all the knowledge she has accumulated for thousands of years. Coupled with the deterrence of the name itself in the mysterious world, in terms of value alone, it will not even be under the leadership of any country.

That means she doesn’t open this mouth casually. If she is willing to open this mouth casually, those who believe or not want to grab the title can squeeze their head. It’s not that Kamar-Taj is a sorcerer of the faction, even those national forces, after seeing the power of her Paragon sorcerer, how many are not tempted by this?

The decision Stark made in this situation can definitely be said to be unexpected. For his decision that no one could think of, Ancient One certainly wanted to know why he would say so.

Of course, on this issue, Stark can’t always say that he thinks his name is bad and doesn’t want to push his own son into Fire Pit. In other words, Paragon sorcerer still needs to show her face, he can’t do this kind of slap on her face directly. So after so many dry coughs, he gave a reason that was not a reason.

“You know, my family also has a huge industry. The Stark family-owned business was run hard from my father’s generation. I don’t want to let it spread to my this generation. Root. And besides, compared to magic, I hope that Frank can be more effective on the road of science. After all, our family has been in this business for generations. If you just jump to the opposite side casually, I think my old ghost father who has been dead for many years will definitely come back to trouble me!”

This is just a reason, Ancient One can hear it. As for such evasive words, she naturally didn’t want to shy her face anymore, as if there was no other choice but your son’s choice. She has not been so cheap, and the name of Paragon sorcerer has not been so worthless. So, after a little silence, she smiled and said to Stark.

“Really? That’s really a shame. However, even if Frank doesn’t inherit this name, he can still be a great sorcerer, right? His talent is as good as this, it’s really not It should be wasted like this.”

“Of course. It is his honor to have you as his Teacher. I don’t want him to waste such a good opportunity!”

As long as the fundamental interests of both parties are not harmed, they are naturally willing to make some courtesy flattery between each other. This is harmless, and many people see the mess between these two guys, but they don’t say a word.

There is certainly a part of the fear. After all, before unclear what kind of relationship Stark has with this Paragon sorcerer, who can easily change the game, no one wants to provoke them rashly. Fortunately, Stark said that the bald woman named Paragon sorcerer, who knows what kind of temper she is. If she was some kind of weird character, she would burn her with anger if she interrupted oneself.

Before didn’t touch know the temper of Paragon sorcerer, no one was willing to take this risk. That’s why the leaders of these countries stared at each other, sitting and watching Stark and Ancient One hook up together.

This is one reason, and another reason is that they also need to make a discussion internally on how to establish a relationship with a role like Paragon sorcerer.

This is like a big gambling game. Only people with enough capital are qualified to stand at the gambling table, and those small countries like those small countries that can only look at other people’s eyes and act, at most they can only shout from the side. Portion. And even if this has eliminated quite a lot of unqualified goods, you must know that there is only one role like Paragon sorcerer, and only one Paragon sorcerer means that only one party is eligible to say with a in this big bet. smile last.

In the past, this should have been a situation of using a pair of open guns and secret arrows. But in the current international situation, if they still play this hand, it will obviously make some people hide in the dark and laugh.

Generally, they are required not to engage in this kind of infighting, so taking advantage of the present time to negotiate a result, select a recognized winner by ceding interests. This is probably the only choice they can make. Up.

Many people are quite the winner, and it generally depends on who can give the most generous offer. To make it clear, this is the same as the vote-raising process before the election. It is impossible to expect peace and prosperity here. This is the most normal situation at the moment.

As for who is the ultimate gainer of this benefit, Stark doesn’t care about it on the surface, but in fact he has already raised his ears, waiting for the final result to come out.

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