Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1983

Dormammu’s tone is gentle. The gentle tone is like a bank counter manager, with a smile and every move you can’t pick out any thorns. To say harmless to humans and animals is not an exaggeration. However, such an attitude of harmless to humans and animals made Stark start to feel trembling in mind’s eye.

This shuddering feeling is not without reason. On the one hand, it is because of the power displayed by Dormammu. That huge body that can stand in the universe, as if it can lift Earth to the whole with one hand, is a formidable strength that can be understood by imagination alone.

Faced with such an enemy, it should be shuddering. And if there are other reasons for also, then I am afraid that the other party’s joking attitude seems to be playing with everything in the palm of the hand.

Ants are afraid of humans because humans may trample them to death with one foot at any time. This is unconscious behavior, just like natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Although it is worthy of awe, there is nothing to say in particular. After all, if you really encounter this kind of thing, it can only be regarded as bad luck, at least, you can get a happy one.

However, if this is a deliberate targeting of ants by humans, it is like a child’s stubborn behavior of pouring water into the ant hole, then there is no doubt that this has become a nightmare thing Up.

Just as ants cannot fight humans, humans have no ability to resist when facing such monsters. Have a good time, this may have become the best end. And if you can’t even get such a result, you can only be played with by the opponent until it is destroyed. In such a situation, as it should be by rights will make people feel trembling.

Stark is sober. However, at this time, he somewhat began to hate own sober. If he can choose, he really wants to be one of the people in the world, because if this is the case, he will at least not have to bear the pressure and pain.

As the only sober head of state, I watched oneself’s cherished world be manipulated and destroyed by such an existence. This feeling is really inhumane for outsiders.

His heart was filled with panic, and an almost pounding emotion was brewing in his chest and abdomen. That is anger and madness. Facing such an opponent that was almost impossible to defeat, Stark didn’t know where oneself should get the power to compete with it. He has no choice. And since there is no room for this choice, it is better to just straighten up your own chest.

If it is doomed. So, as a representative of humanity, should he die with his head held high, or should he perish in humble tails begging for mercy? There is no doubt that he will only choose the former. Therefore, when the emotion in his chest was almost uncontrollable, he already raised his head and yelled at the huge head in the sky.

“Dormammu is it? You found the wrong place. No one in this planet owes you anything. So, wherever you come from, just go back to me. You are not welcome here. !”

“Is this a refusal to be the master?”

Compared to the existence of Dormammu, Stark’s roar is no different from an insect, a particle of dust.的声动. It is normal not to hear it, but it is strange to hear it. However, Dormammu paid attention to Stark in the end, so he heard Stark’s roar and quickly responded.

“It’s really rude, Mr. Stark. I have lived for a few million years and have seen hundreds of life planets like Earth. There is no such thing as Earth. , So simply and unceremoniously gave me rejection. Seriously, are you not afraid that I will be angry? Judging from the current situation, it is not a wise idea to make me angry.”

“Don’t pretend to be with me, you monster! Could it be said that if I please you, you will let this planet go? As long as you dare to swear to say yes, then even if I kneel to you now Question. But the question is, do you dare?”

This sentence barely hit Dormammu’s weakness. It’s not that he can’t swear casually, and he’s not saying that if he doesn’t do it, the star will die, and that things like farting when talking is nothing strange to the void creatures based on chaos.

However, deception also has a bottom line. It’s okay to cheat against someone equivalent to oneself. It’s okay to cheat when profitable. However, if there is no benefit, and the other party’s rank and status are far lower than yours, you still use your own reputation to make up a lie to deceive him. Isn’t this just a matter of boring oneself?

Dormammu consciously owns his face is not so worthless, so of course he will not kneel to him just to see a worm in his eyes, and do something like to have no shame Come. Therefore, facing Stark’s excitement, he just sneered, and put on a cold expression that a predator should have towards the prey.

“You’re right, Mr. Stark. I definitely won’t let this planet go. However, one thing I want to declare is that I’m not here as an unwelcome guest. I am an invited creditor to collect my debts. This planet has been traded to me as collateral. I get back what belongs to me. Is there any problem?”

“Whoever made this deal with you, what qualifications does he have to make such a deal with you!”

Of course, Stark will not believe Dormammu’s nonsense, and in He seems to him that even the top three heads of state in this World do not know the existence of this transaction, and this so-called transaction simply has no authority.

This is completely a farce, but the other party holds this chicken feather as an arrow. That is, he can’t do anything to Dormammu at all, or maybe he will slap his face right now, so that he can wake up.

Stark’s anger, Dormammu, was in his eyes, but obviously, he didn’t at all take Stark’s statement as the same thing. This in itself is an excuse. It is the same thing as Japanese pulling Puyi to establish a pseudo-Manchukuo. He doesn’t care what others think, as long as oneself thinks it is so feasible. At the moment, he obviously thinks that such a reason is enough, so he just responded lightly to Stark’s question.

“Any life on the planet can be the representative of this planet, Mr. Stark. I picked a representative character-Mr. Mordo. He made a deal with me, And now, the transaction has been completed. Naturally, it is natural for me to receive compensation for this transaction, isn’t it?”

“You said Mordo did a transaction with you? This is impossible, he will never accept such trading conditions. No matter what happens, he will not use Earth as a bargaining chip to trade with you!”

Stark has not yet commented on Dormammu’s statement. Ancient One has already stood up and directly questioned the credibility of Dormammu’s words.

She knows own dísciple. Maybe because of paranoia or other reasons, he will go wrong in some things, which will lead to irreparable results. But in essence, she has always believed that Mordo will not make such a principled mistake.

I am afraid he would rather die than do this kind of power-defying and humiliating transactions with Dormammu. Therefore, all of what Dormammu said is simply a rhetoric, without any credibility.

Ancient One is so convinced, and watching her say such words to oneself so steadfastly, Dormammu’s big dark face suddenly showed a sullen smile .

“Paragon sorcerer, Lord Ancient One. I have admired your name for a long time.”

“As a native born on such a planet, his reputation can reach the universe Sorcerer in China, I have to say, your aptitude is really excellent. That’s why I chose to project the Book of the Necronomicon into your world. Originally I thought it was as smart as you Sorcerer, you should be very clear about what kind of choice is best for you. But I really didn’t expect that you would make such a stupid decision…”

“You actually let the Necronomicon Book be taken away by others without moving any thoughts. You even unilaterally restrict the spread of the Necronomicon Book in this world, so that everyone who may explore the mystery of the void If it weren’t for Mr. Mordo to think about the existence of the Necronomicon book and embrace the void, I really can’t imagine that I will have to wait how many years to wait until today. This opportunity. For this, I would like to thank someone well, do you think it’s not, Mr. Mordo!”

Speaking of which, Dormammu stretched out one straight to the Ancient One Hand come. And in the palm of his hand, a somewhat familiar face has quietly emerged. He is none other than Mordo.

Through the power of the void, Mordo appears in the hands of Dormammu in a rather huge image at this moment. Of course, this hugeness is only for creatures like humans. For Dormammu, it can only be regarded as a plaything, a toy in the palm of the hand that’s all.

He played with this toy, which is something special for him, and placed it as close as possible to Ancient One. Then, this head with Mordo’s face opened his mouth, and haha ​​laughed at Ancient One.

“Yes, it is like this. You need to thank me, Dormammu. If it were not for me, how could you have such a chance. Maybe in the next millennium, you can only watch this World. Drooling too!”

“Yes, yes, I need to thank you! And I think I have already thanked you, right? I gave you eternal life, gave you coexistence with the void Opportunity. You and I are forever merged together, and in my world you are proud to realize the true meaning of Eternity. Isn’t such a reward satisfying you?”

Dormammu is almost aria The tone said to Mordo in the palm of oneself, and Mordo was taken aback for a moment, then went crazy, burst into tears and laughed.

“Yes, yes, I have been able to enjoy the true meaning of Eternity, I am very satisfied with this, I can’t be more satisfied!”

“Very well, I heard you I’m satisfied with that.” Nodding satisfied, Dormammu returned his gaze to Ancient One. He smiled, and he was already asking Mordo. “Sir Mordo, I have a question for you to answer now. This question is related to your dearest Teacher.”

“Do you know? Your Teacher told me very firmly that he does not I believe you will make such a deal with me, using the entire Earth as a bargaining chip in exchange for the possibility of defeating Satan. He seems to be confident in your bottom line? So I wonder if you can correct it in person. Tell him , This is not my groundless slander, some people can always do something that crosses the bottom line at some point, right?”

“Yes, there is nothing wrong with what you said, Dormammu !”

Watching oneself’s tearful eyes on Ancient One’s body, Mordo’s expression instantly began to twist. That is not an expression that many people think that it is deliberately expressed like a puppet, but an expression that is as real as a life.

Crazy and hatred, sorrow and longing. In an instant, Ancient One saw such different emotions on the face of oneself, the former dísciple. And the appearance of these emotions also made her heart can’t help but put away the suffering.

She can watch Mordo die with iron heart, because Mordo’s value is definitely not comparable to this World. She has adhered to this World for so many years, and the sacrifice she has experienced has been decided. She is impossible to have any movement on this issue. This does not mean that she has no feelings for Mordo, Mordo has no place in her heart.

She raised Mordo with her own hands. It can be said that she treats Mordo as an offspring. For the dísciple of own, she can watch his sacrifice calmly, because that is his choice and a symbol of glory in his heart. However, she could not tolerate his soul being tortured and distorted like a plaything!

It is so sad that even the soul cannot be free.

She really can’t stand the scene in front of oneself, so at the moment, she mustered all of oneself’s power, involving the pulse of the entire Earth, as if the entire Earth was shouting with her With the same voice, he declared war directly at Dormammu.

“Enough, you disgusting monster! Let go of my dísciple and let his soul rest in peace. Otherwise, I will take out your soul with my own hands and let you know it in person, so that you will be treated as How does the plaything feel like!”

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