Sun God Marvel

Chapter 199

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The Hulk’s running posture is enough to make anyone who can be considered brave lose all the courage of oneself. Every movement of his thick thighs would cause earthquake-like tremors. The wide soles of the feet stepped on the ground, making the corridor floor of this hospital instantly shattered.

Nothing can stop him, because he just needs to wave his hand, it is enough to change everything from three-dimensional to flat. This is not cracking a joke, because many of the seats and medical equipment on both sides of the aisle have become stuffed on the wall. Fortunately, the occurrence of such horrible scenes made doctors and patients who saw all this hide away obediently and honestly.

But there is one person who just wants to hide from a distance, because the terrifying Hulk has completely focused on him.

The killer who pretended to be a medical nurse still didn’t understand what happened, why such a terrifying monster appeared after oneself shot, and he didn’t understand why this monster would chase oneself all the time. But he understands one thing. If he doesn’t run, he will never have to run.

I have to say that his intuition is very keen. But this is of no use in reality. Because the guy who hunted him has already surpassed the human category.

When he finally escaped to the survival channel, the Hulk was already less than a few meters away from him. This situation scared him almost to the extent of bladder sex. However, the desire to survive was still very strong. He desperately opened the door of the survival channel, and rushed in with his hands and feet.

When he wants to come, even if the gate can’t block the monster, this narrow passage will greatly restrict his actions. For today’s assassination, he has figured out all the passages here. As long as the monster can be restrained for a while, he is sure to escape from his men.

But the facts always stay before what he thinks, not after what he thinks. The huge body of the Hulk hit the thick wall directly. He didn’t walk through the door, but used a faster way than through the door. And this collision made him directly approach the killer, and the distance between him and him was close.

The killer was stunned in an instant. He still wanted to jump off the stairs, but the Hulk’s casual punch directly smashed the entire stairs. Seeing those bricks and steel bars that were rolling down, and also dust like a sandstorm, the killer immediately dispelled the idea.

He raised his hand obediently and honestly, and stuck oneself to the wall behind him.

“Hey, big man. I’m a good man, don’t hurt me. I mean it.” The trembling voice was so weak that it was worse than a mouse’s cry. Heaven knows what this killer said at this time, even he himself doesn’t know why oneself said it like this. The extreme fear has completely deprived him of the ability to think, so that all his actions are no longer controlled by the brain. These words, strictly speaking, are nothing but life-saving nonsense that’s all.

Hulk lowered his head and stared at the killer in front of him with his eyes like a large emerald. The muscles on his face are completely twisted, which makes his expression look very hideous. And his huge teeth clenched together, and the constant rubbing sound grinds all the killer’s will little by little.

Uncontrollably, all his sanity disappeared. At this moment, he suddenly took out his pistol, yelled “Go to die” and so on, and squeezed the trigger at the giant who was only a few meters away.

After the slight gunshot, he watched the bullet hit the giant’s muscle like an rubber, and then rolled down weakly. The whole person immediately collapsed to the ground as if the bones were removed. The foul-smelling excrement spread from his lower body, which means that he has been completely terrified.

But for the angry giant, this is far from enough. His broad palm stretched out and firmly grasped the assassin’s relatively weak body. Because of the excessive strength, the moment he held him, there was a harsh skull cracking sound. At that time, the killer’s half life was gone.

However, a giant with relatively insufficient intelligence does not know this, and this alone is not enough to eliminate the anger in his heart. So he aimed at the wall and threw the killer out like a baseball.

It’s like smashing a tomato on the wall, but for a moment the entire wall was splashed with scarlet liquid, and it didn’t stop. The pitcher’s power was so strong that the whole The walls collapsed and cracked, and a large part of the wall flew out like a meteorite. Under the gaze of countless people, the birthplace smashed through a building on the opposite side before it fell completely.

This sudden situation made many people notice the existence of the Hulk, and the riots also began to uncontrollably scream for help. This chaotic sound made Hulk very uncomfortable. He suddenly roared loudly, let out a thunderbolt-like violent growl, turned his head to step by step and walked in the direction he came.

At this time, Betty just caught up. She had heard the noise outside and knew what kind of riots Bruce had caused after his transformation. But she ignored these, because a more important thing happened.

“Bruce, come with me quickly.” She waved at the Hulk, turned her head and ran towards Jennifer’s ward.

At this time, the Hulk’s face began to show a confused expression. Once transformed into the Hulk, Bruce’s sanity fell into a deep sleep. What replaced him at this time was a will calling himself Hulk. Unlike brimming over with talent, the brilliant Bruce Banner, Hulk’s wisdom is only equivalent to an eight or nine-year-old child, and he judges things based on his own feeling. And it is very susceptible to emotions.

So far, the only woman who can make him a little bit obedient is Betty Ross. So after hearing Betty’s call, Hulk just scratched his head and took a step followed along.

Thanks to the blessing he had just run away, there is no one in the corridor now. So he came to the ward unhindered. And as soon as he got into the ward where he had opened a big hole, Rao Yihuk’s temperament couldn’t help being shocked by what oneself saw.

Jennifer did not die because of the previous shooting, on the contrary, the deadly shooting just now happened to cause her within the body’s self-protection function, allowing her to completely activate oneself hidden ability. This led to a brand new Jennifer Susan Walters appeared in the world.

The original Jennifer was an average height, good figure, and a little capable short hair girl, but now she is a tall woman with a height of two meters and an extremely fit body.

Her appearance has not changed much, but her short brown hair has turned into waist-long green curly hair. What is even more exaggerated is her body. Her whole body is raised by almost two heads. The upper and lower sides are full of lean muscles, this muscle is not so bloated, but has a kind of explosive bodybuilding feeling. Of course, the most exciting thing is definitely the chest. From a C position to the current Hegemon, it feels shocking no matter how you look.

And this is not all, the most critical issue is that she has become green. The same green as Hulk. With her current figure, she can be said to be a female Hulk.

This is something that no one thought of, including Hulk as the Hulk. He looked at this own kind, and a word came out from his wide open mouth for a long time.


“I believe what you said now, he is Bruce!” It is not the same as Bruce’s transformation when he was replaced by Hulk’s will, becoming a female green Jennifer of the Giant seems to still retain his own will. She first struggled with a medical coat that made her feel very uncomfortable. Then said to Betty. “When will he change back? I am not used to looking at him like this. Of course, I am also not used to what I am now!”

The damage caused by the shooting seems to be totally insignificant to Jennifer. Similarly, it seems that after becoming a female Hulk, she also has the same ability as Hulk. The previous gunshot wound was completely healed when she transformed, and with her transformation, her physical and self-healing ability also began to explode, which made her feel energetic now.

“I don’t know. Once he becomes like this, he needs to wait until he is completely calm before he can change back. As for you, I don’t even know.” Betty just said that oneself is helpless. Suddenly, there was a harsh police siren and the noise of helicopter flying outside.

This voice made Hulk, who had started to calm down, roared again, and he became angry again. Because of the reasons he had been hunted down before, he would always become furious once he heard this similar sound. And anger means that the situation is even more out of control.

A punch through the wall of the hospital, Hulk stood there and roared at the police who rushed over. It’s like the roar of wild beast before the battle. And this is the behavior Betty least wants to see. She hugged Hulk’s arm quickly, yelled.

“Bruce, calm down. Let’s leave here, don’t entangle here anymore.”

Hulk frowned and glanced at the police surrounding the hospital, then looked at Look at holding own Betty. After all, his feelings for Betty suppressed his own anger. He let out a low growl and took Betty into his arms.

“Jennifer, follow me. Jump!” After saying this, Hulk kicked straight on the spot, and the whole figure rose into the sky like a cannonball. The strong muscles gave him unimaginable power, and this power made him jump directly into the high air of several hundred meters.

Although his movements are awkwardly like an ape, you have to admit that he moves very fast. Because of a few jumps, he jumped a great distance, so that all the police, including the helicopter in the air, could only look at his back in awe.

And his actions stimulated Jennifer even more. Jennifer is a lawyer and also a senior adventurer. There is an element of adventure and excitement in her nature. So while seeing Hulk’s actions, she behaved as eager to have a try. And she, who never suppressed oneself’s heart, jumped out even more like Hulk.

She didn’t jump high or far from Hulk. But she was much smaller than Hulk, and much lighter than him. Hulk bounced, but she could eject several times between the buildings. This made her quickly follow Hulk’s silhouette and disappeared from the sight of countless police and people.

Until this time, the police did not spirit slowly recovers. And none of them who spirit slowly recovers spoke, and today is a bit too exciting for them.

(“Buddy, or let’s resign.”

“Resignation, isn’t it too much. It’s hard to find a job now, so I should still be able to ask for a raise. “

“Forget it, Buddy. This time this guy ran away. If he doesn’t run, we’ll be over. It’s really a desperate job. I won’t do it for any more wages.”

“what you said make sense, tomorrow we will change jobs and pick up trash.”)

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