Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1990

The disaster is about to begin. This is the inner words of Ancient One, who is watching all this with grief and indignation from the perspective of the victim. She doesn’t think there is anything that can prevent this tragedy from happening, so she can only feel helpless in the heart.

The disaster is indeed about to happen. As the instigator of all this, Dormammu also doesn’t think there is anything in this world that can stop own’s actions, so he still has a joking mentality, intending to sit and watch the wonderful scene for him to be staged on own. Right now.

Everything seems irretrievable. However, unexpected things happened at such a time.

The billowing black shadow hiding the sky and covering the earth clearly has a majestic imposing manner that swallows the world, but in a flash, it seems that everything is just an illusion, even There was no sign, all of this suddenly disappeared cleanly.

The sky is clear, and there is no trace on the ground. Ancient One thought it was some kind of bad method by Dormammu, it was the kind of unexpected and evil taste that scared you. But she soon discovered that this seemed to have something to do with Dormammu not at all. Because she simply didn’t feel the existence of the void power, and Dormammu’s reaction proved this.

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter with my power…It’s you! Paragon sorcerer, what did you do?”

Dormammu was totally in shock, subconsciously He began to suspect that this was Ancient One’s method. After all, on this planet, the one who can jump out and fight him is in his cognition only Ancient One. She has this motivation to do so. As for her ability to do this, this is no longer something Dormammu will consider now.

This is a pot, no doubt. And for Dormammu’s act of throwing this pot at oneself, Ancient One certainly couldn’t resist. To be clear, she is already bad enough now, there is really no need, and she cannot afford to offend Dormammu.

The pot on her back attracted Dormammu’s revenge, which is definitely a terrible thing for her. And Ancient One, who consciously oneself also has a heavy responsibility, is of course impossible at this time. So at the moment, her expression was stern, and she already responded to Dormammu coldly.

“Idiot, this is not what I did. Move your mind to think about it, I’m right under your nose, can’t you see what I did?”


Dormammu also realized at this time that oneself was biting wildly. This made him feel a little bit awkward on his face, but at the same time he became more and more hated against the secretive villain. For him, depriving owner of pleasure and slapped owner in the face so blatantly, this is simply a crime that cannot be blamed. That is, this guy has not been exposed yet, otherwise, oneself must make him pay for it.

Of course, he himself also understands that a person who can do such a move silently, he wants to hide his whereabouts so oneself will find him in a short while. Being angry is just in vain, wasting energy to find this guy, and just being led by the nose.

He couldn’t just follow this guy’s will, so he already had an idea when his mind changed.

“Hidden guy, do you want to use this method to delay time? It’s ridiculous, you want to do this, I don’t give you this chance! Let me see, you saved them one Back, can you save them for the second time!”

With such shouted words, Dormammu has once again used his own method on Earth. His methods are not new and can even be said to be the same as before. And from a rational point of view, since the method just now was resolved so easily, he shouldn’t use it to show ugliness. But for this, Dormammu obviously has own ideas.

In his opinion, since this hidden guy will take action at this time, it means that his own will is to protect this World. In response to this, Dormammu thinks this is an opportunity. As long as he takes actions frequently, he doesn’t believe that this guy can not leak a bit of his feet. And as long as he leaked out even a tiny bit of footwork…, thinking of this, Dormammu sneered in the heart.

The heavy shadows are coming more than before. In order to make the opponent show his feet faster, Dormammu can be said to have increased his own investment at his expense, and the consumption alone has more than doubled . However, even if he had taken such an attitude and used such a huge force, the final result still made him startled.

Exactly the same as before, without even the slightest reaction, the void power he released was already apparently clean. In the face of such an unexpected situation, let alone Dormammu didn’t expect, even Ancient One felt a little weird.

Who is taking action? How could there be such a powerful guy on Earth?

The doubts in the two people’s hearts are probably the same. Compared with the surprise of Ancient One, Dormammu was more shocked.

Although it was a tentative move, the power he expended was not fake at all. That real planet-level power is also an existence that cannot be underestimated in the universe. But now, all this has disappeared so silently, no matter how arrogant he is, he won’t be able to see the situation clearly at this time.

There is no doubt that this is a strong enemy, one that is stronger than Ancient One and can even threaten his opponent. Although it is hard to imagine that a small planet can jump out of so many powerful existences, the facts are in front of him, and he does not allow him to question randomly.

He must correct his own mentality, no matter how he holds a joking attitude, then he doesn’t know when the gutter capsizes. The shame is second. If the boiled duck, Earth, flies away from oneself in this way, then for many years in the future, Dormammu will probably become the laughing stock of inside the Void.

He still didn’t want oneself to fall to such an unbearable level, so he immediately took the initiative.

The situation is very clear, the person hiding in the dark is playing with the idea of ​​protecting this planet. And his ultimate goal is to swallow this planet completely into his belly. This is the same as a tower defense game. The ability of both parties is the second issue. The key to the problem is who will eventually fall into the palm of this planet.

Dormammu didn’t know what kind of scruples that guy had been hiding in the dark and refused to appear. To a large extent, he believes that the opponent should not have absolute certainty to defeat oneself, so he will choose to use this method to confront oneself.

This is a direction. Since he has such scruples, oneself should start from this aspect. And if you look at it this way, then taking advantage of this key point where he refuses to show his head, and changing his previous habit of playing small, taking the entire Earth in a spurt of energy, this may be the best plan. .

To hit the opponent completely unprepared, so even if he has such a powerful strength, he can’t help himself. After all, it was done, and if that time came, he could still force oneself to spit out Earth.

Dormammu’s abacus was very loud, and with such abacus, he was already thunderbolt lightning-like, and he stretched out his hand directly to Earth.

This is a real stretch of hand. From the perspective of Earth, the palm of the sky covering the sky almost instantly covers the entire sky, and in the fierce friction with the Earth’s atmosphere, it is already gradually approaching To the surface of Earth.

That is, Dormammu’s current body is pure void energy, not a real physical body, or just such an action, I am afraid that humans will face a catastrophic blow.

You must know that the size of his body now exceeds the limit that humans can imagine. Among other things, just this Earth itself, I am afraid that in front of him will not be bigger than a football. If such a body is a physical existence, then just the gesture of reaching out and pinching can cause a dozen storms to hang on the surface of Earth instantly, and when he pinches the surface of Earth, the entire plate on Earth will be Because of his actions, he completely changed the form.

Speaking of your kind words, if that time comes, the surface of Earth will not be much different from the paper. And the human beings attached to this layer of paper, wanting to survive such changes, will not be more likely than exploding in the sun.

Right now, Dormammu’s body is composed of energy, which protects Earth from the effects mentioned above. But when it comes to killing humans, there is actually not at all too big a difference between the two.

Imagine that even Dormammu, who looks directly into the universe, can turn more than 90% of the world’s humans into lunatics and fools. Then if the distance is shortened from a few hundred thousand kilometers to What will happen to thousands or hundreds of kilometers? This answer is known without even thinking about it.

The destruction of mankind is within reach in the true sense, and for such a situation, the person in the dark is naturally impossible to continue to sit and watch.

He may indeed have such and other scruples. This is the fact that there is absolutely no fear of Dormammu’s power in such scruples.

Dormammu, as the power of the Void Lord, can indeed occupy such a place in the universe, but on Earth, in this planet, where fish and dragons mixed in together and they don’t even know the depth of their oneself, He really wasn’t an invincible character.

It’s like now, always being a bystander, and the catastrophe of two-time take action interference can no longer stand.

As a real bystander, the catastrophe can be said to have seen the farce from beginning to end to the end. From the time when Ultron found him, to the fornication of people like Stark and Ancient One, to the intrigue and mutual attack between humans and hell, he saw everything in the eyes of the owner. As for the fate that mankind is currently suffering from, he actually has only one evaluation in his heart, and that is reap what you have sown.

If it hadn’t talked about selfishness, America might not have fallen to where it is today. Apart from other things, at the very least, it will not be so easy for Satan and his henchmans to enter the world so smoothly.

In modern society, it is unrealistic in itself to allow these religious elements to make trouble under the nose of various high-tech equipment. And even if humans are negligent, such as Paragon sorcerer and Ghost Rider, there is absolutely no reason for such negligence.

It can be said that a so-called hell strategy has trapped them all. Both the United States Government and the Ancient One sorcerer group have only dreamed of owning their own dreams, and have forgotten the reality of oneself. This stupidity caused those guys in hell to take advantage of the gap, and it was precisely because they took advantage of this gap that a major event such as the invasion of the void was created.

It can be said that if everyone is to be held responsible for what happened today. The catastrophe felt that Mordo Baron, who was the cause of everything, only occupied 20% at most. Others, whether it is the United States Government headed by Stark or the out-and-out conspirators like Ancient One, should take more responsibility.

Of course, it doesn’t make any sense to say these at this time. After all, a mistake has been made. No matter who is responsible for the fault, it is impossible to change this bad situation. However, as a person who has the power to stay out of the matter and has the ability to intervene at any time, things have developed to this step, and it is almost possible to stop while one can.

Although he doesn’t like the faces of politicians like Stark, he doesn’t understand Ancient One who can act wilfully under the banner of justice and humanity. But this does not mean that he has to watch people all over the world pay for their faults.

Although he doesn’t think that the survival of human beings has anything to do with him, he is accustomed to oneself and now lives peacefully, and he doesn’t want any strange guys to jump out to disrupt his rhythm of life.

Obviously, Dormammu falls into this strange category. And when he is getting more and more excessive, Catastrophe will naturally stand up and stop him from further actions.

It’s like now, Dormammu’s clutches are about to touch Earth, and a huge gravitational force suddenly comes from behind him.

This gravitational force is so powerful that even the huge existence of Dormammu is restricted by it.

His movements stopped abruptly, and even his body began to move away from the depths of the universe uncontrollably. This is almost equivalent to something that he can’t believe, but right now, all of this has happened to him. This naturally made him unbearably frightened.

How could this be? Who the hell is it? Huge questions surfaced in his mind, which also gave him a deeper and fearful understanding of the people behind the scenes.

For such an existence, he cannot afford to offend. In other words, it is absolutely unwise to provoke this level of existence for a planet.

So, according to their usual dispositions of the Void Lords, they just ran away in such a desperate way while also turned around? Seriously, he was not reconciled.

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