Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1994

The unexpected change was beyond everyone’s expectations. Including Ancient One, I never thought that things would happen at this time. Things have taken a new turn.

Obviously Dormammu was still arrogant a moment ago, playing with the fate of the entire world as if he was playing everything on his palms, but next moment, he was already disappear without a trace , As if simply does not exist.

The turning point before and after is too big, it really makes people feel tiger’s head, snake’s tail. And coupled with the irrationality of the matter, it is naturally even more incredible.

It’s like Ancient One, she can hardly believe what happened in front of oneself. Compared with someone who helped them with a take action, they solved the danger of Earth. She was more willing to believe that this was some nasty act of Dormammu.

Give you a faint hope. When you think oneself is about to be saved, fiercely will pinch it out. It’s not that he has never done this kind of thing, so if you do it again, it won’t feel strange at all.

Ancient One is already mentally prepared for this, and she does not intend to let Dormammu succeed in this matter. But, even though she thought so, she did it. However, as the ebbing of time, she found more and more that things seemed not at all oneself as complicated as imagined.

Dormammu not at all appears again, even if she has gathered a considerable number of humans and is about to reach the own plan, he still hasn’t jumped out at this time to stop her.

This is not in line with common sense. If he really made that kind of bad plan, then at this time should be the best time for him to have an attack. One step at night, he can do nothing. I can only watch Ancient One achieve its own goal. And with his disposition, he would not let it happen anyway. So… things really changed? The miracle really happened?

Even if Ancient One is reluctant to believe this, facing the facts, she has to admit that things have really changed like this. And if this is really the case, then problems will follow.

Who will create this miracle? What kind of plans does he do this?

It’s not that Ancient One treats a gentleman with a villain. But if that person really came with an idea to save the world, he should have acted long ago. Waiting until the world has suffered a huge loss before doing it, no matter how it looks like an attempt. And since there is an attempt, what is the problem with thinking in the bad direction?

In short, it is another huge trouble. After facing such troubles one after another, Ancient One’s heart has already produced a sense of exhaustion of powerlessness.

What happened to this World? When did Earth become such a sweet pastry? She really wanted to ask such a question in front of these guys. Obviously Earth is just an ordinary one in the universe, the kind of real country corner. But why, it can attract the attention of so many powerful guys?

Forget it if it is Satan, who are natives of Earth, it is normal for them to follow Earth’s idea. But Lord Void, also the fellow who is not inferior to Lord Void, why are they staring at it?

She really did not understand this. And under the premise that she couldn’t figure out the thoughts of these people at all, she was a little uncertain about what to do next.

Continue with her plan to preserve human fire?

If this latecomer does not intend to destroy mankind, it would be meaningless for her to do so. Even if it’s just enslavement, it is better to put humans on their own homes than to put them on the other world. This in itself is the situation of as a last resort. She would definitely not be willing to do so when there is no choice.

Since there is no need for this plan to take the next step, then, another plan?

Thinking of this, Ancient One suddenly changed its color and realized the seriousness of a problem.

If the world itself is threatened by a dangerous existence like Dormammu, then it might be a coup to lead Zhou Yi back from in the sky. Because no matter what he will do to this World, at the very least, when this World itself is threatened, he himself will become this World’s first barrier against these threats.

However, if there is no such external threat, then he himself will become the threat itself. Ancient One believed so firmly, so she chose to betray and deceive at that time. And even now, she still maintains such a point of view.

He thinks Zhou Yi will be a threat to this Earth, because his own power does not match this planet. This is as if a small fish pond can’t fit a prehistoric giant beast, and the wider sea is obviously where he should go.

This is for his good, and also for the good of this planet. Is it a problem to choose a way that both parties can accept and coexist?

On the surface, this is of course no problem. But from a realistic perspective, what qualifications does she have to make such a decision for others?

Whether it is Zhou Yi oneself or this World, she does not need her to make this decision for them. And the result of making such a decision without authorization is that she must pay for what the owner did!

I can imagine what kind of thunderbolt anger she will face when Zhou Yi returns to this World. And even if it was due to a human instinct, she didn’t want such liquidation.

So, temporarily stop Stark’s actions and stop this guidance? It’s not that Ancient One has never thought of this before, just after a little estimation, she can probably estimate it too, time is too late.

Zhou Yi is missing only one direction. So even just a short guide is enough for him to find a way back from endless void. So in any case, it is too late now.

She can’t escape. If she continues to hide on this planet, as long as she is found, she will only have a dead end.

Dying for a noble goal, she doesn’t mind. But if she died on this kind of boring revenge, no matter how much she could let go, she would still be respectful. She does not intend to die here, and if she wants to escape, then exile may be her only choice.

Being in exile, this is not an unacceptable thing.

Just like she chose to go into exile many years ago in order to avoid Smith Zhou, now to avoid his son and set foot on the road of exile again, this is really not at the worst thing. . It’s just exile…No matter how you say, you have to wait for things. As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

She realized the risks that oneself would face and thought of ways to avoid such risks. It’s just that she can’t let go of this World in the end, she can’t let go of oneself’s mission for so many years. She couldn’t persuade oneself, so she ran away regardless. Therefore, after thinking and thinking, she decided to first see the identity and purpose of the latecomer before speaking.

This It shouldn’t be a long thing. Because if the latecomer really has any purpose, then he shouldn’t ignore the existence of own. No matter what he wants to do, he will always have some contact with oneself. Only when contact was required, Ancient One believed that oneself could more or less see his purpose.

Some worry, some anxiety. Ancient One is waiting for the guy she wants to wait. Everything is as she expected. For those who want to be and so on now, hers is indeed an inevitable obstacle. And because of this, he didn’t hide it at all and just appeared in front of Ancient One.

Stand long, just as before. This is Ancient One’s truest thoughts about the figure that suddenly appeared before him. She might have guessed some, but she is not so sure at all, the person who will appear in front of her at this time will actually be him, her Teacher, her old enemy, the guy who really changed her life.

After reunion after many years, Ancient One is really indescribable what kind of state of mind oneself is at this moment. But one thing she can be sure of is that there must be no joy in this mood, on the contrary, that kind of fear and worry take up more elements.

People who don’t know this guy probably won’t understand how much terrifying things he has done in these long years. Some things, even from her current perspective, are considered to have crossed the bottom line of mankind. They are the kind of astray and dead ends that, in the true sense, once set foot in, they will never turn back. And after walking on such a path for so many years, what kind of monster his heart has changed into is really something that Ancient One could not imagine.

Ancient One was afraid of him in mind’s eye, and Smith Zhou could clearly feel all this. In response, he immediately smiled at Ancient One, and then greeted her like an old friend he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“I haven’t seen you for many years, Ancient One. I thought you would hide from me forever, hiding in a corner no one knew?”

“I It’s impossible to avoid you all my life, Teacher. I understand that one day I will face you. It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be in this way, under such circumstances…”

After all, she has experienced countless Paragon sorcerer, even if she was almost instinctively afraid of Smith Zhou, but at this time, she quickly calmed her own mood and made oneself calm. .

This was in Smith Zhou’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart immediately. His dísciple is really as good as ever.

You must know that Ancient One can be regarded as a knowledgeable existence to him. And under the premise that everything about her was created by him, he was almost indistinguishable from Heart Demon in Ancient One’s heart.

Not who can face own Heart Demon so calmly, since ancient times can do this, all have great consciousness and great perseverance. And since Ancient One can do this alone, he can say responsibly that she can inherit the name of own, which is really not moisture at all.

Of course, the more so, the less he can tolerate the existence of Ancient One. After all, she knew him too well. And this kind of knowledge, when placed in the future he planned, would only be an obstacle full of threats.

Thousands of years of savings, it’s finally time to close the net until today. He doesn’t want such an obstacle to make him fall short. So, while smiling gently at Ancient One, he already said so.

“Yeah, this is something no one thought of. Even myself did not expect that one day you would appear in front of me in this way. Seriously, I’m a little curious, Ancient One. If you could see this day through your magical vision of the future, would you still choose to do this? Will you still choose to stand on the opposite side of me?”

“It’s a pity, That magic is not omnipotent, it is impossible to see everything. If it could see it, there would not be such a day.”

For such a question, Ancient One gave a calm answer . It’s just that, unlike the answer Smith Zhou really wanted, the answer she gave was an interpretation from another angle, from the perspective of her own.

“I regret it, Teacher. If I could really see this kind of future, perhaps as early as many years ago, our grievances could be understood. At that time, I found When you are plotting, I should destroy you desperately. If I do, maybe everything today will not happen, will it?”

“You are right At that time, it was indeed your best opportunity. It’s just a pity that you haven’t got rid of the superficial side of human beings at that time. You were controlled by emotions and you missed this opportunity. As it should be by rights , You won’t have a second chance. And there won’t be any more…”

Speaking of which, Smith Zhou is already a poor man. Senhan’s killing intent was revealed from his words, making the Ancient One who was standing opposite him feel a piercing coldness.

This is sooner or later, she knows it well. While maintaining the last dignity of being Paragon sorcerer, she opened her hand and called out the last bit of magic of oneself within the body.

“You are impossible to get what you want, Teacher. Whether it is here or somewhere else. You will eventually fail because you have been on a wrong path from the very beginning Up…”

“Who said it? You? Then I can prove that you are wrong.”

Gather in almost the same way With the magic power, Smith Zhou decided to use this method to give his proudest discipline a final decent. Compared with the majestic power he displayed at this moment, the Ancient One at this moment is as weak as a boat in the stormy sea.

She can’t resist, nor can she resist. At the moment when her whole person was swallowed by the magic that both possessed in common, the last voice of Smith Zhou came from her ear.

“Do you know where you are wrong? My lover. You are so wrong in believing what oneself sees, that you forget what I taught you from the very beginning Something. A person can conquer the sky. I was able to do it at the beginning, but I can still do it. You, just show it to me in another world!”

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