Staten Island, New York, the Principal office of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The Principal Charles Francis Xavier of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, who is also the Professor X in Zhou Yi’s memory, received the Zhou Yi family warmly after learning about the Zhou Yi family’s coming.

For this Mutant spiritual leader who dedicated his life to Mutant and the peaceful coexistence of mankind, Zhou Yi’s psychology admires and respects him.

Professor Charles’s Psychic Power is so powerful that everyone can see it. This power is not only a term for willpower, but also used to describe his extremely powerful Psychic Ability. With just one look, a single thought can manipulate people’s life and death. This description is definitely not cracking a joke.

More simple, reading people’s memories, manipulating people’s minds, these magical abilities are as simple as eating and drinking for Professor Charles.

So, people like Zhou Yi who have secrets in their hearts generally speaking to Professor Charles always maintain the idea of ​​being able to meet without meeting. Although he has certain confidence in Charles’ character and oneself’s innate ability, Zhou Yi is not willing to take this risk if it is not as a last resort.

Perhaps seeing Zhou Yi’s mental instability, Professor Charles smiled slightly, and the strong affinity suddenly assaults the senses. He said in a slightly joking manner.

“It seems that Mr. Zhou is very scared of me, but don’t worry, I am not a role as a teaching director.”

“you’re joking!” Zhou Yi was not very relaxed. “I think everyone who knows your name will not be very relaxed when facing you.”

“Mr. Zhou, what you said Those are those who are against us Mutant, and as a friend who can treat us equally, I think your worries are unnecessary.” Professor Charles pushed his wheelchair and slowly moved to the front of Zhou Yi’s family. Zhou Lan said.

“Ms. Zhou Lan, please rest assured. We at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters are committed to all Mutant’s dream of living in harmony with mankind. Now that your daughter has become a member of our Mutant, then we will naturally Give her full strength to teach her and blend into this World.”

Zhou Lan hugged the silence with a little sadness. Clarice of Cowering kissed her forehead and said: “Professor, I am right You have confidence, my poor Clarice, don’t worry, you will have many new friends here, and your mother and big brother will come to visit you often.”

Clarice still doesn’t speak, just Silently tightened Zhou Yi’s clothes.

At this time, Professor Charles, who was waiting beside him, suddenly said.

“Ms. Zhou, I think there is something I want to communicate with you. This matter has something to do with your son, Mr. Zhou Yi!”

“Yi, what about him Already?” Zhou Lan, who had been mentally debilitated by the sudden family accident, couldn’t help but raise his voice a bit. She was scared now, because she seemed to have guessed something.

“About Mutant, I don’t know what Ms. Zhou Lan do you know?” Professor Charles did not respond directly to Zhou Lan’s question. Instead, he picked up the teacup and explained it slowly. “Mutant, strictly speaking, is a species evolved from humans. Compared to humans, Mutant has no other changes at the genetic level. The only change is that all Mutants have one more genome than humans. That We named the genome X-Gene.”

” Because of the existence of X-Gene, Mutant was able to break away from the human group. It is also because of X-Gene that Mutant is stronger than humans. , Smarter and more magical. But it’s not that X-Gene is only available for Mutants that show the ability. In fact, according to our research, X-Gene exists in a considerable number of people’s genetic sequences. Some of them are dominant in the human genome, so that these humans have mature abilities and mutation characteristics, such as your daughter, Miss Ferguson.”

“And also some people, their X -Gene has hidden characteristics, which leads to their abilities and X-Gene characteristics, although they have not yet been awakened, but they are very different from ordinary humans. And your son, Mr. Zhou Yi, is very likely to be A potential Mutant who has no appearance different from normal people.”

Speaking of which, the two women present have focused their attention on Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was silent for a while, looked at Professor Charles, and said: “How did you discover that I have superpower?”

When he heard these words, Zhou Lan covered involuntarily Stopping his own mouth, his eyes were already panic. Obviously, what is happening now is completely beyond her imagination.

Zhou Yi, who is about the same height as Zhou Lan, held her shoulders and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, mother. I’ve kept this from you for so long, but you have to know that I have difficulties. “

Professor Charles also said at this time: “Yes. Ms. Zhou, every person with unordinary ability who wants to maintain a normal life must tell some white lies. I have seen There are too many tragedies. Believe me, you are already a lucky person.”

After hearing these words, Zhou Lan’s expression was a little dazed, and then slowly fell asleep on the chair.

In fact, in the persuasion just now, Professor Charles used the own ability, but Zhou Yi felt the invisible mental fluctuation. Only in this matter, he felt that Professor Charles did a suitable thing at a suitable time, so he not at all to stop him.

I just looked at Professor Charles with a warning look: “I don’t want this to happen second time, either to my mother or Clarice!”

Said, The invisible ripples spread out, as if a huge hammer was slammed down in the sky. The carpets around Professor Charles seemed to have been hit by an invisible force. The naked eye was visibly crushed into pieces. Gravel-sized particles piled up on the floor. Obviously, this magical power is precisely manipulated so that it only acts on a certain designated part. Rather than suffer with the floor.

However, Zhou Yi’s movement was still a bit louder. At the moment of Zhou Yi’s demonstration, two people opened the door and rushed in. One of the red-haired beauty stretched out his hand directly to Zhou Yi, and suddenly invisible force acted on Zhou Yi’s body, as if a giant hand was holding him up.

This is the magical telekinesis, the superpower produced by the powerful Telekinesis measured into physical kinetic energy. And this kind of power, Zhou Yi also has.

There seems to be golden fire burning in the eyes, Zhou Yi a single thought gushing out and turning into a powerful physical force, like a wall, forcibly offsetting the hand of telekinesis of red-haired beauty, and The two people who rushed in forced their way to the wall and controlled all their movements.

“Please stop, Mr. Zhou Yi, Scott and Jean are not at all malicious.” The voice of Professor Charles came, but not from the ears, rather from mind. His voice was as flat as before, as if he didn’t care about everything Zhou Yi did. But invisibly has shown his strength and status as one of the most powerful Mutants in the world.

Zhou Yi has to admit that this old man in a wheelchair is an existence worthy of awe.

The telekinesis dispersed, and the two of them broke away from Zhou Yi’s control. The men with strange eyes, Scott and red-haired beauty Jean, seem to have also received the mind communication from Professor Charles, not at all doing extra actions, but walking silently behind Professor Charles, guarding his left and right.

However, from the expressions of the two, it can be seen how unhappy they are in their hearts. Of course, Zhou Yi doesn’t care about this at all. This is the rule in Mutant and the entire superpower world. My power is greater than you, so I can ignore you.

Professor Charles not at all cares about the emotions between the three people, just a brief introduction.

“Scott, also Jean Grey. They used to be my students, but now they are the teachers in the school. Your younger sister will also be taught by them in the future.”

“Scott Please take Miss Ferguson to familiarize yourself with the school. Mr. Zhou Yi and I also have something to talk about.”

The strange glasses man nodded standing behind Professor Charles, first walked to Zhou Yi in front of him. He gave him a demonstrative look. Of course, Zhou Yi could not see it. Then he walked up to Clarice and said in a fairly gentle tone.

“Please follow me, Miss Ferguson. Starting today, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters will be your second home.”

Zhou Yi also patted Clarice’s head at this time , Said: “Go, Clarice. It’s just a new school and new environment. Mother and I will pick you up on the weekend.”

Since I saw the superpower displayed by Zhou Yi Although Clarice still cringes a little, her expression has obviously improved. She just glanced at Zhou Yi strangely, whispered: “Well, I will listen to you this time. But I’m done, I will come to pick me up this weekend. , Don’t be like before, there are always accidents!”

Zhou Yi rubbed her head amusedly, squinted and said: “Don’t worry, Little Brat. When the time comes, I will give You brought the present.”

Clarice hearing this stopped speaking, and followed Scott and left the office. It wasn’t until the office door was closed that Professor Charles smiled and said to Zhou Yi who turned his head.

“You can see that you have a great family, and you love your family very much.”

Zhou Yi chuckled, facing Professor Charles and Jean Grey behind him Said: “I think this is a matter of reason, isn’t it?”

Professor Charles hearing this, it was sighed. Turning to face the window, he looked at a group of Mutant students passing by and said.

“I’ve seen too much, Mutant’s identity is separated by the family’s feelings, breaking and destroying families one by one. And too many Mutants have gone astray because of all this “

Zhou Yi listened to Professor Charles’s emotions, but was silent. This topic is too deep, Mutant is not just a variation in ability, a large part of it is a variation in body. From a human being to a monster, it is a huge blow to the family, the society, and the owner psychologically. In the absence of counseling, these Mutant’s distorted worldview is entirely possible to prompt them to do all crazy things.

Will the human world allow this to happen? The answer is obvious. In this case, Mutant’s living space can only be endlessly compressed, and Zhou Yi dare not make any assertions about what will happen in the end. The only thing he can be sure of is that there are bound to be countless tragedies.

Professor Charles, this powerful Mutant. He undoubtedly played a Sage-like role here. He is using his life’s energy to expand a new living space for Mutant. Although a drop in the bucket, it is certain that he has been doing it and led more people in this article. On the road. This is a person with great personality and noble morals, Zhou Yi has no doubt about this.

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