Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2005

“Mr. Stark, emergency situation. Large-scale chaos erupted from the Indian border and the Middle East…”

From the space station, you can tell from the accent, obviously not the Americans he sent.

This will inevitably make him suspicious, what exactly do these people mean by this sentence? Is there really chaos, or is they urging oneself in this way, don’t patronize oneself, and leave other countries behind.

From his own point of view, he thinks it is the latter. Because if it is chaotic, then the whole world should be the same now. At most, it is more serious in densely populated areas, and there will be no other difference.

He is not worried about this level of chaos, he is more worried about missed opportunities. In this period of time when he was still cleaning his door, he really did not want to waste precious resources on others.

It’s just that it’s one thing to keep this kind of thing in your heart, and it’s another thing to say it in person. In any case, they are still an ally, and for the own ally, no matter where they are placed, this kind of thing will not sound too good.

Furthermore, if oneself did not see to them today, then they might do the same to oneself tomorrow. Let’s not talk about how bad this will have on United States itself. Just destroying the alliance relationship between them and causing the big alliance organization to break up directly is a result that Stark cannot accept.

At this moment, Stark’s ruling policy is still based on stability. So when he can compromise, he will still choose to compromise.

“Well, I will take the time to solve this problem. You just need to wait a moment, yes, just a moment.”

Stark curl one’s lip, also Want to delay, anyway, his idea is to delay for a while is a victory. But he obviously underestimated the seriousness of the matter. The monitors of the entire space station simply did not give him this opportunity to delay.

“Mr. Stark, the matter is very serious! The large-scale Hydra army has begun to gather on the border, and they have begun to take advantage of this opportunity to invade the neighboring countries. And now we simply There is no army to stop them! You should understand that once Hydra’s power spreads, we must start to act immediately.”

“Hydra? No, impossible…. ..” Stark shook his head quickly, as if he didn’t believe in the possibility of this happening at all. “This is impossible. The people of Hydra are impossible. They should now be in a mental and intellectual chaos just like other humans. You must have made a mistake, things will not be like this.”

“Satellites are monitoring the movement of Hydra all the way. You only need to look at it to know what we are saying is true or false. Mr. Stark, don’t delay any more time, delay any longer, then who is it for us? Nothing!”

The space station is full of smart people, and some things can be perfectly clear even if they are not clear. Of course, seeing it clearly does not mean that they will also play that official language. After all, they are engaged in academics, and they are inherently different from those engaged in politics. They don’t like to whisper about things that can be said directly.

Stark’s intentions were thus revealed, and for this, his face suddenly became uncontrollable. In any case, he can be regarded as a decent person, and as a decent person, face matters will never be trivial. Although these people are telling the truth, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense.

He wanted to reprimand them, accusing them of having wronged their reputation. But after thinking about it, these guys are just academics. Oneself and a group of academics care about so much.

Having an empty temper but nowhere to vent, Stark’s face changes color. Even so, he had to expose it and turn to pay attention to the problem these people said.

He needs to prove that oneself is not delaying time, and before that, he needs to make sure that the situation is as serious as they say.

Some things still need to be confirmed by oneself with his own eyes. He doesn’t want to be so gullible because of his credulity in others and cause great opportunities to slip away. Moreover, even if the situation is really bad, he will still choose to procrastinate rather than act as much as possible when he is not as a last resort. Of course, it must be a bit unnatural to do so, but who will let him What about the President of United States? United States first, this is his principle, and based on this principle, Stark mobilized satellite imagery data and began to probe what these scientists said.

And this look really shocked him directly.

The influence from the satellite shows that countless Hydra biochemical soldiers are like densely packed ants. While climbing over mountains, they almost destroy the original posture like a hot knife through butter. Used to resist their line of defense.

These lines of defense could have been useful. After all, it’s a major matter of oneself’s survival. Even the chaotic small Southeast Asia countries will do their best to resist with full strength. Coupled with the support of also big countries behind them, they are used to resist Hydra who has not yet made enough determination. , But it is not a problem.

But now, chaos is rampant, and everyone has lost their own sanity. They are like lunatics, they only know to attack each other, wantonly destroy oneself to vent the dark emotions in oneself’s heart, let alone whether they can realize the reality that oneself is being invaded, even if some of them still keep this sober , In this kind of weak power, everyone is drunk and I am alone, they are simply powerless.

It’s just a contact effort. Those defenses that have resisted Hydra for several years have been completely penetrated. Hydra’s biochemical soldiers drove straight in without any obstacles, killing and wounding the chaotic soldiers in pieces like cutting wheat, while on the other, like a passing wind, vigorously expanding every area they can invade. .

From the perspective of action alone, Stark can clearly see that these Hydra soldiers act in a systematic and intentional manner, and are acting in accordance with standard orders. Simply and those chaotic guys are not the same Something within the concept.

But how is this possible? Why can they not be affected?

Stark was full of doubts. He couldn’t understand the reason for this at all, and because of Hydra’s swift and decisive actions, his heart was inevitably full of worry.

I thought that oneself would be the only beneficiary of this disaster recovery period, but now it seems that the biggest beneficiary will still fall to Hydra. And the thought of what kind of huge benefits Hydra could gain from this, Stark’s heart suddenly couldn’t accept it.

If you give him a multiple choice question, let him choose between returning the national power of United States to the past and completely eliminating Hydra, then there will be no hesitation, he will definitely choose By.

For him, Hydra has carried too many painful memories. From the death of his father’s mother, to the ruin of this country, to the betrayal he experienced and the death of his friend. It can be said that all the initiators will fall on the evil organization Hydra. And under this premise, the feast between him and Hydra can no longer be ended casually.

It can be said that unless he is dead or Hydra, the evil organization, is completely destroyed, otherwise there will never be an end between them.

Stark firmly believed in this, so in the face of this Hydra’s expansion, he reacted almost immediately.

“I will make arrangements in this area immediately. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. In addition, if you are really worried about not being able to control the situation, I can authorize you to use small-scale weapons. Attack. The authority granted to me by the Allies should still be there. With my permission, you should be able to use some weapons.”

In this situation, Stark doesn’t mind using violence directly. Means to contain Hydra’s offensive. Although it is said that this will inevitably cause a certain scale of sacrifice, they have already entered a state of war. Is there any reason for sacrifice? Compared with allowing organizations like Hydra to wreak havoc and achieve their evil goals, such a sacrifice is definitely worth it.

Stark’s meaning was very clear, and seeing his intention, several scientists from Southeast Asia countries immediately turned green.

In all fairness, although they are also scientific personnel working in the space station, in terms of status and knowledge, these Southeast Asia scientists are obviously not on the same level as those from developed countries.

Where the education level and population size are placed, they are obviously at a distance from the average. And this is manifested in daily life. Sometimes people talk to each other about cutting-edge academic issues, and they can’t even get into the topic. In work, it is more often when serving tea and pouring water than when hosting projects.

They oneself also know that oneself has limited level, and a large part of the reason for being able to enter such a Peak place is that their home country is one of the allies. So in most cases, they are also obediently and honestly, content to be a little transparent.

But at this moment, it’s not time to continue to be a little transparent. The fire has already burned to the eyebrows, if this is silent, then I am afraid that there is really nothing left.

Thinking of this, the few people were afraid that Stark could make up their minds a little, and they already yelled at him.

“No…you can’t do this. Mr. Stark, you can’t take our country and our innocent citizens as this victim!”

“You say me Are you taking your country and citizens as victims?” When Stark heard this, his face immediately began to sneer. “Okay, since you think so. Then we do nothing. When Hydra completely occupy your country, I will use super weapons to attack them. I think if this is the case, it should not be regarded as them. Victims.”

Stark’s words left these guys ashamed. They have realized that if they follow Stark’s words, the situation will only get worse. Not only their country and people will face the disaster of extinction, I am afraid that even they will lose the backing behind themselves and become homeless duckweed.

After all, according to Stark’s words, even if their country will be traumatized, it will not necessarily fall into a state of destruction, and even if the country falls, then it is also said that the government in exile in. As long as the national government is still there, their status and safety can be guaranteed.

On the contrary, if there is really nothing to do, then when Hydra completely occupy their country, they can really be regarded as dead. People who subjugate the country have no human rights treatment, and it can be said that it is no different from wild dogs. In a peaceful age, they can barely survive by relying on humanitarian assistance, but in this crisis and turbulent age, they may even die in which corner, who will not know.

This is the sorrow of a small country and few people. Facing such a difficult decision, they still chose to shut up under the threat of Stark.

There is no way, people always have to eat well. Anyway, no matter how hard oneself tries, it is impossible to avoid the suffering of own country, so it is better to choose the option that is more favorable to oneself. At the very least, they can still enjoy the treatment that an ordinary person cannot enjoy in this safest space station, and if they make the wrong choice, then I am afraid that the next class back to Earth should have the own name on the spaceship. Got it.

They have no choice. And since there is no choice, then Stark’s proposal is naturally placed in the process.

Using super weapons to stop Hydra’s army is one of the reasons why these weapons were made. Now the only factor restricting their use no longer exists, so naturally, it is time for them to begin to show formidable power.

Of course, whether it is Stark or the other scientific officials in charge, they all understand one thing in their hearts, that is, their purpose is to prevent but not to completely eliminate the enemy and ourselves. Therefore, those powerful weapons such as the Sun Gun and the Hammer of Dawn need not be thought of. If these weapons of mass destruction are used, let alone them, even Stark Oneself will definitely have to pay a price.

They can’t afford such a responsibility, so they use the Dutch boy system and change the weather to cause trouble for Hydra, which is the only choice they can make at the moment.

Strong winds and heavy rains combine to form a typhoon with strong destructive power. Such weather is enough to cause serious impact on any military operations. Hydra’s army may be a bit unreasonable, but in any case, they still have to abide by certain basic laws.

Stark doesn’t believe that they can withstand the level 12 typhoon to invade these countries, so he will inevitably breathe a sigh of relief when the Dutch boy shows off.

However, he himself also knows that it is too early to sighed in relief. Because according to Murphy’s law, he doesn’t believe that there will only be such bad news for what happened at the same time. This is the case in Southeast Asia on the Indian border, so what will happen to the border between the Middle East and Europe?

Thinking of this, he calmed down and began to inquire.

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