Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2012

Operating the Wireless Electronics station proficiently, Hermione first connected Wireless Electronics to some local shortwave channels in Paris.

This is often used by the people Some of the shortwave channels, such as traditional radio stations or personal broadcasts, will be used on this channel. She wanted to use the news on these channels to determine the scale of the riot she saw. Was it only the corner she saw in front of her eyes, or the whole city had fallen into it. These all are things that need external information to determine, and now these shortwave channels are the best source of reception.

According to Hermione’s idea. The best situation at this time is that everything remains the same. Whether it’s those fancy news stations, or those music that sounds harsh to her, or those neurotic conspiracy theories that are completely personal and conjecture. As long as there are one or two that remain normal, she can feel more at ease. Unfortunately, not at all.

No matter how she adjusts the own shortwave band, she can only receive a silent feedback. This made her feel a kind of worry inexplicably, that is, this World will not be the only one left.

“Damn it, how is this possible.” Hermione, who thought she had seen winds and waves, quickly dispelled the crazy idea of ​​oneself. You know, even the original United Kingdom, in the midst of such a disaster, these human beings have not broken contact.

The mayor of London personally sits in town and announces evacuation information on the radio. Either the location announcements of the various shelters on the radio, or the distress signals from individuals. Although it is a chaotic scene where people were alarmed, it is better than today’s quiet situation. This light is not loud, it shouldn’t be broken.

Anxious hu hu checked the cordless station with a tool, and after confirming that there was no problem with the station, Hermione switched the band again and switched the band to the national channel.

According to her thoughts, there is already such a big movement right now, even if it is to calm people’s hearts, the national radio station should make some remarks in this regard. Regardless of whether the remarks are open-eyed or nonsense, news is better than no news.

But, still not. Only a silent rustle came from the radio, causing Hermione’s heart to fall to the bottom in an instant. She couldn’t figure out why, so she could only try again and again in vain. And just after she played so vainly for hours, finally, a vague voice came out of the radio.

The voice is very weak, so weak that it is almost inaudible with the harsh electric current. But Hermione hurriedly put on the earphones like a nectar, but cautiously began to adjust the band.

Flick left twice, the voice gets louder, and it sounds like a female voice. Dial to the right, the words gradually became clear, and she could hear her singing. When Hermione found the most accurate channel, her singing suddenly rang louder, and as distinguished by Hermione’s extremely high artistic accomplishment, this sad, heart-moving song on the radio happened to be the famous musical ” Sings in “The Phantom of the Opera”.

“Thinkofme, thinkofmefondly, when we’vesaidgoodbye. Rememberme, onceinawhile, pleasepromisemeyou’lltry…”

The man’s chant came from this deep female voice, But there is less separation and a bit more sorrow. Of course, great skill. Hermione, who has been accustomed to meeting the so-called musicians all year round, has to admit that this female voice is really good at singing, even if she has a special concert in Vienna, it is completely enough.

However, no matter how beautiful the singing is, it cannot change the current situation. In such a situation now, Hermione is also impossible, just like the people in the movie, listening to such a beautiful song even forgot the danger that oneself faced. She was not so irresponsible to own Xiaoming, so at the moment, she was already shouting at the other side of the radio.

“Is anyone here? Can you hear me? I need help here!”

“whenyoufindthat, onceagain, youlongtotakeyourheartbackandbefree-ifyoueverfindamoment, sparethoughtforme…”

The singing is not interrupted, but continues. But Hermione could clearly hear that there was such an imperceptible interruption. This means that it is not that the other party cannot hear her, but just feels that there is no need to pay attention to it.

This kind of don’t give face, but Hermione doesn’t care much. She just wanted to listen to people’s voices and understand the specific situation outside. As for asking for help and so on, who might be asking for someone else?

“Repeat, did anyone hear me? I need help. Please answer if you hear, please answer if you hear…”

The smart Hermione is always When a woman’s singing is about to reach its climax, she suddenly interjects in. It’s like a person who just lifted it up and was suddenly slapped by another person. It will definitely not feel good, and naturally, there will be anger in my heart.

Forget it once, but I can barely bear it. But if Hermione repeats it like this, it must be that the Buddha will be on fire.

“Enough, shut up and listen to my singing. Is this so difficult for you?”

The singing on the radio station stopped and turned into a man with a thick voice Called scolding. And such an unexpected change, of course, made Hermione stunned.

It’s no surprise that men have female voices. Not to mention those talented people, even those good singers can imitate one or two. However, if you want to sing such a sad and sullen female voice like this rough male voice, it is really not something ordinary people can do.

Put it in Normally, make this reversal change into a video and throw it on the Internet, saying that a large group of people should not call it Divine Immortal. But now, at the moment, Hermione really doesn’t have the spirit to praise this man’s singing skills. She only wanted to know the situation of the outside world, so while the man was talking, she immediately asked.

“Listen, sir. I don’t have the time to listen to you sing here, and I think if you know what’s happening outside, you should not have the energy to sing. If you don’t know yet If what happened outside, then listen to me, open the window, look into the street, and tell me what you saw…”

“What did I see?” The man’s voice was full of doubts, and then, as if he had discovered something, he yelled at her obviously with some excitement. “I saw it, I saw it. I saw blood and flames, I saw madness and chaos. Life is so fragile, it is simply a fire star swaying in the wind. The light fades in an instant, leaving only the darkness behind Eternity ……”

The voice on the radio station became more frenzied and excited. Hermione, who was sitting here, looked dazed and confused, and even couldn’t help but mutter in her heart whether oneself had encountered any crazy artists who like to take drugs.

For those who play art, many people choose drugs for so-called inspiration. And what I have to say is that some of these artists really have such a certain degree of abilities. By seizing such inspiration, they can really make some amazing works. However, taking drugs is not the right way after all, and the hidden dangers it brings are often to make these so-called artists out of human form.

If it’s just a physical marketing spine, it doesn’t matter. To put it in a boast, this is called devotion to art, and it sounds pretty decent. However, if the spirit of the whole person is muddleheaded, and even the three views are distorted, then even if your work is amazing, I am afraid it is hard to say decent.

Of course, if waiting for you to die, and your work is really amazing, comparable to Van Gogh Beethoven’s words, then it must be said otherwise. However, there are so many artists, like Heaven Warping Genius like Van Gogh and Beethoven, how many can there be?

Although Hermione agrees with this man’s previous level, she doesn’t think he can reach that level. So naturally, facing the man’s crazy babble, she interrupted directly and unceremoniously.

“Since you have seen it, please shut up obediently and honestly. Don’t wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. If you don’t want to be the fire star in your mouth… ….”

“What happened to becoming a fire star? Woman, you have to know how small human life is. Instead of burning without any waves, Oblivion will eventually be in the ashes. Be a fire star, even if it’s only a moment, but there is also the most glorious moment in your life, right?”

“Then go and achieve your glory. Encourage others to do this. It’s a stupid thing, but you guys are screaming at the back? What I look down on most is you bastards who only know how to speak big words!”

From her own experience, Hermione obviously values ​​hard work more Home, and look down on those guys who only know how to play tricks. As for a guy like this who doesn’t even know her mind and takes human life seriously, she doesn’t even have the desire to look at him directly.

It can be said that if not at this time, there is really no one else. Hermione really doesn’t want to say a word with this guy. Even if she said that she had to interact with him because of the situation, she also felt that it would be better to say two sentences less.

This is why she is impolite. In the face of such an unceremonious tone, the voice of the rough man on the other side was laughed, and then he said strangely.

“No, no, no. You said, it’s a stupid thing. Of course I’m impossible to do it. After all, I prefer to see you humans, in despair, than to do this stupid thing. The spark that came out of struggling… just don’t know, will your spark be more dazzling than others?”

“Damn…” As soon as he said this, he Min immediately felt something was wrong. She almost instinctively put aside the headphones she was wearing, and then immediately distanced herself from the radio. But at this time, the natural phenomenon has already followed the man’s words.

The radio station does not need to be operated, it is already operating spontaneously. The singing of the Phantom of the Opera came again, and this time the sound was so loud that it almost echoed throughout the safe house.

This time, the singing voices are just those sad and sad female voices. There are also some harsh male voices in the middle, making the whole song strange. And listening to such a weird song, Hermione fled in the direction of the escape route without saying a word.

She knew that oneself encountered a ghost again this time, just like the last time in United Kingdom. If the last time I didn’t say that I met a flame-filled weird halfway through, then maybe she would be buried in the mouth of the terrifying monster. But now it is obviously not comparable to the chance of the last time, because no one can jump out to help her.

She must save herself, and for this, even if she escapes from the safe house that she regards as a stronghold for her life, she does not hesitate.

On the issue of life and death, Hermione can be said to think very clearly and do it quite clearly. Unfortunately, there are some things that she can’t decide. It was like right now, when this secretly spying devil discovered her existence and regarded her as the target of oneself hunting, no matter how much she wanted to escape, it would be of no avail.

The dark phantom flew out from the dark corner amidst the singing. In just an instant, it fell on Hermione and pressed her whole body to the wall.

Hermione is already struggling desperately. But obviously, with the physical quality of her ordinary person female, it is obviously not so easy to struggle from the hands of a devil. So she could only watch this gloomy phantom singing an opera in a low voice, and stretched her head towards her little by little.

The song has come to the end, and the weird singing has come to an end. The fear in Hermione’s heart was already unstoppable at this time and reached Peak. She could hardly control oneself’s body trembling, and couldn’t help but cry in tears.

“Let me go, please, let me go. I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die…”

“No, you won’t die. You just survived in a different way, in my stomach…”

The Phantom smiled low, showing his own true face. If the broken masks were joined together, a big gap suddenly appeared on the face, like Viper’s flying tongue, while licking Hermione’s weeping beauty face, slowly entangled her neck.

With a click, the neck was directly twisted into two sections. Blood spewed out, and there was a huge swallowing sound, as if the sewer was swallowing something foreign.

After a while, the ghost looked up satisfied and wiped off the blood stains on oneself’s face. And looking at Hermione at this time, she was already a clean dead person whose abdomen was dug out.

Human internal organs are the most delicious food for him, the devil born in crazy music. Even if he had just enjoyed a full meal, he would inevitably have a feeling of unfulfilled intentions. After all, the ingredients are quite fresh, and they are quite Peak. It’s not surprising that he has this feeling of unfulfilled intentions.

“It’s a good young and rich girl. If you can find one that is the same, it would be wonderful…”

Phantom Devil Low Muttered aloud, most of the words meant nostalgia, emotion and imagination. He is already immersed in the own world. What he didn’t at all found was that behind him, the girl who had been cleaned by him, something strange was happening to her.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and the body trembled slightly, as if…she was still alive.

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