Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2014

Killing a devil is not at all praise for Nanominium, because this kind of thing has been repeated countless times in the laboratory. So in comparison, what it does next is more important.

Wandering his own body, quietly returned to Hermione’s side. Nanominium seemed to be in mass, staring at Hermione’s corpse.

It not at all forget its owner, after all, since the day it was produced, many things have been written in its core program. Protect the owner so that she will not receive the threat of injury and death. This is the most important regulation. Even if she is dead now, it still has to adhere to this most basic principle.

But, Hermione is already a dead person, what can it do? Can’t say let her come back from the dead.

It is a very difficult problem to know the resurrection from the dead. On the scientific level, this problem can almost be regarded as a taboo area of ​​science. Because until now, science has not been able to have a clear enough definition of human life, especially the human soul.

For scientists, it’s very easy to repair a person’s body. Judging from the science and technology mastered by modern people, let’s not say that you have short arms and legs. There is not a complete part outside, and they can change it for you. But when it comes to repairing a person’s soul, let alone modern science and technology, even if it is pushed back more than ten or 20 years, it is difficult to see a glimmer of hope.

What is the soul? Except for such absurd claims like 21 grams, the scientific community is basically unable to come up with a convincing claim. This is the field of theology, and it is really not that easy to explore this field with science. After all, science is about theoretical practice.

Just like the branch of medicine in it, if there were no medical seniors in the past, they risked being put on the fire frame and sneaked the Dissection corpse to demonstrate oneself’s guess about the organs and system of the person within the body. How can medicine develop to the point it is today? The same principle applies to the soul. You don’t even have any experience in analyzing the soul. You still want to understand the mystery of the soul and explore the realm of theology. You think that the word science is just what you say by opening your mouth.

The difficulty of the four words to come back to life is difficult here, and if it were not for this, I am afraid the so-called cloning technology has become an acceptable trick.

Nanominium, or Ultron behind Nanominium, naturally doesn’t want to use such a flattering method. The reason is very simple. With a complete human mind, he holds a similar view to the overwhelming majority scientist on this issue. That is cloning, at best it creates another person similar to himself. No matter how similar he is to himself on the biological level, even if it is exactly similar. But in the end, he is not the person.

What he wants to come back to life is not to create a similar him. So he chose another path.

After scanning Hermione’s situation, Nanominium started a new operation. Countless nano particles split, multiplied, and then poured into Hermione’s body like smoke. This process is not beautiful, and it is even a little frightening for some intensive phobia patients. But the effect is impressive. Because naked eye was visible, Hermione’s tattered body began to repair quickly.

The broken flesh and blood and internal organs are put together as if they are being 3D printed. The speed is fast and the functions are perfect. Because before all the internal organs are repaired, some organs are already beating experimentally.

Of course, this scene is definitely not good-looking. After all, some organs are called engines, just like a water pump. A movement is just a shot of blood going out. In addition, there is no obstruction, naturally it is very bloody.

Nanominium certainly does not care about this. After all, inside and outside of this body, it has no idea how many times it has fumbled up and down. It can be said that even one of the most unremarkable capillaries has a complete record for the record. Even if it looks like a picture, it is enough by feeling. Rebuild the internal structure of Hermione’s body. So this little problem is simply not a problem.

If there is really a problem, then it is probably that Hermione’s body is not enough to support it to complete the overall repair.

It is said that the body’s sugar and energy reserves are used to complete the repair of the human body, and these things are used to complete the repair of the human body. Nothing else will work, even if Nanominium can imitate biological self-release bioelectricity. This is a rule, and as a manufactured product, Nanominium must abide by such a rule.

Although this is a rule, it does not mean that Nanominium cannot be flexible. Just like right now, it has resorted to a workaround.

Hermione’s internal organs were almost taken out. And Nanominium wants to reorganize, naturally, it must come one after the other. The engine is very important, it must be the first. And secondly, Nanominium did not choose to build only half of the lungs, but built the stomach and intestines first.

There is a reason for this. The reason for this is that it needs to be considered for subsequent energy supply.

Separate a part of Nanominium, like a locust crossing the border, pounce on the food shelf. The tightly packed shell was torn directly, and a large amount of high-fat and high-protein food was thrown directly on the ground.

This is not a waste, because Nanominium quickly swarmed and disassembled it into many different components. For example, the glucose is injected directly into the blood vessels, adding the flow of blood. Other ingredients, such as fat and protein, are injected into the stomach in a liquid form, and they are directly forced to operate and digest.

With Nanominium on the sidelines, this digestion process must be faster than the human digestion process. Almost as much as the amount of perfusion is digested, the body fat content of Hermione’s body has also increased almost at a rate visible to naked eye.

This is only a temporary problem, because at this time Nanominium has also begun to speed up the repair of Hermione’s body. Both the internal organs and other body tissues began to grow at a flying rate.

In just two minutes, Hermione consumed almost 20kg of food reserves, and her body has reached the final state of restoration.

Wait until Nanominium closes the abdominal cavity and fills in the last layer of skin. Hermione was indistinguishable from ordinary living people, except that her image soaked in a pile of blood filth was a bit inelegant.

The heartbeat is operating regularly, and the chest is undulating in an orderly manner. Except that there is no eyes opened and she is as alive and well as before, I am afraid that anyone who sees her will think that she is just asleep. Of course, things have not ended so easily, and it is not so easy to come back to life. She is actually like a vegetative now. Although her body is alive, her mind and soul are not at all repaired.

This is the last problem. For such a difficult problem, Nanominium did a slight twist, and then it was like a long snake entering a hole. Following the orifice of Hermione’s facial features, it was already drilling straight in.

It was originally a part of Hermione’s body, although it was added later, but after so long of transformation, it was already in perfect harmony and exactly similar. So this trip was regarded as the return of the object to its original owner, and it was the movement of such an object returning to its original owner, which made Hermione’s body immediately reacted obviously.

She gasped suddenly, as if awakened from a nightmare. The body couldn’t stop trembling, and his eyes opened instantly. However, even though she opened her eyes, she couldn’t see things, because her eyes were full of brilliance. Among the green radiance Blink, the iris of her pupils was set off like a screen. If you look closely, it is also extremely weak. The text flashed in it.


This is the most common word. Normally, whether you turn on the computer or restart the cellphone, you can see its existence, which is normal. But now, such a word appeared in Hermione’s iris, but it couldn’t match normal.

LOADING, data is loading. What data is loading? This is the problem. An ordinary person may not be able to see such a natural phenomenon, after all, this natural phenomenon is too subtle. And even if some unusual people see it, they probably won’t be able to figure it out in a while.

This is a big layout planned by Ultron. If anyone can see what happened after just a glance, then he can only say that his layout is too failed. There is no pattern. After all, Ultron is considered to be a smart person in this World one of the very best, so of course his layout is not as clear as who can.

Secret, this is a very critical point for his layout. If it was not because of this sudden disaster, or because mankind had given up self-help by oneself, he might not be willing to expose these handwork so early. It is really forced by current events, and there is no choice. After all, he is impossible like a human being.

Ying green’s splendor quickly faded from Hermione’s eyes. Only at this time, her eyes began to show the agility that a person should have.

First there was confusion, then soberness, and finally unstoppable fear. Hermione, who had come back from the dead, still stayed at the moment she was killed, so as it should be by rights, she reacted as oneself.

Rolled up suddenly, curled up like a struggle, screaming and begging for mercy completely uncontrollably. It is understandable for a woman to show such a weak state in the face of a terrifying nightmare. Of course, it seems that no matter how long a nightmare is, there is a time to wake up. After a fierce venting of emotions, Hermione still discovered the current situation of oneself.

Everything is there. Except for some filth on her body and a scary blood stain on the ground, she looked safe and sound. It was as if everything that had just happened was just a nightmare, but the traces left behind clearly told her that it was not a nightmare.

What happened? She has no way of knowing. Where is that devil? She is more impossible to get the answer. For her, to be alive, or to be able to live again, is already extremely lucky. At this time, I will discuss why oneself is alive, and what is the significance of not at all. Because she always escaped this disaster.

Just as it was in United Kingdom, I saved oneself after passing by. Hermione comforted herself like this, then couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Being alive is really more important than anything else. So it was her luck. However, Hermione is lucky, but it does not mean that everyone is as lucky as her. After all, not everyone can pay the price like hers.

The price of life is 20,000 Euros per month and 240,000 a year. This is not about cracking a joke, but in this disaster, only those who can afford such a price can enjoy the same treatment as Hermione. Even saying that you can afford such a price is not as useful. The prerequisite is that you choose to pay this expensive capital.

At this time, don’t talk about the pricelessness of life. As the price setter, Ultron also understands this truth. But when it comes to this step, even for him, it is difficult for his life to escape the price-fixed cycle. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but that he can’t do anything.

After all, there are so many resources in the world, and human beings are accustomed to using money as the standard to measure the value of resources. Therefore, this also determines that when life needs resources to maintain, money must also be used as currency.

The people inside don’t know at all how huge resources this life-saving thing consumes, even if all the value of knowledge and work is discarded, just plot against the cost, It’s not just such a number right now.

This is already quite cheap, so cheap that Ultron is almost cutting the meat to feed back. Within the financial rules formulated by mankind, he has already made the greatest concession that oneself can make. Unless he wants to completely destroy mankind’s finances and create a chaos that will harm half of Earth, he has nothing to do. Fa will make any concessions on this matter.

He is not an omnipotent god, impossible is everything, impossible to save everyone. However, the goal he set for oneself is still to save mankind.

Not one, but each, all. To do this, he must make sacrifices. Not only own, but also human.

This is a question that made him hesitate in the past, because he didn’t think it would be the best result. He hopes to do more, or he thinks he can do better as long as he is given time. It’s just a pity that time is not on his side.

Humans made a wrong choice, and he must also make a choice without knowing the right or wrong and the result. He doesn’t want to, but he must do it. Because now, he has no choice.

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