Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2036

Stark staggered all the way, and finally came to Huiyao City before Smith Zhou left. And as soon as he arrived in this city, he rushed towards the mansion without stopping.

Of course, although rushing is a rush, it does not mean that you just ignore everything else. As for what he has seen and heard since entering the city, he has to admit that this city has indeed become a sanctuary on earth.

The outside world, heaven falls and earth rends, is chaotic. Living people have become beast-like, completely losing their minds. But here, it seems that nothing has happened before, and it still looks like the chorus in the past. People’s hearts may be turbulent because they see Dormammu’s terrifying existence, but under the protection of God, they have never faced Dormammu’s evil power that deceives people’s hearts. After all, they are still to live together in harmony. And this is already hundreds of times better than the bad world outside.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. In comparison, the paradise on earth should probably look like this. However, the more so, the more Stark will have an unnecessary worry. He didn’t know what Smith Zhou was doing here, but it was always a bad person. And if such an unsuspecting guy is in this piece of paradise on earth, he always feels that it is no different from burying a powder keg on a volcanic crater.

The sense of responsibility made him inevitably worry about the bad situation, but after thinking about it, he laughed bitterly in his heart. It’s already time to powerless to defend himself, but he still cares about these people who have nothing to do with him, and he doesn’t know who infected this idiotic idea.

Let go of these messy thoughts, Stark can only follow the step by step in the oneself plan. And just as he rushed into the gate of the mansion like a lame old dog, he immediately saw Smith Zhou who was sitting high in the middle of the hall like the owner.

Smith Zhou was not surprised by his arrival. In other words, all his actions were controlled by Smith Zhou. It may not be so appropriate to say that the surprise delivered to the door is not so appropriate, but it is absolutely not wrong to say that he is the prey of oneself in the trap.

Of course, even a prey is a valuable prey. In this world, there are not many people who are worthy of Smith Zhou’s troubles, Stark happens to be one of them. So facing Stark who had endured the hardships of a long journey, he was like a hospitable host and said to him enthusiastically.

“You just came here, Mr. Stark. It must make you feel uncomfortable compared to this long journey, right? In that case, sit down and take a breath. I think we still have that A little time, come and have a good chat.”

“Smith Zhou, where did you hide my wife and son!”

I looked around all around, no Seeing what oneself wanted to see, Stark immediately grumbled and questioned Smith Zhou. In the face of such a question, Smith Zhou just shrugged and said to him with a smile.

“Relax, Mr. Stark. Your wife and son are not with me. After all, I still disdain this method of intimidating you by controlling them. To be honest, you still Not qualified to let me do this. So relax.”

“So, this is a scam, just to get me here, right?”

Stark took a breath , But then Smith Zhou’s words brought him to heart again.

“You are here then this is a scam, and if you do not, then this is not a scam. Please sit down, tea or whiskey.”

“Whiskey , Add ice.” Smith Zhou’s words upset Stark, but he has nothing to do. This is the absolute strength of confidence, he is not an opponent in strength, so he can only be led by the nose. If this is the case, then he simply let Smith Zhou at the mercy of him, he wanted to see what kind of horrible idea this guy had in his heart.

“Mrs. Hamilton, please give this gentleman a glass of Jack Danny and add ice. Also, tell Alan to make them move faster. I know that women have always had some problems with their mobility. However, this does not mean that time can be wasted forever. After all, it will be getting late…”

“Waiting for a lady is a gentleman’s manner, sir.” Mrs. Steward, the female Steward Hamilton who still had a stern face and no expressions, poured the wine for Stark herself, and at the same time, she also defended the host who oneself served.

Spending time, this kind of trick can be seen at a glance. As for Mrs. Hamilton’s excuse for this gentleman topic, Smith Zhou just shook the head and said with a slight smile to her.

“Don’t want to tie me up with such words, madam, do as I say. Trust me, I’ve been gentle enough to you. If you complain like this again, I think I’ve just Those elites who died under Mr. Stark’s hands, their souls would cry.”

As soon as this was said, Mrs. Hamilton looked at Stark’s face subconsciously. And when she noticed the anger and ugliness on Stark’s face, she immediately closed her mouth and walked upstairs quickly.

The look of fear was undoubtedly revealed in front of Stark, and for her performance, Stark immediately mocked Smith Zhou.

“This is what you said about disdain to use coercion methods, ha, I really saw that someone can straighten up and say something like this after threatening a group of ladies. Maybe I should Compliment you, after all, people who are shameless to this level are still few.”

“It’s not a good habit to speak quickly, Mr. Stark.”

With the wine glass in oneself’s hand, the crisp voice reached Stark’s ears, but it suddenly turned into a ringing like Hong Zhong Dalu. Deafening, like a sledgehammer hit his head violently. Even if it is said that Stark’s body is no longer an ordinary person, but still, blood still shoots out of his mouth and nose uncontrollably.

This made Stark quite embarrassed for a while, but it was just embarrassing that’s all. Smith Zhou didn’t hit all at all, but only a little taught him a lesson and asked him to restrain his own temperament. After all, he is not Stark’s old man, there is no need to get used to his bad temper and his broken mouth.

And with such a beating, Stark really converged. He is not stupid, he understands the truth of a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him. So after calmly wiping off the blood stains on oneself’s nose and mouth, he already straightened his face and asked Smith Zhou.

“Okay, okay. Since you don’t want to listen, then I don’t want to talk about it. Talk about other things, such as what are you trying to lure me over? Don’t say it’s to show me you Family comedy, I’ve never been interested in such troublesome things.”

“Mr. Stark, as Steve said, you can never control the broken mouth of own. You know, if it’s not for your personal value, I really don’t mind letting you keep your mouth shut forever.”

“Better not. Know that my greatest value should be Just in your mind and mouth, if you are really interested in my value, it’s better to let them stay.”

“It depends on you, Mr. Stark, or it depends on you. So we can finally communicate what kind of result.” Smith Zhou put down the wine glass and looked up at Stark seriously. From the look in his eyes, it can be seen that the results of this exchange may be two completely different directions.

Survival or destruction, so obvious two roads lay in front of Stark. Faced with this choice that determined his life, Stark drank the wine in his glass in one sip, then put down the glass, and grinned at Smith Zhou.

“I’m ready, I’m going to listen!”

“Very good.” After a pause, it seemed to be thinking about where oneself should start. And after thinking about it for a while, Smith Zhou said to Stark. “Different from the subordinates I have been in contact with in the past, as a more special example, it is probably difficult to reach a consensus with you simply using power, ambition, or ideals. So, let’s change it. From the perspective of the ruler.”

“The ruler?” Raising his own brows, Stark clearly showed a surprised expression. As the leader of a terrorist organization, he dared to talk to the head of the country’s government about the way of being a ruler. This really gave him a feeling that the other party was inviting humiliation to oneself.

However, the conversation was provoked by the other party, and Stark didn’t mind seeing the other party languishing on this topic. So he made a gesture of invitation very unceremoniously.

“Please, I am ready to listen to your advice.”

“I can’t talk about the advice, but some personal insights. The first is about my identity. Under the reasoning of that so-called outstanding creation, some of my identities have been known to you. But that is not all. Since you already know, then I don’t have to hide anything. Introduce myself, I Smith. Zhou, born in the Eastern Middle-earth 10,000 years ago, I am called Chi Songzi. I am the first immortal of the Eastern World and the oldest ruler of mankind-Huangdi’s Teacher and Zuochen.”

“Please forgive me to speak bluntly, the Yellow Emperor in your mouth should be the tribal leader who unified the Yellow River Basin in 2,000,700 years BC. Before him, in 3,100 BC, Egypt’s Menis had already The first dynasty was established. He is hundreds of years older than the Yellow Emperor in your mouth?”

Smith Zhou wanted to scare Stark with oneself’s long life, Stark would not eat this set. Although he is not very good in history, as a top rich man, he knows the origin of the oldest dynasty of mankind. As the old neighbor of Western civilization Place of Origin Greece, Egypt is notoriously ancient. Thanks to the blessings that Westerners even tear down their ancestral tombs, they can be regarded as precious to the history of the several great dynasties of Egypt.

Although it is not something of his own, Stark is happy to mock the history of China in Smith Zhou’s mouth with Egyptian history.

“Mennis? I have seen it. Even the older Scorpion King I have witnessed his for a while.”

One sentence interrupted Stark’s Yang Yang Fortunately, Smith Zhou used oneself’s long experience to teach him a lesson more effectively.

“I know what you want to say, Mr. Stark. It’s like an arrogant idiot in class arguing with his teacher. Knowing a little bit outside of class is like mastering the truth. . You want to know why I say this, then I will give you my reasons.”

“When the pre-Egyptian dynasty was established, I had been immortal for nearly a thousand years. I know Egypt well. What kind of pharaoh is. He is the king of the world and the ruler of mankind. It is better to say that he is a puppet of God, that’s all. He deceives himself and tells oneself what God’s descendant is, and steals with the so-called God bloodline In a high position, ruling a bunch of fools who only know how to worship idols. Such a person can also be called a ruler. If you answer yes, then I can only say that your so-called ruling is merely this, just a courageous family who guards authority Dogs that’s all. Not as good as wild dogs. Oblivion is destined to be in the torrent of history promoted by mankind.”

Smith. Zhou Feng’s sharp words left Stark speechless. He obviously couldn’t do it with his own eyes. What Smith Zhou has seen to argue about. But he was unwilling to bow his head and admit defeat, so he just sternly said.

“Okay, okay. Just as you say it makes sense, but I don’t understand the difference between the Yellow Emperor in your mouth and the Egyptian pharaohs. In such a prehistoric era, all humans It’s almost the same. Ignorance, superstition, and even the basic wisdom of the people, do you have any other sayings to rule such a human being?”

“Ignorance is the most upright and confident source, Mr. Stark. Do you really think that the ancient Mythological Era will be what you are doing, just a group of original people gathered together to do nothing? No, you don’t know what is the difference between humans and God in that era? What kind of relationship. Do you know the slave system? Who do you think humans learn from? Let me tell you, this is all learned from the so-called God. In God’s eyes, humans are his slaves.”

“And now, let me tell you what is the difference between the two rulers in our mouth. Your ruler is the slave leader, and all he wants is how to please his God, and then take this slave leader forever . And the ruler in my mouth, what he wants is to overthrow God’s rule, let us no longer be slaves, let us dominate our own destiny. This is the difference, Mr. Stark. So I call him the oldest true ruler Do you have an opinion?”

Smith Zhou’s eyes were very fierce when he said this, and Stark was so fierce that he suspected that oneself would be torn to pieces by him as long as he offered a little opinion. Obviously, it would never be a wise choice to play around at this time, so he immediately raised his hands.

“No, of course not. I mean if this is the truth, then I agree with you.”

“But, I also have a question…what you call this Ruler, has he done what oneself wants to do?”

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