Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2038

“I did not accept this status voluntarily, but someone has to inherit our original volunteers, right?”

Smith Zhou leaned back in his chair On his back, he calmly made a defensive attitude. Faced with his style, Stark sneered immediately.

“So, you told me that many old stories, just to tell me that you are the man of heaven? Are you the most qualified ruler?”

“It’s not up to me, Mr. Stark, this is the result that humans really need.”

Fucked his face and straightened his waist, Smith Zhou hugged his arm and began to use one A stern look stared at Stark in front of oneself. He seemed to explain to oneself, but he was more like teaching the man in front of him.

“Since the first emperor, I have been in self-exile. My ideal success and destruction once confused me and made me wonder how to follow this path. For this reason, I left. I came to my homeland and set foot on the land of the Western world. There, I have seen Caesar’s stupidity, Nero’s arrogance, the Pope’s greed, and the roots of inferiority that mortal kings will never learn and cannot change.”

“Humans, especially those with shallow eyelids. Once in a high position, they are cancerous. They put all their energy on intrigue and fighting for each other’s interests. For humans For the future of this group, they have never been willing to think about the direction of this World.”

“This is the case for generations, and generations are the same. Even those who are regarded as heroes. The eulogized king Mingzhu is no exception.”

“But there are always exceptions, aren’t they? It’s like the kings you admire in your mouth. Since mankind can be born in the past history. After that, you will definitely be able to give birth to similar people. Isn’t such a person more suitable to be a ruler than you?”

Stark retorted that he was not affected by Smith. Zhou’s eyes were shocked. In his view, all of what Smith Zhou said was just an excuse, a reason he found for the ambition that oneself had grown up that’s all. He didn’t mind tearing off this mask, letting his naked real face be revealed. So his words are very direct.

“It is true that there will always be such guys in humans, but they will be more suitable than me, which may not be necessary. I have assisted or seen many outstanding people in your mouth, and they After all, I still can’t escape the barriers that an ordinary monarch should have.”

“It’s like saying that I once killed the Celtic Divine King, snatched the sword of victory from his hand and gave it to Great Britain. The king. Yes, I used Merlin’s name to assist him, hoping that he can defeat Rome as the king of Great Britain, subvert Christ’s theocracy, and unify Europe. However, he has no ideals, but he has no means, so that he can even oneself. The Knights under his team couldn’t control it, and eventually died.”

“I have seen the prophet with a sword in one hand and a scripture in the other as a Scholar in the Middle East. He is rare. A wise man has no need for wisdom, means, strength, and ambition. However, even he has not been able to achieve the level I want to see. He is immersed in the dream of being a god and would rather look at him. Those compatriots knelt down at his feet, ignorantly worshiping him as God, and refused to share the wisdom of owning so that they could have the ability to open up the future.”

“Zhu Yuanzhang of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, Sun King Louis XIV, these people disappointed me after all. They may be wise or wise. However, lifespan, family affection and all kinds of other restraints made them the look that disappointed me in the end. Power is Poison, Mr. Stark. When those people drank the golden cup full of this poison, even if they were not affected by the poison for a while, they would inevitably be corroded by the poison for a long time. At this point I can tell you very clearly that there are no exceptions. It is precisely because there are no exceptions that I am so disappointed that I have to come forward oneself and take this heavy burden.”

“No one needs you to take this burden, sir. The times have changed. Now is the era of the dish, and now humans do not need the rule of the kings you mentioned. We have the own system, and we have changed by own power. Better. So, even without you coming forward and without your so-called gifts, we can create the future oneself. This is not the reason you did these things, Mr. Zhou. Those things you did simply Not for humans, but for you yourself. You are satisfying your own selfishness. You are an unreasonable lunatic!”

Smith. Zhou’s remarks made Stark feel a little have one’s hair stand on end. He didn’t believe that the familiar story of own ear would have such a scary shadow behind it, but reason told him it was all true. A monster, a ghost from ancient times is so entrenched in their history, continuously using the own method to change this World. This terrifying fact made him worry about being unable to sleep just thinking about it.

He realized why this guy can face that doesn’t change and do that many horrible things. Because he was crazy, because of the disillusionment of oneself’s ideals, because of the constant desire but the suffering that he couldn’t get.

Stark can understand this feeling, a person with a great ideal will face this cruel fact. But the difference is that this guy is different, because he has accumulated too much power, and this power is enough to subvert this World.

A madman is not terrifying, but terrifying is that a madman holds great power. Stark didn’t want to see this World on which oneself lived was brought into the abyss by a madman, so he could only muster the courage and try to wake him up.

“The era of the dish? Mr. Stark, are you using your humorous talent?”

If it is the kind of person who can be persuaded in a few words, Smith Zhou Ye You won’t wander in this world for thousands of years for an ideal. The long-cherished wishes accumulated for thousands of years have already made his heart paranoid enough, and the knowledge brought to him for a long time has also made him almost impossible to be persuaded. In terms of reason, he is no worse than anyone else. So when Stark tried to argue with him using Sanbo as an excuse, he laughed at Stark almost immediately.

“Don’t talk to me about cooking, Stark. That makes me sick. What the hell you advertise is, don’t you oneself still don’t understand? Power is just a different way , Continue to be kept in the hands of a few people. And the so-called dish cooking is nothing more than the arrogance of those in power throwing out a little leftovers. Stupid citizens are immersed in this false illusion without knowing it, and even think they are oneself. Power is held in it. It’s really ridiculous. If power is really in their hands, then why is their blood shed whenever blood is needed, instead of those aloof and remote capitalists and bureaucrats? “

Smith Zhou’s attack on Sanchou made Stark speechless. He is a capitalist and a bureaucrat, so of course he knows exactly what kind of bitch the so-called sashimi is. Westerners have used pan-boiled as a layer of skin and have been draped on them for 200 years. They are accustomed to oneself, and even honestly think that this is just cooking. But tearing off this layer of skin, what kind of dirt is inside, it is definitely not something that can be ignored. Some people might really ignore him, but Stark can’t. Otherwise, he would not be so aggressive in reorganizing the government and social structure in the country.

But at this time he can’t bow his head, because if he bows his head on this excuse, then he has no reason to convince Smith Zhou. Therefore, he can only stiffen his neck and continue to speak to Smith Zhou.

“But we are indeed making progress. Yes, I don’t deny that the dish has become a coat of some people. But you can’t deny that in this world there are indeed people who are trying to cook the dish. My radiance spreads to the world. I did that many not for the selfish desires of one person. I changed a whole country, nor was it for the false illusion to be blinded to everyone’s life forever. Admit it, Smith Zhou. Acknowledge that this World doesn’t need you to be on the right track, acknowledge that everything you do is superfluous. Those terrifying things, those behaviors that make people have one’s hair stand on end, you have done too much, it’s time Time to stop!”

“I have to say, Mr. Stark, you really surprised me. I thought you were just a self-satisfied playboy, even if you were Superhero is just to show off like a peacock. I admit that I underestimated you, or I didn’t expect that you would stand up and take over the mess of United States.”

“That was a big problem. After all, there are too many remnants of plans. According to the plan, that should be the beginning of the disintegration and separation of United States, just like the Soviet Union. But what is surprising is that , You stopped all that, and changed her with a surprising determination to make her shedding body, exchanging bones.”

“This is what I would like to talk to you at this time. The reason is, because from you I see a characteristic, a unique attribute. Just like Steve said, you are a qualified leader. It’s just that you have chosen a wrong path now, and I am Hopefully, you will not go further and further on this path. You need someone to guide you and lead you back to the right path.”

“And you are that person, right? ?” Interrupting Smith Zhou’s words, Stark obviously didn’t have any unnecessary affection for him because of his beautiful words. Because of what he did before, and the sins he committed, it is destined that he will not have any good feelings for such people.

This is something that trifling’s lofty ideals cannot change. No matter how good the ideal is, it is meaningless if the hands are stained with blood. Because the ideal will be filthy and faded, and even if it becomes a reality, it will probably only be another completely different appearance.

Stark knows this very well, so he will never have any interest in Smith Zhou’s guidance. On the contrary, because of his this remark, he suddenly thought of some other things.

“In this case, you should have said to that bastard Steve too. Did he believe your crazy words?”

“I did and Steve I’ve said something similar, but it’s not the same as what you said.”

Stark showed a rejection, which is not surprising. If he can simply accept the proposal of own, then Smith Zhou will feel ghostly? It is not so easy to convince a proud and awkward person, so after changing to a more comfortable sitting position, he just said to Stark.

“Steve Rogers, I knew him much earlier than you. I already knew him when I was a German officer. Of course, at that time we were in a hostile position. But this is not Doesn’t prevent us from communicating frankly.”

“What to exchange, exchange experiences of betraying and killing innocent people?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Hydra in World War II But it has nothing to do with me. Hitler is a madman, and Schmidt, who took over Hydra outside of my accident, is also a madman. These two lunatics waged an absolutely stupid war for this kind of totally meaningless war. In itself, I don’t have any intentions or ideas to get involved. **Don’t count the bad things Hydra did at that time on my head. And my communication with Steve is also very pure.”

Waving a hand, Smith Zhou gave a rough outline of their conversation.

“Communications about the future of mankind, about the stupid things that mankind committed in that era. Germany in World War II was stupid. He played an evil role and launched it at the wrong time. A war in which neither the motive nor the opponent is absolutely wrong. This is beyond doubt. If it were not for the power that I was emptied at that time, and at the same time I lost the power. Hitler Schmidt might not have it. This kind of stupid opportunity. However, this does not mean that Germany played the same role before this.”

“The Germans of World War I cannot be said to be innocents, and it is definitely not an innocence. The existence of. It can only be said that different countries and different forces are fighting against each other with the flesh and blood of human beings for the benefit. And it is almost the same in all the past wars. Justice and evil? This is not the case. It’s not important, it’s Eternity’s interests. And for the sake of profit, countless people’s bones are buried in it.”

“So I asked Steve this question. He wants to stay here. Should I be a hero in a war for profit, or be a different hero for the future of mankind? Of course, I got the answer I wanted.”

“Because of this , He joined you damn Hydra and became a Bushwacker with bloody hands? Sorry, I don’t believe a word of what you said.”

Stark still refuses, this The stubborn attitude gave Smith Zhou a headache. He couldn’t help but patted his forehead, and asked him with a wry smile.

“You don’t believe this, then what do you believe? Do you believe in your so-called justice, or do you believe in the intrigue, intrigue, and even all kinds of actions for the so-called benefits? Ridiculous war? Mr. Stark, don’t tell me that you don’t know anything about the ugliness of the government, let alone tell me that the wars launched by you are so glamorous. You think of us as Bushwacker, but what about you oneself? At any rate, we can still say that it is for ideals, but you are for the so-called interests. Who is superior and who is inferior, is this not an obvious at a glance thing?”

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